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Dangerous Game part 3 |
“Hold still,” Kayla lectured an hour later as she cleaned MC the best she could. The blood flaked off easily enough and the cool water Dominic had sent to the room helped sooth her flaming cuts and bruises. Kayla felt for her friend but thought everything could be avoided if she wasn’t so stubborn. “MC, why don’t you just agree?” Kay said softly bracing for her friend’s response. “Seriously?” “I just mean it would save you a lot of suffering. You would get a bed to sleep in, clean clothes, showers, and you won’t get punished for saying no.” “Clean showers, more food, a warm bed…yes, I’d get all that but I would be suffering even more. I would have to share his bed and that means that he would win. And do you really think he would be kinder to me if he gets to sleep with me? It would be worse. He would have what he wants, so there would be no reason to be kind. Can you even imagine what he would be like in the bed?” Kayla blushed and MC grabbed her hand. Turning she looked at her best friend in surprise. “You have thought about it!” “Only once. I mean he’s really hot and he’s really powerful. You know how I am with powerful guys…” “Kayla! He’s selling us as slaves to other people!” “I know! Don’t you think I know that? I felt bad about thinking about it but I’m not going to lie. If he asked me to sleep with him in exchange for that stuff I would.” “What?” MC could not believe what Kay was telling her. Her skin crawled and the very image of Kayla with Dominic made her feel sick to her stomach. “Why should I suffer if I could easily be more comfortable and clean for something as simple as sex?” “He would be winning then!” “See! It’s not about sex for you! It’s about your competitive streak.” “I do not want my first time to be with him!” A tense silence filled their room. Suddenly Kayla started laughing as she cleaned Marie’s soar back. “What?” Marie snapped anger filling her vision. “I just forgot you were still a virgin.” “What’s wrong with that?” “Nothing! Nothing…I just forgot…no wondered you don’t want to be with him…” “My first time is supposed to be with a guy I love, not an asshole whose blackmailing and selling me.” “The first time is never great anyways so why not just get it done with?” “Kay…” “Fine…I won’t push it anymore…I’m just saying you could help both of us if you wanted. I mean he wants you so bad he would probably give us better rooms. Its fine though. We shouldn’t be here much longer. I can live on the floor couple more days or weeks…or months…” “Kayla…” Kayla said nothing standing and walking back over to her usual spot. She lay down and closed her eyes. The last couple months she slept a lot to make the time pass by faster. Marie Catherine watched her friend with guilt pulling her heartstrings. She wanted to protect Kayla and wanted her to not suffer so much. Maybe she was right and MC could help both of them by being with Dominic, but she just couldn’t stand the idea. She wouldn’t just be losing to him. She’d lose her own self-respect. 12. The day the buyers came, Marie and Kayla were dragged to the showers and scrubbed down hard. Their hair was combed and they were given make-up to apply. The men watched them with scrutinizing eyes. They criticized their make-up and hair so many times Marie finally threw her mascara at one of them. “Then you do it!” she snapped as he ducked. The other guard chuckled but said nothing. Neither of them made another comment about their make-up. Grumbling Marie Catherine practically chucked the make-up back to the guards. She looked around for her clothes but they were gone. She was standing a black bra and boy shorts that they had given her. “Where are our clothes?” “You don’t need them. The buyers like to see all of what they are buying so they don’t think we are hiding any deformities or weaknesses,” the guard she threw the mascara at smirked in vindictive pleasure. Kayla’s jaw fell open and she stared horrified at the men. Grinding her teeth Marie thought that it was something Dominic would do. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, MC straightened her back and jutted out her jaw. She would take it with pride. Her body was nice enough and nothing that important was being exposed. Kay, on the other hand, slouched her shoulders and pouted silently. Leading them out the doors and down the hall, the men took Marie and Kay in the direction of the room in which they had first met Dominic. Talking loudly the men seemed too distracted to notice the girls fully. Marie looked around and found herself itching to run. They had left her chains off, except for the ones around her wrists. It was the perfect time. Kayla saw the glint in her friend’s eyes and shook her head, but Marie Catherine didn’t listen. When they reached the intersection with the next hall, she sprinted to the left. Letting out a heavy sigh Kayla watched as the two guards tripped over themselves to follow her. Suppressing a laugh Kayla waited patiently for their return. Grinning Marie felt free as she tore down the hall, her bare feet hitting the hard stone floor with loud smacks. Her pursuers were slow and kept tripping over each other. She turned left, then left, then right, and then left again. If she could find her way to a door, Marie would be scot-free. A door came into view and MC had to silence her yip of glee. Suddenly one of the guards lunged at her from another passage and Marie had to