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Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1576955
Chenoa part 10
Tom pulled Chenoa close to him and she felt a knife press against her side.
“Chris, what are you doing here?”
“I don’t know. I was following you and you disappeared and I tried to keep up, but I got separated from the others and then I was here.”
“Stay there, kid. The girl is mine,” Tom snarled.
“She isn’t yours. She belongs to herself. And I thought you worked for that master of this castle?”
“I work for myself and with this girl I will be more powerful than that hack spellbinder.”
“I don’t think you should talk about your master that way. He may get angry.”
“Let him get angry. I have the girl.”
“Tell that to him.”
Chris nodded to the area behind Chenoa and Tom. Tom spun around wildly, his grip loosening. Chenoa took this time to yank away and run away.
“No!” Tom roared, trying to grab Chenoa but she was already out of his reach.
He chased after her but stopped short as Chenoa tripped and fell into Chris’s arms. Chris hugged Chenoa tight to him.
“Leave her alone,” Chris said stroking Chenoa’s hair.
“Chris, we have to find the others.”
“We will, but let’s first deal with this clown.”
“What do you mean?”
“Punish him, Chenoa.”
Chris’s eyes gleamed in excitement as he smiled and looked at Tom who had gone pale, well pale for him.
“Make him fear you. Make him realize that you are not someone to be taken and treated like an object.”
“Do it.”
Chenoa looked at the frightened Tom and felt for a moment the power surge through her. The weights that had been weighing down on her for the past couple days was gone. Temptation bit at Chenoa’s mind but after a brief second she pushed it away.
“No. I won’t Chris. That isn’t me.”
The weights were back and her power surge gone. Chris turned to her and smiled broadly.
“That is why I love you, Chenoa,” Chris beamed and before Chenoa knew what he was doing he grabbed her by the back of the head.
His lips pressed hard against hers and Chenoa couldn’t breathe. She pushed against his chest trying to get room from him, but his grip was deathly. Finally he broke away and Chenoa gasped. Tom was staring in amazement before he snarled.
“You! Give her back!” he charged at them again and Chris lifted his right hand and pointed it palm flat at Tom while hold Chenoa to him with his left arm.
There was a blasting sound and Tom was thrown back against the wall and he yelled in piercing agony. When he hit the wall Tom seemed to disintegrate.
“Chris!” Chenoa cried in disbelief looking up at him.
“That’s for poisoning me, you bastard,” he snarled with a bark of laughter.
Chris smiled a smile that was most unlike him. His smile grew broader and his face changed so much that he was a completely different person. He grew taller and leaner. When it was done, Chris was a tall, lean built man with amazing dark eyes and hair. It was the boy from the river and the woods. It was the castle’s master.
“Chenoa,” he purred holding her close to him. “I knew you’d find my room.”
“Where is Chris? Where are my friends?”
“They will be here soon. Patience, my dear.”
“How…why…where is Chris?”
“Where he has always been, Chenoa.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s in the human world.”
“What? No…he was with me. I just saw him less than an hour ago.”
“No, Chenoa. You didn’t.”
“I know Chris. I have been with him for almost a month.”
“No, you haven’t.”
“Yes! Yes, I have.”
He smiled calmly at Chenoa while she became more and more frustrated.
“He never left the school, Chenoa. I have been with you this whole time. Not Chris.”
“Impossible. He knew things you couldn’t possibly.”
“When I found Chris, after he had called the police, I simply copied his image and memories. It isn’t a hard trick to do, Chenoa. I could show you.”
“What? No…what did you do to Chris?”
“Nothing. The copying tired him out. He passed out but was fine. He woke when the police came. He didn’t remember me.”
“But the martfish showed me the TV report. Chris was among the missing.”
“Martfishes are so easily manipulated. They simply need an image given to them.”
“But I saw you in the fires when Chris was with me and at the river and in the woods when Chris with the others.”
“It is not hard to create an illusion, Chenoa. That is basic magic. I never left your side. The fire was easy but needed me close in order to capture you.”
“But you defended me against Ark and Tom and everyone.”
“I couldn’t very well deceive you if I acted otherwise.”
“But why?”
“So I could learn more about you. I wanted to get to know. I wanted you to come to me.”
“You have wasted my time! Gabby and Nick could have been free and home a long time ago! “
“Did you not learn a lot on your trip? Did you not discover the magic of this world? Did you not remember things of your past?”
