Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1578439-Dangerous-Game
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #1578439
Marie Catherine has always learned about slavery, now she gets to experience it herself
         The darkness wrapped the small room like a straight jacket as silence pressed in on all sides.  It was a dreary place with no windows and only one door to freedom. 
         A soft groan slipped through the cracks of the oppressive silence. A rough shadow shifted from a disturbed slumber.  Shaking her head slowly the shadow tried to sit up more only to stop gasping, pulling her left wrist to her body. Clasping it with her right hand, she attempted to sooth the swollen and bruised flesh, pushing back the thick band that encircled it. 
         Looking around again, she licked her cracked lips and glanced at the door.
         How long had it been since the guards came?  How long had she slept?  It was hard to tell with all the horrible nightmares she had. Days…hours...maybe even minutes…time mattered little here. Nothing really mattered here, just surviving.
         A clump of dirt of stirred near her and she glanced at it with a sigh. Well, there was Kayla.  She had to live for Kayla’s sake…if she didn’t then Kayla wouldn’t last a day.
         Trying to turn her head more to look at her sleeping friend, pain shot through her neck.
         Damn chains.  Her hands reached up and tugged pointlessly at a thick metal collar. It was cold to her touch and the skin underneath was on the raw side.  The indignity of being chained like a zoo animal caused her blood to boil.  If…no, when she escaped, they would pay.
         There was a creaking sound from the door and she snapped her head forward.  A man was standing in the doorway watching her with a crooked smile.
         She narrowed her eyes and her lips curled convulsively.
         “You don’t seem happy to see me, Marie Catherine,” he chuckled, his body still just a shadow surrounded by blinding light.
         Marie Catherine snarled but said nothing, her hands tugging on her neck brace again.
         “Ah poor babes...”          
         He walked over to her and stood directly over her, his hands on his hips. 
         “You know if you just behave you wouldn’t be chained up.  Look at your friend Kayla; she is perfectly unchained, content to just lie around the room.”
         “You can always unchain me, Dominic,” she said mustering up false sweetness.
Dominic laughed heartily and shook his head.
“I am not as stupid as you seem to think, MC. Nice try though.”
He tousled her hair irritatingly. Jerking her head away from him, Marie grimaced in pain as he wiped his hand off on his jeans.
“You’re so stubborn, babes.  This is why you’re stuck like this. If you’d only behave you wouldn’t have to be in such discomfort.  But you have always been this way. It is why I chose you for this contest.  You’re a real challenge.”
Marie grinded her teeth but said nothing.
“You remember how this all happened? I do, but you’re such a good story teller. Why don’t you tell me it?”
“I’ll tell you the story if you unchain me.”
Dominic laughed again.
“I don’t think so babes, but I’ll let your neck free.”
Pulling a key out of his pocket, Dominic leaned down and fit the key in the side of the neck chain. Marie watched thinking then slowly brushed her cheek again his hand. He seemed to pause for a second but continued to work the lock. His thumb on his left hand slid across her lips as his left hand held her chin firmly. The lock clicked and he removed the chain with his right hand, still holding her chin tightly.
The brace clanked loudly on the stone floor as his right hand traced her raw skin marks.
“Oh Marie,” he sighed his lips twitching as his thumb brushed her lips again.
Closing her eyes she held back a shiver of disgust and let his fingers trace her skin.  The cool air against her burning skin felt nice and soothing.
“Tell me the story, Marie,” he purred as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. “I love when you tell stories.”
Taking a deep breath Marie closed her eyes again.
“Where do I begin?”
“With the day you met Daniel.”
“Why does that matter?”
“Because I like to hear about it…I like to hear about the men you’ve been with…”
“You are so odd…”
“Maybe you’ll understand one day. Tell the story….”
Taking a deep breath Marie Catherine thought back to that day. How long had it been…months by now.
“Kayla and I were on our way to a movie. My dad was out of town, once again, and it was the only thing to do.”
“Who were you meeting at the movie?”
“Uh some dates…we were going on a double date.”
“To see what movie?”
“Why does that matter?”
“What movie!”
His grip tightened painfully and she winced.
“Good Night, Ms. Robinson.”
         “Ahhh, a scary movie, how fitting.  You get to snuggle all close with your boy-toy.”
“Uh sure.”

Kayla really liked her date, John, but I was not all into Tyler.  He was too full of himself and not in the good way.  Kayla used the movie as an excuse to cuddle up with John, which was good for her; she hadn’t had a boyfriend in a long time and she has always been one of those girls who needed one.  I spent the whole movie keeping Tyler off of me.  He had happy hands, to say the least. 
