Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1577661-Outline-Book-1---Planet-Ahros
Rated: 18+ · Outline · Sci-fi · #1577661
Outline for action scenes on Ahros planet
Mosi is born in a small remote village. His mother had miscarried two earlier pregnancies, so she's very happy about Mosi. The Village Tender/Seer casts runes and decrees that he is cursed and will bring nothing but bad luck. In reality she wants her son to be village leader and is strengthening her power over the people by playing the blame game
- An old cow dies and some villagers blame Mosi
- His mother sees a few strange things and hides them from his father
B. Terias Rull is the leader of the Diviners and wants to form a secret assassin-psychic squad called the "Karshoi". Terias urges the High-Warden, old Tigmat, to allow a formation of a new group within the Diviners.
- He can't use his pscychic domination force because Tigmat is always surrounded by assistants and Grower/Carers.
- A Diviner is killed by remote villagers when he fails to find water for their new well. In the ensuing debate, Terias gets the agreement to form the "Karshoi", named after a warrior dog that protected the second prophet from the soldiers of the evil King. He says that they will protect the 'people'.

- At 1 year Mosi's mother thinks that he's crazy because he can see invisible creatures and he plays with them. Father becomes aware and wants to go the the Seer to get rid of evil spirits plaguing his son. Mother refuses and calls the proctor to explain why she won't take him to get vaccinated. He agrees to keep her secret. Mosi is still too young to be tested by the Diviners. Because of 'bad luck' there are no other children born in Forven village. The governmental health group stops in the neighboring village, and Forven villagers must make the long trek if they have problems. There is stockpiling of money to buy special favors from corrupt government officials. But they are stopped from using them by the Karshoi who are with the Diviners for the first time.

- Mosi's father dies and the villagers force his mother to go live away from the village in a remote abandoned dwelling but give her a herd of goats to tend.
- The Proctor learns of it and goes to see the mother. He tells her that he can demand the villagers take her back, but fearing Mosi will be taken by the "Child-Eaters" (the Diviners), she tells him she is happy.
- When Mosi leaves the village, the Seer must find a new target for her blame game and chooses the family of a man who has disagreed with her. Their oldest daughter, who is a Grower, is more beautiful than the Seer's family girls so becomes the target. Seer makes allegations of laziness, and bad Growing.

- Every 2 years the government comes to Forven settlement bringing doctors, dentists, and information about new growing techniques. They also bring psychic testers to find Diviners, and the lesser Growers. Sometimes Karshoi come, too. At these times, the 'gifted' are sometimes never seen again. And sometimes other villagers are pronounced evil and taken away. The Proctor warns Mosi's mother to keep him in the hills. He convinces the Karshoi that the boy has the Cousin's Curse: mental retardation caused by inbreeding.

- Mosi comes into town with his mother to sell goats for grain. He meets Grower girl and her little sister. They are the only ones who will talk to him because they are his cousins.

- When Mosi turns 5 his mother goes to the Seer. The Seer says she sees horrors and death (because she knows sandstorm season is coming). Fearing that this year's imminent governmental visit will take Mosi away, Mosi's mother fakes his death. She hides him in a small cellar used to pickle vegetables.
- The Grower's family is the only family to make a visit to Mosi's mother to comfort her. The adults stay inside but the Grower and her little sister go outside to pet the goats. The little girl wanders off, and as the adults start to look for her, a sandstorm blows up. It is impossible to search for the girl in the storm. The Grower blames herself, and says that the Seer must be right – she's cursed. There is a loud knock at the door and they find Mosi and the little girl there. They are all amazed and grateful. They decide that it's best if Mosi leaves the area. Mosi's mother doesn't have enough money to send him away, so she makes a deal with the father, who is a trucker. She gives him all her goats to sell in the city if he will take Mosi to her sister.
- The government group comes to the village after the storm and reads the little girl and her family. They learn that she was saved by Mosi. Realizing that Mosi might be psychic, the Karshoi pursue the trucker and Mosi.