“That’s not the point!”
“Your friends were safe and well taken care of. In fact they are almost here.”
At that moment Chenoa heard the sounds of her friends protesting and the roar of Galaxy. The fake Chris leaned down and kissed Chenoa again, forcefully.
“I told you I can do and kiss who ever I want,” he smiled, staring deep into her eyes. “They are here. We can begin.”
There was an earthshaking roar as men and monsters dragged Galaxy into the room from the largest doorway Chenoa had ever seen. She could have sworn it hadn’t been there a moment ago. Galaxy’s wings were tied to her sides; her claws had been clipped and mouth muzzled. Her eyes blazed as brightly as a neon bulb. Behind Galaxy, Star and Kork were forced into the room, followed by Sun, Nick and Gabriella.
They all cried out Chenoa’s name when they saw her in the arm of the fake Chris.
“Get your hands off her!” Sun screamed fighting his restraints.
“Chenoa, he did something to Chris!” Gabby sobbed almost on her knees.
“Where is he, you bastard?” Nick snarled trying to break free.
“He is in the human world,” the man said matter of factly.
“He never left the high school,” Chenoa said numbly. “It has been him all along.”
“No. I know my best friend. He was here.”
“No, he wasn’t,” the man sneered as he pulled Chenoa tighter to him, his hand tracing her jaw line.
There was an outbreak of voices and roars as everyone tried to get to the arrogant man. He waved his hand and they all choked as their voices were silenced.
“Your chatter annoys me,” he sighed and turned his back to them, eyes flashing. “So you will be silent until I say so.”
They all stared mutinously at him but no one could speak.
“I already know all your names, but I guess you would like to know mine.”
He paused as if expecting an answer.
“My name is Taman. I am the master of this castle.”
Looking at Chenoa, he smiled and Chenoa looked away. It hurt to look at him. He was so perfectly beautiful.
“As I have promised Chenoa, you will all be released, unharmed. The humans will be returned to their world and you magical creatures to your rightful places. Any questions?”
Sun managed to open his mouth and say, “What about Chenoa?” before his lips were magically sealed again.
“She is staying here if that is what she chooses.”
Stepping away from Chenoa, Taman walked up stairs that had appeared to a throne. Chenoa knew that hadn’t been there for. Taking a seat he took on an air of imperialness as he looked at Chenoa. The passion that was in his eyes before was gone, replaced by cold judgment.
“Chenoa Rose, you have been brought here for one reason only. To decide your punishment.”
“Punishment? For what?”
“For breaking nature.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Your birth was one that shouldn’t have happened, since you never died the first time. You call upon powers that are forbidden. You possess wild and uncontrollable magic, which is a threat to the natural balance. You are a danger, but since you did not know of your crimes, you will be given a choice.”
“What choice?”
“If you submit to me and hand over the control of your powers, I will let you be. I will allow some use of your powers on a monitored situation. You will be at my control. You will be submissive to me. You will belong to me. I will keep your wild magic under control for you and keep everything safe.”
“What is the other choice?”
Chenoa sneered furiously at him and felt anger writhe in her gut. Taman frowned and his eyes flashed.
“Yes. It is the only other solution to problem. What is your answer?”
He sighed and looked sad.
“You will not submit, dear Chenoa.”
“I’d rather die, but I won’t because I have done nothing wrong!”
“This is your final choice?”
“Very well.”
He waved his hand and Chenoa felt something wrap around her as the room disappeared. She heard all of her friends scream her name as Galaxy let out a roar that she felt in her bones.
Chenoa was floating in darkness with nothing under her feet. Looking around Chenoa felt her skin prickle. Suddenly whatever force that was holding her up disappeared. She hit a hard invisible surface and felt her lip split.
“Damn it,” she groaned in pain holding her right knee. “God, freaking damn it.”
“I must say I am very disappointed that it came to this, Chenoa,” a voice sighed from somewhere.
“Where are you? Damn it! Come out and face me! What is going on?”
“I will give you one more chance to choose acquiescence.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“You honestly don’t remember?”
“Remember what?”
“Our past.”
“Chenoa Rose, you are not a normal person. You are am Ancient by the name of Onatah.”

“You were one of the first Ancients ever born, well, if you can really call it being born. You were the second most powerful creature of the world, next to me, Erebos.”
The names stirred something deep in Chenoa, but she didn’t know what. It hurt to think about it.
