Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1579606-Wolfen-Part-One-Re-write
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Dark · #1579606
Three Teenagers embodying Wolf spirits. A single lustful villain. One Journey to stop him.
Wolfens. It’s always made me wonder if we were born for a reason or if we were just accidents. But…there are quite a few of us, humans with what we have to assume is a blessing...or even a curse. After all, it’s not every day you run into a human that can transform into a wolf in seconds. We are the outcasts, or at least that’s how the world must see us. Because we are different-that’s the way the world works. If you’re different then that makes you a bad person and that’s the end of it.

Hm. I know several people who are dead because of that ‘policy.’ Most of them slain at my own hands. It’s very stupid to treat Wolfen’s badly. Those lucky enough to escape with their lives already know that, and will certainly think twice about their actions next time.

But I’m never going back there, back to the human realm. I have my pack, my place in life right here. Me-the black wolf Rana, leader of the Kamenwati pack. I have all I need. Yet it took me so long to get here, to get to my place in the world.
Now as I sit on the outskirts of my forest home, staring at the full moon, I revisit the journey me and my friends took to reach this point of our lives. We lived like ordinary teenagers, living our lives among other kids our age and our families as if we were truly ordinary people. But we were far from that. And this put us onto a whole new road to a whole new life…

Chapter 1-Spilt Blood
I stared at my reflection in the mirror, staring at the image of myself. There was nothing new, nothing exciting to behold. The same black hair, the single green eye, the other concealed by a sweep of hair. I sigh slightly, raising a hand to shift the hair covering my right eye away from my face. My hidden gold iris is revealed as I do so. I stare at the irregularly coloured eye, sighing softly. Two different coloured eyes-one golden and one green. Not something I’m incredibly proud of. Another mark the other side of me has left on my human form-the iris of a wolf. There are only a few other people apart from my parents aware of this. Some people have sworn they saw a wolf staring back at them when they looked into my gold iris. Who knows? It might have been true. I sometimes see a wolf staring back at me when I check my reflection, the wolf’s spirit showing through.

I observe my mismatching eyes for a few moments longer before finally allowing the black hair to fall back over the gold iris and conceal it from view. I can’t help but wonder if I’m meant to be proud of what I am or if I should feel disappointed with being Wolfen. That’s something I have never been sure of.
“Rana! Hurry up, you’ll be late!” I hear a shout from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts. Oh of course…school.

“Fine, I’ll be right there!” I yell back, grabbing my black coat and pulling it on. I catch sight of a black wolf staring at me from the mirror out of the corner of my eye. My heart rate quickens slightly. Usually the only time I see the wolf is when it’s trying to tell me something. But I don’t have time to pay attention to it-not right now.
        I trudge slowly towards my first school lesson, boredom splashed across my expression. I would rather be elsewhere, probably learning more about our kind with Nadira and Beryl-my closest friends. I grin faintly at the thought that we are all Wolfen’s. Yes, the three of us are of the same breed. How this little ‘miracle’ occurred I have no idea.

“Get outta the way!” Some kid yells at me as he runs past, knocking me to the side. I stare after him, a low growl leaving my throat. Some other kids are giving me strange looks-not surprising. My ‘sounds’ are frighteningly identical to those of a wolf. Another trait I’ve inherited from the wolf’s spirit.

“Idiot.” I growl as I storm closer to my lesson. I hate being pushed about, and it’s never a good idea to cross a Wolfen when they’re angry. After all, having the ability to become a ferocious canine is something to be feared-especially when I can use it to kill.

“Hey Rana!” I casually glance up at Nadira smiling and waving in my direction. I sigh slightly and try to quicken my pace. I feel irritable this morning-the thought of my wolf trying to tell me something is haunting me slightly, as it always does when it happens.

“Hi Nadira. You seem happy for a Monday morning.” I say flatly, resting my back against the wall and watching other kids flooding outside the P.E department.
“Wish I could say the same for you. You look miserable.” She answers, amethyst eyes studying me carefully. Nadira, although Wolfen, has no gold iris, neither has Beryl. Why am I the only one of us with it?

“When are you gonna stop hiding your gold eye?” Nadira asks sharply. I narrow my eyes at her, wishing she hadn’t brought it up. How can she ALWAYS tell when I’m thinking about my heterochromia?

“I’m NOT going to stop hiding it.” I snarl, unconsciously raising a hand to touch the hair hiding my heterochromic iris.

“Why? There’s nothing wrong with it!” She counters, suddenly brushing my hand away and in doing so tugging my hair from my eye. She lingers, staring into the gold iris as I glare. I know other kids are staring at me, unable to accept someone is different from them. That’s the way the teenagers in this school work unfortunately.
“You’ll see one of these days. You don’t have to hide it.” She sighs, letting the hair fall back over my golden eye.