jump to avoid him. She slipped and skidded across the floor, burning her right outer thigh. Coming to a stop, Marie Catherine winced in pain and went to stand when someone grabbed her arm. Glancing up Marie’s stomach dropped as she looked into the greenest eyes she had ever seen. The man in front of her was tall with a medium build, shaved head and bright dark green eyes. His eyes had gold flecks around the pupil. Tattoos covered most of his body, but they did not seem to be randomly placed and they did not look like they were everywhere. The grip that he held MC with was firm but not painful. “Where do you think you’re going, lassie?” he chortled in a very heavy Irish accent. “Home, actually. If you wouldn’t mind letting go of me, I’ll be on my way,” Marie smiled, giving him her best grin as she tried to free herself from his grip. “Looks to me like you were running away.” “Running away? No…never…I was giving the guards their daily exercise. They are very lazy here, but now that I have I really should be going.” “Don’t listen to her!” one of the guards called, panting and leaning against a wall. “She’s a lying bitch!” The man raised his eyebrow at Marie and she smile innocently and made the crazy sign with her free hand. Chuckling the man looked back at the sad excuse for guards. “Are you a lying bitch, lassie?” he purred to Marie. “I most certainly am not! I am a very honest bitch!” Beaming at her the man’s chest shook with silent laughter. Marie noticed then how handsome he was. Blushing MC looked away from him. “What seems to the problem, gents?” he called to the guards who were walking slowly towards us. “She is an escaped slave,” one guard snapped, “Sir.” He added the sir quickly when the other guard elbowed him hard in the ribs. They were finally close enough to see the man holding me and they became nervous. Both kept their eyes low and started speaking very respectfully. “We were taking her to the show room, sir and she escaped. It was our fault because we should have had all of her chains on. Please forgive the inconvenience.” “All of her chains?” The man looked at Marie again and she looked back innocently. “Yes, sir. This one has been locked down with chains on her wrists, feet and neck. We even have had to use a muzzle.” “A muzzle? Do you bite, lassie?” he inquired in a silky patronizing tone. “Only if they go near my mouth,” MC answered just sweetly. “What happens if I go near your mouth?” “Do you want to test it?” This time Marie made sure she smiled so all her teeth were exposed. The man paused, thinking about it. “Another time I think.” “Oh, you’re a smart one!” Laughing the man patted Marie’s head and handed her over to the guards. This time they clasped anklets on. Both apologized again as they slipped a muzzle on Marie Catherine. “Is that really necessary?” he asked the guards curiously as they fastened the muzzle on. “She is the hardest of our slaves to contain, sir. It may seem like we are over doing it but I don’t even know why the master has kept this one around. She doesn’t seem worth the trouble. We have much better slaves available in the auction. You shall see soon, sir.” They both half bowed then yanked Marie away. She couldn’t help but look back at the man. His followers were watching curiously but said nothing. He winked at Marie and she blushed turning her head back forward. As she trudged along her leg ached and burned from sliding on the floor. The men were cursing her for embarrassing them and for making them late. The master was going to be upset. Kayla was waiting for them in the same spot and she gave Marie a “I told you” look. Marie attempted to stick her tongue out but failed. Dominic was already waiting in the auction room for them with the other slaves. His eyes appraised them both as they walked in and took their places in line with the rest of the slaves. Dominic held MC’s gaze for a long moment after he saw the burn on her leg before starting to talk. “Today is the day you have been expecting. The buyers are here and they are looking to spend their money. While they are in here you will not speak. You will not move unless told to. You will be perfect little slaves. If not your punishment will be beyond your worse your possible dreams. Your holders will do the talking since they know you best.” Marie could feel the weight of these words being directed at her. She chose to ignore that and kept looking straight forward. Dominic talked on and on until finally he stopped in front of Marie Catherine. “Do we have an understanding?” he barked to everyone, his eyes holding MC’s. “Yes,” all the slaves replied though MC did less enthusiastically. “What happened to your leg, Marie?” he asked bluntly. “I slipped on the way here. Wet floor.” Dominic looked at her two guards and they quickly confirmed this. They didn’t want to face his wrath if he knew she had almost escaped. “Clean her leg up quickly! The buyers will be walking in the room in less than ten minutes!” Marie Catherine’s holder quickly cleaned her leg with a towel that had suddenly appeared. He was a little rough on Marie and she winced as he worked. Kayla leaned towards her holder and whispered something. Her holder glanced MC’s way and then back at Kayla and asked her something. She crossed her heart with her hand and nodded. The man smiled and leaned back on his heels laughing. When Marie’s leg was clean, her holder went and stood next to Kayla’s holder. Kay’s man leaned over and whispered to Marie’s and