Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1578441-Dangerous-Game-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #1578441
Dangerous Game 2
I could see the hurt in his eyes every time she did but I couldn’t say anything. It wasn’t my place to talk. A couple times during the night I had a brief panic attack for I thought I saw Bal but when I would look back and try to see if had been him, he was gone. I kept telling myself it was all in my head. He wasn’t here.
It was towards of the end of the night that everything fell apart. Kayla was out on the dance floor with another guy. DJ was watching her with such pathetic sadness I felt both bad for him and irritated. Danny had gone to use the restroom and I was just relaxing.
“I’m going to see what’s keeping Danny,” DJ mumbled and stood up clumsily. He had been drinking a little and I could see his eyes were red.
“Okay…I’m just going to be waiting here.”
DJ wandered off and I watched him with great pity. He was such a wonderful guy and it was a shame Kayla couldn’t see that. Just as I was thinking of Kayla, she appeared next to me beaming and giggling.
“Come dance with me!” she cried grabbing my hand and pulling hard. Kayla had of course been drinking a lot. She always did when we went out.
“No, I’m waiting for Danny to come back.”
“Maaarriiie!” she whined. “Come on! Dance with me so I don’t have to dance with these losers!”
“You could have danced with DJ.”
“Yeah, yeah, but I want to dance with my best friend!”
“Fine, fine.”
Laughing I got up and followed her out onto the dance floor. She dragged me to the very middle of the dance floor. Once there we proceeded to dance and fend off guys who would try to come and grab us.
“Men are such pigs,” Kay giggled.
Yet in less than two minutes a rather handsome looking guy came and wrapped his arms around her. This time she did not protest and I just had to laugh. I loved Kayla but she could be so shallow. We kept dancing when I felt hands slip around my waist and kiss my cheek gently.
Smiling I thought for sure it was Danny, but when I turned around I felt my heart stop. Bal.
“Bal…what are you doing here?”
“I come here to dance all the time. It’s my favorite place. Can you imagine my surprise when I say you were here?”
“I’m here with my friends and my boyfriend.”
“Yes…I saw.”
His voice seemed to have a sudden edge and his arms wrapped tighter around me. Struggling a little I tried to pull away.
“Marie, I just want one dance and then I will leave you alone. Please just one dance.”
“Bal, I don’t think it would be a good idea.”
“Please, Marie, just one dance. It won’t hurt. Your boyfriend won’t mind one dance.”
“Only one.”
“That’s all I want.”
Sighing I kept dancing. I was too nice for my own good. It surprised me to find he was actually a very good dancer, but I kept trying to keep space between us. Bal wasn’t having it though. Every second that passed, he pulled me tighter and tighter to him until it felt like we were practically one.
Struggling I tried pulling away but his arms locked and I was so preoccupied with trying to loosen his grip that I didn’t notice him pulling me away from Kayla. When I next looked up we were in the middle of crowd and Kayla was nowhere to be seen.
“Bal! What are you doing?” I protested as the song changed and I struggled harder in his grip.
“I just want to be with you a little longer. I don’t want to be around anyone but you. Just give me a little longer. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you!”
“Bal! Let me go.”
He didn’t even seem to hear me.
“Do you know that I changed my route so that I wouldn’t go by your house? Do you know what it’s like to like someone so much even though you know I’s wrong? I have always been in control of myself but I just can’t control myself around you. I want to be with you. I have never been so jealous of another guy in my life. Your boyfriend doesn’t deserve you.”
“Bal! Stop this! Let me go.”
Bal was crushing me to him as if he was trying to engulf me. Gasping my ribs started to hurt as he locked his arms tighter.
“Marie, please…I tried to forget you but I can’t. I keep thinking about you and me on your birthday. You think I planned this? I never thought I’d want someone like you…someone as young as you…”
“Bal…please…my boyfriend…”
“Yes, your boyfriend.”
Venom soiled his words as he looked around the dance floor. Suddenly he spun me around and slammed my front against him.
“Just dance with me, Marie. He gets you for the rest of his life but I only get you now.”
He seemed to focused at something behind me. Shaking my head I pushed his chest hard but I couldn’t move. The look in his eyes was intense and slowly he looked down at me. I gasped as he grabbed the back of my head and kissed. Resisting I slapped him hard but I couldn’t disentangle from his grip. Suddenly I fell backwards and I heard somewhere swear loudly.
There was the sound of bone crunching and I looked up to see Danny standing over Bal. Bal’s hand was holding his jaw but his eyes were still on me.
