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my first Chapter on my series Crixon High
Crixon High
Chapter 1 :LBW training

Jack sat in a tree with the hard plastic/metal rifle in his hands and looked for a target. His dark black hair was on his plastic mesh armored shoulders since he had taken his helmet off because of the cover he had. He was ruffly six feet tall with a strong build but had a bit of fat on him. He had green eyes with yellow rings on the edges and tan skin.

One of the games that the high schools of 2019 had was LBW or laser based warfare and it was a favorite competitive sport that rivaled baseball and football.

Each player wheres a special suit that weighs about 10 pounds. When a laser round hits a certain area it tightens so it cant move, a helmet shot or heart shot makes the whole armor lock up. Each gun fires different caliber of laser rounds. It was a pre-war game that was complete with grenades, mines, grenade launchers and other weapons.

Jack had a modified sniper rifle and a semi/auto rifle on a strap on his side with a pistol as well. His entire gear, with extra ammo, grenades, radio and water where 25 pounds.

The game was a competitive sport but did require training to carry twenty pounds at the least for up to five hours. The game ended when four out of the five teams where either disabled, “killed” or quit the game.

Each high school had a ten person team and trained over the year. Scholarships where offered by the military for the top schools. Each year there was a country cup and a state cup. Right now Crixon (crick son) highs ten man team where in a free for all in the training field that was a good four miles in diameter.

Jack was sitting in his tree when Tom, his best friend and child hood friend walked into the clearing in his view and took a breather only to hear their secret call , which was a sparrow bird call, he turned on grinned then climbed up the big oak and sat in a branch next to him and ran a hand threw his dirty blond hair. “You scared the crap outa me” he whispered chuckling. Tom was six feet tall with blue eyes and tan skin. A figure in Crixons Grey and silver armor appeared at the base of the tree and called up, “you guys gona talk all day or kick the crap outa the teachs” said the feminine voice of there friend Sam. She was five and a half feet tall with purple hair and silver eyes with a red trim and tan skin. She climbed up and took her helmet off and sighed as the three waited. Since they had already finished off the other seven members of the Crixon high team they had gone to their hiding spot. The practice would end in about half an hour and in an hour the instructors would come out with the students and hunt for them. They scurried out to get ready...

Lewis Anderson was the coach for the Crixon LBW team and had learned that his three students Jack Higgins, Samantha Rivers and Thomas Lighters loved to stay in the training field. And he was charged with not only making sure everyone was brought out of the field but also capturing the three young rebels. He had read there files and all three had been in pre kay and even at that age they had tried to escape together.

In all his years he had never met such rebels...epically ARMED rebels. The laser rounds might not hurt but they had a kick to make it seem more real like and they could wind you without armor. Well time to go hunt them down, he signaled the dozen of instructors that had been trained for teaching and being pretend enemy when needed. He hoped they could take the kids...

Jack passed Sam the canteen and she pushed her purple hair back as she took a sip of the water then handed it to Tom. After he drank Sam and Tom climbed down the tree to there posts around the triangle of forest they had made there perimeter.

In and around that area was mines, armed grenades and other traps set for the hunting party. They each covered a line of the triangle.

Jack saw movement but didn't fire until he was sure they couldn't dodge. He saw a teachers yellow and black armor move across the forest floor. He grinned and pulled the trigger...

Anderson was walking with Witstone (Wit stone) and then saw the laser round hit him dead on in the chest and locked the armor up as Anderson dove to the ground and got against a tree trunk seeing bolts hitting near him and cursed the school board “ why cant they just give us a device to turn there bloody guns off and why cant they just let us wear armor that doesn't freeze from the lasers!” he thought but knew the answer. The school board said that it was good practice for the teachers to try and capture the students so they did nothing about the children's rebelling antics. He sighed then fired around the tree but got not a single hit. He felt something tap his shoulder and turned to find a gun pointed at his chest. “Crap..” was all he could say before the seventeen year old fired and knocked the teacher out.

Tom walked over to Jack as they finished tying up the last of the teachers and walking off. Two hours later they left a report on Anderson's radio that they needed a pick up and walked to school. In three hours they would have to deal with there wrath and anger but for now they had three hours to get back to class.

The next day they walked into class still confused no one had grabbed them and punished them with homework or something.

But then the principle had shown up before they left the other day and told them they where not going to be punished and where told to not do it again...for the tenth time that year and where let out of his office.