her guard blushed and looked surprised. Looking at Marie he smiled sheepishly at first then slyly. Marie went to ask Kayla what they were grinning about when the doors flung open and her guard yanked her chain so she had to face forward. The buyers filled in talking loudly so the room echoed. They came in several groups, varying in size. It appeared as if every ethnic group was there. There was a group of very dark Africans, a group of Middle Easterners, a group of Asian, a group of Latin, and several groups of Caucasians. It was a mostly male dominated crowd but there were a good amount of women among them. Some women appeared to be with the men and others were in their own individual groups. They all looked very well off, though one or two groups looked like rednecks in suits. The man Marie had bumped into walked in and his eyes immediately went to Marie. She felt herself shiver but she kept eye contact with him. Once everyone was situated Dominic walked in grandly. He had changed into a very expensive looking suit and Dominic was wearing his best smile. Marie hated to admit it but Dominic was an impressive looking man. His gold eyes scanned the room studying each person and group in a split second. He was sizing them up and thinking about how to approach them. “Ladies, Gentlemen,” he purred nodding gently to the audience. “It is a pleasure to see you here in our little home. I am sure tonight will be very beneficial to both us. “In front of you are a group very diverse, impressive boys and girls ranging from preteens to twenty years old. They are all healthy with no deformities or dangerous inbred disabilities or diseases. All are in great physical condition, which is important for whatever job you give to them and for the game we are going to play.” The atmosphere changed from passive listening to sudden intrigue. Several of the men leaned forward, including the shaved-headed man from the hall. The women’s eyes sharpened and they watched Dominic intently. Grinning Dominic took a dramatic pause then continued. His hands fit loosely into each other behind his back. “We are all who enjoy challenges, am I correct? We all enjoy sports of some sort and the excitement of the game. It is why we are in the line of business we are. We like to win and we like to be challenged. So this time I have decided to purpose a game, a race if you will. It will be between you, the buyers, and the slaves behind me. “Each of these slaves comes from a different area around the US. They are all well tuned and physically and mentally fit. They are the superior game. In this challenge you will choose however many slaves you want and place a bid on them. You only pay this bid if and when you capture the slaves. “The slaves’ goal is to reach home before you catch them. The game ends when either the last slave is caught or the last slave is home. You are allowed to steal the slaves from the other contestants but can neither harm the other contestants nor harm the slaves. This includes killing them. That is a no–no. “We will be monitoring so there is no way to capture a slave and not pay. That choice would a dire mistake. If you are interested and agree to my terms then we shall continue by describing the characteristics and attributes of each slave. If you object you may leave now.” There was silence for a brief moment then several groups left, but they were small in number to the ones that stayed. Nodding Dominic smiled coyly at the crowd. “Do we have any questions before we begin?” A pretty woman raised her hand and Dominic nodded to her. “Are we allowed to hire hunters, Mr. Barrow?” “I believe that is an understandable and reasonable request, Ms. Capone. Yes, you may but you must first run your hunters by me. You can understand that some available men are less than stable and we don’t want any accidents or to attract any unnecessary attention.” “Are you available for renting, Mr. Barrow?” The woman smiled and Marie thought of a vixen. Her stomach tightened and she thought she was to throw up. Did that woman not know what kind of psycho Dominic was? “I believe we could work something out, though I will be very expensive.” “I’m sure.” The woman practically purred and MC couldn’t control herself. She rolled her eyes obviously but the only person who noticed was the man from that hall. He stifled a laugh quickly. “Any other questions?” No one spoke. Dominic nodded his head again and turned the floor over to the handlers. Each one spoke for a lengthy time about their charges. It surprised Marie Catherine that they went into such detail. Not only did they discuss their slave’s physical qualities, such as hair, weight, age, etc, but they talked about their grades in school, which school they attend and planned to attend, their extracurricular activities, family life, social class, religion, allergies, and so on. It was extensive and it caused Marie to wonder how long they been watching the children before they took them. After an hour or so they finally reached Kayla and Marie. “This one is named Kayla Oddo. She turned eighteen this last December. Weighing in at 135 pounds, she about five feet four inches. Her dark black hair and soft chocolate brown eyes are indeed attractive, and compliment her spoon shape. She is a little high maintenance and sometimes whiny but not too bad. Kayla comes from a very wealthy family and has been educated as well as anyone can. “In high school she has managed above average grades and applied to