I kept excusing myself to use the bathroom.  That was how I first met Daniel.  I was slipping out the theater door when I bumped into him head on.
“Oh my god, I’m sooo sorry,” I gasped as we were both knocked off our feet.”
He laughed holding his head.
“Don’t worry about it,” he chuckled looking up and smiling.
I think I must have gasped when I saw him because he was just so good looking it took me by surprise. Daniel had black hair and dark brown eyes. He seemed surprised too for he stood up and, never taking his eyes off of me, he offered me his hand.
“The movie too scary for you,” he joked nodding to theater.
“More like too scary of a date,” I grumbled rolling my eyes.
“Oh I understand. Pity date?”
“Double date.”
“Oh, you’re the wingman.”
“Yup, old reliable.”
“Hard to believe you’d ever have to the wingman.”
“What does that mean?”
“I just mean that you’re so beautiful. How could you never be asked out first?”
“Oh… thanks…I should be getting back to the movie…”
“And your date.”
“God, don’t remind me.”
I nodded at him and went back into the theater, but close to ten minutes later I had to leave again.  Ducking out I closed my eyes and sighed as I leaned against the wall.
“Back already?” I heard a voice chuckle.
Looking up I saw Daniel across from me.  Smiling I laughed softly.
“Yeah, well I guess I just have the world’s smallest bladder.”
“You must…it is bad to hold that in too…”
“Well, that’s great to know.”
He came over and stood next to me, taking a chocolate covered cookie dough piece out of its box.  Popping it into his mouth he looked back at its box as he went for another one.
“So do you do this on all of your dates or is this a special case?”
“Special case.  Let’s say his school nickname is the Octopus.”
“Oooohhh…one of those types.”
“I don’t believe you should do anything to a girl that she doesn’t want.  And the girl does make it clear; most guys just don’t pay attention.”
“Hmmm…you seem very in tune to girls’ thinking.”
“It’s what happens when you are raised with three sisters and a mom.”
“No dad?”
“He passed away couple years ago.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Life moves on.”
“I lost my mom when I was seven.”
“That sucks.”
“Life moves on.”
I smiled slightly and he laughed.  We end up talking for a long time and I forgot to go back into the theater.  We were laughing when people started walking out.
“Oh crap,” I gasped. “Oh damn!”
Daniel started laughing.
“Guess your date is basically over.”
“I’m thinking so…Kayla is going to kill me.”
“If you survive could we maybe go out some time.  I promise I don’t have any animal nicknames.”
I smiled glanced at the crowd.  Kayla was coming all lovey dovey with John.  Tyler looked irritable but not too upset.
I turned and quickly wrote my number on his hand. Winking I ducked into the crowd and found Kayla.
“Hey, girl, you will never believe what happened to me!” I gasped in fake aspiration.  “They wouldn’t let me back in the theater cause I threw away my ticket stub. I’ve been sitting outside with them watching me like a hawk!”
“Oh my god, that sucks!” Kayla said as Tyler came and put his arm around me.
“I’m sorry, suga,” Tyler sighed his hand lightly tracing the side of my chest.
We walked out of the theater right by Daniel.  I smiled and rolled my eyes.  He waved and mouthed I’ll call you.
To my surprise, he did call me the next day.  I guess I left a bigger impression than I thought.

Danny and I had our first date a week later.  Tyler had tried convincing me to go out with him again.  It was not hard to tell him no.  I was really excited about going out with Danny.  I just kept imagining his beautiful smile and I just knew he was the one I wanted to be with. 
“So where are we going?” I asked him as we talked over the phone trying to decide what to wear.
“I thought we’d go to a movie since that’s how we first met and then maybe get ice cream or something since its still so warm out,” he smiled over the phone.  “But I guess that’s just an excuse to sit close to you and watch you lick something.”
“You’re such a pervert!”
“Yah, but tonight I’m your pervert.”
I couldn’t help but laugh as I tossed a shirt behind me.  It was too conservative for tonight.  Tonight my outfit had to be great. 
“Let me guess you’re getting dressed.”
“How did you know?”
“I can hear you toss things and I don’t hear the whishing of clothes.  That leads me to believe you are looking for the perfect outfit and your standing in your undergarments.”
I stood completely still for a moment.  He was right.
“Awe, you’re blushing!”
“Shut up!  How do you know?”
“I can just tell.”
“You have amazing hearing.”
“Yah, I know.  It’s one of my talents.”