B. Terias Rull is the leader of the Diviners and has a secret assassin-psychic squad called the Karshoi. High-Warden Prochorum leads the Wheel religion and uses the Diviners to find water all over Ahros.
-Prochorum calls Rull into his office to schedule the departure of a team of Wheel Wardens to go to a nearby settlement whose spring has dried up. He blames their lack of religious dedication. He asks Rull to send a Diviner with them to locate a new spring. Rull agrees and suggests that a Karshoi accompany them to eradicate any divisive elements. Prochorum is unnerved by his suggestion. He says no and angrily complains that he doesn't want any more killings by overzealous Karshoi. The last time almost half a village died, including one of his Wardens. Rull tells him that criminals and heretics must be punished. Prochorum refuses. Rull subjugates Prochorum's mind and compels him to authorize the travel papers for the Karshoi. Then he tells Prochorum that the last killings were caused by giant sand snakes accidentally released by the drilling of the well. He orders Prochorum to tell the Warden Council that the Karshoi were not to blame.
- Terias is the child of an unwed mother. She was stoned to death by villagers (father unknown) and Terias was raised in an orphanage where he was abused and learned to abuse the other children. He learned to be an informer for the orphanage workers and was hated by the other children. He was bullied.

C. Eva, Katy and Garron land on Ahros at night after being stuck in orbit because of slow officials, then they can't land because it's prayer time. Finally they begin their descent Blame and Bemoan are sitting in a tea-shop complaining. When they see the ship land they are slow to leave even though they know that they will delay off-loading the luggage. They meet Retard and cajole him into helping them. As Retard takes some of the bags to the carousel, Blame and Bemoan open several cases and take out some electronic things.
- Katy and Garron sight-see while Eva talks to officials about her charity project – agricultural aid.
- Eva is disappointed with the lack of efficiency. Her request to visit remote sites denied. She TP-overhears the Diviners are going to a nearby settlement to find a new water source. She convinces Katy and Garron to go to the area with her.
- They observe the Divining Ritual, but Garron loses his Maestro remote to a pick-pocket. Katy and Eva TP-examine the crowd and find the culprit. When they follow him, the Karshoi appears and seizes him. The Karshoi finds the remote and hands it back to Garron. They see the tattoo on his arm: a snarling dog. He asks the culprit if he has anything else "Little rat?" The culprit shakes and says not. Karshoi- "Then you… will come… with me." The culprit pees himself and the cries as the Karshoi drags him away
- Later Katy and Eva tell Garron that all the townspeople were very frightened of the Karshoi. They heard the Karshoi thought of as a Child-Eater.
- Mosi and the goats arrive in the town and drive past the Karshoi. He senses them and asks a bystander who they are. They tell him that he's a produce trucker.
- The Karshoi reports to Terias when he returns. Terias sends two Karshoi to the area to ask about the trucker.

D. Final day on Ahros.
- Eva is disappointed when officials tell her that the agricultural council can't take advantage of her proposal this year. She tells Katy and Garron that she read the official and found that he didn't even approach the council with her plans. He doesn't care about low-class farmers, or stupid, spoiled off-worlders, unless there's money in it for him.
- Mosi's Aunt and Uncle treat him like a guest the first night. When the wife goes to buy food, she leaving her son in charge, the bazaar. He is frightened by the large crowds. He hides in an alley. When he is hungry and thirsty he starts to look around. He is tempted by a juice bar, but doesn't have any money. When the shop owner steps out on the sidewalk to clean the tables, Mosi appears inside and pours a glass of juice. The owner seems to sense something is wrong inside, but before he can check, he sees two Karshoi coming down the street and probing each store. Mosi takes a piece of bread from a counter but is caught by the store owner. He grabs Mosi's hand and says "Quickly" and pushes him through the back door.
- Into a beautiful garden with a little fountain in the center and next to it a little bench. It has no roof and no exits. The walls are crossed with wooden beams over the adobe brick. After he investigates, he sits on the bench and finishes his juice and bread. A bird lands on the fountain and drinks. The owner comes and gives Mosi more bread with butter and falafel. The owner distracts the boy by showing him the nest, and then tells him he's in a special place. It is safer if he stays in the garden because very dangerous dogs are outside in the street. Mosi can't hear them, but the owner says they are pretending to be men. Owner says he'll tell him when they're gone. Mosi thinks about leaving, but falls asleep.
- As he sleeps, the walls around him begin to hum and glow. He wakes in the late afternoon to find strange golden hands glowing on all the walls. The owner comes to tell him that it's safe to leave but if he needs anything, he should remember the "Golden Hand Juice Bar". As Mosi leaves the owner tells him to beware of the dogs pretending to be men, and always remember he will be safe within the "Golden Hand".
- He goes back to his Aunt's house. The cousin is inside screaming. He peaks through the window and sees the two Karshoi. The door to the closet is open and the cousin is screaming that "He was in here, I swear! It was locked!" Mosi sees the tattoo on the men's arms. They hear/feel him, but when they go to the window he is gone. They leave and try to follow him as he weaves in and out of the crowds in the bazaar. He barely eludes them when he runs down an alley. But it ends in a fence. He slips through a fence and finds him self in the spaceport. There is a nearby guard post, but the guards don't see him. He runs across the dirt to get to the nearest warehouse. The Karshoi see Mosi inside and castigate the guards for letting him in. They order the guards to call security and look for the boy. The Karshoi enter the back of the spaceport.