NYSU, UNY, University of Miami, and Wake Forest. She has a good chance of surviving as long as she has her best friend with her who is our next slave to be announced.” Marie’s guard pushed her forward and cleared his throat. The eyes were all locked on MC and she could see curious looks at her chains and muzzle. “Marie Catherine Capris. She is an eighteen year old from New York, the only daughter of a single father. Her mother passed away when she was eight. She is a well above average student with one of the highest averages in her school. She applied to University of Miami, Duke, Vanderbilt and Washington-Lee. “You may be wondering about her chains and muzzle but I assure you it is not just for show. Besides being one of the brightest here, she is by far the strongest fighter. She will give anyone a run for their money. Marie is not afraid to fight back even if it means pain for herself. She is stubborn, bull-headed, strong and loyal to a fault. “Marie Catherine weighs in at about one hundred and thirty-two pounds and is in great physical shape. As you can see her long wavy blonde and almost turquoise eyes make her a rare specimen of beauty that accompanies her perfect hour glass figure. Not only is she attractive and intelligent but she possesses great integrity and self respect. So much so that she is the best candidate for this challenge for she has never been caught yet.” There was an odd silence as everyone looked around confused by what this meant. Even Dominic glanced over at us, his smile slightly confused. Marie’s guard beamed as he finished up. “By this I mean that Marie Catherine Capris is still a virgin and worthy of a high price.” 13. If the muzzle had not been holding Marie’s jaw, she was sure it would have fallen off. There was a thick silence as everyone looked at Marie, including Dominic and the man from the hall. Both seemed completely stupefied. Marie Catherine wanted the floor to eat her alive for her embarrassment and she barely managed to slide a look sideways to Kayla. Kayla was focused on looking ahead but it appeared as if she was suppressing some emotion. Finally Dominic cleared his throat and addressed the audience. “Well, as you can see our group is very diverse and full of only the best. Now the slaves shall be put into separate rooms and shall be available for viewing for the rest of the day. If you have any more questions feel free to ask me if not we shall show you to your rooms and the halls that possess the entertainment for the night.” Slowly the slaves were lead out of the room past the audience and Dominic. When Marie drew level with Dominic and passed him, his eyes shot to her and MC had to suppress a shiver. His look was deadly, but not with anger. It was a look Marie could not identify. She quickly turned her face away from him and concentrated on the floor. Her neck felt hot and her cheeks burned. There was never a time in Marie Catherine had ever felt so chagrin. Her guard pushed her out into the hallway with the rest of the slaves, yet when they reached an intersecting in the hallway, Marie was forced left while the rest were force right. Confused Marie glanced back at the rest of the slaves, including Kayla. “Where are we going?” “You have a special viewing room assigned to you. It is this way.” “Why am I being separated from the rest?” “I don’t know. I’m just following orders.” They walked in silence before MC spoke again. “Did you have to tell the world I’m a virgin?” He chuckled, but then controlled himself. “You should be thanking me. Your value just skyrocketed.” “Ever think that I didn’t want to be sold to the highest bidder? I would have preferred less attention.” “One thing I have learned in my years in this business, babe, is that you want to be with the ones who have the money, not the ones who scrape the barrel. If they pay more money, they will treat you better because it cost them so much, they’d hate to damage you. The bottom scrappers know that no one else wants you so they buy you cheap and treat you like shit.” In an odd way it made sense. Marie grumbled in defeat and kept walking in silence. They walked for a long time and the hallway became dark and musty smelling. The skin on Marie’s arm crawled as she looked around. “Where are we?” “This is just another part of the building. This room shall do. I was told to do it a good walk from the others. I think we will forget where you are if we go any farther.” Marie wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not but she thought it was better not to ask. He led her and she was surprised to see chains already waiting for her that were bolted to the floor. The guard secured her before removing the old braces. The new chains allowed her to walk a little and raise her arms but that was it. With the muzzle and neck brace off Marie sighed and rolled her neck out. It felt so nice. The guard watched her for a moment before going to stand outside. Waiting silently Marie paced around and grew antsy as time passed. Finally she just sat on the floor and closed her eyes. She was tired from standing around all day and the chains always took a toll on her. MC was nodding off and then she was asleep. In her dreams she heard the creaking of a door and then there was a heavy weight on her. Struggling Marie couldn’t see what it was that was on top of her, until she realized it wasn’t a dream. Eyes snapping open, MC saw Dominic kneeling over her, his arms and legs straddling her, but he was not touching