“How dare you touch her!” Danny was snarling at Bal.
Bal laughed and staggered to his feet. His hand was still covering his face, but Bal’s whole body shook with laughter.
“Is that the best you can do, Danny boy?” Bal sneered lowering his hand and staring straight at Danny.
Danny looked as if he wanted to take a step back but he resisted. Clenching his fists, Danny glared pure hatred at Bal.
“What are you doing here?” he barely managed to say through grinding teeth.
“I came to see your Marie.”
“Didn’t she tell you about me? I was with her when you were too busy with your friends to even spend her birthday with her. Did she tell you about that night? And our wonderful kiss.”
I could see Danny’s face turning bright red and I could almost see the steam coming off of his face.
“Shut up!”
“What, Danny-boy? Is that a nerve? You don’t deserve her, Danny-boy, and you know it. You know she is going to leave your pathetic ass for someone worth her time. You know it and I know it.”
“I said shut up!”
“What are you going to do, Danny-boy? You going to hit me again? Go ahead. You hit like a woman anyways. Did you fall for her like I did? With her sweet nature and seductive kiss? She does have such a deceiving kiss. Sweet, innocent and yet so maddening.”
Danny was beyond words now. He shook and I saw that a crowd had gathered to watch what was happening.
“Danny-boy, Marie Catherine is..m…”
I didn’t wait to hear what he said. I strode up to him in mid-sentence and struck him. I was angry and almost in tears. Bal was hurting my Danny. How dare he!
Bal stood there stupidly stunned, looking at me blankly.
“Shut up, Bal!” I snarled as I raised my hand back and struck him again.
This time he caught my wrist and squeezed. Slowly looking back to me, he frowned and tried to pull me closer.
“Marie, what is wrong with you?” he whispered. “What are you doing with him?”
“He is my boyfriend. I love him. You are an asshole!”
Trying as hard as I could, I tried to pull free. Bal’s grip didn’t budge. His eyes were searching mine. Slowly his free hand went to my face to brush a strand out of my eyes.
I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder and I was suddenly falling backwards. Landing against Danny’s chest, I looked at him smiling sadly. His eyes were hard and he said nothing as he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me out of the club.
“Danny, you’re hurting me!” I protested as we passed the surprised security guards and headed to the parking lot. DJ and Kay were following close behind us looking concerned.
Danny didn’t release me until we reached our cars. He practically pushed me away when he let go and then Danny started pacing. He was livid.
His body was shaking.
“Why didn’t you tell me about him?”
“I did! Remember at the pizza parlor?”
“You said he tried to kiss you!”
“He did!”
“Trying is not the same as did!”
“Why didn’t you tell me it was him?”
“I didn’t know you knew him! He was just some delivery guy. It was nothing. I love you! Why does it matter who he is?”
“It matters! He was a delivery guy? You are so cheap you would kiss a random delivery guy.”
Taking a sharp intake of breath I looked at him and I could feel DJ and Kayla freezing too. Closing my eyes I counted to ten.
“You don’t mean that. You are upset. Who is he to you? Does it matter? I love you! I am with you! He is an asshole who is jealous and trying to hurt you!”
“He didn’t hurt me, MC. You did.”
I reached for him but he moved away from me.
“I can’t even look at you right now. I can’t deal with you. Don’t call me. I may call you.”
Turning sharply he climbed into his car and DJ ran to get the passenger side. As he passed me he quickly apologized.
“He doesn’t mean, MC. He loves you. He’s just upset.”
Nodding I could feel tears pouring down my cheeks. Kayla came and put her arms around me as Danny tore out of the parking lot. 7.
The ride back home was quiet. I was shaking with tears and anger. Kayla tried to make conversation with me, but I just gave her a sharp look.
“Kay, just shut up!” I finally snapped. “I don’t want to talk and I don’t need you treating me like a child.”
I pulled up to her house and glared at her until she got out. Kayla looked like a hurt puppy and took her time getting out. Soon as she did I took off, screeching my tires. I didn’t want to deal with her crap.
Peeling into my drive way, I turned the car off and headed inside. I was so upset I probably missed things that would have tipped me off to the events that would occur later.
Going into my house all I could think about was soaking in the tub. Tossing my keys on the counter, I looked around and called out in case my father was home. He of course wasn’t. So I started to strip as I walked through my house. No one was home to give me crap about leaving my clothes around so I just let myself smile a little. As I reached the hallway in which my bathroom and room were located I was down to my undergarments. My fingers were playing with the back of my bra as I passed by my bedroom. A movement caught my attention and I froze looking into my room. The room was dark and I could see nothing so I slowly worked my way towards the bathroom. I couldn’t help but keep looking back at my room.
