Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1578443-Dangerous-Game-4
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #1578443
Dangerous Game part 4
Marie stood there seething.  She was positive that O’Ryan was Bal.  He had to be.  They looked so similar.  Maybe he was wearing a disguise now or maybe he had been before.  MC didn’t know but it explained everything.  Why he had been around so much.  Why he had been interested in her.  Why he told her to be careful the night she was taken.  Why he had been there the night she was taken.  That bastard!
She continued to seethe for hours until the guard came back and led her out of the room.  Expecting to go back to her regular chamber, Marie was surprised when she was led down the hall to Dominic’s room.  Digging her heels in, Marie protested but the guard wouldn’t listen.  She was not placed in Dominic’s room but one that was just a room or two down.  It had a nice bed but nothing else. 
“What is going on?”
“This is by request of the Master.”
With that said the guard undid her bindings and left.  Confused Marie stretched and looked around.  The room was empty except for the bed.  She guessed they didn’t want her making any weapons.  The bed looked so inviting that MC soon fell to her desired and collapsed on it.  It was so soft and warm.  In minutes she was asleep. 
A gentle hand woke her as it stroked her cheek.  She was so comfortable Marie Catherine forgot where she was.
“Danny?” she murmured turning and looking up into gold eyes.
Shrinking away from Dominic, Marie growled in her throat. His expression never changed as he snatched her wrists and dragged her back to him. 
“God, you are beautiful when you sleep,” he chuckled. 
His words were sweet but his hands bruised her wrists.  Grimacing MC tried to pull away.  Locking his arm, Dominic snarled.
“Do not fight me today, Marie.  It has been a long day and I am not in the mood.  I do not want to hurt you today.  I need you to be recovering.  That is why you are here.”
“To recover?”
“Yes.  All the slaves were moved to nice rooms so that they can be at their best for when the race starts.”
“So why am I so close to your room?”
“Convenience. I was tired of trudging all the way to you.  Now you are close and I can see you whenever I want, that is unless you would prefer my room.”
“Go jump in a lake.”
He struck Marie and she tasted only a little blood. Dominic had been holding back.
“Marie, what did I tell you?  Not today. Playing nice with the buyers makes me tired and irritable.  You wouldn’t want me to take it out on you.  You would be unsellable.”
A shiver slipped down MC’s spine at his words.  She could only imagine what that meant.  He purred at the sight of her resignation and kissed her cheek. 
“I only want to see you sleep, my Marie.  So sleep.  I am not here.”
“You are odd.”
Flinching Marie closed her eyes and tried to sleep.  Yet it was hard.  His hands roamed her body lightly, barely touching her skin.  His lips traced her jaw line and neck.  Goosebumps danced across her body as she tried to think happy thoughts.  Eventually Marie Catherin did fall asleep and Dominic watched her for a long time.  She was so delicate.  He loved it. 
Dominic was a man of practicality.  He rarely indulged himself, but he was going to bes with her.  It had been a long time since he had found anything he wanted.  Yet he wanted her.  Her spirit was something he wanted to control and he would.  Dominic always got what he wanted, one way or another.  It was not about sex. In all honesty he could have taken her by now, but rather control.    He was going to find a way to gain total control over her.  To make the fire that burned in her eyes dull or even flicker and go out. It was going to be so much fun. 
After thirty minutes he stood up and left the room, locking it behind him.  He did not like to share his toys.  Walking down the long hallways he made his way to a meeting room.
Ms. Capone was waiting there in a slinky black dress.  She shamelessly exposed her well-shaped legs and her smile was like a lioness on the hunt.  Poor, dumb lioness, Dominic thought.
Eying her Dominic smiled and took the hand she offered, kissing it ever so gently.  Beaming at his manners, Ms. Capone fixed her hazel eyes on him.  Dominic chuckled to himself as he felt Ms. Capone undressing him.
“How may I be of service to you, Ms. Capone?” he inquired politely as if he didn’t already know.
“Mr. Barrow, as you know I am not the most skilled ‘hunter.’ I prefer others to do my hunting for me.  Yet this race you have created is full of excellent hunters and I do feel that I will be left behind.”
She put on her best puppy face and Dominic pretended that it swayed him.  Truthfully this woman offered him nothing that he couldn’t get on his own and he felt nothing but contempt for her.  Ms. Capone had money and would be a great lay but other than that she was just a dumb-witted female with too much time on her hands. 
“What I was hoping is that I could hire you and your men to be my hunters.  I know Mrs. Eggleston is hiring her own but I want the best of the best.  You caught the slaves in the first place so you must know all about them and be very skilled at capturing them.  I can admit I’m competitive and I’m used to getting what I want.  The slaves I bid on I want.  You merely have to tell me your price.  If you agree of course.”
