Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1578865-Weekend
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1578865
Two friends out for a good time
    “I’m hungry,” yelled Steve out of the passenger side window of the rusty dark blue GMC pickup.  It was close to 1:00 AM in the morning and the pickup had stopped at a traffic light on the local downtown cruising strip.  Things looked just about ready to wrap up for the night.

    “You’re also a jackass,” said Jeff, the vehicle’s driver.  “Why don’t you shout that out the window too?”

    “I’m a jackass.”  A sly smile graced Steve’s face.  “Happy?”

    “Yah,” replied Jeff.  “That makes my evening.”

    It was a typical Friday night, and they were starting to run out of steam.  The two had been cruising up and down the town’s two lane strip for the better part of the evening, only taking two short breaks to talk to a car full of girls and to deal with a guy whom they had labeled a loud mouth punk that had made a derogatory remark towards them.  The latter had only lasted about five minutes, as in that time the two men in had slammed into the back of the punk’s car, got him to pull over and kicked the living shit out of him before the cops had arrived to determine what had happened.  The officers questioned them a little bit later in the evening, but it was their word against the punk’s and no one had seen the fight, or at least given a shit to say they had seen the fight.

    “The chicks sucked ass tonight,” said Jeff.  The light turned green and he floored the truck’s gas pedal.  The tires screeched as they accelerated up to the next red light just a few yards ahead of the last.  “Butt ugly bitches.”

    “Just the way you like them.  Lick them.  Like them.”

    Jeff flipped him the bird.

    Steve ignored him.  “Food my friend, I must have food.”

    “KFC around the corner.”

    “I don’t want that shit.  I want food.  Real food.”

    “Fine fucker,” replied Jeff.  “You’re picking the shit out.”

    “I’ve got your shit-picker right here,” replied Steve as he gestured to his crotch.

    “Whatever the f that means dumbass.”

    The light turned green and the pickup truck screamed further down the strip until they reached the turnaround point.  Jeff swung the truck around to the other side of the street, ready for another pass. 

    The street was practically deserted.  Only a few cars remained, and the pedestrian traffic had been reduced to just a handful of individuals, most of which seemed focused on the only remaining sit-down style resturant that was still open at the early hour.

    “I think we’re done here.”  Jeff grinded the gear shifter into reverse and spun the truck around.

    “Where the hell you going,” Steve questioned as he opened a can of beer that had come rolling out from under his seat.  “I told you I don’t want KFC.  “I don’t want chicken, bitch.”

    “I’m not getting chicken.”

    The truck thundered back down the ever darkening road, then made a left hand turn onto forth street.  Steve’s eyes suddenly lit up as he realized the street that Steve had turned down.  “Ah yah…  Ah hell yah…”    He chugged the remainder of the beer and discarded it out of the passenger window.  “How much money you got?”

    “I got it,” said Jeff. 

    It was well known that if you were interested in acquiring the services of a professional street worker that forth street was the place to go.  At one in the morning, there was a fairly steady stream of traffic making its way along the narrow darkened street.

    “Hi honey,” said a tall dark colored girl who stood on the corner curb.

    Jeff slowed the truck down and switched the headlights down to low. 

    Steve pulled himself halfway out of the passenger side window again, this time looking much like a dog in heat.  “Hey baby!” he shouted to the girl on the curb.  “Yes, you are one fine thing right there!”  He stuck his head back in the roof of the truck and glared over at Jeff.  “I’m pick’in this shit tonight.  I’m pick’in.”

    “You’re not pick’in,” replied Jeff.  “I’m pick’in.  You picked last time and you seen how fucked that ended up.”

    “Yah, you’re right.  You’re pick’in.”  Steve opened another beer and pulled himself back out onto the window ledge as he drum-rolled the truck’s roof with his hands.  “Yes, that is some shit right there.  That bitch is hot.”

    “We’re not getting that one,” said Jeff.  “She’s too fuck’in skinny.  I want a fat one.”

    The truck slowly motored down the street, passing several available girls that stood against the wall of a building next to a dimly lit street light.  They were all thin, rough, and strung out.  Jeff rolled his eyes in disgust, clearly dissatisfied with the street’s offerings.  “Pretty slim pickings.”

    “There’s one.”

    “Naw, fuck that.  She’s like 100 lbs.  That’s a waste of time.”

    The truck neared the end of the street where the headlights revealed a group of four girls, three fairly thin ones, and one that was slightly obese.  Jeff saw the heavier one first.  A slight smile appeared on his face.  She was Caucasian, about 5-8, roughly 175 lbs by his estimate.

    “Yes, there she is!” shouted Steve.  “You see that shit?”

    “I see it.”

    Jeff pulled the truck along side the group of girls and quickly made eye contact with the larger one.  Quickly picking up on his interest, the girl walked over to the driver side door.  She seemed anxious to avoid Steve who was making gestures at the girls still on the sidewalk.

    “What’s up honey,” said the girl.  “You look’ in for a good time?”

    “Yep, me and my buddy both are.”

    “What’cha want?”

    “All the way.  Both of us.”

    “Both of you.  It’s gonna be $350 each.”

    “Done.  Let’s get the shit on.”  Jeff opened the driver side door and stepped out.  He handed the prostitute seven one hundred dollars bills.  She quickly tucked the money away and climbed into the truck through the driver side door.  Jeff climbed back in after her.  With the tires on the truck squealing, they made off around the corner.