her. His face was too close to her and his lips smiled sadistically. She was pinned to the ground by his body and the chains made it difficult to move. “Dominic,” she gasped turning to her back so she had more space between them. “Is that why you would not join my bed, my dear Marie?” his voice was soft and tender. “You were afraid. You didn’t know what to expect? You should have told me. I would have understood. I would have been gentle.” “What are you talking about?” “You are a virgin. I never would have guessed. It is so rare to find one nowadays at your age. I should have known by the way you flee my touch. You aren’t scared of me; you are scared of being with me. It is very cute. I always wondered why, despite your boldness, you seemed so innocent. Now I know.” “I did not turn you down because I’m a virgin, Dominic. I turned you down because I would never ever sleep with you.” He chuckled and stroked her cheek. “My Marie, you don’t know what it is like to be pleased by a man. Once you do, you will want it again and again. You will want me.” The idea repulsed Marie Catherine and she had to look away. Bile was in her throat and she had to swallow it carefully. “My beautiful Marie, you are so much more than I ever thought possible. Such a diamond in the rough. I know how special you are. It is because you are special that I am going to give you something. Three wishes.” Marie looked at him and stifled a laugh. Surely he was kidding. “Three wishes?” “Favors, wishes, demands, whatever you want to call them.” His hand slid to her right thigh to where the three scars were. He laid three of his fingers over the lines. “Three wishes…whatever you want…whenever you want for your entire life. But only three. Once they are gone, they are gone, and I can do as I please.” “Anything?” “Anything.” “Could I wish to be out of here and returned home with Kayla?” “You could.” “Then…” He pulled out his knife and placed it perpendicular to the first cut, farthest down my thigh. I stopped. I didn’t want him to cut me. “And give us clothes and food?” “You can only have one ‘and’ per wish, but that could be your first and second. You just have to say it.” Dominic smiled wickedly and I thought for a moment. There was something wrong here. “Wait, I get three wishes for the rest of my life, but when I use them all that’s it? What does that mean?” “It means that you cannot ask me for any favors or sparing. I mean you may ask but I don’t have to and probably won’t comply.” “So basically you could take us home and then take us back again?” “Yes.” “You are going to manipulate the loop holes, aren’t you?” He beamed at Marie, the knife running softly up and down her leg. “You’d still let the hunters bid for us?” Again he just smiled. This wasn’t the time to use the “wishes.” It would be a waste. Dominic was hoping she would waste them. The hunters had until all of the slaves were home or captured before they were no longer allowed to hunt. Marie thought of all the ways to wish for safety and immunity but three wishes wouldn’t cover all the possible bases. “Could I wish for more wishes?” “No.” His smile faltered a little and the knife nicked her inner thigh. Sucking in air, MC closed her eyes in a twinge of pain. Dominic groaned at her expression and kissed her neck, moving down slowly. There was a knocking at the door and Marie and Dominic looked at the door. Dominic quickly stood and ran his hand over his hair to smooth it. His mask was back on and he was the perfect businessman. Marie hated when the mask was off. He terrified her. “Yes?” “Mrs. Eggleston is here to view the slave, sir,” the guard’s voice called through the door. Dominic frowned. He had been sure that no one would travel this far down to find the girl. Brushing himself off, he put on his best smile and snarled at Marie to stand up. As soon as she was standing he opened the door to an old bird like woman. Mrs. Eggleston was younger than she looked, but she was still very old. Her back was straight as a rail and she walked with a silver cane. She was partial to hitting people with it. The skin that folded in wrinkles on her body was like leather and held a nice olive color. Despite her aged look, she still managed to look regal. Her sharp pale-blue eyes watched everything and she didn’t miss the terrified look on the young slave girl. The slave girl was a pretty thing, even if she was a little thin. Faint bruises tinted her skin, but only Mrs. Eggleston would notice that. The man in front of her was obviously cruel to the girl, even if he did smile like a prince charming. Mrs. Eggleston was not averse to hitting her slaves, but there was a limit and it only occurred when necessary. A hurting slave was only so useful. Though by the girl’s defensive stance, she was not afraid of being hit, but rather of this man touching her. “Mrs. Eggleston,” Dominic purred serenely and managed a little bow. “Mr. Barrow, I hope there is a good reason you are hiding this girl so far from the other slaves.” “It was just by accident. The guard was confused on the instructions and I didn’t want to waste time trying to relocate her.” “Hmmm.” His hungry glance did not slip by Mrs. Eggleston as he looked back at the girl. The girl showed no emotion except blank surrender. Mrs. Eggleston walked over to Marie Catherine and looked her over. The bruises danced across her skin lightly and Mrs. Eggleston could feel the man hovering close. He was not happy she had found her way there. It kind