Sighing Dominic sat back in his seat.  He already knew his answer but he liked to make the customers sweat.  It was more fun.  Biting his lip Dominic placed his hands behind his head and leaned back as if he was thinking.  He looked up and made it appear as if he was weighing options and calculating money in his head.  Ms. Capone sat still at first then started fidgeting.  She was a very sore loser. 
“I guess we can come to an arrangement,” he finally said as if he thought it was a bad idea.
Pleased Ms. Capone smiled.  Nodding her head she told him price was no object.
“I just like to win,” she grinned viciously.
Pathetic, Dominic thought but his smiled stayed in place.
“We can discuss price later but there is one term that I must have in order to agree to this.”
“What?” she asked hesitantly.
“I will open the bids only for you as long as you bid on the female slave Marie Catherine.”
“The one who was bound up tighter than an insane asylum patient?”
“That’s the one.”
“But I have no use for such an ill-bred, bestial girl.”
“You don’t give her enough credit, ma’am, but I do not want you to bid on her so you can have her.  I will agree to work for you if you bid on her and let me keep her.”
Ms. Capone raised her eyebrow at him and seemed to dislike this idea.
“Why would you want such a girl?”
“Does it really matter to you, Ms. Capone?”
Pursing her lips Ms. Capone shook her head in no.  Taking a deep breath she looked around.  Did she really have a choice?
“Alright.  I will bid on that girl and you may keep her if you catch her, but you must catch the slaves I want first.  Agreed?”
“Of course, Ms. Capone.  I wouldn’t think of it any other way.”
Her smile was less sure this time but Ms. Capone appeared to be pleased.  They started haggling prices and compensation.  It didn’t take long to come to an agreement they both liked.  Ms. Capone was still uncomfortable about the idea with the slave girl but it was what Mr. Barrow wanted.  He was such an odd man, despite his good looks.  They shook hands and Ms. Capone found her attraction to him wearing off.  His grip was too soft and lingering, but his finger tips pressed hard against her flesh.  It was the oddest grip she had ever experienced. 
They parted in the hallway and Ms. Capone scurried off to her room.  Dominic watched in amusement at the woman’s new fear.  Women were like rabbits.  They picked up fear and fled as quickly as possible.  Laughing a little he headed down the hall in the opposite direction.  Turning the corner he bumped into another tall figure.  Taking a step back he saw the man called O’Ryan.
“Mr. O’Ryan,” he smiled bowing a little.
“Mr. Barrow, just the man I was looking for.”
O’Ryan seemed all business and a little irritated.
“How can I help you, Mr. O’Ryan?”
“I was wondering if we could discuss a slave of yours.”
“Which slave sir?”
“Marie Catherine.”
Dominic froze but kept his composure.
“Did something happen today during your viewing of her?  Did she act poorly?  If so please let me know and I shall have her apologize immediately.”
“No, no, Mr. Barrow.  I merely wanted to know if I could view her again.  I know the bids are closed and I did bid on her but I just feel like there is more I would like to know before I pursue such a difficult slave.”
“I don’t think that would be fair to the other buyers, Mr. O’Ryan…”
“Please, Dominic, don’t try to kid me.”
O’Ryan dropped his polite manner and his eyes flashed.
“I know the other buyers can view slaves again, but I’m trying to be polite and get permission.  I have noticed your special interest in the girl and I’m trying to respect that.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, O’Ryan.”
Dominic’s voice picked up an edge and O’Ryan smiled a little. 
“Right.  I want to view her some more.  A couple more times.  I want to make sure she is healing and see if I would even want to consider her as a slave.”
“She got under your skin, huh?”
“It is my turn to not know what you are talking about, Dominic.”
“I guess I do not have much of a choice since I know you will simply bribe the guards.  Go ahead and see the bitch.”
Dominic went to walk off, his good mood spoiled.
“I expect you moved her to a room close to yours, Dominic.”
Stopping Dominic did not move.
“I thought so.  You like to keep her close for some reason. You look like a pit-bull with a bone when you are around her.  If a man like you has taken an interest there must be something there.  I intend to find out.”
O’Ryan turned his back to Dominic and started on his way.
“She must have really gotten under your skin, O’Ryan,” Dominic replied vindictively. “Or else you would not look like a lost puppy dog.”

O’Ryan stood at the door for a moment trying to think what his reason for being there was.  After his conversation with Dominic he had chosen to wait a day or two before he visited Marie Catherine.  Sure she was pretty but he had been with far prettier.  Her defiant gaze glared him in his mind and a sneer involuntarily crossed his lips.  Yes, she was an ungrateful, defiant girl.  He realized it would be fun to see what made her tick, what made her really tick, not the false front she put up.
Reaching for the handle, O’Ryan found a bone breaking grip on his wrist. Following the hand grasping him up the arm it belonged to, he saw Dominic’s intense face.  The man needed to conceal his emotions better.