“I’m getting off the phone so you can’t hear anymore. I’ll see you at seven.”
“Can’t wait, babe.”
I hung up and shook my head.  He was amazing. So far he had showed me that he had amazing hearing, could cook, could draw, and noticed everything.  It was like he had super abilities.  It was very intriguing. 
After a quick shower, I went downstairs wearing a robe.  I wanted to eat before I got dressed.  Bustling around the kitchen I turned the radio on.  Scrambled eggs I danced to oldies music. In the middle of playing an air guitar I heard a coughing noise.  Turning I screamed as I saw a man in the doorway.
“I’m sorry,” the man said. “Your door was open and I have a package to deliver.”
I stared at him open mouthed.  He looked away and seemed to be trying not to smile.  Looking down I realize my robe was almost completely open.  Screeching I quickly tied it closed tight.  Blushing I felt myself become irritated. Wasn’t it against the rules for him to enter my house?
“What are you doing here?” I snapped crossing my arms across my chest.
“I’m sorry.  I have a package to deliver.  I didn’t mean to come into your house but the door was open and I guess I have an over active imagination.  When I called and no one answered I was afraid something happened.”
“It’s fine. Can I have it?”
“Excuse me?”
He blushed this time.
“The package?”
“Oh yes.”
He walked up to me and held out a signing sheet.  Taking it a little roughly I signed it then looked up at him as I handed it back.  I was taken aback a bit.  He had really pretty blue eyes. They were a very rich dark blue, almost midnight with speckles of dark gold. His eyes were locked with mine but then they slid down and he blushed.  Glancing down I saw the robe was slipping open again. 
“Pervert!” I snapped blushing and smacking him on the arm.
“I’m a man; I can’t help it.  I’m sorry. Please don’t report me.”
He laughed and ran his hand through his red hair.  He wore a UPS uniform and ugly black commando boots.  Odd for a delivery man. His name tag read Balbhach. 
“I wouldn’t know how to even say your name,” I smiled. “And you can’t help.”
I took the package and saw it was for my dad.  I tossed it on the table and went back to the stove.  Scooping the eggs onto a plate I started to turn the radio back up.  When I turned around he was still there.
“Can I help you?”
“I’m sorry.  You just…nothing. Have a nice day, ma’am.”
Smiling I nodded and he walked out the door.  Shaking my head I thought weird and quickly ate.  I then rushed to dress.  I had just barely put on my makeup when I heard the door bell.  Clattering down the stairs I wondered why I was bothering with heels.  Reaching the door I smiled and opened it to see Tyler.
“What are you doing here?” I asked startled.
“Well, I know you said you had plans but I thought I’d stop by anyways.  I mean sometimes girls just say that to play hard to get. You look great. You were expecting me.  I knew it.”
“Actually I have a date.  And he is going to be here soon.”
“A date?  With who?”
“No one you know.”
“In other words no one.”
“His name is Danny.  He doesn’t go to our school.”
“Danny?  Huh…I don’t believe you.””
He leaned in close and I coughed.
“You’ve been drinking.”
“Yes. What of it?  You know most girls love dates with me.  But you kept slipping out of it.  That was rude.  I just wanted one kiss.”
“I’m not interested in you. I’m sorry but you just aren’t my type.”
“Impossible.  I’m everyone’s type.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Come on, M.C.”
He leaned in very close stroking my hair.  I slapped his hand. He growled at me and opened his mouth to say something. 
“Hey!  Get away from my date!” a voice called.
“Danny!” I said smiling broadly.
Tyler turned around and looked at Danny with unfocused eyes.
“So you’re real.”
“Yeah, I’m real.  You may have been with her the first the time I met Marie but tonight she is my date so back off.  I’m not as good about sharing.”
“What?  You met her when we were on our date? You slut!”
He slapped me across the cheek.  Yelping I put my hand to my face.  Danny was next to me in less than a second.  Tyler was in the grass.  A swift punch had sent him flying. 
“Are you okay?  What kind of creep hits a girl?” Danny touched my cheek softly.  “Let’s go. And Tyler, don’t be here when we get back.”
Danny put his arm around me and we walked to the car.  The rest of the night went well.  We watched a very funny movie and went for ice cream afterwards.  It was nice; we never seemed to run out of things to talk about. 
Luckily when we got home Tyler wasn’t there.  I invited Danny in and fixed us some snacks.  We crashed on the couch and I cuddled up with him.  My head seemed to fit perfectly in the small grove on his shoulder.  He was so strong and kind.  Danny just had this soothing effect and I felt as if I wasn’t alone when I was with him.  The best part was that he didn’t make a single move on me.  He was a total gentleman.  I could feel myself getting more and more attached him as the night went on.