“Well I’ll let you know when that happens. I think you don’t understand what it’s like to have different coloured eyes.” I answer quietly, dropping a hand into my left pocket and staring at the ground. I feel uncomfortable all over again…

“Hey look, its double-eyes!” My glance lifts sharply to spot Aiden. Him and his pack of idiots, sniggering away at his comment. My jaw clenches slightly.
“Care to say that again, tough guy?” I snarl, knowing how desperate I am becoming to tear him apart. He’s getting the biggest punishment of his life if he pushes it any further.

“Oooh, look who thinks they’re hard! Shut up freak.” He snorts back, his little gang all laughing brainlessly.

“Yeah, be quiet double eyes!” Another of them joins in.

‘Kill them, Kill them now, teach them a lesson they’ll never forget.’

A canine roar escapes my throat. The sniggering stops. All human eyes are trained on me. He’s not laughing now. Oh, I doubt he’ll ever laugh again after this.
A second ear-splitting roar leaves me as I suddenly change to my hidden self-the black wolf, the side of me few have ever seen. It’s time to teach him who is really the alpha animal.

The stun and terror is clear on everyone’s faces, Aiden’s friends running for life while he stands frozen with fright.

‘Yes, run you pathetic creatures-if you value your worthless lives, run.’
“RANA!” I hear Nadira scream at me as I run at top speed towards Aiden’s frozen figure. More screams reach my ears as people run for their lives, running from me. I don’t care about them right now-my sight is set on him. He won’t live another day to torment me or anyone else. I block out the screams surrounding me as I close in on my target.

I leap into the air, a blood chilling roar leaving my throat as I aim for my prey. His eyes are wide with absolute terror, too frozen with stun to move despite how his friends already have. The wisest decision they could have made...

A yell of horror leaves him as my heavy wolven form lands atop of him, knocking him to the floor. I growl, pushing my muzzle into his face, raising a paw and slamming it onto his collar bone firmly to hold him in place. He writhes pathetically beneath me, yelling and shouting for help. It’s all in vain. Not even his so called friends will help him out of this one. Nothing will stop me from delivering his ultimate consequence.

My jaws open and I lunge down, seizing his neck in an unbreakable grip. The strangled scream of my victim only encourages me more. A tighten my grip, slowly tearing into his flesh, making sure to cause him as much suffering as I can-because he deserves every second of the pain I can give him. I feel stones hitting my side; someone’s futile attempt to frighten me off. As if something as useless as that will stop me.

‘Do your worst-I’m killing him no matter what you do.’

I crunch my jaws together, snapping his neck in two, a sickening crack reaching my ears. Streams of blood spurt everywhere, filling my mouth with a disgustingly pleasant taste. I take one step back, growling against his broken neck and still holding his limp form in my mouth. I tilt my head and toss his dead, worthless body away from me, causing him to smash against a nearby wall. Yells, screams and shouts of absolute horror at my blood soaked work fill the air. I glance around, growling at those trying to approach me and frightening them off immediately. I catch sight of Nadira pushing desperately through the flocks of humans, trying to reach me. My own eyes lock onto hers, sudden shock penetrating through my veins. The world around me stands still. I stare into the horrified violet eyes, the blood lust wearing off as I do.

What have I...?!

“There it is sir, get it!” My attention is turned towards someone behind me. The next thing I know, humans are grabbing at me, a startled yelp escapes me. They try to grab my legs and muzzle, trying to do anything to restrain me. I am tossed into a sea of confusion, unable to make sense of what’s going on. I writhe within their grip, struggling for freedom.

“Quick, get something to muzzle it! We can’t hold it for much longer!” I feel another surge of anger overtake me and I lash out a paw at someone’s face. The haze around me was preventing me from focusing properly. I resort to mortal struggle to escape, lashing out at any humanoid form I see. The pressure around my mouth is released as well as pressure around the middle of my body. I leap forward, growling angrily at the person and snapping at any limbs I can find. He yells in pain, kicking me sharply in the stomach. I ignore the slight pain caused, knowing I have to run. I am outnumbered, unable to focus and I can’t fight in a state like this. I run as fast as I can, teenagers screaming and darting away from me. I run full pelt toward the feild, hearing angry shouts following me. I take no notice. I run.