“You are getting your extra viewings, O’Ryan,” he snarled his hand crushing O’Ryan’s wrist. “But there are rules.  You may talk to her and touch her but you cannot touch her intimately.”
“Intimately?” O’Ryan blinked perfectly masking his pain.
“Just say to yourself would this piss off Dominic?”
“Well, that leaves me nothing.”
O’Ryan laughed coolly.  Dominic seemed to smash his bones together.
“That is good then.  Don’t be afraid to lose interest in her.”
Dominic turned on his heels and stormed a few rooms down and went in.  O’Ryan massaged his wrist and then opened the door.
Marie Catherine was sitting in a chair in front of the door, looking as if she had been expecting him.  She wore a large man’s t-shirt and boy shorts.  She appeared so petite in those clothes. 
Her gaze analyzed him intently and O’Ryan found that he was actually uncomfortable under her gaze.  For someone so young, her gaze was so intense.
“Slave,” he nodded and she slipped gracefully from the chair.
Gliding to him, MC got very close to O’Ryan without touching him.  Her mind raced as she wondered if this would work.  Staring at him hungrily Marie licked her lips and moved ever so slightly closer.
O’Ryan was taken aback by how beautiful she was, how intense and strong she appeared.  Yet at the same time Marie seemed small and delicate as if she needed him to hold and comfort her.  His arms instinctively rose to wrap around her when he froze.  Dominic’s words echoed in his mind and O’Ryan looked at MC again.
She wasn’t touching him.  He had to be the one who touched first.  Though there was sadness and longing in her eyes, there was also a hard, confident sliver shining in her look.  Marie Catherine was tricking him.  She wanted him to break the ruled and get thrown out.
His right hand raised as if to cup her cheek but instead he smacked her, not hard but enough to cause her to rock off balance.  Surprised Marie staggered away.  It hadn’t worked!  How could it not have worked? She had seen his faltered look, felt the heat between them but he had somehow figured it out.  Damn!
Smirking Marie walked back to the larger chair and sat in it with her legs crossed Indian style.  Watching O’Ryan MC knew by his new look that she was stuck with him.
“What do you want?” she sighed suddenly tired.
“I don’t know,” he replied honestly.
“That’s helpful.”
“Are you ever not sarcastic?”
“No…I don’t think so.”
Dominic watched contemptuously as O’Ryan sat on the floor of Marie Catherine’s room.  There was no sound but the image was so perfect that Dominic could see the dimples on MC’s cheeks.  Once and while O’Ryan would lean forward and smile slyly at Marie.  His charm never worked on Marie.  She was too smart for that.
It made Dominic’s jaw clench to think of O’Ryan being alone with Marie, his Marie. Sure Dominic had warned him but the man was taking time away from Dominic.  If O’Ryan wasn’t in the room, he could be there.  He wasn’t sure what they would talk about, if they would even talk but that wasn’t the point. 
O’Ryan laughed and Dominic snarled.  The Irishman was a snake in the grass.  A wolf after his doe.  Dominic hated to share.  It did make him happy to see Marie’s obvious dislike of O’Ryan.
He had been sorely disappointed when his Marie’s attempt to tempt O’Ryan failed.  At first Dominic had been enraged to see the way she looked at O’Ryan, at the way she stood so close to him.  But then he saw the sliver of disdain and knew it was a plot.  His Marie was trying to make O’Ryan violate the agreement.  Dominic had warned her before O’Ryan came that if she and him were intimate, Dominic would show no mercy.   
Marie Catherine’s face was so serious on the screen.  Occasionally she would talk and nod her head, but he could tell her answers were short.  His Marie was not interested in answering that man’s dumb questions. 
If O’Ryan wasn’t such a valued client, Dominic would have removed him from the hunt.  As this thought entered Dominic’s mind he froze.  What was he saying?  He was choosing a worthless female over a prized customer.  This was crazy.  Marie was messing up his always clear thinking mind.  Maybe it was better that he was having time away from her.  Such a tricky witch.  He would have to keep a very close eye on her, just from a distance.  Dominic decided to take a break from Marie Catherine.  He had to become his old self again.
Taking one last look he at MC, Dominic switched the monitors off.  The last image he saw was a close up of her face.  Turning he left his room and walked down the hall way.  He needed to find trashy lay.  One that he could work his frustration out on.  One he could enjoy.  Ms. Capone was an option.  Passing by MC’s door he heard a soft laughter.  Marie.  His Marie. 
While the cat was away the mouse did play.  Every day that Dominic took away from Marie Catherine, O’Ryan was there.  He showed up at the same time every day, just before lunch, and left very late at night.  His men never asked where he was.  They knew better than to question O’Ryan. 
