Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1576954-Chenoa-part-9
Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1576954
Chenoa part 9
Chenoa woke to a snapping noise. Her senses tingling, Chenoa knew something was wrong.
“Galaxy,” she hissed nudging her friend. Galaxy did not move. “Galaxy.”
Turning Chenoa looked at her gigantic friend and her chest constricted as Galaxy did not stir. Shoving Galaxy harder, Chenoa grew worried. Still Galaxy did not stir.
“She will not wake,” a voice hissed from her right.
Snapping around Chenoa saw the man from the river and the one who had been with Autumn. He approached looking worried, glancing around constantly.
“He has placed a spell over them,” he nodded towards the rest of the group.
“What? Who?”
“The powerful spellbinder in the No Man’s castle. His men are on their way. I just barely made it here before them.”
Chenoa felt horror slip through her like an oily snake. Gulping she looked around.
“We have to get you out of here.”
“But my friends…”
“He doesn’t care about them. He is after you.”
“How do you know?”
“I over heard his men talking. ‘Take the girl. Don’t bother with the rest.’”
“Autumn said not to trust you.”
“Autumn is a fool. You must trust me. I will help you. Just follow me.”
He turned and started heading into the night. Chenoa did not follow.
“Fine, then don’t come, but don’t be surprised when Tom shows up looking for you.”
As if by some magical cue, Chenoa suddenly heard voices in the far distance. One voice stood out. Tom’s.
“Okay, let’s go.”
Chenoa bolted up and ran after the man. Her friends would be okay. She knew it. The men would most likely follow her trail and leave them alone. She’d come back for them.
The man weaved through the trees and bushes, ignoring the scraps and scratches. Chenoa fought to follow him, suddenly aware of the growing voices and light. When the sun came up she would be fully visible. There would be no cover. The man seemed to realize this too and he quickened his pace.
They ran for what seemed like ages. Her ribs were on fire and breathing was a pain. Suddenly he hooked a left and emerged from the woods and ran towards a river.
The river was massive. At least twenty feet wide. Its flowing water was bitch black and raced like stamped down stream. Just beyond Chenoa’s sight gurgling of rapids could be heard.
“Damn,” she swore as they approached it. “Where are we to go?”
“We can’t cross that.”
“We have to try.”
“I’ll go f…”
Voice cut in. Tom’s voice called near bye.
“Little birdy, we’re coming to get you,” Tom cooed poisonously.
“Maybe you should go first,” the man said looking at her with possible worry.
“Uh…what about you?”
“They won’t bother me. They are after you. Now go!”
He pushed her into the water, which was freezing. Wading in Chenoa shivered as her feet and legs went numb. Soon it was up past her chest and Chenoa struggled not to inhale the water. Sputtering she tried to move across the river quickly, half swimming, half drowning.
The current tugged and pulled at her as she moved closer to the middle. She finally reached the middle where she took a step and her foot landed on a loose rock. Slipping Chenoa screamed as her head went under. Blackness surrounded her as Chenoa fought to break the surface.
“Oh god, please don’t let me die here,” she plead as she struggled against the current.
Quickly Chenoa was swept down stream. Visions popped in her mind as she caught glance of the surface activity. Tom and his men had reached the river. When they discovered what had happened, they raced after her. The man was nowhere to be seen.
Gasping, Chenoa tried to keep oxygen in her lugs but things were getting foggy. The river battered her around like birdie in a badminton game. Soon sounds blended together.
Fighting as long as she could, Chenoa found her body draining of energy. Soon her limps were too tired to move.
“Yalls! Yalls!” someone was shouting.
“Yalls?” Chenoa thought. “What are yalls?”
There was a rumbling sound and Chenoa registered what was about to happen. She managed one final scream as the water dropped from under her and she fell into the foggy abyss.

Later a few miles from the bottom of the fall, Chenoa’s limp body drifted up onto a bank. The water had turned clear; it washed over her again and again.
There was the sound of light footsteps echoing all around. Autumn came out of nowhere and stood over Chenoa. He bent down and checked her pulse. As he stood up he shook his head. His eyes were full of sadness.
Then a dark shadow loomed over Autumn.
“Is she alive?” a smooth voice asked from behind him.
Autumn turned around, his eyes were suddenly hard. He looked up at the man from the river.
“Yes,” Autumn answered quietly.
“Good,” smiled the man. “I’ll go get the rest of the men to help carry her. Watch her while I am gone.”
The man walked off into the woods near bye. Autumn turned back around and looked at Chenoa with eyes full of remorse.
“Chenoa, you would be better off dead,” Autumn sighed blinking away tears.