“We were created to balance each other and to monitor the world, but you…you, dear Chenoa, dear Onatah, could not handle the power. It drove you crazy. You were not able to handle the pure power of the earth that ran through you. You became corrupted. You bond the spirits of the world to your soul, a forbidden act, and split the world in two. Then when the fires of the spirits should have consumed you, you banished your soul in time. You came to rest in this time, taking the form of Chenoa Rose, a poor high school student. You suppressed the memories of your crimes and lived a normal life, yet what you did cannot be ignored.”
“Wait! If you lived back in the ancient times, how are you Taman now?”
“When the gods saw what you had done they sent me too to this time in the form of Taman Darkling. I was sent to balance you, but that is not possible. The magic you possess did not settle into your new body. It is destructive and uncontrollable. It must be eradicated.”
“I lost control twice! That is not such a bad thing! I’m only learning!”
“Every time you lose control you tear the fabrics of the world! When you lost control as Onatah, the damage was so bad that Time had to isolate it and bring it to a farther time in the past. You were lucky you only destroyed the dinosaurs.”
“What? I don’t remember any of this.”
Chenoa had killed the dinosaurs? This was all absurd. He was crazy.
“It matters not now. It is time to fix the mistake I couldn’t fix last time.”
“Why? Because when I was Erebos and you were Onatah, I loved you. We were soul mates, destined to be together. That’s why when I awoke I knew that I must take care of this problem. It was partly my fault for not stopping you when I first saw the signs. I couldn’t take it if some else took your life. So I will. Do not resist.”
Chenoa screamed as she was lifted into the air. It felt as if something was holding her by her throat. He was suddenly in front of her, looking into her eyes.
“But first, I must get rid of this horrid woman’s face. I want to gaze at my love’s face”
“What do you mean?”
But Chenoa never finished her sentence. Taman placed his hand on her face and pulled his hand back slowly. Pain like nothing she had ever felt radiated through her body. It felt as if he was pulling her very skin off and by what she saw he was. She saw her pale face and blue eyes in front of her, in his hand. Her red hair and curls tumbled before her as he pulled farther and farther away from her. In a final tug he ripped her skin from her whole body.
Chenoa screamed in anguish as she collapsed to the floor again. She looked up and saw her own image in Taman’s hand. Looking down she gasped when she saw darker skin and black hair around her shoulders. Her new skin was raw and painful and in total confusion Chenoa looked up at Taman. The figure in his hand was crying and looking at Chenoa. The image of her mother.
“Mommy?” she whispered and the faintest smile crossed the shadows face.
“This foolish woman gave up her body so that her soul and image could literally protect and disguise you from the world. Disgusting.”
“I love you, little dove,” the image whispered weakly right before Taman snapped his fingers and it disappeared with a ghastly gasp.
“No! Mommy! You asshole! What did you do?”
“Nothing. I let her rest with her body. She should have never been separated from it anyways.”
“You monster!”
Anger bubbled in her stomach and Chenoa stood up shakily. Clenching her fists Chenoa summoned up her strength. Letting out a piercing yell Chenoa thrust her hands towards Taman. He, caught by surprise, was thrown backwards, whirling in the air. Taman managed to stop himself and he threw white light at Chenoa.
Hitting her, the light burned on contact and she stifled a yell as she stumbled. Cursing to herself Chenoa tried to think of spells she had learned. None were offensive spells. So she winged it. She let her feelings control the magic, but they seemed to have less affect than the normally would.
Chenoa threw four attacks onto Taman which he took, his body shaking. His head snapped back and he went still for a moment. Then he started laughing. Lifting his head Taman smiled, licking the blood from his lips.
“Is that all you have, Chenoa? If so, that’s pathetic,” he snarled thrusting his hand towards her and causing Chenoa to slam into some invisible wall. “A child would have more power. I am disappointed. You are so much weaker in this body.”
He twisted his hands and Chenoa screeched as she felt her body bend in ways that were unnatural to it. She heard bones crack and muscles tear. Blood slipped from her lips. He dropped her. She hit her head and felt him break her legs.
Hot needles stuck in her everywhere. She could barely see for the blood in her eyes.
Taman threw her farther away into yet another wall. Her back snapped and she crumbled to the ground. She lay there not moving, barely breathing, trying to clear her head. His soft footsteps let her know he was coming closer.
