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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1577612
The Secret Part 1
Part 1
The Beginning

As I sat staring out the window looking out at the nothingness that lay beyond the school gate, Ms. Johnson, my biology teacher, rested a hand on top of my shoulder. With a jerk I looked up at her.
"Sora are you alright?" she asked with a concerned expression.
I thought about the question for a moment then nodded. Ms. Johnson sighed and walked back towards the front of the room to grade papers that were stacked on the corner of her desk. I continued to stare outside and think about what she had asked. Was I ok? Of course not, but no one would believe me if I told them the truth. Just two months ago my parents had been killed in a car accident. I was left alone with no relatives and had been sent to live with an old man named Mr. Sherman who I had never met before. He claimed to be an old family friend and had promised to take care of me if anything ever were to happen.
On our first meeting he had been cheerful and told me that he lived alone with just a handful of servants on private property right outside town. He was a very tall man and spoke with a heavy accent. He had been dressed in a black suit and looked like a retired military official. The way he walked into the room showed he was a high living person and had a sense of elegance. He smiled sweetly at me and introduced himself as Sir Conan Sherman as he took my hand and shook it heartily. He told me to just call him Conan since they were going to be good friends. When he finished signing off on my guardianship we went out for a walk to discuss what my new life would be like.
We walked across the street towards the park on the opposite side. All of a sudden he stopped suddenly as we were coming to the walkway. He was looking at me sharply, almost as if he were trying to see what I was thinking.
"Sora I am going to tell you something I think you should know. Please sit down." he gestured to the bench he was standing next to. I slowly sat without looking away from him as he did the same.
"The first thing I want to tell you is that Im quite happy you're coming to stay with me. There are, of course, rules that must be followed when you enter Woodshire. I'll go over them when we arrive there. Your parents entrusted me to take care of you and thats exactly what I plan on doing. You will still continue to go to Helmswood High. Its much easier then having you transfer to a different school in the middle of the semester. There is no bus that goes into Woodshire so one of the servants will take you. I often take frequent trips to go off on business. You'll stay behind with the servants and they'll take care of you when I go on them. There are some restricted grounds that you are prohibited to visiting. I'll go over them quickly. There are three floors of the house including the attic and basement. You're not to enter the attic or basement. Rooms that you are not allowed in will be locked so that there is no confusion. Your free to over fifty acres of land. They include just about anything you can imagine. The areas that are prohibited are blocked off from your use and guarded around the clock. Is there anything you would like to ask me now?"
I had listened to all the man had told me but I was uncertain about going to live with him. He seemed to be hiding something from me. All these restricted areas and business trips for someone who should be retired didn't fit.
"Yes, what if I want to leave? I mean to go visit my friends and hang out."
"You may visit them whenever you like with one of the servants to escort you."
Why so many escorts I thought to myself. I was fifteen and had ridden my bike all over town before. I knew all the roads and shortcuts and could take care of myself. Reluctantly I nodded to the man knowing it was best not to argue the matter.
"Well then lets go have some lunch and afterwards we'll head home so you can meet everyone." He stood up and held out his hand for me to take. I took it and together we walked to a nearby restaurant. Somewhere in the distance a clock chimed that it was noon and I gazed up at the clear blue sky one last time before entering the cafe with Mr. Sherman by my side.