“Ona, Ona,” a voice called out of darkness.
“Draco?” Chenoa’s voice echoed as she searched around the darkness that surrounded her.
A shadow passed in front of her. It was Draco. His head was swiveling side to side as if he was looking for something. Why couldn’t he see her?

Hours, or possibly days later, Chenoa woke up aching and bruised.
“Where am I?” she mumbled sitting up and placing her hand on her head. She felt like she had smashed her head against a rock several times.
“Aww, you’re awake. Good,” said a voice from behind Chenoa.
Chenoa turned around and saw Autumn holding a wooden bowl. She smiled but he did not smile back. His eyes were cold and hard and Autumn would not meet her gaze.
“Where am I, Autumn?” she asked looking around the tent. “All I remember was the edge of the falls then nothing. Are we with Galaxy and Star? Are they close?”
He did not reply. Dunking a cloth into a wooden bowl he rung it out and motioned for her to turn around.
“You have some deep gauges on your back. This will heal them.”
Obediently Chenoa turned around and stripped her top off. She had a bra on and it’s not like Autumn was Chris or Sun. Quietly he dabbed on the liquid, which felt like the Icy-Hot cream. Her skin twinged as it dried and then it felt as if the skin and muscle on her back was stretching and pulling. Then her back felt cool as if someone was blowing on it.
A sigh slipped from her lips and she looked over her shoulder gratefully at Autumn. His eyes were again averted from her. Raising her right eyebrow she wondered what was going on.
“Autumn, what’s wrong?”
“Then why won’t you look at me? I know something is wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong.”
Feeling frustrated Chenoa concentrated on him and willed his voice to loosen. Galaxy had told her such spells were morally wrong but she didn’t care at this point. Chenoa was tired and sore and wanted to know what was going on.
His eyes softened and his jaw loosened as her magic wrapped around his vocal chords but then a sharp pain filled her mind and she screamed in surprise and agony. A soft tut-tut rang in her mind as her vision slowly cleared. Everything was a little foggy.
Holding the palms of her hands against her eyes, Chenoa rocked back and forth for a moment. Slowly she looked up and saw Autumn watching her, his eyes now icy and sharp. He was mad.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered but he appeared not to hear.
She knew she had violated a major rule of morality. Hanging her head Chenoa let her shame engulf her for a moment then straightened and looked straight ahead jaw set in determination.
“Look, I’m sorry. That was wrong, but my powers are being blocked by something and I need to find Galaxy and the others so that we can go help Gabby. So thank you for helping me but if that’s all you’re going to do then I will be going.”
Chenoa stood and put her shirt back on. Turning sharply on her heels she headed towards the tent flap. Right as she reached for the flap a tall man stepped in. She had to back up to see him fully. His eyes were a stone gray with no warmth and they seemed to pierce into Chenoa’s soul. Below his eyes was a slightly hooked nose. His hair was clay black and his skin was a rusty brown. Ark.
“I cannot permit you to leave this tent, Ms. Rose.”
Freezing Chenoa slowly looked back at Autumn. He was with them. She couldn’t believe it but then again what did she know about Autumn? His eyes were diverted to the ground. Autumn would not look at either Chenoa or Ark.
Ark’s eyes were transfixed onto Chenoa. Chenoa felt herself fidget under his gaze. Her feet felt rooted to the ground.
“What is going on?”
“We found at the bottom of the falls. We saved your life.”
“Just so you can take me to your master.”
“Well, you can’t blame us for following orders. He was very worried when he heard you went over the Lost Souls Falls. Very few make it over. Only lost souls do.”
There seemed to be something in his words but Chenoa did not understand. He emphasized the words lost souls. He was such a strange man, creature…whatever.
“Ark, I just want my friends. Then your master will never hear from me again.”
“It is not that simple. My master is not the evil one, Ms. Rose. He is simply trying to eradicate a horrible mistake that occurred centuries ago and take the position that he was born into.”
“What horrible mistake has to do with me?”
“It is not my place to say. My master will explain it all when the time is right. For now it is simply my mission to bring you to him in one piece. And to keep you away from Tom.”
“Tom? Is he here?”
“Yes, but you do not need to worry. He has been ordered to do menial tasks that will take up all his time. He will not come near you. This tent also has a ward around it thanks to my master. No one can enter without his permission.”
“He is here?”
“No. He is waiting at the castle.”
“I thought it was hard to near impossible to hold a spell over a large distance.”
“It is for those who are weak in magic, but my master has more abilities than anyone can dream.”
“You sure have a high opinion of him.”