“Where is your precious lover now?” his voice seemed to hiss but Chenoa could not be sure. “Where are your darling guardians?”
Guardians. Her guardians. Something tickled her mind. Then she felt a tickle against her hand. Looking down, biting back the pain that shot down her spine as she did, Chenoa saw a small silvery caterpillar on her hand. Smiling Chenoa watched it. It seemed to sooth her. A small squeak was in her ear and Chenoa felt something rub against her cheek. It was a small mouse.
The animals had come back, despite her banishing them. She remembered Draco’s words. They are a part of you.
Was she hurting them by letting him hurt her? Did they feel her pain? Chenoa noticed that wherever the animals, the Spirits, were she no longer felt pain. Taking the mouse in her hand, Chenoa looked into its eyes. It seemed concerned.
“I’m sorry,” she told it weakly. “Forgive me.”
It let out a small squeak and she felt its warmth in her bones. The voice that she had heard before when the jagur was back.
Call us. It said. We will come.
“But I’m not supposed to.”
Do not listen to him. He lies. We are a part of you as you are a part of us. You must call us. If you die, then we will be lost. Magic will be lost.
The mouse slipped from her hands and snuggled against her heart. It heart beat matched hers. Chenoa knew somehow that voice was right. Taking a deep breath she let her mind call out to the spaces beyond her sight.

“Please, come back. Please, help me.”
She felt them before she saw them. Thousands of presence in her body and mind. Their voice filled her every being. Taman had stop right before her. He seemed oblivious to the spirits that were appearing around him.
“This is the end, Chenoa,” he proclaimed in a cliché manner. “Feel honored that is was at my hands.”
A flash appeared in Chenoa’s peripheral vision and before Taman could land his blow, something entered Chenoa’s body. A growl filled her bones and mind.
I am Aatu. The voice whispered in her bones. I am the noble wolf. One of the most powerful spirits. I am here to help.
Chenoa, without even thinking about it, was away from Taman, crouching in predatory position. Barring her teeth Chenoa could feel Aatu controlling her actions.
“You stupid woman!” Taman grimaced. “You called upon the Spirits. That is forbidden! You must be stopped!”
He flung something at Chenoa but she was on the other side of him before it even reached the place she had been. Yet Taman seemed to have expected this and swung his left arm back in an arch, something gleaming in his hands. A silvery blade sliced through Chenoa’s side. Both she and Aatu yelled.
Staggering Chenoa heard Aatu snarl.
Chenoa, my love, that blade is a spirit blade. It cuts even me. You must call upon the others and absorb them. It is the only way to defeat him.
Nodding Chenoa held her hand to her side, trying to stem the flow of blood. To Chenoa’s surprise though when she looked down, Chenoa did not see red as she expected, but rather pure white with small streaks and specs of green, brown, red, and yellow.
When you bleed, we bleed.
Chenoa shivered as she felt the ache in Aatu’s voice. Aatu’s voice seemed to be calling to others.
Call them. Help me.
Closing her eyes, she staggered and tried to think about what she wanted to say. Nothing happened.
Stop forcing it. Just feel their heart beats and pull them towards you.
Taman was coming closer, slowly, watching Chenoa cautiously. Taking a deep breath, Chenoa stared off into space and let the beating of her heart fill her mind. There were small beats in with her own. They were faster and slower than her own. Voice filled her mind and bones and Chenoa pulled them closer. She held them in her mind and soon the darkness was filled with points of light.
Snapping his head around wildly Taman’s eyes widen in fury as he saw the points of light grow larger into visible forms. There were so many spirits that the light was almost blinding.
“Stop, Onatah! You cannot do this again!” he bellowed sounding almost desperate.
The first to approach her were small animals. Lizards, mice, bunnies, and so on came and sat on her feet. Smiling at them she beckoned them to her. They climbed up her legs and disappeared into her. More and more combined themselves with her until Chenoa was glowing from their presence in her veins. A large grizzly bear appeared before her and stood on its back legs. Chenoa hesitated in fear but it spoke to her gently as it held out a paw to her.
Welcome back, sister. I have missed you.
Blinking Chenoa shyly smiled and placed her palm against his paw.
“As have I,” some hidden part of her replied.
He roared and disappeared into her body. Chenoa let out a sigh as her body seized up for a moment. Aatu also sighed and she felt him relax inside of her.
Stop the calling, Chenoa. Anymore and it will be too much. You will kill him.
“Isn’t that the plan?”