“It’s all in your head,” I told myself and I let my bra slip off as I entered the bathroom. Turning the water on I shut the door and let the hot steam fill the room as I slipped into the tub.
I turned on my bathroom radio and let the soft music relax me. I may have fallen asleep at some point but was rudely awaken by my phones annoying ring. Groaning I reached up and dried my hands off. Taking a breath I closed my eyes and answered.
“Hello?” I inquired in a monotone voice.
“MC…” Kayla’s voice sobbed.
“What is it, Kay?” I sighed rolling eyes.
“My parents…”
She could barely speak due to the sobs that wracked her chest. My heart fell and I felt instantly guilty. I knew what was going on. Kayla’s mother and father had a strained marriage. Her parents were devoted Catholics and did not believe in a divorce. That didn’t stop her father from having several mistresses. Whenever her mother found out about the new one she would flip out, threatening to get her own, calling the mistress trash and Kayla’s father a sinner. It would cause her father to lose his temper and start yelling at her mother. Usually he was defending his mistress. Their fights were would get ugly and sometimes violent. Kayla would hide in her room but she could never block out their voices.
“Please…let me go over there…I can’t stand their screams…”
My heart hurt and no matter how upset I was with her and everyone else I couldn’t turn my back on Kayla now. Slowly closing my eyes I took a deep breath.
“Of course, babe. I’ll be waiting for you.”
“T..th..thank you.”
Hanging up the phone I turned the music back up and sunk down in the water. After another five minutes I drained the tub and actually showered. I washed my hair and did the shaving things. Just I stepped out the doorbell rang. Kay? Quickly I towel dried my hair then wrapped another towel around my body. The door bell rang again and again.
“Jeez, Kayla,” I gasped as I unlocked the door. “I hear you chill.”
Swinging the door open I gasped as I saw Bal standing in front of me.
“Get the hell out of here,” I shrieked slamming the door.
Bal grunted as he slipped his foot and arm between the door and the frame. Looking down I found his hand was wrapped in my towel. Gasping and I tried pulling away but it only pulled my towel loose.
“Let go, Bal!”
“No! I won’t unless you listen to me.”
“Bal! What is wrong with you? Let go of my towel.”
“I will if you open the door n talk to me.”
“Hell no!”
“Then I’ll pull your towel off…either way I win.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I told you…I want to talk to you.”
He pulled the towel a little and I clutched to it with all my might. I thought for a second. If he pulled the towel I wouldn’t care about the door and he would get a full view and access to my house. If I open the door he won but I wouldn’t lose my towel. Sighing I looked around.
“Okay…okay…I’ll open the door but you have to let go of my towel and stay outside.”
“You promise?”
“Of course, Marie.”
A heavy feeling sank in my stomach but I slowly opened the door. Bal was smiling at me brightly and I was again taken with how handsome he was. His eyes shown so clear in the night light and his smile was sweet. For a moment I forgot I was mad, until his foot stepped inside my house.
“Bal!” I gasped stepping back as he came at me. “You said you’d stay outside!”
“I lied.”
He had me pinned against the door and I looked around frantically. Bal wasn’t touching me but he was very close. His fingers were still wrapped in my towel.
“You said you’d let go of my towel!”
“Again I lied.”
“You asshole! Leave me alone!”
“You said you’d listen to me.”
“Well, I guess we are both liars.”
“You aren’t a liar, Marie Catherine.”
His hand stroked my hair and I flinched. Bal’s eyes suddenly saddened and I could see hurt in his eyes.
“Are you scared of me? Do you really hate me?”
“I’m not scared of you, Bal…”
“You hate me though?”
“You hurt Danny! He may never forgive me! You ruined our relationship!”
“Danny! Danny! Danny! I’m so sick of your high school infatuation with him.”
“He’s my boyfriend….or was...”
Tears started to brim in my eyes. I looked away from Bal. I wasn’t going to let him see me cry.
“You could do so much better than him…don’t you get that?”
“You think that you are so much better?”
“You don’t really know him, Marie. He is a bad guy.”
“From what I’ve seen you are the only bad guy.”
“You’ve made me this way!”
His fist slammed against the door right by my head. Cringing I looked wide eyed at him.