“I’ve seen what he can do.”
“He took my friends so I can’t really believe he’s all that good.”
Ark’s eyes flashed in suppressed anger. His voice became more clipped.
“Ms. Chenoa Rose, you lack proper understanding of the situation and know not of what you speak, so I ask you to hold your tongue. His methods may not be to your liking but his means justify the end if he can eradicate the mistake that you created.”
Chenoa blanched. The mistake she created? What was he talking about? She had never done anything to anyone. She had just learned she was a spellbinder a short while ago. Did he mean the few times she had let her magic become beyond her control? That was an accident. Nothing that bad had happened. He was delusional.
“Think what you will, Ms. Rose, but one who controls the spirits of nature, a crime that is indescribable, should not pass judgment.”
“What are you talking about?”
Chenoa was completely confused. What in the world was he babbling about?
“Do not pretend to be ignorant of this crime. I can see their shadows all around you. I may not have the ability to see them as Oric does but I can feel their presence and when the sun is on you their shadows fill the area around you, making the earth look dark as death.”
Feeling her jaw hanging open, Chenoa closed it and swallowed hard. The silvery animals she had been seeing were real. They were not tricks of Draco or his way of keeping an eye on her. They were spirits. The Spirits..
Chenoa remember Galaxy talking to her back at the Willow about the power of Spirits.
“They are not like the spirits that humans talk about. They are not the souls of the deceased. The souls of the deceased are easy to control and use to your whim, but that is a dark magic for it not only defiles the soul but also disrespects the dead,” Galaxy had told Chenoa one day as they watched a herd of grazing deer. “Spirits are the truest forms. There is only one of each that exists. They are the purest, the strongest and the most perfect form of everything. There is only one spirit wolf, only one spirit raven, and one spirit bear. And despite there only being one of each there is an unlimited amount. There is only one spirit man. Even if the animal no longer exists the spirit does. They are the source of all magic. They willfully give a portion to the worlds but they never give themselves.”
“Could they be taken under control? Are they tamable? Or like usable? I don’t know how to ask this question…”Chenoa had muttered blushing, her heat skipping a beat. She saw at that time a silver doe and stag among the deer and they looked right at her accusingly. She hadn’t realized what they were.
“Chenoa, such a thing is impossible and dangerous. To possess such pure and wild magic would be beyond a physical body’s means.”
“Has anyone ever tried?”
Galaxy had gone silent and her eyes grew dark and murky as they always did when she was upset or sad. Chenoa had never seen them so dark.
“One person did.”
“What happened to them?”
“She brought them to her and bound them to her soul. As result her end fitted her crime. She perished.”
“She could not hold all the spirits and she lost control of her magic. They say she burned as brightly with their magic as a dying star.”
“You have heard of the spirits, I presume?” Ark’s voice drew her back to the present.
“You have heard about the last woman who did such a thing.”
“You know what happened to her?”
“I heard a tale.”
“Then you know what she did was wrong?”
“And yet you do the same as her.”
“I have never done so on purpose or with knowledge of it. I did not even know what they were when I have seen them.”
Ark paused and looked at her with concern.
“You can see them?”

“Of course I can. I mean that’s what you meant by using them right?” Chenoa stammered even more confused.
“How well can you see them?”
“As well as anything. They are a little translucent but still there.”
Ark seemed worried and he started to fidget.
“Oric can only see their outlines. They are even beyond his sight, because they do not wish to be seen. Yet you, who have no spiritual sight can see them?”
“I guess.”
“That makes no sense. They can only be seen by those they wish to be seen by.”
“So I’m doing nothing wrong. They want me to see them.”
“No! You are going against the rules! My master will correct the travesty you have started.”
“I haven’t done anything!”
Chenoa’s voice seemed to shake the tent and Ark took the slightest step back. Out of the corner of Chenoa’s eye she saw a large snake slither into the tent. It was silvery and translucent. The skin that covered its body was shimmery and glittered like sparkles. Its eyes were a bottomless black. The snake looked at Chenoa and nodded then focused on Ark. Closing her eyes Chenoa shook her head.
No! She didn’t want to be break the rules! She didn’t want to be different. Go away!
The snake looked at her, cocking his head curiously. Shaking its head it hissed almost sadly then disappeared. Turning her back to Ark, Chenoa sat down. She had never been scared through this whole trip and yet now she felt it grip her. She was unconsciously breaking nature. And it would lead to her end.
Ark watched her for a while before he left the tent. Autumn said nothing, just watching her wearily. How was she to save her friends when she was in danger herself?