No, Chenoa. You must not kill him. You must not call the rest.
“I don’t understand.”
Aatu, it does not matter. Another voice said from a distance. We will not come.
Kai, what do you mean?
Her heart does not belong to us, so we will not answer.
“What is going on?”
Goodbye, my precious on. The second voice said then disappeared.
A terrible sadness filled her and Chenoa’s mind.
“Aatu, who’s not coming?”
Do not worry about it, Chenoa. You must think about what is going on now.
Before Chenoa could reply something flashed in front of her and she gasped as the spirit knife cut down between her eyes, down her nose, and down her middle. Both of them froze, a look of triumph on Taman’s face, absolute surprise on Chenoa’s.
Nothing happened. Chenoa raised an eye brow, confused. Taman straightened his back and smirked. She was about to ask him what was so funny when pain that seemed to reach her very soul. All of the spirits in her seemed to be screaming her mind. Falling to her knees, Chenoa doubled over coughing. The white blood spurt from her mouth and she cradled herself.
Aatu was whimpering in her mind. His voice seemed so much louder than the others.
“Aatu, what happened?”
He cut your soul.
He cut your soul so that when you die, you die. That way you cannot send your soul elsewhere.
“It hurts, Aatu. So much.”
I know, my dear. I connected myself to your soul so that your power would be reawakened. When he cut you, he cut me.
“Oh, Aatu. Are the others hurting?”
No. They just know you are in pain and your life is in danger. They feel a small amount, but your soul protected them.
“Feel that pain, Chenoa?” Taman cooed. “Tell me what it feels like to die.”
Chenoa looked up at him in disbelief. His face shone with anticipation. It made her sick. His eyes were so dark and empty. It was the one flaw in his perfection.
“Is the great darkness coming closer? Can you feel it?”
Growling Chenoa tried to lift herself up but collapsed instead.
Chenoa, I am going to do something that I shouldn’t. Don’t make me regret it.
“What are you going to do?”
I’m going to fuse our souls together. It will be irreversible and slightly painful, but it will keep us alive. I will become you and you will become me.
Her body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Darkness was edging into her vision.
You must promise me one thing.
You must promise to love me before all others and give your soul to no one else.
His voice seemed to bark in her bones and she cringed.
“I promise, Aatu.”
You love me?
Something in Chenoa stirred and she nodded her head.
“Yes, Aatu.”
It was not a lie; in her heart she knew, for some reason, she did love him.
And you promise?
“Yes, Aatu. I promise.”
Forgive me, my love, for the pain I cause you.
“What pain?”
The words froze in her mind as fire shot down her center, along the line of Taman’s cut. Screaming Chenoa started shaking and quivering as her body was slowly consumed in fire. Taman took a step back as he stared in awe as Chenoa’s form was lost to the brilliantly hot white flames. Her hair turned silver and her eyes an ice-blue, while her nails sharpened. Strength surged excruciatingly into Chenoa’s body. Standing Chenoa looked at Taman.
The bear growled and the birds screeched in her mind. Aatu growled ferociously and the growl slipped from Chenoa’s lips. Taman frowned then twirled the knife in his hand.
“You plan on taking me with you to the other realm, then fine. I only will make you suffer as much as I did when you left me last time.”
“It seems, Taman, Erebos, that this has turned from a mission of humanity to one of personal revenge,” Aatu spoke through Chenoa’s mouth.
His voice was husky and raw, almost hurting Chenoa’s throat. It carried an air of power and importance. Taman blanched.
“Aatu?” he murmured in surprise then narrowed his eyes. “You give yourself to this traitor. I expected it from the lesser spirits but you, Aatu, I expected better. I never thought of you as a tame dog that could be used against nature.”
Aatu let out a loud snarl that made Taman flinched.
“You speak to me, Taman, with such impotence. You and your blinding jealousy caused all of this. I love you as a son, but I will not allow you to destroy what is most precious to me.”
The flames burned brighter and Chenoa lifted her hands, and with Aatu’s help, she threw her power at Taman. It was his turn to scream, which he did so loudly that it hurt Chenoa’s ear. Chenoa expected some satisfaction from seeing Taman writhe in pain, but instead she felt only pity and sadness. An image flashed in her mind of an older version of Taman, smiling so sweetly that it hurt her teeth. His eyes shone and his cheeks were flushed with happiness. What had she done to him in the past to make him so cold?