“I told you in the club, all I can think about is you! I changed my route so I wouldn’t go by your house. I tried to fill up all my time so I wouldn’t think about you. Yet you kept creeping in like a spider into my thoughts.”
“I’m sorry you have been having such a hard time, but that is not my fault! I didn’t do anything…”
“You didn’t have to! All I have to do think about the first time I saw you. Do you remember that?”
His eyes became misty and Bal leaned in towards me, licking his lips. I felt the door hard against my back and fear skittered my stomach. Yet I couldn’t look away from his eyes.
“You were so cute in your little robe, not noticing it was half open. You blushed such a precious color of pink. It made me want to see more.”
Bal tugged at my towel and I blushed as I held it tight to me. Smiling he tugged a little harder and I shook my head. My free hand grabbed his wrist and tried to pull it off my towel.
“Come on, Marie.”
“Get out! I never want to see you again!”
His gripped tightened and his eyes narrowed.
“I think I should get at least a kiss or to see what has been driving me crazy.”
Yanking hard, Bal struggled with my towel. Falling towards him to keep my towel from being taken, I gasped pathetically.
“Stop! Please!”
“Then kiss me!”
“I hate you! I can’t believe I ever liked you! You are the worst kind of guy.”
Bal’s temper seemed to snap. Shoving me against the door, Bal had me by both shoulders. Wincing I looked him in the eyes and saw such hurt and anger I shivered.
“I…love…you, Marie Catherine!”
Shaking my head I felt tears pouring down my cheeks. I wanted him to just leave me alone. He was ruining everything. His hands grabbed my face and he yanked me close.
“Stop, Bal. I love Danny.”
“I don’t care.”
Bal’s mouth clamped over mine and I tried to pull away. He was so much stronger than me that I could do nothing but struggle against him. Pushing me hard against the door Bal kissed harder and I could feel his teeth knick my bottom lip as his right hand tugged on my towel. Tears were pouring and I tried hitting him. My attempts were useless and it was the sound of someone coughing that broke him away from me. Bal pulled away from me and I collapsed to the ground gasping and shaking. Fear was making my body rush with heat and looked up to see Kayla looking horrified at us.
“I better be going,” Bal said in a monotone voice and he walked away briskly to a very nice looking black corvette.
Kayla watched him then rushed to me. Light bruises were forming where his hands had been on my arms and chin. As Bal got in his car, he looked back at us almost sadly.
“Be careful, Marie. There are people out there and they do not have good intentions for you.”
Kayla and I looked at each other than back at Bal as he slammed his door shut and drove off. Staggering to my feet, Kay helped me get inside the house.

We didn’t talk much that night. I’m not sure what Kayla thought was happening but I’m not sure if she knew he was forcing himself on me. It really didn’t matter. We both had had a bad night so we just watched movies and ate junk food.
It was a kind of depressing night. Around one in the morning Kayla fell asleep on the couch and I decided to go to sleep. We both had some drinks and I was getting sleepy. Kayla would be okay on the couch.
Yawning I made my way to my room and crashed onto my bed. Sleep over took me soon and I dreamed of nothing. I don’t know how long I was asleep but I was woken by a scream. I thought it was in my dreams but it woke me up and I heard someone crying. Kay?
Feeling a little queasy I got up and weaved out of my room. The crying was definitely not in my dreams. Something told me to go quietly and so I moved down the stairs without making a noise. Creeping to the living room I felt my heart stop as I saw Kayla on the couch bawling with four men around her, one holding a gun.
“Shut up!” the man with the gun snapped.
“This isn’t my house…please…I’m just here visiting a friend. Take whatever you want just please don’t hurt me. Marie is upstairs. She will know where the valuables are.”
“I said shut up!”
The man struck Kayla and she whimpered. I felt my stomach clench and I wanted to go in a defend her but then I would be in trouble too. Taking a deep breath I headed back upstairs. Unfortunately as I was backing up I bumped into an end table in the hallway and knocked over a vase.
“What was that?” one man said.
“The other girl?”
“Go find out.”
Bolting up the stairs, I looked at my room but decided against it. Sliding into my father’s room I ducked under the bed. I could hear them coming up the stairs. Fumbling with my phone I just pressed talked and prayed.
It rang four times before someone picked up.
“What do you want, Marie?” Danny’s irritated voice answered. I could hear DJ in the background.
“Danny…” I whispered desperation in my voice. “You have to help me!”
“What are you talking about? I told you I’d call you. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“Danny…they have Kayla!”