“Is this why you are helping them, Autumn?” she whispered looking at tent wall. “You think I’m evil? A mistake?”
“Please, just go away.”
“Chenoa, it’s not that…you don’t know the situation. Not everyone has your ability to escape situations.”
Chenoa said nothing and Autumn left in a huff. Slowly Chenoa’s eyes drooped with boredom as she waited for what was going to happen next. Her mind wandered through a fog and slowly a dream formed in her mind.
She was standing in a field before a giant silver willow. The willow spirit. It was the largest thing she had ever seen and the most beautiful. It seemed to be singing to Chenoa. It was the sweetest sound Chenoa had ever heard. In the tree she saw her own reflection. She was tall, lean and well built. Her body held perfect curves and her eyes were a warm rich black. Her hair was straight and silky, the color of the space between stars.
Looking down Chenoa saw the high grass around her ankles was a midnight blue with white tips. It was cool to the touch and made her skin tingle.
“He isn’t coming, Ona,” a cold voice cut in.
Turning Chenoa saw an eerily handsome man. He was too perfect. It almost hurt to look at him because he was so beautiful. His eyes and hair were the same color as Chenoa’s but his skin was lighter than her dark tan. His lips were full and a dark red. His build was lean but possessed a great amount of muscle. His build reminded Chenoa of a cheetah.
“Stop wasting your time waiting for him,” he snarled his eyes flashing with more than just anger but hurt and jealousy.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“You are not meant to be with him. You are mine.”
“Erebos, you know more than anyone that I belong to no one.”
“Yes…so I have learned.”
“I was created this way.”
“You seem to forget why you were created.”
“What does that mean?”
“You forget that we are partners, Ona. We were made to be with each other.”
“We were made to balance each other, not to be together.”
“Why do you hate me so?”
The pain in his voice caused Chenoa to turn away and cringe.
“I don’t hate you, Erebos. I care deeply about you.”
“Then why can’t you be with me? Why must you choose that human?”
“Erebos, I didn’t expect it to happen.”
She could see him walking closer in the tree’s reflection. His eyes were transfixed obsessively on her. He felt like dark presence, a void coming closer to her. Erebos wrapped his arms around her.
“Ona, can’t you feel our magic entwining. We are supposed to be together. You are the earth and I am sky. You call the spirits; I call the spaces in between the spaces. Together we are the creating forces. We created all of this.”
“We are magical matches but we are not soul matches.”
His grip tightened painfully and Chenoa gasped. His touch was so suppressive and engulf.
“And he is? That human is your soul’s match?”
“I believe so…”
Her words were airy as she gasped. The willow spirit seemed to groan and stretch as Chenoa started to wiggle about.
“Ona, I cannot let you make this mistake. I cannot let you throw it away for a human.”
“I’m not throwing anything away. I am not changing.”
“You cannot be with a human. He cannot handle your power. It is too raw. It will kill him.”
“I can control it.”
Her voice shook as she talked.
“You can’t. You possess the largest amount of concentrated power that has ever existed. You simply can’t risk it. The world relies on you to keep the balance.”
“I can do it all.”
“Then why did you tell him to leave?”
“Because I love him!”
The silence that enveloped was painful. Chenoa could not believe those words had left her lips.
“Then I shall show you the danger you are to him.”
His voice was like ice and Chenoa could feel herself freeze as she no longer felt his touch.
“Qamar,” he called softly and Chenoa gasped.
Spinning around she saw a dark shapeless form come and fill the field. Chenoa did not understand what was going.
“What are you doing, Eredos?” she inquired, fear in her voice.
“I’m showing you the weakness of your human and how he can’t handle your power. That I am the only one who can control your powers.”
Slowly out of Qamar’s depths a limp figure appeared. The figure had dirty blonde hair and light skin.
“Draco!” the words were like gasp from her mouth.
“Awake, Draco.”
Slowly Draco’s head raised and he blinked looking around vaguely. He looked at Chenoa and smiled at her as he tried to move towards Chenoa. When he could not move he looked around more carefully and saw Erebos.
“You! What have you done to me? Leave Onatah alone!”
“Silence you mortal creature!” Erebos’s voice sounded like the echo in a deep drum.
“Erebos! Let him go…this isn’t about him. This is between us.”
“Ona, this is all about him. We were made to be together and we would have as the prophecy foretells if not for him!”
“Prophecies are not always right! You know that as well as I!”
“It is also about the fact that you, Onatah, are nothing but raw power in a physical form. You provide the power for everyone. You are the chosen channel between the spirits and the world. He cannot handle that. It will destroy him.”