Part 2
New Home

After their lunch they set off to Woodshire together in a private car. The driver, whose name was Mr. Mobley, had worked for Mr. Sherman for over 10 years. He was a young man with brown shaggy hair that hung in his dark green eyes. The cap he wore was black and had a silver emblem on it that read Woodshire Services. Mr. Sherman introduced him as the man that would take me from place to place and that we should become good friends. I learned instantly that Mr. Mobley wasn't exactly the best driver as I clung to my seat at every jerking turn. Mr. Sherman didnt seem to notice anything at all as he chatted away about the history of architecture.
We finally arrived at a security gate about a half hour's drive later. The guard didnt even stop to search us. I assume he expected us. My first glance at the house was that it was more like a mansion. The driveway circled around a large fountain with water sprouting out of what looked like a angel with broken wings. It was definetly centuries old and had probably been built when the house was being constructed. Mr. Mobley stopped in front of the stairs that led to the great oak double doors. I got out with Mr. Sherman and stared at the magnificent house that was to be called my home.
"Welcome to Woodshire, Sora!" he exclaimed.
"I never thought I'd be so...huge." I muttered in awe.
"That's what most people say but what they dont know is that it's been around for ages. Time and thought has been put into it's building. Now enough chit-chat! Let's go inside so you can meet everyone."
I followed him up the stone steps. When he reached the doors they opened automatically. I thought they might have opened mechanically until I saw the two servants that had opened them smiling at me. Inside there were at five of them, including Mr. Mobley, standing in a line. The women were wearing black dresses and the men were dressed in black and white suits as if they were all going to a funeral. I gulped at the thought of it. They all smiled and seemed quite happy I was there. A little too happy perhaps. I wondered if they had practiced standing in such a straight line for my arrival or if it was a usual thing.
Mr. Sherman finally spoke after a couple minutes of silence. I had almost forgotten he was there.
"This is my staff and I consider them all to be a part of my family. Let me introduce them to you dear."
The man that was called Mr. Clarkson was tall and had a small patch of gray hair on the top of his head. He had to be in his mid sixties and the oldest of all the servants. His duty was to patrol and take care of the grounds.
Ms. Briggs was the main housekeeper and was in charge of making sure everything was in order and bossing the others around. She had strict black beady eyes and her smile only made her look more ruthless.
One of the servants that had opened the doors was addressed as Mr. Wimbley. He was the gatekeeper and one of the cooks. He seemed to have a confused look on his face when I had first walked in. Though now he was smiling I could still see a hint of doubt.
The other servant was the youngest. Her name was Ms. Frank and was the friendliest of them. Her brown hair was pulled back in a bun and she looked more like a model then a maid. She helped Mr. Wimbley in the kitchen with the cooking and did most of the cleaning.
They each had their own personality and job to do but the one thing they shared in common was a dark secret about the man they served. I was about to find out just how dark it actually was and why some things should stay hidden.

After I had met each of them Mr. Sherman ordered Mr. Wimbley to take up my bags and show me my room. My room was on the second floor. The fourth room to the right to be exact. I followed Mr. Wimbley up the staircase and he produced a key from his coat pocket when we reached the door.
"I'm glad you've come to stay Sora. This is the first time in many years since we have had a guest." He said as he carried my bags over to the bedside. He smiled awkwardly at me as he turned to leave.
"Why haven't there been?"
He seemed surprised I would ask him and was hesitant to answer.
"Well I don't know really. I suppose there's just not a reason to. Most people don't even know where this place is or that it exists. Ms. Frank will be up shortly to check on you and call you to dinner."
He turned on his heel and walked out. This time running right into Ms. Frank and nearly knocking her over. He just caught her before she toppled over.
"Oh I'm sorry. I.." He stammered and blushed as he looked at her. He side stepped and walked briskly past her back down the stairs.
She came in holding a duster in one hand and a set of sheets in the other.
"Welcome to Woodshire! I've brought you up some extra sheets just in case you need them." She stored them away into the bottom drawer of my dresser.
"Thank you but I really doubt I'll be needing them." The weather was still warm even though it was the middle of October.
"Well just in case then. I hope you enjoy staying here. I know it must be hard losing your parents and coming to live with Mr. Sherman so suddenly."
"It's ok. I dont really mind having to stay here." It was something I knew I would regret saying.
She took my hands in hers and shook them heartily.
"I can just tell we're going to be great friends Sora!" She laughed. I could tell she didn't have many people to talk to by the way she grasped my hands and her eyes looked on the verge of tears.
"Ms. Frank, don't you have rooms to be attending to?" The hard voice came from non other then Ms. Briggs. She was standing in the doorway with her fists on her hips glaring at Ms. Frank. She stormed over and spat at her about cleaning the downstairs dining room.
"Um yes I'll get right on it. I was just telling Sora how glad I am she's come to stay."
"Oh sure anything to get out of doing work. No excuses from you. Get back to work!"
Ms. Frank picked up her duster and scurried out the door as fast as she could. She wasn't the only one who was going to get a battering from Ms. Briggs though.
"And as for you. You do not interfere with our work. If I catch you at it again I'll report you to Mr. Sherman. He will not tolerate your disrupting us. Dinner will be at five o'clock so don't be late." She slammed the door behind her and clattered down the stairs.
So this was Woodshire. I have no clue why I was sent here nor do I have the feeling that I want to be. One thing was for certain, I was now permenately stuck here with a man I man I knew hardly nothing about. This was Woodshire, a place full of secrets. My new home.

