Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1577984-A-Spirited-Heart
by Mrs.D
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1577984
A love story, two people trying to find their way to each other
Chapter One


    The clouds were approaching on the horizon.  Mark was willing to wait. Even if the clouds rolled in and discharged a torrent of rain. No amount of rain was going to stop him.  As the gray clouds gathered, a menacing wind swept his chestnut hair. He ran his hand through his unruly hair, he meant to look his best – not that the weather was helping him in his cause.  As he sat on his horse he looked in the distance to see if someone was approaching. “Where was she, had she decided to come meet him here or not?” His nerves were driving him crazy. But he would wait, he had to see her. 
         He had dismounted the horse and tied it to a Spruce tree near the cabin.  And then he proceeded to walk to the porch where he anxiously scanned his surroundings.  He knew a strong storm was approaching. Would she make it all the way to the cabin before the storm hit? Their plan had been a precarious one.  She would meet him at his cabin some five miles away from his ranch house – Ranch Luzerne. There she would hide out until he could figure out the next move. But what would that next move be? How the hell was he going to survive one night with her? Probably the fires of Hades would consume him from the inside out. He wasn’t going to touch her. He considered just leaving her on her own at the cabin but with this storm he couldn’t do it. And it was the perfect excuse to stay near her. Just being in the same room with her would have made him happy and now he knew he would be spending the night in the cabin with her. He would keep his distance. She would have the bed and he the floor, it would work- somehow. 
         Izobelle was making her way to the cabin. Her heart was hammering in her ears. She couldn’t believe that she had pulled it off! Just strolled right out of the ranch, with the thunder storm approaching no one had noticed she was leaving. She and Mark had made a very simple plan. They hadn’t planned on a storm but it turned out to be the perfect cover.  Thinking back meeting Mark was the best thing that could have happened to her.
      Two months earlier she had been at a cattle sale with her father, Russell Montgomery.  Like usual she was guarded by her father’s cowhands, they all knew to stay away from her and to keep everyone else away as well.  But there he was among all the raucous of the market. His hair glistening in the afternoon sun, his skin as if kissed by the warmest caramel light made him look like an angel in a mirage.
         Watching him was like watching the calm right before the storm.  He was calm, cool and collected.  Resting his hand on the picket fence that held the livestock she could see his muscular hand and forearm showing from his rolled up sleeve.  It was obvious he was a man who worked hard; the shirt and pants he wore made his body look like a living representation of those Greek gods she had only read about in history books. Pure chiseled marble come to life.  She had never seen a man like him.  The man was in deep conversation with one of the men in charge of the market.  Her Greek god must have been at least as tall as her father who was six feet two inches, from what Izobelle could see.  She deduced this because he towered over the other man who appeared much shorter.  They must have been negotiating a price for the cattle, which was all the men did at the market.  Whatever the outcome of the conversation was it must have been favorable for the golden Adonis.
        He flashed the stocky man a smile of triumph.  What a smile it was. Two perfect rows of white teeth framed by the most sensual lips she had ever seen on a man.  And in that moment he must have felt her stare because for some reason the stranger looked right at her. They were only fifteen feet away.  But in that instant it was like all ceased to exists.  Her breath caught in her throat.  His eyes fix on her face searching for some sort of recognition.  She could see the question in his eyes “who was she?” She managed to smile and he smiled back, her heart skipped a beat.  “Who in the world was that?” she said under her breath.  Before she could get her answer she was yanked back to reality.  Her father was dragging her by the arm to his Bronco. 
      “What is wrong with you? I was asking you a question, why were you standing there like a dumb struck fool?” demanded Russell Montgomery.

      “Sorry dad, I was just looking at the cattle. They are really magnificent. Were you able to purchase what you came for?” Izobelle replied nervously.

      Russell looked as his daughter, at his trophy, at his prize. Surely to have such a beautiful daughter was a reward.  “No Izzy, some newcomer snagged up all the cattle that was worth buying”, replied while still observing her.

      “What a shame dad, I’m sure you are bound to find better animals for the ranch”, Izzy replied while starring at her folded hands in her lap. 

        “I better, or the newcomer has one or two things coming to him. I needed those animals”, he kept observing her as his driver sped away from the market. What had gotten to her? She had a strange look; she was flushed and seemed embarrassed. 

          “What newcomer dad?” she asked innocently.

          “Some dope that just purchased The Luzerne” he replied.

          Izzy looked at her father, could the stranger at the market be the same man her father was so upset about? “I didn’t know that ranch was up for sale”.

        “Neither did I, Old Murphy sold the place in secret.  When he past away last month, this guy shows up with the deed to Murphy’s ranch.”

