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by Goldie
Rated: · Other · Other · #1579106
Blaise, what a prick.
After all the first years had been placed into houses and the feast was over I made my way up to the slytherin common room. "Snakes" I said rolling my eyes at the simple password, the door opened for me and I walked into the warm and well lit room. I was the first to have left so I sat down at the fire, I heard someone come into the room but I didn't bother to look around. Hands slid down my shoulders and onto my breasts, I smacked them away playfully knowing who it would be, he was being awfully persistent so I spun around and kissed him.
"Ugh!" I gasped jumping away and wiping my mouth. "Blaise you are such a creep" I snapped spitting onto the ground.
"You liked it, admit it" He said grinning at me. I battered my eyelashes at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he was taller then I remembered him being last year so I had to go onto my toes. I found his mouth with mine but pulled way as soon as they touched.
"It's okay I won't tell Malfoy" He whispered looking excited.
"You won't have to" I said slamming my knee into his manliness.
"Bitch" He said bending over and groaning.
"You're lucky I don't do a lot worse" I threatened. I moved away from him and sat back down when everyone started coming in, Malfoy was in front of me in a second looking suspicious.
"What?" I asked with as much innocence as I could muster.
"What happened?" He asked but his face slowly turned into a grin.
"Just teaching Blaise a lesson, what took you so long?" I asked changing the subject quickly and his face turned hard.
"Potter wanted to have a 'chat'" He scowled at me and I felt goose bumps raise on the back of my arms. "But I told him where to go"
"Oh good" I mumbled looking away, "Well I'm going to bed"
"Can I come, or shall I meet you up there later?" Blaise said teasing but it really pissed me off. I walked over to him aiming a kick in between his legs but he grabbed my ankle, smirking at me, not for long. I swung as hard as I could connected to his face and he let me go. I was proud of myself I made him bleed and he doesn't even know how much that hurt my hand, I bit my tongue to stop me from swearing.
Taking a deep breath I said, "Night Blaise" As sweetly as I could. I went up to bed ignoring the stares and some glares mainly from Pansy though. Once I was in bed I couldn't get to sleep which sucked, I didn't want to go back down there not after my perfect departure. The other girls slowly came up and I pretended to be asleep, once they were all under though I crept back into the common room.
Draco was sitting in a seat, he looked down at his watch "A little late isn't it?"
"What are you going to do, dob on me?" I teased but he didn't even smile. I sat next to him a little hesitant but he didn't say anything, his face was almost frightening, his lips were a hard line. "What's wrong?" I finally asked sighing. He didn't answer again so I crawled onto his lap wrapping my arms around him, he pushed me off and got up. I tried not to feel to hurt but I couldn't help it. "Drac what's going on?" I asked my voice angry not hurt like I thought it would sound.
"You don't know?" He growled spinning around to face me. No, glare at me.
"Ya think" I said annoyed now.
"Have fun with Blaise did you?"
"Yes" I grinned, "Good punch huh"
"What?" He asked biting on his bottom lip that began to smile.
"Oh" I said realizing what he was talking about, "What did Blaise tell you?"
"Oh just that you too were having a nice time alone"
"Would you like to know what happened?" I asked trying to hide a smile.
"NO!" He exploded.
"Whoa, cool it k?" I said a little nervous, he didn't like my response, "Just listen please. I was sitting in here with my back to the entry and I heard someone come in and then hands slid down my shoulders onto my breasts and I thought it was you so I shooed you off, playfully of course" I added when he looked more annoyed, "But he kept on trying so I quickly turned around and kissed him, thinking it was you. I pulled away after a second and then I yelled at him"
"I tried to look all sexy so he would try and kiss me, he's pretty tall by the way, As soon as our lips touched I pulled away then he promised not to tell you and I said 'You won't have to' then kneed him in the crouch" I grinned and a small smile was playing on his lips.
"So what was with the thing before, why didn't you just tell me?" Draco asked all anger gone, well almost.
"It was more fun this way, once again how good was my punch?"
He sighed, "Fine, it was pretty good"
"Pretty good, more like amazingly awesome" I said smiling at him, he walked towards me his face eager just like on the train.
"I was wondering if you wanted to, go further then what we did on the train"
"I don't understand" I said but when he looked a little rejected I got it. "Drac I don't know" But he was already reaching for my face with his hand, he cupped my chin and kissed me and I soon forgot my argument, I'd find it later though but kissing was alright.
© Copyright 2009 Goldie (belgoldie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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