E. Spaceport escape
- Mosi is amazed when he enters the warehouse and sees the huge spaceship out on its landing pad. The warehouse has old broken luggage movers, spare parts for freighters and storage for imports not yet cleared by customs. He tries to hide in there, but the Karshoi split and start to search that area.
- Eva, Katy and Garron arrive at the space port terminal with their luggage. They are surprised to see security guards run past them and go out toward the landing pad.
- Mosi sneaks into Retard's cleaning cart and Retard takes it out to clean the boarding walkway before the passengers come. Guards ask him if he's seen a child. He says no. The Karshoi finish searching the warehouse and walk onto the landing pad. Bemoan leaves the terminal with a large load of luggage, but must wait before Retard moves his cart. They begin to place large luggage in a cargo hold, but leave out the luggage for the cabins.
- The Karshoi are approaching the terminal and Retard's cart. A crate
containing an art object is broken and packing peanuts spill across the boarding. They call to Retard to clean it and he comes with his cart and bags the peanuts. The Karshoi enter the terminal.
- Inside the terminal, a man in a cloak buying a ticket for Ahros, bribes Blame to take a trunk to the spaceship. Blame says that it's too big and must be checked as freight. He receives more money and agrees. Katy, Eva and Garron see the Karshoi enter the terminal. "They are looking for someone."
- Blame brings the new trunk outside and with Bemoan loads luggage into the cabins. They get Retard to help carry some to the door.
- Mosi hears the flutter of a bird's wings. Peeking out, he sees the bird from the garden on top of the new trunk. There is a golden hand printed on the trunk. It glows briefly and Mosi is mesmerized.
- Eva, Katy and Garron are signaled it's time to board. When they enter their cabin they find a large trunk that isn't theirs. They cannot open it. The Karshoi board the spaceship, and begin searching cabins. Eva rings for the porter to tell him of the mistake. Garron opens the trunk to find Mosi hidden inside. There is a knock and Eva opens the door to discover the porter has the two Karshoi with him. Eva starts to say something about the trunk. As she turns to indicate it, Katy and Garron get out of the way and they find the trunk is empty. Before they can react, one of the Karshoi pushes his way past Eva and searches the room. Nothing is found. The Karshoi TP-reads Eva. He demands to know why she is surprised that the trunk is empty. Did she see a boy? As they are being questioned the lift off warning sounds. The Karshoi tell the porter to tell the Captain to delay liftoff. The porter says they must lift-off before sunset prayer which is NOW! The Karshoi reluctantly leave and the porter tells Eva that they will be lifting off so the trunk must be secured. They secure the trunk and the ship takes off. When they have left the planet, Katy hears little noises coming from the trunk. They open it and discover Mosi again. He is crying and begs them not to tell the bad men that he is there, because they will take him away and eat him. They discuss and at last agree not to betray him, but they want to know more about his abilities.

F. The Dohi
- Mosi explains that he can see lines all around him that others cannot see. He says that these lines vary in size and sometimes move around. When he concentrates hard enough, he can flow through the lines from one place to another. He says that there are very tiny beings that use this artery system all the time. He can see them and says that there are thousands of them. He describes them as tiny little birds that fly in flocks and can change direction in an instant.
- He calls them the Dohi after Doha, the sparrow that the Wheel God, Roata, sent to warn Ryon. Ryon was the third and most important prophet of God Roata. As Ryon was proselytizing, he was bitten by a snake, became delirious and wandered into the desert. God Roata sent Doha, the sparrow, to show Ryon the way back to the village. Doha saved Ryon's life by showing him the path. Mosi says he feels the Dohi help him by showing him the Paths, and where to enter and where to exit them.
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