Part 3
Out After Dark

Dinner consisted of baked turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, tossed salad, and fresh bread. It had been prepared and laid out by Mr. Wimbley and Ms. Frank who were now trying desperately to avoid one another. The rest of the servants had sat down at the long table in the middle of the dining room. It was the second largest room in the house. The living room was almost double the size of it. Mr. Sherman sat at the head of the table that could possibly sit over twenty people comfortably. It had been decorated with a satin colored table cloth and the glasswear that was being used were completely spotless and shined underneath the brightly lit chandelier.
Mr. Sherman had made a toast to me and for happy beginnings and friendship before the feast began. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ms. Briggs glaring at me from over the top of her glass of wine. I wondered if she had complained to Mr. Sherman about earlier.
I glanced around the room at all the paintings hanging on the walls. It was a place for an artist. Though as out of place as they seemed they matched the atmosphere. Mystery and gloom hung all over Woodshire. I had noticed the mansion was dark and dismal even with all the lighting. I remembered Mr. Sherman telling me that it was very old and it was easy to get lost in the grounds without a map. Had he been trying to scare me away from snooping around? Well it wouldn't work on me. I had once visited a cemetery at night alone on a dare and I had hardly been afraid of going. There was nothing to be afraid of. It would be just like that.

I went up to my bedroom after I had finished eating. I would wait til everyone had gone to bed before setting out. When I heard the last door close and was sure that they were well asleep I grabbed my flashlight and crept out my room. I carried my shoes as I walked down the stairs to not make any noise. I put them on as I reached the landing and went over to the big double doors. I hoped they weren't locked. To my surprise the door opened and I slid through, closing it softly behind me.
The open air was chilling and there was a full moon to guide most of my way peeking out through the branches of a tree. I pulled my jacket closer glad that I had worn it. There was a slight breeze blowing which only made it seem colder. I started creeping around the corner of the house towards the back of it. When I had arrived I had made up my mind to explore on my own knowing if I didn't now I might not ever get the chance to. During the day everyone would be on the lookout for me and would be suspicious if they didn't see me for a long period of time.
I rounded the edge of the house and took a path that was leading from the back door through a mass of overgrown weeds. The whole house was covered in vines crawling up and surrounding the cracks and windows. They hadn't been cut in years and Mr. Clarkson obviously wasn't doing his job of taking care of the tangled grass. I plunged on while trying not to get cut on the sharp blades. This was ridiculous. Me out here in the middle of the night searching for what I didnt know.
Then I saw something. It was a tall tower stretching high into the dark sky. It's shadow loomed in front of me cast by the moon just behind it. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before. It was hard to miss because of it's size. It had to be seven or eight stories high with windows going up all the way to the top. There was no glass in them though. It looked to be medieval.
I was wondering why it was here and what it was used for when I heard a breaking sound behind me. I flicked on my flashlight and slowly turned around. The light shone up into the crooked face of Mr. Clarkson, the abandoned grounds' caretaker. He was holding a small lamp in his hand staring down at me with a hideous smile. He leaned down close to me. I could smell the tobacco on his breath and see his yellow teeth gleaming at me.
"Hello Sora. Out fer a walk are yeh? Don't yeh think it a odd time to be out? All on yeh own out here. Well I'll just be escortin' yeh right back to the house." He grabbed for my hand but I pulled back before he could touch me.
"I know my own way back. Thanks." I tried to walk around him but he grabbed me before I could take another step. His hand around my throat clutching me to him.
"Yeh aren't going anywhere yeh sneaking little brat!"
I wasn't going with him either. I bit down hard on his hand that was wrapped around my throat. He released me and I ran for the house ignoring his curses. I fought my way back through the weeds and ran for the front of the house.
When I reached the door I pulled as hard as I could but it was locked. Mr. Clarkson must have seen me leaving and followed me locking the door on his way out. I pounded frantically on the door hoping someone would hear and let me in without shooting me first. I could just now see Mr. Clarkson's lamp swaying toward me through the darkness. Then the door gave way and I stumbled inside. I was safe. Or so I hoped as I looked up to see who had let me in.
It was a startled looking Ms. Frank. She was in a gray nightgown and slippers. She must've just woken up because her hair was tosseled and looked quite tired. Soon all the servants had come out of their slumber to see what all the racket had been. Mr. Clarkson appeared holding his bitten hand and looking pitiful.
"Oh Sora are you alright?! What were you doing outside?" Ms. Frank asked before anyone else had time to speak.
"I was just taking a walk in the backyard. The weather is so nice and there's a full moon out. Im sorry I know I should've waited til morning to go outside. I guess I'm a little homesick and this house is so unreal to me."
I looked back up at her and she hugged me while everyone stared. Mr. Wimbley looked sympathetic but Ms. Briggs wasn't buying any of it. Her expression twisted to anger and she looked as if she were going to blow up.
"This is absolutely..!" She stopped suddenly. Mr. Wimbley had his hand on her shoulder and he was shaking his head.
"I can understand how you feel Sora. Being in a new environment must be hard for you. The loss of your parents and the sense of being alone. It's a shame really because your still a teen. I always believed that when a child hit their teens they were most emotional and that's when they needed their parents most. Why don't we just forget all of this and go back to bed? Right Ms. Briggs?"
"What? Oh well fine then." She sneered.
"Come on Sora I'll walk you back up to your room." Ms. Frank took my hand and we walked back up the staircase. I gave Mr. Wimbley one last look and he winked. He had covered for me after all.
I hung my jacket on the hook and climbed back into bed. Ms. Frank tucked me in like a nanny would and turned off the light. I rolled over thinking about what Mr. Sherman would say when he found out about me sneaking out and about the tower. What was it doing in the middle of his backyard and why didn't Mr. Clarkson want me near it? I would have to be more cautious next time.
Downstairs Ms. Briggs noticed Mr. Clarkson holding his wounded hand.
"What the hell happened to you?"
"Huh? Oh a raccoon bit me. It's nothing." He turned to leave for his own bed.
"Some raccoon." She murmured to herself.
Part 4
Thrill Rides and Homework