Her sympathy did not make an easier on him. She attacked him again and again before he could even move again. Her heart ached with every scream he made, but Aatu pushed her forward. Only when Taman stopped moving did Aatu tell her to stop.
He lay in front of her, not moving. Taman seemed so weak and child-like laying there, his breath shallow and slow.
Chenoa, you must make one final blow. It will not kill him but it will put him in limbo for a while. At least until you have learned more about your powers.
“I don’t know if I can do that.”
You must. It is the only way.
Chenoa pointed her palm to Taman’s head but hesitated. It seemed wrong to attack a man who was so defenseless. Aatu prodded her with his mind. Clenching her fist, Chenoa took a deep breath and then slowly let it out. Gritting her teeth, Chenoa opened her hand again and the power started to surge down her hand.
Yet as she felt it reach her palm and spread, something powerful knocked her out of the way. Falling back Chenoa felt the air whoosh out of her lungs. Chenoa’s skin crawled as she a giant black formless mass in front of her. It had appeared out of nowhere and hung above Taman forebodingly.
Stay perfectly still, my love. That is Qamar.
The creature seemed to be moving slowly, back and forth, above Taman. A horrible chill filled Chenoa and she felt like she had just heard nails on a chalk board.
“What is that?”
It is talking.
“It’s horrible.”
The thing lifted Taman and seemed to be cradling him to it. Chenoa watched in horror as it continued to make the eerie noise. Suddenly the bind between Aatu and Chenoa seared as it reinforced their fusion. She let out a gasp and the thing seemed to look up, or rather it seemed to shift up.
Aatu growled very softly and Chenoa felt frozen to the spot. It seemed to be looking at it her but since it had no face or any bodily features it was hard to tell. Then it let out a noise so heinous that it made Chenoa’s ears bleed as it pulled Taman into and sprung at Chenoa.
Thrown back Chenoa could not even scream as its noise filled her ears and seemed to scrap her bones. It was on her. Everything was an impenetrable black. She was suffocating in its mass. Aatu was barking her name. Briefly she glimpsed a floating figure. Taman. Then he disappeared and so did she.

“Watch the flowers bloom and the raindrops come.
Feel the weight of the world lift and your spirit fly.
Come to the fields and watch the moon rise.
My hand in yours and yours in mine.”

A soft voice was singing. It sounded so beautiful and warm. Chenoa felt the warmth spread in her body. Gentle hands were caressing Chenoa’s face and she rolled towards them.
Her eyes fluttered and smiling Chenoa looked into Draco’s pure eyes. Though a smile played across his face, she could see the worry in the lines around his face. He almost looked human.
“Draco,” she laughed and tried to sit up to hug him.
Pain shot in a line down her body. Groaning she looked down and saw she was naked to her hips. Gasping she crossed her arms across her chest and blushed, but not before she saw the faint shimmery line that ran perfectly down her middle. There was a second short line the crossed her side two inches below her ribs on her left side.
Even spirit knives leave scars. A kind voice spoke in Chenoa’s bones.
Yes, my love.
Chenoa smiled again. Draco frowned as she grimaced.
“You need to rest. You went through a lot.”
“How did I get here?”
“I found you.”
“In a field of fire grass, about a day’s walk from Erebos’s Castle.”
“Who’s Castle?”
“Erebos. Oh, I forget the name was changed a couple centuries ago. You know it as No Man’s castle. Why?”
“Taman, the man who took my friends, said his name used to be Erebos.”
Draco froze while he was pouring Chenoa a drink. Turning slowly Draco looked at Chenoa seriously.
“He did, did he? What else did he say?”
“He said I used to be Onatah and that I had created the two worlds. He said that I had broken the laws of nature by binding myself to the Spirits and I should have died but I sent my soul into the future in order to save myself. He said he loved me and we were together, but that I couldn’t handle the power and that it corrupted me. And he felt it was his responsibility to eradicate the mistake he should have corrected in the first place.”
Draco’s eyes flashed and his lips grew thin in a snarl.
“Is that true? Am I really this Onatah?”
Sadness crept into Draco’s eyes as he pulled Chenoa into his lap. He held her to his chest and kissed her forehead. Being so close to him was intoxicating.
“I guess it’s time I told you the truth.”
“What truth? So it’s true that I am Onatah.”