Sam and Jack walked off to history while Tom headed to math. It was test day and Jack had not studied but Sam snuck him a sheet with her answers. He did not question her answers, Sam had a B- grade average but had never failed it once. Only he and Tom knew that she was a genius but hated the nerd crap and all the teachers praise, she liked to make them mad more.

After the test they met Tom at science and went through the same ordeal of Sam doing her test before helping them with theirs. After that they headed to French then wood work and advanced electronics and other classes and finally finishing with space exploration and heading home. They walked since Crixon county was small and the school was only a mile or two from the housing areas.

Sam opened her door and they walked up to her room. He parents where both state politicians and where gone most of the day except late at night and early mornings. Sam sat on her bed and Tom crashed in a been bag chair while Jack shut the door then layed on the floor.

“Liz is throwing a party tonight” Sam said matter of factly, her sister threw party's every night. They groaned knowing that they would be asked slash forced to go. “So hide or go?” Jack asked and Sam grinned. “Its for the high school and middle school kids so I say go” Tom said and Sam nodded. Jack grinned and Tom and him left to get ready.

They showed up an hour later and the party was in full swing. Jack was wearing a black tee with a Grey hoodie and jeans. Tom was wearing a green tee with a pair of pants. And Sam was wearing a purple tee with a pair of jeans. They walked over to a corner with a table and James, Rick, and lily. Their three friends greeted them as they drank soda. They talked about tests, up coming games and the end of the year trip to a beach by Liton.

After about a few hours they started leaving. Jack said good night and he and Tom left. He said bye to Tom then headed home. He showered then changed into some light dark blue pants and got into bed before going to sleep.

The next day Jack woke up and groggily checked his clock and groaned. It was 8:50 am and he had to meet his friends in twenty minutes. Jack took a fast shower put on a white tee with some jeans and left with a pop tart in his hand as he walked to the park.

James and Lilly where already there with Tom. Jack waved at his friends and waited for Sam. Tom was wearing white tee with tan cargos. James was wearing his normal grey cloths, a grey tee with cargos. Lilly was wearing a pink top with jeans and a pair of sunglasses. At last Sam showed up wearing a purple shirt and cargos.

“Finally lets go!” Tom yelled and they laughed then headed off to the bowling alley.

They all payed and ordered a pizza and drinks then headed to there lane. Jack was at 25, Tom 24, Sam 26, Lilly 23, James 30. after half an hour it was Tom 80, Jack 81, Lilly 56, James 89 and Sam 90. they all handed over her some cash then walked to Sam's house and up to her room to play Texas hold'em.

After an hour or two Lilly and Tom where out of cash and James was about to follow them. Jack still had enough chips that another buy in wouldn't be needed. James groaned when he lost and said “Im out” then Sam and Jack kept playing until Sam won. “ two wins in one day...are you cheating on us?” Tom joked and Sam slugged him playfully “if I was cheating then you wouldn't have lasted that long” Sam joked back. And everyone laughed for a bit.

After that they watched some horror/sci fi thing “about soldiers on some planet and yada yada yada” as Sam put it. Lilly actually threw up and Tom was laughing like mad, to which he was slugged for the second time that night but Lil didn't hit soft. At the end they all said good bye then headed home.

Jack was wore out from there Saturday fun and checked the clock after his shower. 2:00 am. His parents where home...aw man. He got a lecture about staying out so long and waking them up at two in the morning. Jack countered saying he'd had his phone so they could have called and that they where getting up in three hours anyway. They just grumbled and at last left him in his room.

Sunday morning Jack woke up at 7:30 am and showered, dressed and ate something before heading off to church. It was a normal sunday, church service, LBW practice then hanging out with Tom and Rick. At the end of the day all six of them went and saw a comedy at the theater and laughed with everyone else. After the movie they all walked home and Jack said goodbye.

Monday moring he got dressed into a LBW tee and grey cargo pants then grabbed his phone, keys and bag and headed to school. When he got there he walked over to his locker to open it and saw a note.

It read:
Dear Jack...
Well I hope thats a good cliff hanger if not say so and ill try harder! Well this is my first chapter on the Crixon high seires...im hoping to get some views and reveiws. Oh and if I messed up the bowling scene and if I either rushed it to fast or didn't put much detail in then im sorry...this is my first time happy july!!
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