O’Ryan was different around most people than he appeared to Marie.  She saw him as a cocky and arrogant man with little patience and a great dislike for losing.  His men and the rest of the population saw him as a strong, and dangerous man with a bad temper and distinctly cruel way of making his point.  He wasn’t the most tactful.
“So what’s it like being Dominic’s pet?” O’Ryan snickered during one of their sessions several days later.
“I’m not his pet.”
“He treats you like you are.”
“He’s deranged.”
“Probably true.”
“As are you from what I can see. And you didn’t win that hand.  I did.  You can’t ask questions unless you win.”
O’Ryan growled slightly but didn’t say anything.  He hadn’t won a game since that first day.  She was slaughtering him at his own poker games.  Marie had taken that first day to study all of his signs and signals while O’Ryan played.  For the most part, MC had him down.  After that it was easy to know when to fold and when to call his bluff.  It drove O’Ryan crazy.  No one ever beat him at cards.  Stupid American girl. 
Their cards games went on, but, despite the fact that Marie was winning, O’Ryan kept asking the questions.  MC sighed and pushed her questions in there, trying to learn as much about O’Ryan as possible.  Maybe, just maybe, if she got to know him, she would understand how to avoid him. 
Yet regardless of her intention, Marie found that she looked forward to his visits.  On the last day he didn’t come when he usually did and Marie found herself getting anxious.  Was he not coming? Did something happen? Her worry turned to anger as she thought of how rude he was to keep her waiting.  These thoughts filled her mind more and more as time passed.  When O’Ryan did arrive, five hours late, Marie Catherine gave him an insolent look.
“You’re late,” she said flatly turning her back to him.
O’Ryan smiled a little to see MC’s apparent annoyance.  She had been waiting for him.  He wondered why he enjoyed that so much.
“I had some problems to deal with back home.”
“Whatever.  You do realize I have other things I have to do, instead of waiting for you to show up.”
“Waiting for me, huh?  What other things do you have to do, lassie?”
Marie flushed, though O’Ryan couldn’t see that with her back to him.  She started fixing her bed, which was full of paper she had been doodling on.  Marie had always loved to draw.
“There are other buyers who would like to visit me.  And I can work on my drawings and I don’t know…lots of things.”
“So busy, lassie, how do you balance it all?”
Ignoring O’Ryan’s sarcasm, Marie starting straightening her drawings and placing them under the bed.  O’Ryan liked this flustered Marie.  It enticed him. 
“If you weren’t a buyer and could beat the shit out of me, I’d…I’d…”
“You’d what, lassie?”
O’Ryan had snuck up behind MC and she jumped when she heard him so close behind her. Turning she frowned trying to make space between them.
“I’d tell you to go to hell and kick you out.”
“Me being a buyer has never stopped your tongue before.”
“Go to hell then!”
His hand flew up and grabbed her neck.  Marie Catherine gasped but he was not holding her too tightly; it was just a firm grip.  His eyes narrowed but O’Ryan was still smiling.
“So insolent.  Your tongue is going to get you into trouble.”
“You’re not supposed to be touching me!”
“I don’t care. And I’m not supposed to touch you intimately.  This isn’t intimate, unless you like this kind of thing.  Do you, lassie?”
A growl was Marie Catherine’s only response.  He shoved her hard onto the bed and Marie rolled over the top and onto the floor on the other side.  MC let out a yelp in pain as she hit the hard floor.  O’Ryan ignored her cry of pain and stooped to pick up the drawings, Marie had been trying to hide from him. 
They were simple pencil sketches but they were very good.  O’Ryan was impressed by Marie’s obvious talent.  There were some drawings of the other slaves, including Kayla. A man with close cropped hair, round eyes and a set jaw.  His look showed no warmth but there was sadness in the drawing.  Her father?  Right after that picture was one of a beautiful woman with loosely curled hair and beautiful oval eyes.  She seemed to glow even on paper with kindness and love, despite the deep shadow under her eyes and cheek bones.  Her mother?
Another drawing was of a young handsome boy who was smiling and beaming at whoever was looking at the drawing.  He appeared to be Latino even in the pencil shading.  The boy seemed very welcoming and likable.  Her boyfriend.  There was no doubt.  The boy seemed oddly familiar to O’Ryan. 
The final drawing was of a man who had strong features and at first O’Ryan would have sworn it was him.  Yet as he studied it, O’Ryan saw the man was different looking than him.  The man’s nose was the same but his chin was a little differently shaped and the man’s eyes were a little rounder then O’Ryan’s. 
“Who is this?” he asked holding up the man who looked so much like him.
“Bal,” was all she said looking angry and hurt.
“Bal.  The man you thought I was.”
“Come on…I know you’re him.  Maybe you just were wearing stage make-up to look different and contacts.  I don’t know but there is no way he could look so similar and not be you!  Why don’t you just stop lying to me?”