of gave Mrs. Eggleston a pleasure sensation. Dominic was suddenly standing behind MC, his hand was light on her shoulder, but MC winced as if he was crushing it. “What would you like to know about Marie Catherine, Mrs. Eggleston?” he smiled, his index finger slowly and lightly rubbing MC’s skin. He thought Mrs. Eggleston was too old to notice. Dominic couldn’t believe this old bat had found her. If she could then the others would too. Maybe he would take up Ms. Capone on her offer with a condition of his own. Narrowing her eyes Mrs. Eggleston decided she did not like Mr. Barrow. He was slimy and smooth like her first husband. Charming and handsome with a soul as violent and unpredictable as a rabid dog. His fingers were cold against Marie’s burning flesh and Marie tried to focus on something else. “What are your grades like? Do you have any strengths?” Mrs. Eggleston asked Marie standing in front of her. “She was among the top ten percent in her school,” Dominic started but Mrs. Eggleston cut him off. “I was asking her, Mr. Barrow.” Dominic closed his mouth but his hand tightened painfully on Marie. Fighting back a wince Marie raised her eyes and met Mrs. Eggleston’s. “I received mostly As. I had some difficulty with science, mostly chemistry. I scored a 31 on the ACT. I was very good in English, History and Math. My foreign languages were OK, but nothing to brag about.” “That is impressive. Have you ever tutored?” “Yes, I would tutor underclassmen in my high school. I was the most recommended tutor in my school.” Mrs. Eggleston raised her eyebrow. “No lack of confidence, I see.” Marie half smiled and stood proudly. “Merely honest.” Nodding Mrs. Eggleston looked at the girl again. She had a lot more spunk than Mrs. Eggleston had originally thought. Marie Catherine was a very intelligent girl with a smart mouth. Mrs. Eggleston was reminded of her second husband. He had been such a lover. There before Mrs. Eggleston stood two people who reminded her of the past. It was then that she couldn’t help but wonder who would win. “You seem to have a strong body, despite the beating you have received,” Mrs. Eggleston continued not even bothering to look up at Dominic, who quickly covered a frown. She grabbed Marie’s hands and looked at them. “You must from a very well to do family. Your hands are well taken care of. You must have never worked a day in your life.” “My family is a very prosperous one but I have worked. I have held several jobs. I was raised to respect hard workers.” “No need to get defensive. I mean you have never done physical labor. You are much more of a house slave. Do you know how to cook, clean, wash clothes?” “Yes. I would say I’m a fairly good cook and I took care of the house back home.” “Your mother taught you?” Marie’s face went solemn. “My mother passed away when I was eight. I took over the responsibilities of the house after that.” “Hmmm…you lack feminine guidance and training then.” MC bristled but said nothing. Mrs. Eggleston pondered for a second as she looked over Marie. It was hard to pass up such a wonderful and well educated slave, but Mrs. Eggleston was not into taking slaves of the upper class. It seemed wrong to her to hold slaves taken from good families. Children off the streets or the ones living in poverty were fine because they would be better off as a slave anyways, but a slave like this one…. “I shall bid on this one,” Mrs. Eggleston told Dominic, whose hungry eyes were fixed on MC. Dominic looked up and smiled. He motioned for the guard and told him to lead Mrs. Eggleston to the biding room. “There you can bid on all the slaves you want,” Dominic informed Mrs. Eggleston, his hand never leaving Marie. “Very good,” Mrs. Eggleston nodded and followed the guard without a backwards glance. She decided she really didn’t like Mr. Barrow, not even a little. 14. Once the door snapped shut behind Mrs. Eggleston, Dominic’s hand tightened on Marie’s shoulder. His teeth ran against her neck and MC froze in a fresh wave of terror. “You were perfect, my Marie. She loved you. She will pay a high price to have you.” “I do not care! I want to go home. I am not property.” “So young and idealistic. Almost all people are property to someone.” “Are you?” Dominic paused then smiled slightly. “No. I am one of the few who is not.” “So am I.” “I beg to differ, my Marie” “Stop calling me that.” Pain radiated in her mind as Dominic tore her head back and his knife lay against her throat. A growl rolled from his lips. “Do not tell me what to do, my Marie. I do not take to it well and I would hate to have to dispose of you. Understand?” Marie said nothing. She was debating about whether or not she should risk a smart comment or a refusal. The way the blade cut at her neck, Marie assumed it would not be wise. “Marie, I know you do not value your own life, but think of Kayla. Do you want to leave her to travel alone?” Coldness crept into Marie Catherine. He was right. She couldn’t leave Kay alone. Kay wouldn’t last a day. “I understand.” “You understand what?” “I understand, master.” “Good girl, my Marie. See life doesn’t have to be as hard as you make it. It could be easier, you know.” He pressed close to her and let the knife tip run down her body. Not daring to move, Marie held her breath. Dominic had such an odd obsession with knives. “I’d say I’d like to make you mine, Marie, but you already are mine.” “Don’t you ever get tired of this same scenario? We go through this all the time. You