“No….she was your real mom. She was the first female Ancient in the world. She was created with Erebos. They were made to balance each other. Yet Erebos took it to mean they were soul mates. He thought they belonged together. That she was made for him. When she chose another man, he lost it. He claimed that she had lost her mind because of her connection to the spirits. He said she was made inferior and because of that she could not handle the purity of the spirits.”
“Was she?”
“No…the spirits loved her and chose to be with her because they were made from the same thing. She completed them and vice versa. If she was a soul mate to anyone it was to the Spirits. Their powers flowed from her to the rest of the world and she helped them maintain life in the live world. When Erebos tried to kill her love she called on all of the spirits and absorbed them into herself. Unfortunately that much power in one source caused destruction beyond Ona’s belief. She was mortified and sacrificed herself to build the second world while the first one was repaired. She did it because she knew she was going to die anyways. Erebos had mortally wounded her.”
“If the Spirits are that powerful, couldn’t they have helped her build the world?”
Chenoa felt Aatu stir inside of her. It was like he shifted uncomfortably.
“The Spirits left her after she destroyed so much. When they found out it was not to defend the world or for some good or battle, but to save a man she loved, they became furious. They felt that they were her only love and felt betrayed, so they left her. You must understand that spirits, though powerful, are basic beings. They are much like children, who need devoted attention.”
There was more to it than that.
“They left her?”
“So she died?”
“Then how was I born?”
“She removed her heart to seal her death and blew breath onto it. That became you. Her lover took you and convinced Time to hold you until it was safe for you to be born.”
“And my human mother?”
“Your father comes from a long line of powerful shamans who traveled between the worlds. When your mother found out she could not conceive on her own, she was devastated. Time knew she was the best kind of woman to be your mother and came to her. He gave you to her and from that you were born. But since you were not a real human, and not of this time, you grew sick and struggled to acclimate. Your human mother’s love for you was so strong she gave up her physical being in order to stabilize you until you could do it on your own.”
Chenoa found that she was crying and buried her face into Draco’s chest. Both her mothers had died for her to live.
“Why have the Spirits come to me then?”
“You are Onatah’s daughter. They see her in you and no matter how angry they were at her, they still loved her.”
“Did you know my mother?”
He fell silent and looked away. His expression was unreadable. Chenoa knew the answer before he said it.
“Yes, we were friends. She was very special to me.”
“What was she like?”
“She looked just like you. She was always calm and reasonable. She loved to laugh and learn. She took care of everyone. She was a very good person.”
“How generic,” Chenoa thought but she said nothing.
Draco looked back at her and smiled. Chenoa smiled and felt a slight twinge of jealousy. How pathetic. She was jealous of her dead mother. Yet she couldn’t help it. She loved Draco.
A low growl buzzed in her mind. Aatu was still there.
“You need to rest, Chenoa. Your friends will be here soon and I will have to leave. I sent Galaxy a dream about where you are. So rest. You have been through a lot.”
“Will you stay with me as long as you can?”
“Of course.”
“Will you lie with me?”
“I’d be honored.”
They lay down together on the make-shift bed of leaves and blankets. She rested her head on his chest but heard no heart beat.
“He isn’t alive,” she reminded herself. “But he isn’t dead. He doesn’t even technically exist.”
Yet that mattered little as he held her so close and tight. Soon sleep over took her again and she heard Aatu whimper in his sleep.
When she awoke again, Draco was just staring at her.
“What?” she asked blushing.
“I was just thinking about how much more I like you looking like this. You are so beautiful.”
His lips brushed against hers and she felt them tingle. She wanted more but he pulled away. Standing he lifted her in the air and twirled her around. Placing her lightly on her feet, Draco nodded to the distance. Chenoa could see her friends climbing over the near hill. Their voices reached her, calling her name.
“They need you,” Draco sighed sadly and pushed her towards them. “Go. I will see you soon.”
“You promise?”
“Not even death could keep me away.”
He chuckled at his little joke. Forcing a smile, Chenoa nodded and started walking towards her friends. As she became smaller and smaller a voice spoke to Draco from the shadows in a language he had not heard in almost a million years.
“You lied to her,” it said in a voice as old as the wind.
“Yes,” he replied. “I did.”
“Because she will learn soon enough and I want her to have a childhood for once or at least some type of one. I want her to be happy.”
“She will be angry when she finds out.”
“I know, but it will be worth it to see her smile.

Chenoa. Aatu said as they approached her friends at a rapid pace.