O’Ryan looked at her and frowned.  She still thought he was this Bal guy. Crumpling the drawing in his hand, he heard Marie gasp.  She had worked hard on that drawing.  He briskly went around the bed and grabbed her roughly.
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you…I am not Bal!  I am Cahan O’Ryan and I hate to be mistaken for someone else,” he snarled his fingers bruising her arms. 
“And I’m saying you are Bal!  I know him! You act almost exactly like him!  You look almost exactly like him!”
O’Ryan drove Marie Catherine back into the wall and she cried out in pain.  His ego was very fragile and the fact that this girl thought he was some other man, who she had obviously had feelings for, tore at it furiously.
“I am O’Ryan, you stupid slave! Don’t you ever mistake me for another!”
“I don’t believe you.  You have to be!”
“Why?  Why do I have to be?”
“Because it would explain everything.  Why I’m here…why he warned me the night I was taken…why you look like him…why you come and see me all the time…why he came to see me all the time…”
He slammed her again against the wall.  She gasped as he shook with rage.  O’Ryan couldn’t believe how stubborn she was being.
“This Bal, did he ever kiss you?”
“You know he did or rather you did.”
“Lassie, if I kissed you, you remember it and never compare me to another.”
“Why do you keep treating me like I’m stupid?”
“Because you are acting stupid. I am not Bal.”
“You are!”
“Then tell me I’m him after this!”
O’Ryan pulled her to him and kissed her.  Marie was surprised by the intense heat that rushed through her gut.  Repulsed by her feeling MC pushed against his chest until he let go.  Gasping he let Marie Catherine stagger back against the wall. 
“I am Cahan O’Ryan.  Do not forget that.”
He turned on his heels and headed towards the door.  Right as he reached it, the door flew open and Dominic stood there ominously. 
“O’Ryan,” he snarled.
“I know.  I broke the rules.  I’m leaving.”
Pushing past Dominic, O’Ryan roughly shoulder bumped Dominic as he left without looking back at Marie.  He could still feel her lips on his and he had to shake his head to clear it.
Marie Catherine stood still breathing heavy.  Dominic looked at her coldly and said something to her but she didn’t hear him.  He repeated it, calling her name.
“What?” she said looking up dazed.
“What do you have to say about what just happened, my Marie?” he barked crossing his arms.
“He’s not Bal,” Marie said flabbergasted looking up into Dominic’s eyes. “He’s not Bal.”

Dominic was livid but he didn’t say a word to Marie Catherine.  There was panic in her eyes and stance and this somehow calmed Dominic.  It wasn’t her fault.  She didn’t realize her appeal. 
“You broke the rules, my Marie.”
“I didn’t!  He forced himself on me!”
“Doesn’t matter. I told you what the rules are.  You should have done more to prevent it.”
“That’s absurd!”
Sighing Dominic strove to her bed and sat down.  The drawings were still on the bed and Dominic glanced at them briefly.  They were very good.  It only took him a moment to know he was not among the portraits.
“Sit, my Marie.”
He patted the spot next to him and MC hesitated. Slowly she went to the bed and sat down.  She braced for him to strike her but Dominic merely smiled causally at her.
“Don’t worry, my Marie.  I’m not going to hurt you. Tomorrow you will be leaving and I don’t want our last night to be a bad one.”
“I mean we will never see each other again after this night.”
“We won’t?”
“No, not unless by some odd chance.”
Relief filled MC’s chest but she kept her pleasure to herself. 
“I wanted to spend the night with you.”
“I will not sleep with you, Dominic.”
“No…no, my Marie.  That is not what I mean.  I want to talk to you like you talk to O’Ryan.”
“Tell me about your family.”
“Mine was a very basic one.  I had a very beautiful mother.  She had dark black hair and beautiful green eyes.  A voice like an angel.  Father was a strapping man himself.  He had honey colored hair and curls.  He was very heavy handed.”
Marie listened intently.  The night was very much about Dominic, as life seemed to be.  Dutifully Marie Catherine listened to Dominic’s stories.  At some point he made her lie on the best with him as he held her head on his chest.  He talked about his childhood, his first business venture, and so on.  It was dreadfully boring and a little disturbing.   
His arms held Marie a little too tight to him and she felt as if she was a teddy bear being squeezed by a clingy kid.  Somehow she managed to fall asleep.  Dominic watched Marie sleep.  He smiled wolfishly as he studied her angelic face.  Did she really believe him that they would never see each other again?  Was she that trusting? Was she that naïve?
All well it would make the hunt that much easier.  Dominic slipped out from under Marie Catherine.  She didn’t even stir.  Looking at her one last time, Dominic sighed and left the room. 