try to ‘seduce’ me; I say no; you have the crap beaten out of me.” Dominic froze. His temper was creeping up and he had to keep it in check. The buyers were here and a dead slave did him little good, especially one as valuable as her. As if in response to his thoughts, there was a knock at the door. Another buyer. Damn. He stepped away from her and told them to come in. A group of Asian men walked in looking about curiously. Dominic greeted them warmly and introduced them to Marie. They studied Marie Catherine carefully, examining her body in every way. Marie blushed as they touched her but said nothing. The men never once addressed her. They only talked to Dominic. He, for the most part, got along better with them than with Mrs. Eggleston. Dominic kindly held MC as they inspected her, pointing out her different features readily to them. It was just an excuse to flex his muscles and show MC who was in control. Marie tried to remain calm but she couldn’t help but gasp when he grabbed her chest in the excuse of proving they were real. Chuckling Dominic held them longer than necessary. It didn’t take much to convince the Asians they wanted to bid on Marie. After the Asians came the Middle Eastern men. Their visit was quick and ended when Marie snapped at one. He was treating her like a horse and inspecting her teeth. Dominic back handed her so hard, she felt her jaw jar. He apologized profusely and they forgave him but they decided even if she was a virgin, they didn’t have time to break her in. The Africans found her to be amusing though. They came as the Middle Eastern were leaving and had seen Marie bite at one of them. They said she was like a wild horse and the Africans decided to bid on her. “Strong women make strong babies,” one of them told her as he held her chin in his massive hands. His voice was deep and rumbled like an earthquake. “They can also handle their men in bed better.” “Is that all the men here want from a female slave?” Marie couldn’t help but snarl. He laughed and shook his head. “No, little girl. The Asians look for smugglers and seamstresses. Women are easier to smuggle with. The Irish look for prostitutes. The women look for someone to take care of their children. We look for workers and teachers, but if you are lucky you may share my bed.” “That all sounds a little racist.” “It is the way it is for now. Maybe they have changed since the last time. Some of these men do not treat their women well, so be happy that I cannot pass up such a strong stallion. We shall place a bid.” “Be happy? Why?” “I would never hit a woman or abuse a woman. I only make pleasure for them.” Marie raised her eyebrow and he laughed. Nodding to Dominic the Africans left. Dominic followed after them, to talk more to them about separate business. MC was glad to finally be alone. She took a short nap and tried stretching some. It was in the middle of a stretch that the next buyer came into the room. There was a soft chuckle and Marie Catherine turned to see the man from the hall. He was a very good looking man and there was something about him that was familiar. “Marie Catherine, I presume?” he said as his men formed a semi circle around her. The guard was not in the room as he was supposed to be. Dominic had told him that she was not to be alone with the buyers. It didn’t take much to guess the Irishman had paid the guard off. “How long did you pay him to leave?” she asked with a sigh. “Clever lassie,” the man smiled his eyes transfixed on her, but he never answered the question. He had such green eyes. “Yup, I’m a real smartie.” “I can tell.” The man strode up to MC and looked her over. His hand grabbed her chin and turned her head this way and that. He examined her bruises and clucked his tongue. “They don’t seem to know how to treat their slaves here. Or maybe you cause problems. None of the other slaves are this bruised up.” “They just like me more, I guess.” “I can see.” Marie froze as the man’s free hand went to her inner thigh and traced the three scar lines. The man studied her face as it went paler the closer he got to the top of her inner thigh. There was no doubt in his mind that this girl was a virgin. It made him chuckle a little. “Would you like to know my name, lassie?” “What the hell, go ahead.” “I am O’Ryan. Cahan O’Ryan and these are my best men.” “Nice to meet you. Though I really would have preferred if you had let me go earlier.” “But then I’d never have gotten to be with you right now.” One of the men was standing close behind Marie and he grabbed her arms. Marie let out a startled cry and struggled a little. O’Ryan placed a hand on her head and told her to stop. “Stop wasting your energy, lassie. We aren’t going to hurt you. We are merely looking. Trying to figure out the best use for you.” “Dominic wouldn’t like you touching me,” she snarled threateningly. “On a first name basis with him, eh? I’m sure there is a lot ol’ Dominic wouldn’t like but he ain’t here. Anyways I can tell you don’t like him anymore than you like me.” He was right and Marie Catherine answered with a deep frown. Snickering he grabbed her chin and turned her head this way and that again. O’Ryan’s other hand touched the raw skin on her neck and trailed his hand down to her left wrist. It was still swollen and she winced when he touched it. Tisking O’Ryan shook his head and pulled something out of his pocket. “This brace should help it heal better,” he sighed tying a splint around her wrist. At first Marie wanted