I couldn’t believe the transformation I went through when I started seeing Danny.  I had always been so secure and cool when it came to relationships.  After that date I became nervous and apprehensive about whether or not he would call me back.  I kept it in control but I checked my phone every few minutes for a call or a text.  Every time I did Kayla would roll her eyes at me. 
Kayla and John had dated for a couple weeks but she had decided he had too much of a wandering eye and broke up with him.  Tyler would just glare at me in school but never spoke to me.  He had a shiner for about a week after his conflict with Danny.  It served him right.  At one point Tyler tried spreading rumors about me, but thankfully between Kayla and John, who was actually a really good guy, the rumors were stamped out quickly. 
         I believe I balanced out Danny and Kayla very well.  I would have all of us hang out and I would have certain days dedicated to Danny and Kayla.  Yet no matter what, Kayla seemed so hostile to my relationship with Danny. 
It really upset me but I couldn’t think of what to do.  One time I mentioned it to Danny and he got a little uncomfortable and told me to forget about it.
“What’s wrong?” I asked raising my eyebrow.  He was such a bad liar.
“It’s nothing.”
“She may be a little hostile towards me because she came on to me once.”
“I think she was just testing my loyalty to you, but she kind of hit on me.”
“How did she kind of hit on you?”
“Well, we were all out at the club and you went to the restroom and she and I were dancing and she started getting really close.  I didn’t think about it and kept dancing with her.  Then she tried kissing me and I stopped her. 
“‘What are you doing?’ I asked her and she smiled at me.
“ ‘I’m just having a little fun…don’t you want to have fun?’
“ ‘You know Marie is my girlfriend.’
“ ‘Come, on.  What she doesn’t know won’t hurt us.  Don’t you find me sexy?  Don’t you want me?  I’ve seen the way you look at me.’
“I pushed her off of me and she got upset.
“‘What’s your problem, Danny?
“I told her that I thought of her like a friend and I would never do anything to hurt you.  That I thought I was falling in love with you.  I told her that if she was your real friend she wouldn’t even have suggested such an idea.  I told her she was very attractive and sexy but I had no and would never have anything between us.  She got pretty pissed looking then smiled and laughed.  She said ‘I was just teasing!  It was just a test.  I just don’t want my best friend with a cheater.’  Smiling she walked back to the table and I followed.”
I sat there stunned.  Kayla had come on to my boyfriend. 
“MC, I’m sure that she was just testing me.  You are her best friend and she would never do anything to hurt you. She’s also just a little lonely right now.  Kay is one of those girls who needs constant attention and a boy around to tell her she’s wanted and pretty. She was just testing me.”
Nodding I smiled and agreed but it just bothered me.  The next time I saw Kayla I just kept seeing her coming on to Danny.  I thought back and remember how at first she was so friendly with Danny and seemed to like him then suddenly she became cold. Was that the reason?  I never asked her and soon I just let it go.  Kayla was my best friend and I convinced myself she had been just testing him.  I couldn’t see her doing something to hurt me. 
It did make me decide to spend more time with Kayla.  I didn’t want to lose her just because I had a boyfriend.  Danny was the longest relationship I had ever had.  Most of the guys I dated didn’t last longer than three weeks, maybe a month.   
We did have some issues though.  He could be over protective and jealous.  He constantly wanted to protect me and treat me like I was fragile.  We didn’t argue a lot but we would have silent disagreements where we both wouldn’t say anything and would just pout.  Maybe it was immature but it was better than yelling.
He didn’t like my dad and how my dad was never around. 
“It’s like you live by yourself!” he snapped one night he came over for dinner.  It was supposed to be the night he and my dad meet, but my dad had called last minute and canceled.
“I mean I cleared this evening so I could meet him.  Doesn’t he care who you’re dating?”
“Why are you getting so worked up over this?  It’s not a big deal.  He will make it up to us. He said it was urgent.”
“Everything is urgent with him, except his family!  You could disappear from the face of the earth and he wouldn’t notice!”
“Danny!  That is not fair!  My father loves me; he is just busy with work.  It’s not easy being a single parent and running a business. If I can accept it so should you.”
“It’s just not right, MC! You shouldn’t be home alone so much!  It isn’t safe.”
“What are you complaining about?  You get to stay over whenever you want.  You don’t have to deal with my parents and we get plenty of privacy.”