Remember your promise.
Your promise. Remember it.
Chenoa thought back to the promise she had made with him when he fused his soul to hers. Guilt tugged at her chest when she thought of Draco, but she swallowed and nodded.
“I remember, Aatu.”
You will keep it?
“I said I would. You can trust me.”
I know. That’s why I love you.
He seemed to purr and Chenoa smiled as it vibrated pleasantly in her bones. Letting out a happy yell, Chenoa jumped in the air and waved her hands.
“Galaxy! Star! Gabby!” she cried running towards her friends.
Aatu yipped like a puppy in happiness as they sprinted. It was something he understood. Chenoa felt her form change as her eyes became sharper and her body leaner. Aatu shared his world with Chenoa as her world approached him.

Chenoa bounced from foot to foot as she anxiously waited for the school bus. Everything was back to normal, for the most part. Gabby and Nick hung out with her every day by the Willow, enjoying watching Chenoa fight with her magic. She had managed to cast a spell to erase the memory of the school attack, which Galaxy had said was a great task. Chenoa knew that she had only been able to do it because Aatu was helping her.
The day she got home, she had found her father crying in her bedroom. She had walked in and he had looked up at her, his eyes overflowing. Chenoa had never seen her father cry. His mouth hung open in disbelief then he flung himself at her. Papa Bear had held her so tight, Chenoa was sure he was going to kill her. Before she knew what was happening, she was crying to. They slipped to the floor and cried until they couldn’t any more. After that they finally talked, about everything.
When they were done Chenoa felt so much better. Her father didn’t hate her and didn’t blame her for her mother’s death. He loved her. She told him her plans and he tried to be understanding, though it pained him greatly. In the end he conceded that he couldn’t stop her, even with the power he possessed from his father.
At school Chris acted as he always had. Of course he had never been there, so the feelings Chenoa had developed for him was false. It took her awhile to accept that but she did. Chris was confused at first by her sad expression when he teased her, but he got it over as she did and soon their relationship was back to the way it was before the crazy trip.
Sun called Chenoa often from a portal in his world. He was trying to convince his mother to let him study in her world.
“It vould be great experience,” he told Chenoa beaming.
“We would love to have you here. And if not I will visit you soon.”
“Mother would love to get to know you more.”
“Same here.”
Aatu had growled jealously, but Chenoa had shushed him. She had not told her friends about Aatu and he was fine with that. He did not want to be shared with the world as much as he wanted to share Chenoa. Galaxy looked at Chenoa suspiciously whenever Aatu was talking to her, but Galaxy said nothing. If she suspected anything Galaxy kept it to herself.
“Chenny?” a sweet voice chimed from behind Chenoa, drawing her back to the present.
Turning Chenoa beamed at Matt, who had suddenly appeared like he always did. Aatu growled lowly in Chenoa’s chest. Matt’s eyes were large and innocent. She had forgotten how childishly sweet he was.
“Hi, Matt!” she grinned still bouncing from foot to foot.
“Are ya okay?”
“Yeah, I just can’t wait for school.”
“Really? Since when?”
“Since I realized I have such good friends. Plus I have something I want to tell them.”
Chenoa had just learned last night how to turn invisible.
“Oh really? What, may I ask?”
“Nothing that important. Just learned a magic trick.”
“Can ya show me?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Matt. It’s a card trick and I don’t have any cards. I asked Gabby to bring them to school.”
His face fell and Chenoa felt a pang of guilt.
“I’ll bring them home with me and show this afternoon. Okay?”
Great! Now you have to actually learn one of those stupid tricks.
“I can do it,” Chenoa told Aatu.
Yeah, right. I’ve seen what you call shuffling.
Chenoa ignored me. Matt was beaming again like a child who just received a new present.
“Okay. I’ll meet you here at the usual time.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
The bus pulled up and Chenoa waved goodbye as she clambered up the stairs.
“Be safe, Chenny!”
“You too!”
The door closed and pulled away from the stop. Matt watched the bus disappear over the next hill. A man stepped out of the air next to him. Matt looked at the man, but didn’t smile. The man’s perfection bothered him. He could never look at him for too long. The man smiled and met Matt’s eyes. After a long minute Matt lowered his eyes and looked down at the man’s shadow. It did not look like normal shadow. It had no shape and seemed to writhe as if it was alive.
© Copyright 2009 Dreamer (dcg1189 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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