Yawning Marie Catherine woke early the next day.  Looking around she saw she was alone and a little smile crossed her lips.  Today she was going home.  Dominic would be out of her life and Kayla and she would be on their way home.  She could see Danny’s smiling face and feel his warm embrace.  Compulsively MC touched her angel.  It was still there.  The only thing they had let her keep since the captured her.  She didn’t know why but she wasn’t complaining.
Getting up, Marie found that there was a set of clothes on the chair at the end of the bed.  The fabric was dull colored and rough.  The top was a dark navy tank top.  The bottoms were an ugly olive, almost military green, cargo pants.  A pair of tough looking work boots were under the chair.  Sighing MC pulled on the clothes and the boots.  The boots were hard but she knew they would pay off in the long run.  Once they broke in they would be fine.  It was then that the idea of what was about to happen hit Marie Catherine.
Sure they were going home but it was going to be a long, long way home.  How were they to live?  They didn’t have money, food, or anything.  The happiness that filled her slipped quickly as trepidation replaced it.  Taking a deep breath MC tried to calm herself.  It would be ok.  Kayla and she would figure it out. 
As Marie tried to convince herself the door swung open and Celso appeared.  He seemed grim.
“Time to go, princess,” Celso forced a smile and swung a pair of handcuffs.
“Is that necessary?” Marie asked raising an eyebrow.
“Hey, it’s the last time I get to do this to you,” Celso made a fake frown.  “Just be a good princess and behave.”
Grumbling MC didn’t even fight with him.  She turned around and let him cuff her.  Sighing Marie followed Celso out of the room.  Marie couldn’t remember the last time she had been out of the maze like building.  Months? 
As always Marie Catherine lost track of all the twists and turns that they took to exit the building.  It amazed Marie that on the outside of the building she had seen so many windows and yet inside the building she had never seen one.  They finally reached a hallway in which MC could smell fresh air.  It smelled like it had just rained and there were birds chirping.  Suddenly Marie had the urge to run to the door and burst into the shining sun. 
“We are almost there,” Celso whispered as if he knew what she was thinking.
And they were.  It took them less than a minute to reach door and Celso smiled genuinely at MC as he opened the door for her.  Stepping outside Marie Catherine gasped in both delight and pain as the bright sun hurt her eyes and warmed her face. 
The sun was high in the sky and there were trees around the building that were blooming beautiful flowers and full with green leaves.  The buyers, slaves and Dominic were standing in the circle gravel drive that was in front of the building.  All of the slaves were wearing the same outfit and all of them looked scared.  Marie wasn’t scared, to her surprise.  She was tired of the drama of the situation and just wanted to go home.  The hype of being scared all the time was gone.  She couldn’t imagine anything worse than being stuck in that hell hole of a building. 
Celso led her to the rest of the slave and removed the cuffs from her wrists.  He patted her head affectionately and said, “Good luck, princess.”
Nodding to him, she thought she may actually miss Celso.  He was not a completely bad guy; of course after being stuck with Dominic and O’Ryan for so long not even Tyler was a bad guy, the jerk that he was. 
Dominic cleared his throat and MC looked away from Celso to see Dominic standing in one of his best suits, smiling his best smile.  The man was impressive in a creepy kind of way.  He spoke in a smooth silky voice that reminded Marie Catherine of a passive snake slowly working its way around a person’s neck.  Speaking at length of the rules and the object of the game, Dominic looked steadily at everyone.  To Marie’s disgust Ms. Capone blushed when Dominic looked at her and he winked.  Rolling her eyes Marie listened with only partly.
“I hope that everyone has enjoyed their stay at my abode and remembers to call upon me if anything happens.  I must insist on you not killing the slaves during the race.  And most importantly do no kill the other hunters.  It would be very bad for business,” Dominic announced to the intent crowd. 
There was a little bit of laughter and some of the men elbowed each other while they winked.  It was all good fun for the buyers but Dominic’s statement caused several of the slaves to gasp or gulp loudly.  A small Latino girl was praying in Spanish to the Virgin Mother and MC could see tears in her eyes.  The strapping Latino boy next to her put his arm around her protectively.  Her brother?  Friend? Or just a kind person?
Kayla pressed against Marie as she always did and her fingers squeezed Marie’s arm so tight she started to lose feeling.  MC was analyzing the crowd, too busy to deal with her panicking friend.  All the slave hunters were there.  Some had new people with them who looked armed.  Their hired help.  O’Ryan’s men were there but he was not.  Where was he?  MC scanned the crowd again and again for O’Ryan but still she did not see him. 
Dominic was still talking but he noticed that Marie was not paying attention.  She seemed completely uninterested in what he had to say and was looking for someone.  Who? Some of his men appeared, each carrying several large backpacks.  Grunting they put them down between Dominic and the slaves.  Dominic narrowed his eyes as he saw O’Ryan was among them.  What did he think he was doing?