"Sora, would you like a cup of tea or glass of OJ before you leave?" Mr. Sherman asked as I packed my schoolbag. It had been two months since the death of my parents and two weeks I had lived with Mr. Sherman. I had missed so much school already and needed to get back. The night incident had been forgotten and I still hadn't been able to get back to the tower. It was as if every time I thought about going someone was always nearby.
I shook my head in a reply to his question and walked out the door into the bright sunlight. As we had talked about before Mr. Mobely would take me to and from school because there were no buses running in Woodshire to Helmswood High. I took one look at the car waiting and my mouth dropped open. It was a black Porsche 911 GT2. It was immaculate and shone sleek in the morning light. There was no way he was driving me in that to school. All the commotion a car like that would cause. It would be difficult explaining my absence and even more the flashy car. It looked brand new.
"Hop in!" Mr. Mobley called from the driver's seat. I had no other choice. I strapped myself in and said one last prayer as he revved the engine. We were out of there in seconds. Flying down the interstate I clung to my seat and screamed when I realised we were going well over a hundred mph.
"Are you freaking insane?!" I shouted over the roar of the wind and engine.
"Relax Sora. We'll be there in no time at all."
Sure enough we turned onto Elmswood Street and he continued racing and swerving in between cars. He passed by the entrance to the school and I rolled my eyes thinking he had no clue where he was going. Then he slammed on the breaks and did a 90 degree turn at the intersection nearly causing a collision. He zoomed forward back towards the school and roared into the parking lot. I ducked so that I was hidden as he finally came to a lurching stop at the very front of the school.
"We're here Sora." He laughed at my crouching figure in the passenger seat.
"You almost got me killed!" I yelled at him. His eyes hidden behind his straggly hair showed only amusement.
I uncurled myself from my cramped position and stepped out into the waiting crowd. It was like the entire school had come to see what was happening. I sighed and slammed the door. He took off and was out of sight.
I hurried into the school avoiding all conversation. Once inside I ran to my locker to drop off my extra books I wouldn't need until the end of the day. Then I was off to English.