         Izzy sat quietly; she knew what to say and not to say to keep her father at bay.  Russell had a mean temper.  Last summer he had a man beaten so badly he almost lost an eye just because he looked at her and gave her a compliment.  Izzy always knew her father was tough but never vicious.  When she wanted to go to town with her friends he rarely let her go. She was only allowed to go if accompanied by her older brother Charles or by one of the men he trusted.  During high school and college she was always guarded, it was as if she was an untouchable.  As a result no guy would even dare date her. They knew they would first have to go through Russell before they could even hold her hand.  It was crazy but it was the way things were.  She recalled when she asked her father if Henry Somson could escort her to the senior prom.  His reply was awful. He insisted that if Henry was a real man he should have come over to the Ranch himself and ask for permission to take her to the prom and secondly it wasn’t any imbecile that was going to take out his daughter. The man that would one day possess his daughter had to first be worthy in his eyes, no matter what her opinion on the matter was.  Hearing her father refer to her as a possession shocked her.  How could he? She was his daughter not a thing and not one of his prized animals.  It turned out that it was exactly what her father thought of her, yet another investment.  He proceeded to tell her that whoever got her would either have to pay a pretty penny for her or have something considerable to add to his fortune.  It was that simple.  If any man wanted to be part of his family via his beautiful daughter then that man would have to buy his way in.  Now upon her return to the ranch after her college graduation she had hoped he had changed.  But from his rigid way of treating her she knew everything remained the same- the man would never change. 
         They sat quietly the rest of the ride back to the ranch. Her father just stared out the window god only knows what things were crossing his mind.  All Izzy knew was that she was glad to not have to speak anymore. She just wanted to think of the man at the fence. His smile etched in her mind.  What color were his eyes she wondered? How would his hair feel if she ran her fingers through it? Did he smell of old spice or tobacco?
         What was she thinking? Was she insane? She didn’t even know this man. For all she knew he probably had a wife and a couple of kids at home.  And if her father found out that the quote unquote dope as he called him had caught her eye who knows what he would do.  She mustn’t give her father any inclination to think something was amiss.  She would seek a way to find out more about him, even if things turned out to be disappointing in the end.  But the stranger was the most interesting thing to come across these parts in so long.  When she got back to the ranch she would start her investigation by talking to Lottie.  Lottie was the only true confidant and friend that she had back at the ranch.  When Izzy’s mother died Izzy was only eight years old. Thank god for Lottie who took it upon herself to become a surrogate mother for Izzy when she was only the cook at the time.  Even though Lottie was in the prime of her life at 25 years old, she promised Izzy that she would take care of her, she had kept her promise.  Lottie would help her, she just had to. 
         Izzy didn’t wait for anyone to help her out of the Bronco.  Instead she ran out and ran directly to the kitchen to speak to Lottie. 

         “Good afternoon Lottie”

         The other woman turned and smiled at Izzy.  “Well aren’t you in good spirits today.”

         “Oh yes Lottie, I am.  I have seen something wonderful! Well more like someone wonderful!”

         “Who do you speak of Izzy; you know your father doesn’t like any of that talk coming from you.”

         “Oh but Lottie if you could see the man that has caught my attention you wouldn’t blame me” she said with a sigh as she rested her elbow on the ceramic counter top.

         “Really? And who is this wonderful someone? If I may ask” Lottie said over her shoulder as she washed her hands.

         “Well I don’t know his name, yet. I was hoping you could tell me who he was.” Izzy said with a smile.  “I saw him at the cattle mart today”.

         “And you say you don’t know who he is.  Izobelle Montgomery you have lived in this place most of your life, you must know everyone from here to the next town.”

         “That’s just it Lottie. I have never seen this man before. He must be new in these parts. Do you know of any new men moving here recently?”

         Lottie thought about her answer for a few moments. She loved this child dearly; after all she had raised her after her mother’s death.  But what was Izzy getting into this time.  Was it wise for her to be inquiring about men, especially knowing her father’s temperament? Lottie knew it was a bad idea.  “I did hear a new rancher just moved in to the Luzerne. Maybe it was he who you saw.  What did this man look like?”

         “He was unlike any man I have ever seen Lottie.  He was tall like dad, he was well built, I can tell that he is use to working outside; he had a wonderful caramel glow about his skin.  And his hair was illustrious, it was a warm brown with hints of auburn that were reflected in the mid noon sunlight. He had the most heavenly smile. Oh Lottie he was wonderful”.

         Izzy seemed to be walking on a cloud thought Lottie.  This girl that she had raised had spirit that her father had not been able to break. She still had dreams that her father tried really hard to quash. But Russell hadn’t succeeded yet, but she feared that something was going to happen soon. Her Izzy would be forced to marry some brute without having a choice.  “Izzy calm down. Float back to the ground my girl.  If your father hears you, he will be angry. God knows what he could do to this man of your dreams.”

         “I know Lottie. But I can’t let him marry me off, like I am some cow being sold at market.  I refuse to be some pawn for his business.”

         “Just be careful. He can be a cruel man sometimes. Well enough of all this talk.  Go get cleaned up.  Take a stroll around the ranch if you like.  Be back on time for dinner, 6pm sharp” and with that Lottie dismissed Izzy. She just prayed the girl would stay out of trouble.

         “Yes ma’am.  But Lottie, will you help me find out who he is. Please, will you? Say yes, please say yes!”

         “We’ll see Izzy. If I hear anything I’ll let you know.” With that Izzy kissed Lottie on the cheek and went off to her room.  Maybe Lottie was right, maybe she should not pursue the matter.  She might never see him again.  She climbed the stairs to the second floor two at a time.  Her room was her sanctuary against her father. It was the only place where she could be at peace.  Once inside her room she closed the door behind her and leaned against it.  She was still picturing him.  Why won’t he just vanish from her mind?  It was useless her father wasn’t going to accept anyone that wasn’t of his choosing.  She looked around the room and her once cozy sanctuary made her feel trapped, she needed more space. She needed to feel the sun on her skin and the light summer breezy in her hair.  She decided to go for a walk by the creek.  She went down the stair quietly so she won’t have to meet up with her father or any of his lackeys.  She made her way to the kitchen and found it empty. Good no one there either, perfect! She made a beeline to the back door at the other end of the kitchen.  Once outside she went to the stables and saddled her horse. The horse she had gotten when she turned eighteen years old, a gift from her father of course.  She quietly led him out of the stables and headed for the creek.

© Copyright 2009 Mrs.D (dalbac at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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