“To make things a little more fair and so that the slaves will not die on the first day out, we have provided them with a standard hiking backpack, containing water canisters, a tent, a sleeping bag, a few rations, a flashlight and a first aid kit.  There are only half as many backpacks as there are slaves so the slaves will be traveling in twos or a few will be left to survive on their own.”
Jaws fell open.  The slaves were horrified.  They were grateful for the supplies but not all of them knew people there.  No one wanted to the selfish person to keep a bag and not share it but how were they to work it out?  Marie Catherine felt disgusted with Dominic.  Of course he would do that.  Turning MC started whispering to the others slaves while Dominic continued his speech. 
“Everyone just find someone from your same state.  That’s the person you need to travel with.  If there are more than two from the same state then you all stay together still and once at a safe place figure out the details,” she growled.
A few people went to question her but she gave them such a look they closed their mouths.  They didn’t really have any other alternatives.  Dominic was not unaware of their whisperings but decided to deal with it later.  Once he had finished talking, Dominic walked towards the slaves motioning for the backpacks to be brought with. 
“I hope you slaves are grateful.  I expect you to thank me properly,” he told them in a motherly tone. 
The idea made MC want to throw up.  Each slave thanked Dominic as directed while they received their backpacks.  Some even bowed a little.  Marie Catherine and Kayla were in the middle of the group and Kayla quickly bowed and gave a groveling thanks. 
Drawing level with Marie, Dominic smiled coolly waiting for her thanks.  She said nothing.  He could go stick it in his ear.  Kayla looked panicked and eyed the bag greedily. Eyes wide Kay prayed to herself that Dominic wouldn’t take the supplies back.
“Well?” Dominic purred.
“Thank you for giving us half of what we deserve,” Marie said flatly holding eye contact.
“You’re right…you do deserve something else,” Dominic said, his smile forced.
Striking Marie across the cheek with an open hand, Dominic smirked as everyone fell silent.  Marie Catherine bit her tongue but her cheek stung. 
“I’m sorry, folks, that was for a disobedience that this particular slave displayed while I was speaking earlier,” Dominic apologized theatrically to the buyers.  “It is not her fault.  She just doesn’t know any better.”
There were a couple nods but Ms. Capone watched warily.  Her arms still ached from Dominic’s last meeting with her.  She remembered their time together and Ms. Capone cringed a little.  As if Dominic could feel her cringe, he looked up and smiled at her silkily.  Ms. Capone kept her face blank, as she had learned from years of business, but inside she felt as if worms were squirming around.  She had seen the pleasure and excitement in Dominic’s eyes as he approached and struck the slave.  It was a sick pleasure.  The same pleasure she had seen in his eyes ashe had brought her to tears during their intercourse. 
Dominic finished being thanked by the slaves and approached her as the slaves were receiving the last of the bags.  Sidling up to Ms. Capone, Dominic beamed and eyed her like a piece of meat, a favorite chew toy.  Instead of the girlish shivers Ms. Capone had experienced upon their first encounter, Ms. Capone felt ice pour down her back as his hand touched her waist.
“The time has come, my dear,” he lulled in her ear.  “It’s time to enact our deal.”
“Uh…are you sure about this?  Our deal?” she said trying to sound calm.
“Of course…we both will get things we want and it will forge a bond between us.  A deal is a deal, Ms. Capone.”
“Of course.  A deal is a deal.”
Dominic grinned and winked at Ms. Capone.  A knot settled in Ms. Capone’s chest as she watched the intense hunger and depraved insanity in Dominic’s hot gold eyes.  His eyes were trained on the poor innocent slave.  It was then that Ms. Capone wondered if she had made a deal with the devil himself.

Marie was rubbing her sore cheek as a backpack was shoved at her.  Kayla looked crestfallen as Marie’s hands wrapped around the straps.  She hadn’t been given one.  Looking up to thank the man who had actually given her the pack, Marie Catherine saw O’Ryan.
“Really?” she sighed. “Do you do everything?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” he smiled a little though his eyes were searching her face. 
A light bruise was arising on MC’s cheek.  It was like spring time on her cheek, with blooms of red, purple and yellow.  Sighing and thinking he to himself that he was such a softie, O’Ryan pulled out a cool compress.
“Here, hold it to your cheek.  It will help with the swelling.”
Gently he held it to Marie’s cheek.  Surprised MC placed her hand over his.  Kayla watched slightly intrigued and MC blushed crimson. Jerking away she shook her head.
“No, thank you, sir.  If I’m going to bruise I might as well let it be as bright as possible.”
“Why would you do that?”
“So everyone can see the brutality of men.”
“Of Dominic.”
“Of men.”
“Awe, the feminist comes out again.”
“Better a feminist then a doormat.”
“You ought to be grateful.”