“I do enjoy that but it’s not the point!  The point is that you are always alone!  Don’t you get that?  You are always alone!”
I felt tear brim at my eyes but I just narrowed them and frowned. 
“You’re right.  I am always alone.  But I’m okay with that.  I like being alone.  So you can just leave! I don’t need you being here out of pity and you are going to leave eventually anyways!”
Turning on my heels I stormed out of the room.  I went to my room and slammed the door shut.  I fell on my bed and just lay there.  I didn’t cry but I felt like it.  So what if I was alone. I was alone before he came and I would be alone again when he left. 
After about ten minutes I heard the soft rapping on my bedroom door. 
“Marie?” Danny’s voice whispered but I didn’t look up. 
I heard his footsteps come over to my bed.  They stopped and I could feel him standing over me.  I kept my back turned to him.  His hand caressed my hair but I didn’t move.
“MC, I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have said anything.  I know how important your dad is to you.  But you should also know that I’m not going anywhere.  I won’t leave you.  I promise.”
He sat on the edge of the bed and I moved over a little for him even though I still didn’t look at him.  Crawling next to me, Danny wrapped his arms around me and kissed the nape of my neck.  I allowed him to pull me close and I could feel his breath on my ear.
“I love you, Marie Catherine, and I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered tenderly and I closed my eyes in both pain and delight.  I wanted to believe him but I had this horrible gnawing in my gut.

My feeling of foreboding never added up to much.  Danny and I were so happy together for over nine months.  Nothing came between us.  Well, nothing but someone almost did.  My dad and I had planned on a nice dinner for my birthday.  Danny had taken me the out the night before.  He called me the night of my birthday to check up on me.
“Are you sure you are going to be okay with just your dad?” he asked with the background noise behind him almost drowning him out.
“Don’t worry, baby,” I laughed.  “It’s been forever since my dad and I were alone.  It will be great. I will see you when you get back from your camping trip with your friends.  Have fun!  Don’t worry.”
“I can’t help but worry.  What if he breaks his promise again?”
“Danny,” I said warningly and I could feel him sigh.
“Okay…okay…are you wearing my necklace?”
“Of course.”
I fingered the white gold angel he had given me for my birthday.  It was beautiful and so light that I barely noticed it.  I loved it. 
“Promise you won’t take it off.”
“I told you I wouldn’t.  Don’t be so paranoid.  Have fun!”
“Okay…I will…call me if you need anything and I mean anything!  I might lose signal in the woods though.”
“Don’t worry.  Have fun.  I got to get back to cooking.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Hanging up I went back to cooking.  I was smiling and singing, feeling as if I could just float on the air.  I had a great boyfriend and I was celebrating my eighteenth birthday with my father.  I couldn’t be happier, but as always something crashed my party.  The phone rang and I picked it up.  It was my father.
“Hey, daddy!” I smiled as I got out his favorite wine and started mixing the buttermilk pancakes, which were his favorite.  “I can’t wait for tonight.  I’m making our favorite!  It’s going to be great.  We can have dinner and go catch a movie or watch a movie here. It’s up to y…”
I paused as my father spoke on the other side.  I could feel my face fall as I heard the beginning of the usual speech.  He was sooo sorry.  It was not his fault.  He would make it up to me.  It was unavoidable.  He would rather be with me but things happen. 
“I have a great birthday present being sent over right now,” he told me as I pushed the buttermilk mixture away from me. “I hope you understand and are not mad.”
“No…no…I understand.  Don’t worry about it.  I should have known.”
“I got to go.  Bye.”
I hung up on him then threw the phone across the room.  Stupid asshole.  He never kept his promises. Why did I believe he would?
I put the wine back and ignored the buttermilk mixture.  I turned on the stove and started to make myself a simple dinner.  Happy birthday to me, I thought as I felt tears on my cheeks.  My father was the only man who could make me cry.

“You really shouldn’t leave your door open so much,” a voice laughed.
Looking up I saw the UPS man in the kitchen again. 
“Oh,” I smiled wiping my tears away. “I could have sworn I locked it.”
“I came by to drop off this package and it was wide open.  Maybe the wind pushed it open.  But I’ll just let you sign and get out of your hair.”
“Oh, yeah.  Of course.”
I signed and sniffed taking the package but just chucking it on to the table.  It was from my dad.  No doubt a birthday present.  He was such a jerk.  Tears fell down my cheeks as I made my birthday dinner.  Dad used to make it for me all the time when I was little.  Of course he had once again bailed on my birthday. I had even canceled plans with Danny so we could have dinner together.
