Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1577264-The-Price-of-Forever
Rated: E · Prose · Fantasy · #1577264
How much would you pay for eternity, for love? Sometimes the price is the the gift.
This eternity here, how much is it?

Ahh, THIS eternity, sir? This is a rare one.

I can see it's special, it's very shiny, fascinating.

Oh that it is, sir, that it is! Brand-spanking new it is. And see all the colors?

You don't have to sell me on it. I just hope I can afford it.

Well, they don't come cheap, sir, no. An eternity like this one, it will set you back.

But it's worth it.

Oh, aye sir, that it is! Worth every penny you pay and every moment spent earning them. In fact, I doubt there's another like it in the whole land. It was made special, you see.


Aye, there was a lad who prayed for this one. Had some bad breaks with the others he tried, he did, and he was just about to give up a lot of times. Sound familiar, sir?

Yes, it does.

And then one day there was a lass, and the eternity took on a really interesting shape. It can't be made with just one part, you see. He had to try a lot of other parts before this one just fell in his lap, you might say!

I see.

And this new blending brought out the best of all the raw materials, but there are still flaws, you know.

There always are.

Oh, aye there are! Yes indeed, but the flaws let the light in to the very center, you see. Come look at it by the window, sir. See it sparkle?

Yes, and there are some muddy spots too, but the flaws light them up.

Yes, that's the beauty of it, sir. The very thing that makes it so much more complicated and interesting could split it apart. But this one, sir, I have a good feeling about it.

Me too. Um, so...about the price?

Ahhh, yes. It will cost you everything you knew, everything you had, and all you'll ever have. Your hopes and dreams and children and plans, and maybe even some of your pride and prejudice, too. It can hurt some other people, and it may hurt you to carry it too, at least until you get used to the weight. It's a costly thing, and in a lot of ways, but...but...look at it, sir...don't it just make yer heart glad?

Yes it does. That's a high price, but I think it might just be worth it.

I'll just wrap it up then, sir. Trust me, you won't be sorry.

...and I left the angel's shop carrying the brand-new eternity for us, and it scares me a little sometimes, but I bought it for you, and for me, and when we're young, it will test us and give us adventures. When we're old, it will keep us warm, and I hope you like it. I do, and it's special. The angel promised, and he seems an honest bloke.

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