to cry in pain but then it ebbed and faded. In a moment it felt almost normal. MC didn’t know what to say. She just looked at her wrist then back at O’Ryan. He smiled almost sweetly as he took a step back. Appraising her O’Ryan’s eyes trailed to her legs and saw the small trail of blood on her inner thigh. Bending down he kneeled in front of Marie and pulled her leg forward. Blushing MC tried to pull it back but O’Ryan held tight and, after licking his finger, rubbed away the blood. The source was small and after he cleaned it the wound stopped bleeding. His fingers ran over the three lines and looked up her curiously. “Three scars? What could they be for?” he inquired but it was rhetorical. Marie said nothing and gritted her teeth. His hands held her thigh tightly and he looked up at her almost in a pitying fashion. Anger bubbled inside of her. How dare he gaze at her with such pitying look! He was a pig and monster. It upset her even more that she found him so attractive. There was something about him that was so familiar. Standing his hand slid to her cheek and he sighed. “Such a waste of such a pretty girl. I would hate to pass you by but I can think of little to do with you.” “We could always add her to the work houses,” the one holding her said. O’Ryan’s eyes snapped to him and narrowed. The man shut his lips tight and MC could feel his grip tighten and his palms sweat. “Does this girl look like the type for that work?” “No, sir. Sorry, sir.” “She is a lady. Aren’t you, Ms. Marie?” “Glad someone recognizes it.” “So modest too!” “Hey, my daddy didn’t raise no liar.” “Such a mouth.” “It’s my best part.” “Would you like to put it to better use?” “What about me being a lady?” “I only offer such things to ladies. Anything less is beneath me.” “Wow, so modest!” “My mama didn’t raise no liar either.” They stared in a dead lock, both trying to make the other look away. O’Ryan was intrigued by her open disrespect and lack of self-preservation. Her friend had been so weak and eager to please. Of course there had been a guard there. He didn’t care about the other girl. O’Ryan knew her type but Marie was different. “I guess I’ll have to consider if you’re worth the money. I don’t need to waste it on something as untrained as you.” Turning his back to Marie, O’Ryan smiled at her intake of breath. MC had been insulted and knew it. She bristled and lashed out with her tongue. “Even if you bid on me, you’d never catch me. I’m not stupid enough to be caught by you.” Freezing to the spot, O’Ryan turned and raised an eyebrow at her. His lips twitched as he suppressed his rage. He had always possessed an extremely short fuse. “Excuse me?” “You heard me. I’m not stupid enough to be caught by you. I know that much.” “You think you are better than me? You think that a cheap, stupid girl like you could escape me, Cahan O’Ryan?” “Yeah, easier than tricking a leprechaun out of his gold.” It was a low blow and Marie knew it. O’Ryan went brick red and his Irish accent seemed to become heavier. “Well now lassie, you think you’re so much better than us, Irishmen? You’re just the perfect little princess?” “No, I don’t think I’m better than Irishmen. I think I’m better than you.” O’Ryan was in her face before Marie could blink. She was forced to take a step back and his friends watched wearily. O’Ryan wasn’t known for his temper and kind manners. “You best be careful about what you say to the man who could own you, lassie. I can make your life hell.” “My life already is hell. What more could you do?” His eyes sparkled and he grinned broadly. “I could do a lot of things, lassie. Things that you would never even dream of. Things that would make you wish you were still here in this hell hole.” “Bring it on, O’Ryan. I don’t have anything to lose.” Grabbing the front of her boy shorts, he snarled at her, “Oh, I think you do.” Going pale, Marie Catherine tried to sneer but failed. Snatching his hand, Marie pulled his hand off of her. “Don’t touch me. I am not your property.” “You know, I tried to be nice to ya, lassie. I would have easily passed on biding for you, but now I want nothing more than to see you crawling on your knees. You’re mine.” “Over your dead body.” Twisting his hand, O’Ryan managed to break her grip and grab her instead. The fire that burned in her eyes was so intense, he felt like a moth to a flame. His anger bubbled and frothed, but all he could think about was how much he wanted her. As his slave. As his prize. She would indeed be the most dangerous animal to hunt. When O’Ryan’s face came so close to Marie, she felt the heat in his stare. The anger that boiled inside him seemed to pass onto her. She already hated this man. How could she have ever thought he was handsome? He was the ugliest thing she had ever seen. She would rather lie with Dominic than be his slave. One of his men called to him and O’Ryan turned his head to the side. Marie couldn’t help but gasp as she saw his profile against the light that was filtering in from the now open door. She knew who he looked like. O’Ryan looked like Bal. Stunned Marie barely had time to grasp this idea when O’Ryan was almost out the door. “Bal!” she called. O’Ryan stopped looking at her curiously. “Bal! Bal, that is you right? I know it’s you! You sick bastard! You did this to me! Bal!” she screamed pulling against her restraints. Appraising her O’Ryan raised his eyebrow. Shaking his head he grabbed the door handle. “I am not this Bal. Get your eyes checked.” |