“Maybe it isn’t any of my business, but are you okay?” the UPS man said from behind me.  He was still there.
“Yes…yes, nothing is wrong.”
I wiped my nose on my sleeve.
“I may not be the best at reading women but usually when a girl is crying that means something is wrong. And when she chucks something it usually means she is pissed.”
“Yeah, well aren’t you just so observant!”
There was an awkward silence. And I sighed.  He was just trying to be nice.
“I’m sorry.  It’s just I had plans tonight and my date bailed.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.  Your boyfriend?”
“My dad.”
“Your dad?”
“Yeah.  But he had another business thing. He always has some business thing.”
“Was it important?”
“He says his business stuff is always important.”
“No, I mean your date.”
“Only my birthday.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah.  No big deal.  He hasn’t been around for my last four birthdays.  Why would this be any different?  It was my fault for thinking differently.  And my fault for telling my boyfriend to go on the trip with his friends instead of being here with me. So I’m a complete loser, celebrating my birthday alone.”
“You aren’t a loser!  I mean your dad sounds like a jerk and your boyfriend is stupid.”
“Hey! They are my father and boyfriend.  Only I can say that!”
Holding up his hands in surrender he laughed.
“You’re right.  I’m sorry.  I just know how you feel.  My parents were never there for my birthdays. Doesn’t mean that they aren’t thinking of you.”
“That’s what the package is.  Probably some expensive gift from my dad.  He thinks that material things will make up for his absence.  That’s why I have that 2008 Mustang in the driveway.”
“Sometimes people just don’t know how to make things up to others.  Buying stuff is the easiest and least painful way.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“I best be going.”
He turned and started heading out the door. Biting my lip I suddenly had the oddest urge.
He stopped and looked at me.  The UPS man raised his eyebrow.
“Would you like to eat with me?”
My cheeks turned bright red.
“I mean…if you’re done with work would you like to eat with me?  I cooked enough for two people and I’d hate the food to go to waste.”
“I’m sorry, but I…”
“Oh, I understand.  It was stupid. Sorry.”
I turned back to the stove, wanting to hit myself 
“No, listen.  What I was going to say is that I have two more deliveries but I can come as soon as they are done.  Is that okay?”
“What? Yeah, if you are serious.  I’ll just slow down the cooking.”
Smiling he winked and left.  I bustled around trying to make things look nicer.  I set the table and got out a wine glass out and a scotch glass.  I didn’t know what he would like but I figured he was definitely old enough to drink.

I never even heard him enter the kitchen when I felt someone lean over me.
“Smells great. What is it?”
“Eggs and hot dogs.”
“I added some spices and cheese.  Plus I made up some buttermilk pancakes.”
“Wow, you have been busy.”
“I like to cook when I have someone to cook for.”
“Sounds great.”
Dividing the food evenly I put them on two clean plates.  Carrying them to the table I set them down.  Looking up I saw he had changed into jeans and a wife-beater.  He was built.  He possessed a nice six pack and hard pecs.  I could see several tattoos but I decided not to study them too closely.
“What would like to drink?  We have scotch, wine, water, soda, vodka, almost any kind of drink you want,” I asked trying to look away from his amazing body.
“Hmm…You have red wine?”
“Yes.  My dad has his own collection.  It’s in the pantry.  Take a look.”
He walked over and I heard him gasp. My father had a great collection.
“Wow.  Are you sure I can help myself?”
“My dad just keeps them around.  He never really keeps track of them.  He doesn’t care.”
“Okay.  Are you going to have some?”
“I’m not much into wine.”
I did however go to my father’s hard liquor cabinet and get myself a bottle of Maker’s Mark. I poured it into a tumbler on the rocks.  Next I grabbed myself a glass of water too.
“Hard drinker,” the UPS guy laughed. “You drink a lot?”
“Actually, no.  I never drink but I just feel like it tonight.  I only have had a few drinks in my entire life.  Unlike most high school seniors I have never even been drunk.  Doesn’t seem like something I want to try.  But today has been a real fucker.”
He raised an eyebrow at me.  Blushing I laughed.
“Yeah, I don’t swear a lot either.  I’m a lame ass.”
Smiling he poured himself a drink.  Swirling the wine around he studied it before tasting it.
We took a seat and I drank a bit of my whiskey.  It was really one of the only drinks I enjoyed. 
“So why whiskey?”
“Hmm…because country singers sing about it.”
Chuckling I shook my head. “No, I like the way it goes down warming my throat and body.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
I finished off my drink and poured another. 