“I never learned to be grateful to my master.”
“Just hold it to your damn face. It will help with the pain.”
O’Ryan grabbed her by the back of the head and held the compress to her face.  Struggling a little Marie Catherine glared at him, but the cooling effect of the cloth stopped her.  It did feel good against her pulsing skin.  Her hand replaced his and she had to squelch a sigh.  O’Ryan turned and started to walk away.
“Thank you,” Marie Catherine said quickly blushing again.
Stopping O’Ryan turned and grinned his handsome crooked grin. 
“What was that?”
“You heard me.”
“I don’t think I did.”
MC turned maroon and huffed.  She wouldn’t repeat herself. O’Ryan leaned in with a huge grin.
“I knew you wanted me,” he teased winking and laughing at Marie’s open surprise.
“You pig!” Marie growled throwing the compress at his face.
Chuckling he caught it and walked off.  Shaking his head O’Ryan rumbled with good humor as he passed Dominic.  Dominic looked less than friendly towards O’Ryan but he didn’t care.  Blowing a kiss to Dominic, O’Ryan racked up an invisible point for himself against Dominic in his mind as Dominic snarled but stayed put. 
Marie Catherine was still blushing as she hoisted the pack on her back.  Kayla was staying close as she saw Dominic check his watch.  The race would begin soon. 
“You have a day, slaves,” Dominic said sharply. “A day to run and then the hunters will be on you.”
There was a tense silence.  Dominic held up his hand, all five fingers sticking up.  Slowly as he looked at his watch he lowered each finger.  As the last one curled into his fist, he looked up and smiled.
For a brief moment it seemed everyone and everything had stopped.  Time seemed frozen and Marie felt her eyes travel to O’Ryan.  In them she saw a hunger, a drive, a sudden primal urge.  Kayla was the first to move.
“Marie!” Kayla shrieked grabbing MC’s wrist and dragging her down the gravel drive.  There was a loud commotion as the hunters all laughed and the slaves yelled and scrambled to get away.  Marie started behind Kayla but soon was past her and dragging her behind.  The drive was long and steep.  The gravel the path a little slippery as all the slaves tore down it. 
Marie Catherine led the pack, neck and neck with the Latino boy and the little Latino girl.  They looked at each other and he nodded somberly.  He had the little girl on his back and MC had Kayla by the wrist. 
“The woods,” he said in a heavy accent.
MC nodded and turned to the woods that lined the right of the drive.  They ran for as long as they could before it hurt too much to breath.  Staggering to a stop, the boy looked at watch on his wrist.  He had a watch?  That was unfair Marie thought to herself. 
Kayla collapsed to the ground next to the little girl.  The boy and Marie leaned against near bye trees.  They were wheezing and holding their sides.  No other slave was around.  Taking a few moments to catch their breath, MC looked up to see the Latino boy watching her.
“Marie Catherine, you can call me MC,” she gasped holding her hand out. 
“Jesus, but tu llamas mi Jay.  She es mi hermana, Rafita.”
Rafita smiled shyly, walking over and hugging her brother’s leg.  Marie nodded looking over to Kayla who looked irritated for some reason. 
“She is Kayla, my best friend.  We are from New York. How about you guys?”
“Uh, somos de Texas.”
“Oh…where are we?”
“No se.  Uh…I think California.”
“California? Damn!”
“Did he say California?” Kay whined.  “How the hell are we supposed to cross the whole freaking country?”
“I don’t know, Kay! Let me think.”
Kayla let out a whimper and buried her face in her arms.  MC rolled her eyes and looked back at Jay.  He was looking at Kayla in an unfavorable manner. 
“Why…why don’t ustedes come con nos.”
“You can come with us,” Rafita said. 
“I don’t know…”
“We will be safer in group,” Jay shook his head.  “More eyes to watch for trouble.”
“I guess that makes sense.”
“What?” Kayla jumped up. “I do not think we should be sharing out pack with these strangers.”
Rafita and Jay both narrowed their eyes.  Kayla was not making a good impression.  MC was torn.  It would be nice to have more people to travel with but more people meant more people to worry about.
“Kayla, they have a bag too.  We will be fine and it will be safer in a group.  It seems to be the best choice.  They can help us get through Texas too.  They may know things we don’t.”
She went to take the pack from MC’s back but Marie struck her hand.  Kayla looked indignant and shrieked like a bird.  Turning on her heels she marched off.
“Kay, you’re acting like a spoiled child!” MC called to Kay.
“Go to hell!  I don’t need them and I don’t need you!” Kay screamed as she disappeared from sight. 
Sighing MC waited for Kayla to come back but she didn’t.
“I must apologize for my friend.  I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I really do think we should travel together but I must go get her.  She doesn’t know where she is going.”
© Copyright 2009 dreamcatcher (dcg11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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