“What? Who?”
“I don’t know…they broke into the house while I was sleeping…they have Kayla…I don’t know what they want.”
“What are you talking about?”
“They have gun and Kayla…”
“MC, where are you?”
“I’m hiding under my dad’s bed. They are looking for me. I can hear them.”
Just then as if to prove my point one of them called out, “Oh little girl! Little girl, where are you? We will find you.”
I was silent and I could hear Danny telling DJ to shut up. Trying to control my breathing I closed my eyes.
“Danny…they are going to find me…”
“Marie, get the hell out of there! Call the police!”
The footsteps were coming towards my dad’s room.
“God, Danny…they are coming this way!”
“Damn it, Marie, run!”
“I can’t…they are here.”
I stopped talking as I heard someone walk into room. Danny called my name but I covered the phone. I could see feet by the edge of the bed. They paused and I could only hear my own breathing. The feet disappeared and I whispered to Danny, “I think they missed me.”
Suddenly something grabbed my ankle and the phone slipped out of my fingers as I was dragged out from under the bed.
“Danny!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I could barely hear Danny calling my name frantically.
“Danny, help me! Danny!”
I screamed as someone yanked me and a forearm pressed hard against my neck. Struggling I yelled for the man to let go of me. He just laughed and started dragging my out of the room. Danny’s voice was a small squeak as fought against my holder. Grunting I bit the man’s arm. Yelping the man dropped me and I landed on my hands, my left wrist snapping under me. Groaning I rolled over and the guy was on me. He was strangling me and the adrenaline kicked in.
Getting angry I fought back and smashed my right palm heel into his nose. Screaming he reared back as blood spurted from his nose. Scrambling from under him, I ran out of the room and to the stairs. I heard him screaming, “She’s running! She’s running!”
I saw the other men come out of my room and the bathroom. I got to the stairs so fast I slipped and fell down the stairs. Pain shot up my right leg but I shook it off and pulled things down behind me so I could slow them down. I reached the front door but remembered Kayla. Throwing the front door open I ran to get Kay.
She was lying on the couch, not moving. A small amount of blood was dripping down the side of her head and I assumed they knocked her unconscious. With a grunt I lifted her up onto my back and I could feel her heart beat against my back. She was alive. Struggling I ran back to the front door. The men were half way down the stairs, blocked by the china cabinet I had knocked over. My wrist was on fire and I looked at them for a brief second before leaving my house. I cursed having such a long driveway.
Kayla felt heavier and heavier as I stumbled down the driveway. Something stung my right thigh and I gasped as something wet ran down my leg and numbness started spreading. Shifting Kayla’s weight, I kept pushing on though I started mis-stepping due to a lack of feeling. There was another sharp pain in my lower left side of my back. Gasping I buckled a little but kept pushing on. Kayla was depending on me.
I could see the end of the driveway when I felt two more sharp pains; one in my shoulder and one in my upper arm. Numbness was filling my body and my mind was going fuzzy. Unable to hold myself up I collapsed to the concrete. Kayla groaned a little as she landed next to me. Half crawling, half dragging my useless body, I kept my eyes on the edge of the driveway. I think that Kayla was still in my arms as my fingers touched the curb. I couldn’t see the curb but I felt it. Everything was black and soon I couldn’t feel anything.

I couldn’t see when I awoke. Everything was still black and swaying. I could feel a rumble under me and the first thought that entered my mind was truck. I was in a truck. My next thought was pain as my left wrist throbbed in pain. A small whimper slipped from my lips.
“Poor little girl is in pain?” a sarcastic voice sneered and something hit me from the side.
I slide across a metal surface until I hit something soft. A chuckling sound was above me and I looked up blindly. A rough hand pulled the blackness from my eyes and I looked up into a heavily pox scarred face.
“Don’t mind him, princess. He is a little bitter about you breaking his nose,’ the man chuckled lifting me to my feet.
“I broke his nose?” I bemused looking around and saw a man with black eyes. The guy looked messed up.
“Yes, when you tried to escape. You took him by surprise. Actually you took us all by surprise. Four tranquilizer bullets and you finally collapsed. We didn’t actually think we would have to ever use them but you made us. It was a great experience for us. Good practice.”
“Well, as long as I could help.”
“You are a piece of work, princess.”
The man pinched my cheeks condescendingly. I couldn’t help but try to bite him. Laughing the man patted my head hard.
“You are a piece of work.”