          I watched them as they piled atop of her, struggling to restrain the fearsome wolf that had just murdered one of the students. I felt a wolven growl building up in my throat-how dare they? That was the Wolfen I wanted for my bride. If any violence was to be enforced, it would be by me. No one else had the right to do so. But Rana is neither foolish nor weak. She struggled, lashing out at them and escaping quite sooner than I expected. I stared after her as she ran away. Hmm...it seems the taste of human blood has took its toll. Obviously she knows nothing about what happens when Wolfen’s have their first taste of human’s life force. Her once controlled nature will turn to darkness; her hesitation to kill will dissipate. Indeed, she will be the perfect Wolfen to be my Queen. Yes, I WILL have that girl, and I don’t care what blood I must spill to get her.
          My run slows as I reach the school field, a huge patch of land with huge bushes at the back big enough to hide in. I eye the greenery for a moment before darting into the bushes nearest me. It’ll be safer in there…I need to go back to my human form.

I sit myself down, shutting my eyes for a moment and focusing my energy on returning to my original state. I feel a surge of heat take over and within seconds I am the person everyone knows. The taste of blood is still present, the liquid still coating the inside of my mouth and throat. I grimace slightly. I raise a hand and wipe the blood trickling down my chin, only getting smothered in it. I watch the red liquid slithering over the skin of my hands, knowing I had the urge to be sick. The blood...his blood...human blood.

I raise a hand to grab my mouth, feeling something rising at the back out my throat. Oh God...

I shut my eyes and struggle to swallow; knowing the fluid gathering within my throat is Aiden’s blood. I clamp my hand over my mouth tighter as I taste the liquid inside my mouth.

I am stunned at how the blood is beginning to taste-it was almost...nice...


A sharp pain rattles through my head, forcing me to release a weak groan and raise my hand to grab at my temple. It hurt terribly, throbbing within my skull repeatedly. What the hell was happening to me?!

I stiffen at the sound of someone entering the bushes, still gripping my head. Please not one of them...now is not the time...

“Rana! What the hell were you doing?!” Nadira. Thank God for that...
“N...Nadira...not now...” I wince against the agonizing pain banging within my head. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt...

“What do you mean not now!? You just KILLED someone, showed everyone you could turn into a wolf-you KNOW we’re meant to keep that a secret, Rana!!” Her yelling voice only increases the suffering. I raise my other hand to grip the opposite side of my head, struggling to put it to an end. It hurt...it hurt so much...
“Are you LISTENING!?”

“SHUT UP!!!” I scream, stunning her into silence. My breathing is heavy, my heart beat is wild, my mind is spinning with pain and confusion.
“Quiet.” I snap, feeling the agony beginning to cease. I open my eyes, looking up at her stunned form. I rise slowly to my feet, glaring at her as she looks at me in wonder.
“Rana, do you have any idea what you’ve done?” She asks quietly.
“Yes.  I killed him. I killed Aiden.” I pause, finding a wave of darkness settling over me. I’d killed Aiden...moments ago that seemed so horrifying, the human blood so disgusting...

But now I was hungry for more of that taste, hungry for another kill.
“And so what if I did?” I finish, a dark grin settling onto my face. Nadira’s eyes widen with surprise and horror, realising something has changed me.

“What are you saying? What...” She shakes her head, seemingly to clear it.
“They are going mad over there! Everyone’s wondering where you are too, apart from those that actually understand you ARE the wolf!” She growls, eying me disapprovingly. I glare back, causing her to quickly break the eye contact. Not many people find it easy to look me in the eye for very long.

“How on earth do you think THIS is gonna go? You have just murdered someone-the police are probably going to show up too!” She mutters, shuffling about uncomfortably.
“So what? Who’s going to believe that a human girl can turn into a wolf? They’ll think they’re messed up in the head!” I scoff, grabbing my bag as she held it out to me.
“Thanks.” I mutter.
“I don’t know Rana. This is some mess you’ve got into.” She sighs, ignoring my thank you.
“Trust me, they won’t believe I can transform into a wolf. No-one would believe it!” I turn to head out of the bushes.
“Where are you going?” My friend asks from behind me.
“The bathrooms I guess.” I answer flatly, hearing the faraway commotion at the P.E department. I smirk contentedly to myself, taking delight in knowing that idiot is dead. Something has happened to me, unlocked something that had been dormant for all my life...

“Can’t wait to see what they all think when we get to next lesson.” Nadira murmurs, the disappointment heavy in her voice. I know I have upset her by doing this-us Wolfen’s are not meant to kill humans, especially not in front of a crowd that big. But things change. She’ll have to brace herself for the future; The darkest side of me has been unleashed, and now everyone is at risk if they push their luck too far. The animal that I am is now released. I am released.
© Copyright 2009 Spookygal13 (spookygal13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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