Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1577268-Draco-Malfoy-loves-me
by Goldie
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1577268
what do you do when your best friend loves you?
I hop out of the pool wrapping a big beach towel under my arms. My long brown hair that runs down to my waist was dripping with water while I sat out in the sun so I could go back inside the malfoys mansion.
"Good swim?" Draco asked walking out in board shorts. I couldn't help but stare at my bestfriends chest, his white skin was muscular and I had the sudden urge to touch it.
"Um yes" I quickly replied realising that I hadn't answered yet. He strode up to the side of the pool and did a flip into the water making the water splash back at me. I screamed a little when it drenched my towel making it useless for its normal purpose of drying. I stood up and threw my towel onto one of the long chairs and looked down to see Draco's eyes raking over my body, I blushed crimson but he didn't seem to notice, he was still staring.
I cleared my throat and he looked up with a huge smirk on his face, I felt suddenly very self concious, I went to grab my towel but he quickly sprang out of the pull. I didn't even realise what he was doing until it was to late. He had me in the water before I could even scream in protest.
I gasped once my head was back above the water then I hit him in the arm and he didn't even wince, i ignored the slight pain in my hand and decided to just glare. He chuckled a little but his expression what soft, usually an uncommon thing for him.
"Mel your not really mad are you?" He asked with full innocence.
"Yes I am" I snapped trying to stamp off in the other direction which was extremely hard in water. It got even harder when he grabbed my arm and managed to yank me all the way back to him. I tripped in the water to my embarrassment and grabbed onto him frantically, when i straightened up again he didn't let me go.
His hands ran down my arms and came to rest on my waist as he examined me again, I blushed cursing myself for ever going for a swim. He was such a tease though never to me, always to other slutty girls that would happily sleep with him when ever he pleased.
"Still angry?" He asked finally meeting my eyes.
My lip jutted out, "Yes" I said in the saddest voice I could muster, it sounded like a puppy dog had just died. He touched my lip with his finger and pulled me closer. My breath hitched up in my throat with surprise and came out a moan, I blushed deep red again and he thought it was an invitation.
He kissed me roughly and I tried to get away but I couldn't stop my lips from moving with his. I found my arms moving around his neck while his hands explored my body and I didn't care enough to feel embarrassed by this. My hands were in his blonde hair and I kept our faces close together.
Someone cleared there throat and I froze, Draco didn't seem to care he just kept on kissing me. I untangled myself from him and stepped away from him, I laughed nervously staring up at Dracos father who I thought was a total arse hole.
"Come inside you two lunch is ready" He said and I quickly hopped out of the pool but Draco didn't follow me.
"I think I'll stay in here a little bit longer father" He said smirking slightly.
"To hell you will get your arse out of that pool before I make you get out" He threatend I accidently let a giggle slip through. They both stared at me and I just shrugged walking up the house.

After having a relaxing shower I examined myself in the mirror, my hair was all tangled from being held up in a towel. My bright green eyes stood out over everything and my ivory skin complimented my dark brown hair which I was surprised that it did. My skin was very clear and my eye lashes were long and dark so I never needed much make up, I rarely wore any anyways.
I went to my cupboard deciding what clothes to wear, I pulled out a long sleeved white top and blue jeans and a pair of black converse shoes. Once I was finished getting dressed I went down to have lunch with the Malfoys.
"So has your father got in contact with you?" Mrs Malfoy asked me.
"No he hasn't" I answered with no need to elaborate. They all knew that my father wouldn't want me until I gave up all this 'Magic crap' as he likes to call it. Fat chance of that ever happening, I snorted to myself thinking of how unfair it was, why did mum have to die when she was witch and dad wasn't, it totally blows.
We didn't talk much more after that I was to keyed up about going back to Hogwarts again tomorrow then everything between me and Draco would just go back to normal, that's what I wanted right?
"May I be excused?" I asked politely and they nodded in agreement, I rushed upstairs checking that I packed everything. There was a light rap on the door but I didn't bother looking up only Draco ever bothered to come into my room.
"Triple checking?" He teased.
"Yeah, if triple means the tenth time" I said. He sat down besides me and did something very unlike him, he helped me pack everything back in. Don't get me wrong I've always been friends with Draco but he's still a bit of a wanka to everybody that isn't himself, which is a lot of people.
When we were done we just lounged around on my bed for a while talking about anything that popped into mind. There was a knock on my door which was unusual.
"Yes?" I asked and Pansy opened the door with a glower on her face directed at me.
"Hi Draco" She said cheering up immediately. "Oh I need to go to the bathroom, I'll me right back"
"Sure sure" Draco said dismissively and I was secretly over joyed. He then jumped on top of me tickling me until I couldn't help but let out a fit of giggles. His icy eyes stared into mine and then the mood changed erraticly it was sort of sexual now. I laughed at myself realising that he must of been just looking for a snog in the pool, nothing more then that.
He kissed me passionately and I all but forgot that Pansy was still in the bathroom, he pressed his body agaisnt mine and I wrapped my legs around his waste. I moaned in the back of my throat and he seemed pleased by that, but it all stopped when Pansy gasped.
Draco rolled off me laughing and I couldn't help but join in, I had never really liked Pansy so I couldn't give a flying fuck if she was angry at me. "Drac how could you do this to me" She sobbed and then I did start to feel bad.
"Pans have you seen Mel lately she's the most beautiful thing I've seen" Realisation suddenly came into his eyes, "I mean she's really hot sorry babe"
"You bitch!" She screamed at me and slammed the door and Draco and I started from where we left off but when he started to reach for my clothes I stopped it.
"I'm not some disposable slut" I snapped yanking my shirt back down.
"I know that" And I could see the honesty there but if he really wanted me he could wait.
"Sure sure" I said using his dismissve tone.
Before I knew it I was going to sleep and waking up excitedly thinking about all the fun to be had at hogwarts.
© Copyright 2009 Goldie (belgoldie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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