    “So where we going to do this,” questioned the girl.     

    The two men smiled simultaneously as Steve replied, “we got a place.”

    “And it is one at a time.”

    “God damn, here comes all the legal shit.”  Steve finished off his beer, opening another one.  He looked the girl up and down with his eyes.  “How much you weigh?”

    “None of your fucking business.  Enough to satisfy you.”

    “We’ll see.”

    The truck sped along the lonely road passing by several abandon side streets, each looking more than adequate to the prostitute for their agreed upon act.  They had left the downtown area now and were entering the older industrial area of the town.  On an early Saturday morning there was no one here.  Even the cops didn’t bother to spend much time this far out.

    “You boys are sure cautious.”

    “We like our privacy,” said Jeff.  “Nothing fucking worse than being in the middle of it and having a pig drag you out by your cock.”

    They passed by a coupled more lonely side streets before finally turning down one of them.  Jeff could tell that the prostitute was becoming uncomfortable.  This aroused him. 

    The truck pulled to a stop in a dark alley that dead-ended a few hundred feet ahead of them.  Large commercial warehouses surrounded them on both sides.

    “Bout fucking time,” said the girl.

    Jeff shut off the engine of the truck.

    “I’m first,” said Steve. 

    “Fine.”  Jeff opened the driver side door grabbing his pack of cigarettes and lighter from the dash board.  He closed the door and walked to the front of the truck.  Leaning on the grill staring up at the night sky, he lit the cigarette and took a long deep drag.  The night air was cold, and he was now wishing that he had remembered to grab his jacket.  Fortunately, Steve was typically quick and he would not have to wait long.  A few moments passed, and he could hear the prostitute doing her job.  He knew that Steve liked prostitutes best for this reason, they always over exaggerate his performance.

    Jeff finished his cigarette as Steve stumbled out of the truck, clearly too drunk to have made much of an impact.

    “You’re up bitch.”   

    “Fuck man,” said Steve aggravated.  “You can barely stand up.  You’re not leaving this whole shit with me.”

    Steve didn’t answer.  He buttoned up his pants and took the cigarettes and lighter out of Jeff’s hands.

    “Just go.  I’m fuck’in fine.  I ain’t leaving shit for you.” 

    Jeff rounded the side of the truck and climbed into the back seat of the vehicle.  The prostitute was still half-dressed, a clear indication that Steve had wasted little time taking care of his business.

    “What do you like?”

    “Let’s just keep it simple.”

    Jeff took his time, determined to get his money’s worth.  When he had finished, he pulled his pants up and tucked in his shirt.

    The prostitute watched him momentarily and then got dressed as well.  “You’re buddy there is pretty damn drunk,” she said.  “I wasn’t too sure if he was even going to find his cock.”

    Jeff looked the woman over with his eyes.  His expression changed from one of sexually satisfied to pure lust.  He grabbed her arm and bit down hard, tearing a section of her skin away.  Blood splashed onto them as she screamed out in pain.

    “Oh fuck.” Shock filled her voice.  “What the hell is the matter with you?”  She placed her hand over the wound in an attempt to stop some of the bleeding.  Jeff did not answer.  He grabbed her tightly and bit down on her leg.  Blood erupted from her right thigh as she kicked at him frantically attempting to get out of the vehicle. 

    She swung the back door of the truck open and fell head first onto the hard concrete below.  “Oh god!  You’re crazy.  Someone help me!”

    “Oh bitch,” said Steve.  “There ain’t no one coming to help your ass.  You’re fucked.”

    “What the fuck is the matter with you?”  She was crying profusely now as blood for her leg and arm ran down her dirty body onto the concrete.

    “Oh shit,” said Steve as he stepped over the woman.  “We are so fucked up I wouldn’t know where the hell to begin.  We have a weakness for fresh meat.”  Steve grabbed the woman violently up off of the ground and slammed her against the side of the truck.  The impact nearly knocked her unconscious.  He then dug his teeth into the side of her neck ripping a huge chunk of flesh away. 

      As Jeff emerged from the back door of the truck, he watched the woman die in Steve’s arms.  “Don’t eat all the best parts you selfish prick.  Leave me some.”

    “Then get your ass over here.”  Steve wiped the blood from his lips with his arm.  “God damn that’s good.  I needed this shit.”

    Jeff dug back into the woman’s corpse, both of the men now covered in blood.  He gorged himself on the flesh almost losing track of the time.  He glanced down at his watch and noticed that close to two hours had passed since they had started their feast.  Jeff threw the dead body down on the ground.  “That’s it, I’m done, fuck’in full.”

    Steve belched loudly.  The sound echoed through the night air.  “Yep, done.  If I eat anymore, I puke.”

    Jeff stood up and slowly walked over to a garage door fitted with a combination lock on it.  He quickly entered the combo, pulled the lock off and threw the roller door up.  A water hose was situated next to the door’s opening and as Jeff grabbed the half eaten prostitute body off the ground, Steve began hosing down the side of the truck and ground where the woman had laid.  The body was wrapped in a plastic bag.  The men were quick and efficient in their work and within 20 minutes the pickup truck pulled out off for the dark alley and back onto the main highway destined for the final location where the body would be dumped.  Just like all the other bodies had been dumped.  Just like many more would be dumped in the nights that followed.

© Copyright 2009 ToeMoss (toemoss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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