“I’m starved.”
I started eating and watched tentatively as he ate his.  When he seemed pleased with it I stopped watching him.  It was surprisingly a great dinner.  We talked and he made me laugh a lot.  It didn’t hurt that we were drinking.
“You know the funniest thing?” I giggled as I swirled my third glass of whiskey around in the glass.
“What?” he grinned as he took a sip from his fourth glass of wine.
“I don’t even know your name.  I mean I read it but I don’t know how to say it.”
“Just call me Bal. It’s the easiest. And you are Marie?”
“Marie Catherine. Most call me MC or Marie.”
“MC.  Cute.”
“Our dinner is done.  What now?”
“Hmm…how about a movie?”
I grabbed our dishes and put them in the sink.  Running into the living room I jumped on the couch next to Bal.  He laughed as I toppled to the side.
“I think you’re drunk.”
“Naw, I’m just tipsy.”
“What you want to watch?”
“Do I get to choose since it’s my birthday?”
“Sure.  That and because you’re so cute.”
I scrambled over to the movie case and look through.  What movie to watch? 
“This one!” I cried tossing it to him.
“The Muppets?”
“Yes!  I love them. I don’t care if that’s dorky!  Gonzo is the shit!”
“I always liked Rizzo the Rat or Pepe the shrimp thing.”
“Oh, they are awesome too!”
“But this is the Christmas movie.”
“It’s not Christmas.”
“Yah, but I like this one the best. And I’m the birthday girl so I get to choose.”
“Okay, okay!”
He got up and put the DVD in the machine.  I turned the TV on and pressed play.  We crashed on the couch.  I think the whiskey was going to my head by then because I ended up using his lap as a pillow.  Not that it was inappropriate but since I didn’t know him it probably wasn’t a smart thing.
I finished the third and a fourth glass.  I lost count of Bal’s.  The movie was funny and I think we both enjoyed.  I hummed with the music like a total loser.  We talked about things and put in another Muppet movie when the first finished.  Everything started blurring together after a while. 
Bal’s hand caressed my hair gently and I started to fall asleep.
“You are such a cutie, Marie.”
“I like you a lot.”
“How old are you?”
“Legal now?”
“I guess.”
My words were slurred and mumbled.  My eyes felt so heavy.  His fingers lightly traced my jaw line and neck.  I sighed softly and stretched my neck.  I felt like a cat getting my back scratched.  He leaned down and whispered in my ear.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, the whiskey is getting me…I thunk.”
He laughed softly.
“I think so too.”
His lips brushed my ear.
“I keep thinking about the first time we met.”
“You were so sexy in the robe.”
“Is it wrong that I’m so attracted to you?”
His lips caressed my ear and neck.  His fingers combed through my hair.  The other hand was on my waist. He was pushing my shirt up just a little so his hand could rest against my bare stomach.
“Sorry…I’m falling asleep.”
“It’s okay.  I’ll stay with you.  You won’t be alone anymore.”
“That would be nice.”
“You are lonely a lot?”
“Yes. Daddy is never around…so lonely.”
“I’m here, Marie.  You won’t be lonely anymore.”
His lips were against my neck and shoulder.  My shoulder was bare for some reason.  His hands seemed to be everywhere. 
“Shhh. It’s okay.”
“I’m not doing anything. Sleep.”
“Da…Danny…get mad.”
“He won’t know.”
“One kiss.”
He pulled my chin up and kissed me.  It was warm and lusty.  His tongue gently groped my mouth.  Bal’s hand was in my hair.  He took a breath and then kept kissing me. 
I pushed a little against his chest.  Shaking my head I felt so lethargic.  My body started going limp with exhaustion.  Bal stopped looking at me.
“Sleep.  I’m done.  You can trust me.”
He stroked my hair and I curled up on his lap. And he turned the TV on.  Suddenly I felt relaxed and fell asleep completely. 
When I woke up I was alone. My head hurt and I was alone.  Part of my heart hurt.  I vaguely remembered him promising that I wouldn’t be alone anymore.  I knew we both were drunk but I wished that it was true.  I was so tired of living in such a large house with a dad who was never around.  I might as well live alone.  But I had Danny. My hand went his angel.
Danny!  Crap.  A memory flashed into my mind.  Bal was kissing me.  He kissed me!  Crap!  Should I tell Danny? No.  It didn’t mean anything.  That’s all that happened.  I tried to stop him.  I told him no.  I pushed him away.  It was ok.   