“You seem to be too…uh…”
“Celso…if you could please just drop me off at the next stop.”
Celso smiled at me and everyone around me laughed. Smiling I tried to pretend that I understood why it was so funny.
“Sure,” Celso nodded. “We’ll drop you off at the next stop. I’m sure that your friend will be fine by herself.”
Glancing over in the direction Celso nodded, I saw Kayla lying unconscious. My breath caught and I looked back at Celso.
“Where are you taking us?”
“Us? So you don’t want us to drop you off?”
“You wouldn’t even if I did.”
“True…true…you are a smart little princess.”
“That is quite an annoying nickname. Do I look like a princess?”
“Now be a good princess and sit back down with your friend.”
Celso shoved me back and I fell onto Kayla. She yelped and woke with a started. A low scream escaped her as she looked around and took in the scene.
“Its cool, Kay. Don’t worry. We are fine.”
“Your friend is right. You will be fine long as you don’t fight us.”
“What do you want?”
“Nothing. Its not about what we want but rather our customers want.”
“You will see in time.”
“What if we don’t want to see?” I interjected narrowing my eyes.
“You don’t really have a choice, princess.”
“I think I do.”
“Then I don’t think you grasp your situation very well.”
“I grasp it fine. I just don’t care.”
“You can’t talk to Celso that way, you little brat.”
A man near me grabbed me by hair and I yelped swinging my arm. I made contact with the man’s head and he staggered dragging me down with him. We must have looked ridiculous as we rolled on the floor of the truck cab. He tried pinning me down and I smashed my palm up again. There was a crunch and he howled holding his face.
“Damn!” someone said as we were pulled apart.
“You broke another one’s nose?” Celso sighed. “Do you know how much you are costing us in hospital bills? How do you know how to do that?”
“My father didn’t like being home alone so much so he enrolled me in hapkido for four years.”
“Hmmm…Tie her up.”
I was roughly shoved against the side of the truck as they used coarse rope to tie my wrists together. The guy whose nose I broke at the house smashed my head against the side. Sliding down I groaned.
“Asshole,” I moaned unable to rub my soar head.
“That’s what you get.”
Slowly managing to turn around I leaned against the truck side and Kayla scooted close to me. She was shaking and I leaned against her. Kay gently laid her head on my shoulder. I could see a small tear roll down her face. My poor Kayla. I kissed the top of her head. She didn’t deserve this.
The men ignored us for the rest of the day, except for when we stopped for food or to use the bathroom. They switched to handcuffs after a while due my brief escape during a lunch break. It only took me two seconds to figure out how to escape the rope binding, but I chose to wait until the men had left the truck. When Kayla and I were alone I slipped from my bindings and snuck out of the truck. I went to bolt hoping Kayla would follow. I had only taken a few steps before Celso tackled me.
“I knew you were being too good,” he chuckled as he pinned me to the ground and snapped the cuffs on me.
As he dragged me back to the truck I saw that Kayla had not even moved from the spot where I left her. She just stared at me blankly. I only felt disbelief.
The cuffs were uncomfortable but I remembered a trick Danny had taught to escape cuffs. He had told that his friend had taught when he was involved in less than legal activities. I again waited until the best time.
It was my last attempt for the trip and it was of course unsuccessful. The men fell asleep and it quietly labored with the cuffs. Finally my right hand slipped through, though my left was too swollen. I only needed only one hand free though. I shook Kayla awake and she groggily stared at me. I motioned for her to be silent and to follow me. Picking our way through the men we reached the back door. Grunting we both grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. A gust of wind almost knocked us off of our feet as we looked at the scenery speeding past us. The dotted lines on the concrete below us moved so fast that it blurred into one sold line.
“We can jump,” I said optimistically.
Kayla raised an eyebrow and her look plainly said, “You have got to be kidding me.” Sighing I looked down again and bent my knees trying to convince myself that I could jump. Kay’s hand grabbed my arm and squeezed tightly.
“You can’t,” Kay squeaked. “You will kill yourself.”
“It will be better than what is waiting for us.”
“You don’t know that, Marie Catherine. Anyways you don’t know we may a better chance to escape later. This is just suicide.”
“Marie, I’m scared too but we can’t just jump off a moving truck.”
Hanging my head I knew she was right. Taking one last longing look at the road disappearing quickly from my view, I turned back to the men. They were all still asleep though I don’t know how with all the noise the wind made. We made our way back to the wall where we were sleeping and sat down. Kayla laid her hand down in my lap and I stroked her hair. I think it calmed both us and soon we were asleep.
