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Rated: 18+ · Other · Comedy · #1579516
Bill Clinton is in for a rude awakening when Monica decides...shes telling.
                I'm Still Pitchin, Right Around the Corner from Bill Clinton

         They say that love conquers all. This is not true. Raging hormones conquer all.

         "Oh Monica!" Bill houled at the moon right after he had climaxed. It's an interesting thing, that after you orgasm, you brain automatically re assumes control from your penis, and you start thinking with an ounce of sense. "Uh Oh," he thought. "Not good. Bad. Very not good. At all. Why did those god damn Viagra companies have to tempt him with endless erections? It wasn't his fault he was the big dog and all he had to do to get any chick in the world was play his saxophone and talk about how he was some big important politician. Maybe if Hillary wasn't always whining about 'not being in the mood' he'd be able to control himself a little better!"
         He tried to think of his lovely wife. Nope. Unfortunately his wife didn't turn out quite as lovely as he had expected. Meh. Whatever. Monica would be like all the rest. She wouldn't tell. Girls liked to pretend they had enough self respect that they wouldn't go around telling the country about their sex lives, and Bill's presidency consistently relied on just that. No, She wouldn't tell. She definitely wouldn't tell.
         "I'm telling." said Monica as if she were reading his mind.
         ...Shit. She was gonna tell. She was definately gonna tell. And there was no getting around this one. Shit. Bill needed to relax.
         Bill lit his third joint of the morning and stared Monica down. God damnit. Now he was gonna have to kill her. Bill continued to stare at her. He stared and stared and stared. Shit.
         Bill pulled out his gun that, like his condoms and pot, he kept on his person at all times. Unfortunately for Bill, Hillary, Monica's self respect, and the rest of the world, Bill was way too high to remember how to take the safety off of his gun. Monica walked out without batting an eye. Shit. God damnit.
         And the rest is history...
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