It wasn’t okay though.  Every time I saw Danny I felt guilty.  I hadn’t done anything but I still couldn’t control my feelings.  I didn’t tell Kayla because I knew she would just judge me.  I didn’t see Bal again for a long time and I was so grateful for that.  I figured he didn’t mean any of it.  He had been drunk and so had I.  I did have to purge myself a little to Danny.
We were out eating pizza when I blurted part of it. 
“Danny…a guy tried to kiss me,” I spurted as he went to take a bite of his pizza. 
Freezing Danny looked at me and I couldn’t meet his gaze.  I was so ashamed.  Placing his pizza back on the plate, he cleared his throat. 
“When did this happen?”
“Less than a month ago, on my birthday when you were out camping and I was alone. I pushed him away though and told him I have a boyfriend and I’m not interested.  I’m sorry you must be so mad with me. I understand if you want to break it off.”
Focusing on my half eaten pizza I felt my eyes burning.  I could just hear him yelling at me and telling me it was over.  Yet he didn’t yell.  His cool hand slid over mine and I looked up to find him smiling. 
“MC, why would I do such a stupid thing?  I know how lucky I am to be with you.  I’ve always known that other guys want you.  I see how they stare at you while we are out.  I know that there are tons of guys that would love to trade places with me.  I cannot blame them for trying to do what I am lucky enough to do.  And as you said you pushed him away.  Nothing happened.  Right?”
“Right!” I replied quickly smiling widely.  “Nothing.  I told him I’m devoted to you.  That you have my heart.”
Danny beamed and pulled me across the table to him.  Kissing me he caressed my cheek.
“Then we are ok.  Just please stay away from that guy.”
“I haven’t seen or talked to him since than.”
“Good. Now let me finish my pizza.”
Nodding I laughed and we both went back to our food.  I felt my heart pumping fast and I couldn’t stop smiling.  I loved Danny so much.  Everything was going great and I thought nothing would ruin it.  Of course as usual I was wrong.  It is a bad habit of mine to be wrong when it comes to men. 

Two weeks after I confessed to Danny, Kayla, Danny, Danny’s best friend DJ, and I went out dancing.  My father was out of town again so I didn’t have to worry about curfew, not that I ever did.  Danny and DJ had decided to take us to Muerte, a local dance club, which was also Danny’s favorite club.  He knew almost everyone who worked there and we never had trouble getting in or being served at the bar.  It was technically a twenty-one and up club but it was not enforced for Kayla and I.  The bouncers said they were just happy to have us there. Of course this was usually because we wore our best outfits. 
Muerte was a single floored dance club with four rooms.  The first room was Spanish music, from bachata to meringue to reggaton.  The second room was modern music; the third was swing and the fourth was sometimes ballroom music. 
That night all of the rooms were open and I must admit Kayla and I were looking our best.  Kayla was wearing a shimmering baby blue dress with a low back and a short hem line.  I was wearing a short skirt with a high slit up the side and a burgundy red belly top.  DJ looked handsome in a pair of nice gray slacks, and a silk black top.  He looked nervous as we walked in, glancing at Kayla constantly.  DJ was hopelessly in love with Kay. 
Danny never looked nervous.  He was wearing a bright lime green short sleeve shirt and black pants.  His outfit made Danny stand out and draw more attention than normal.  Of course Danny always attracted attention.  He was very distinctive looking.  The sleeves of his shirt covered most of a faded tattoo that covered his upper right arm.  Only the very bottom was visible but it was so worn that it was impossible to know what it was.  I had never looked at it carefully and Danny never discussed it.  It was from his past and Danny disliked talking about his past. 
As we walked into the club I could feel people looking at us, but it mattered little.  I was at my happiest at that exact moment.  I was with the man I loved and with my best friend. 
DJ was watching Kayla intensely with sweet puppy’s eyes.  He jumped whenever she talked to him and I felt so bad for him.  Kayla would never give DJ the time of day.  She had a problem with only liking and dating guys who are rich.  They generally only wanted her for the wrong reasons but she put up with it.  Kay told me once that money and power were the greatest aphrodisiacs. I only nodded my head but didn’t comment.
It was her loss, not mine.  As we walked around, I held Danny’s hand lightly and looked around enthusiastically.  The club was pulsing with life and I could feel it vibrating through me. 
For the next three hours we danced in all four rooms.  Danny was very talented when it came to dancing.  He knew all the moves.  Together we spun, circled, grinded and twirled.  I was happy to see Kayla dancing with DJ a little but she would also ditch him for another guy. 

© Copyright 2009 dreamcatcher (dcg11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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