In the morning I awoke to find my arms chained to the floor of the truck.
“Seriously!” I snapped yanking on the chains.
“You shouldn’t have tried to escape again,” Celso said solemnly. “And it’s obvious that handcuffs and ropes don’t work.”
It was horrible. I couldn’t even feed myself. So I took my frustration out of the men who did feed me. One man put his hand near my mouth and I bit him hard, refusing to let go. It took Celso prying my jaw open to free the man. He was fine, but I had drawn some blood. Another man I head-butted so hard that I gave him a concussion. I may have given myself one too but I’m not sure. I did have the worst headache, so I didn’t do it again. After that they added a brace around my neck that was bolted to the floor and muzzle. Only Celso dared to approach me.
Kayla was the ideal captive. She just sat there and did as she was told. It upset me that she was so passive and submissive to the men. I felt horribly guilty that I felt resentful to my best friend.

Now is your favorite part, the part that you come in. When we reached our final destination, over a week had passed. I think the men drove slower than normal so that they wouldn’t attract attention. It was noon, I think, when we arrived. The doors of the truck were flung open and sunlight stung my eyes. Celso came and attached a chain to my collar. He led me out of the truck followed by a quiet Kayla.
The guards walked close to Kayla but no one saw the need to touch her. She was quite capable of walking and following without instruction. Anger boiled in my stomach as I saw her passive face. Looking up I saw a large gray building with a lot of window. Digging my heels in I decided I didn’t want to go in there. It felt ominous and I knew if I went it, I wasn’t going out. Shaking my head I tried to stop Celso from taking my inside.
“Come on, princess,” Celso said with a small laugh. “Master is expecting you.”
“I don’t think I want to go in.”
“It’s a little late for that.”
With a low grunt Celso dragged me into the building. I was separated from Kayla and taken down a long hallway. There were hundreds of doors and I eventually lost track of where we were. Finally Celso stopped by a blue door and opened it up. Inside was a large room with three drains equally spaced in the middle of the room. Each wall had three shower heads and a bench sat close to the door.
“I’m going to unchain you, princess, but only so you can wash up. You need to look clean for the Master’s judging. Don’t even think about running. There will be me and another guard outside the door and we’d hate to have to wash you ourselves.”
Nodding I stayed still and let the chains fall from me. I felt ten pounds lighter. Moaning I rolled out my neck and wrists. The idea of a shower was too tempting to mess it up. Celso left the room and I stripped leaving my clothes on the bench.
Turning the water on, I just stood under the water. The hot water soothed the knots that wrenched my shoulders. I took my time washing my hair and body. It felt wonderful to be clean. Once clean I stretched my tense body. It was while I was touching my toes that I heard Celso clear his throat. Glancing up I blushed and stood trying to cover myself.
“Don’t worry, princess. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Put these on.”
He tossed me an off-white cotton bundle that turned out to be a sort of tunic dress with a rope belt. I waited for him to leave but Celso didn’t so I didn’t have a choice to but to get dressed in front of him. After it was on and the belt was tied, Celso slipped the chains back on. I thought about fighting him but I was tired.
“Come, princess,” he said somberly pulling me out of the room. We again worked our way through the labyrinth of hallways, going up some stairs and down more and more hallways until we reached another new room. The room had a large double door of oak with beautiful designs carved in it.
Going through it I saw that there at least nineteen other kids with guards. They ranged from ten to about twenty. All of the kids looked haggard and scared. Kayla stood at the farthest end and that was where Celso led me. We stood there in the room for about fifteen minutes before the large door creaked.
“Are they all here?” a smooth voice spoke from the direction of the doors. I decided not to look in the direction of the voice unlike everyone else.
There was the sound of Italian leather shoes clicking against the floor of the room. The voice hummed and whispered as it crossed to the center of the room.
“Welcome, my slaves,” the silky deep voice spoke in a voice that didn’t need projection.
I couldn’t resist looking and seeing you. You stood tall and elegant in a black Armani suit, silk white tie, and Italian leather shoes. Your thick wavy hair was slicked back and your winning smile was on your face. He surveyed us with your hard liquid gold eyes with fleck of dark green and black. They were calculating and cynical. You looked down the line at each of us, studying us carefully. When you reached me our eyes met and I wouldn’t look away. After a few minutes you smirked and started talking.