It was now almost the end of the day as I sat staring out the window of my biology class. I had caught up on the majority of my classes but hadn't had the time to socialize with my friends. My mind was wandering far from Ms. Johnson's lecture on the human body parts. I knew Mr. Mobley would pick me back up after school was over. I was dreading the ride back to Woodshire. The two weeks I had spent there had been like something out of a magic book.
The building was completely isolated and as far as I'd mentioned of Mr. Sherman no one had ever heard of him. I still hadn't caught any glimpse of security except for when I was entering and leaving the grounds. I had pretty much kept to myself and stayed as far from Ms. Briggs and Mr. Clarkson as I could. I was thankful that at least two people seemed to like me though. Mr. Wimbley hadn't said a word to me about the night I went off sneaking. Ms. Frank had been upset to see me go back to school and leave her. I sometimes followed her as she worked when Ms. Briggs wasn't around and chatted to her. I learned much about her. She was only twenty eight and had worked for Mr. Sherman six years. She had been employed young because she needed to find work to support her family. They were slipping into poverty and Mr. Sherman had hired her and had acted like a saint to her and her family. He allowed her to stay with him free of charge and wouldn't let her pay a dime of his hospitality back. Soon her family had enough money to go back to their real home in Ireland and she had stayed behind.
I asked her about the other servants. She knew alot about them and told me all she could. Ms. Briggs had worked with Mr. Sherman almost from the beginning along with Mr. Clarkson. Over twenty years they had worked for him. The pay must be great to want to work for the same person for so long. Mr. Mobley was the only driver permitted on the grounds. He was also a certified mechanic and worked on both cars and the house. When she first came to work here she had been tormented by Ms. Briggs and hadn't a friend at all around. But that all soon changed as Mr. Wimbley came into the household.
She had been working for Mr. Sherman for a year when he applied for cook. Most of the cooking and cleaning was being done by her and Mr. Sherman agreed it would be easier to have another cook. They instantly became friends and enjoyed each other's company. She wouldn't mention any more but I was sure that she wasn't telling me something.
Then she told me all about the spectacular holiday parties they held. Christmas was the most beautiful of them all and she couldn't wait for the dances. She never danced at them but liked to watch the guests as she carried around drinks and food with the rest of the servants.
I wondered what kind of guests Mr. Sherman had. He didn't seem to have any friends and if he did they never came to visit him. He had mentioned going on long trips when we first met so I asked her about them. She knew he was gone for months at a time on some occasions but didn't know where. I finally asked the question that had been bothering me the most.
"How did he meet my parents?"
"I don't really know. I never met them. It must have been on one of his business trips. He never mentions any of his meetings with us."

I looked up at the ticking clock. It was almost time to go back to Woodshire. Sure enough the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff. I walked outside and saw the Porsche next to the curb and got in. Right when I closed the door Mr. Mobley pushed the gas and we were out of there before the other students had made it to there cars. It was another monsterous ride and I was glad to get out of it again.
I was greeted by a cheerful looking Ms. Frank. She started asking me questions as soon as I had walked through the door. Mr. Sherman was also waiting for me. He was sitting at the dining room table with his hands clasped in front of him.
"Sora welcome back. It was such a dreary day without you here." If it was he sure didn't make it sound as if it had been. He hardly ever talked to me whenever we were in the same room when I was around. I sat down next to him seeing he wanted to talk to me.I looked up at him and he smiled.
"As you know Im a very busy man. Though I should've retired years ago I really couldn't. I'm afraid I will be leaving you for a short while. I wanted you to be aware of a little job I'm giving you. It's a simple task. I wouldn't have asked anyone else to do it because I know I can count on you. They have their hands full as it is. What I want you to do is this. Keep a lookout." There was something he was hiding but I couldn't figure it out. What did he mean by 'keep a lookout'?
"What do you mean, sir?"
"Well just have a look around once in a while. Make sure things are in their correct places." I gave him a puzzled look. He laughed and shook his head.
"Its nothing at all Sora. I have confidence in you. You'll soon see what I mean."
He got up and walked back to his study room. I hadn't been allowed in there and I wondered what he could be studying about. It all made no sense. Didn't he have guards somewhere that could be doing that. He certainly had enough money for a high tech security system so why no buy one.
As I turned the corner to my room with my hand outstretched to open the door I stopped. Something popped into my mind. What was he planning to do to me? 'You'll soon see what I mean'. That meant something would happen. In a place like Woodshire I wouldn't be surprised if some freaky things were going to start happening once he left. I turned the knob and walked in to do my load of homework that was due by the end of the week.
© Copyright 2009 xXJessie_ViciousXx (darkchild at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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