“You lucky few are chosen to be part of an important aspect of my business. You are to be my slaves to sell. You are to be my game pieces. I expect great profit from each of you, if I think you are worthy to stay. You only speak when spoken to. You do not act independently from instructions and do not try to escape. Your punishments will be severe.”
You let the words hang in the air like a heavy weight and looked up and down the line again. Clapping your hands you smiled brightly.
“Great. Let’s see what my men have brought me.”
Starting at the opposite end of the line, you took at least five minutes inspecting everyone. It seemed to take forever for you to get to me. I waited bored and daydreaming in my mind. Celso jerked me sharply as you started inspecting Kayla. You seemed uninterested in her but you looked her over as if she was a horse you wanted to buy. I felt irritation tug at my gut.
You gave me a side long glance and stepped over to me. You smiled and I had to admit you were very attractive.
“Is all that really necessary, Celso?” you sighed as if you were looking at an over dramatic child.
“Yes, sir. She is a very dangerous girl. She broke two men’s noses, gave one a concussion and bit another one so hard he needed stitches. She is a very stubborn girl.”
“I cannot inspect her properly if she has that muzzle on. Remove it.”
“Sir, I wouldn’t advise that.”
“Celso…remove it.”
Your voice turned sharp and warning and Celso nodded quickly and fumbled to undo the muzzle. He pulled it off and I stood there glaring defiantly at you. You looked me over and then grabbed my chin. You forced my head this way and that way smiling condescendingly. I hated you at that moment.
“You are beautiful. I can see a strong, graceful bone structure. You obviously are not afraid of pain. That’s good. And despite the rough treatment your skin is still soft.”
Your thumb slipped over my lips and your eyes reminded me of a lion I had seen on Discovery Channel who had been about to attack an antelope. I said nothing but found the urge to bite you. I think I would have resisted if you hadn’t spoken again.
“You are a magnificent creature. Born to breed.”
Your thumb went over my lips again and you pushed it between them a little. Smiling sweetly I looked at you innocently and you smiled. Then I bit down hard on your hand. I somehow did not bite your thumb but rather reached the joint and meat area of the hand between the thumb and forefinger area. You cursed and struck me, but I didn’t let go. Biting harder I glared up at you as you struck me twice. Finally I became dazed and it was easy for Celso to pull me off.
Cursing you cradled your hand looking at the gash on your hand that bled profusely. Again I smiled at you licking your blood off my lips. I saw Kayla shiver and I hope it was as creepy as I thought. For a moment you stared at me then you grabbed my hair and yanked me close to you. Growling you looked at me and then to my and everyone else’s surprise you kissed me passionately.
Gasping for air I struggled until you let go. Falling back against Celso I must have looked very stupid with my confused and stupefied expression.
“You are such a bitch! I love it!” you laughed heartily patting my cheek hard. “Definitely a keeper. Good job Celso!”

Marie Catherine took a deep breath as she finished talking. Licking her lips MC looked straight ahead. Dominic was still tracing the raw skin on her neck and he licked his own lips.
“Wonderful story, my Marie,” Dominic purred stroking my hair.
MC said nothing. Dominic narrowed his eyes and pulled her hair a little.
“Thank you,” Marie said quickly, heat streaking down her neck.
“Is it so hard to be polite, my Marie?”
“Then start being more polite.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I don’t like to be cruel to you. You have to learn to do as your told more.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Kayla does and look how free she is. You could be too. You could be in a comfortable bed with warm sheets and hot shower.”
Marie looked away from Dominic. He had made this offer every time he visited her since the first day they met. It was getting old and it wasn’t like he didn’t know the answer, just like she didn’t know the results of her answer.
“Share my bed with me and you will live wonderfully until the buyers come.”
“You know my answer, Dominic.”
“Do I repulse you, my Marie?”
Dominic turned Marie’s face towards him. She pulled away a little, but his grip was firm. His lips brushed against hers and she felt trepidation run down her spine.
“Do you really want to know? And does it really matter?”
“No, I guess it doesn’t.”
“Than why ask?”
“I just hope that maybe you will learn the right answer.”
Dominic stood up and headed towards the door. Marie tensed as he grabbed the handle.
“You do know what will happen since you have said no, right?” he asked without looking back.
“You are okay with it?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Of course. You just have to say the word.”
“Not in this lifetime.”
“If that is your decision.”
Dominic threw the door open and stepped out without another word. Two men walked in to replace him and Marie braced herself as they approached, cracking their knuckles.

© Copyright 2009 dreamcatcher (dcg11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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