“It won’t, Ona! I am strong enough for you!”
“I know, Draco. I know.”
“If he is strong enough, as you both believe, than transform into your real self.”
Chenoa blanched. Erebos sneered at her.
“He has never seen that form of you, has he?”
She said nothing.
“I thought not. Show him, Ona. Show him the real you.”
Shaking her head Chenoa looked at the grass.
“It’s okay, Ona. Show me. We will prove that we are meant to be and that he can’t separate us. I don’t care what you look like.”
“It’s not that simple, Draco. My power destroys everything it touches. It is too pure for others. That is why I hold it so it can be let out slowly and diluted for the rest of the world.”
“Trust me, Ona. I can handle it.”
Tears streaking down her face, Chenoa nodded. She prayed to the goddess that he could, that he was strong enough and let her power flow. The spirits slowly came to her. They all looked curious at her tears and their questions filled her mind. What was wrong? Why was she crying? Did someone hurt her?
She pushed their questions away and let them come into her. They were in her. They were her. The voices swelled and Chenoa heard the willow spirit creaked as it leaned towards her.
The voice of this spirit was much more pronounced.
“Foolish girl,” it sighed with a hint of bitter jealousy as it started to enter her soul. “All for a human. Do not call us all or else you will surely kill me.”
“Silence,” she commanded the spirit and it fell silent. Yet Chenoa did stop her call. If she absorbed the spirit man and the wolf spirit the power would destroy even Erebos.
She lost sight of Erebos, Qamar, and Draco. Everything was white and silver, the color of the spirits. Everything was hot, burning to the point that it felt cool. Chenoa was spirit. She was fire. She was power.

“Chenoa!” a harsh voice cut in.
Bolting up Chenoa gasped and realized she was sweating. Ark was in front of her and he looked a little pale for his dark skin.
“You were burning up, literally,” he told her wearily. “Your body was on fire.”
“What were you doing?”
“Nothing. I was dreaming.”
“Of what?”
“I don’t know.”
Confusion filled Chenoa’s mind as the dream became fuzzy and slipped away from her grasp. Shaking her head, it hurt to remember the dream so she let it go with a disgruntled sigh. Looking up at Ark she snarled a little.
“Did you want something?” she snapped.
“I came to get you. We are moving out. So get up and let’s go.”
Chenoa struggled to her feet and looked at Ark. She knew resistance would not work. She could feel the suppression of her powers and Chenoa did not feel like trying to fight it. For some reason she felt extremely lethargic.
Following Ark, Chenoa walked outside and saw the extent of the camp. There were at least thirty men and creatures. Some of them seemed to be a mix. Looking around Chenoa didn’t see any of her friends anywhere.
“They are already at the castle. They have been there for a while.”
“You will see them soon. They have been bothering the guards non-stop about you.”
A small smile crossed Chenoa’s face as she thought of the indignant look on Sun’s face and Chris’s trembling angry lips. They were both so cute when they were upset. Ark seemed to roll his eyes at Chenoa and grabbed her by the arm, his thin fingers digging into her skin.
Pulling her to the front he tied her wrists with a sharp cord to a large horse who seemed to be made of sky and clouds. The puffs of white seemed to be flowing slowly around the horse’s robin egg blue body. Chenoa stared in amazement at it and found that she thought it was beautiful.
“Tender Sky is a stunning horse, is she not?” a soft voice asked and looking up Chenoa saw Oric.
He smiled kindly at her though it never seemed to take away the sadness that lingered in his eyes. Oric gave her a searching look and frown just a little.
“You banished your servants from you side,” he said seriously as he looked at the empty spaces around Chenoa, once Ark was out of ear shot.
“My servants?”
“The spirits that cling to your hem like children needing nourishment.”
“Have you not been told, Oric? What I am doing is a crime against nature, whether or not I mean to.”
Oric frowned even more and shook his head.
“That may be what they believe but any one that can really see knows that is not true or else she would not be siding beside you.”
Oric said nothing as Ark made a yelling sound and everyone started moving forward. Walking briskly to keep up with Tender Sky, Chenoa started huffing in a short amount of time. Everything felt so heavy today. Her bones felt as if they were made of lead and her body grew tired quickly. Gritting her teeth Chenoa pushed forward trying to ignore the aching fatigue that was gripping her body.
Their trip lasted long into the day and after a short meal and water break, Oric swept Chenoa up in his arms and placed her on Tender Sky in front of him. Chenoa didn’t say anything but she felt secretly grateful. Her body was screaming in protest so sitting on Tender Sky was a relaxing experience. It did seem like she was floating on clouds.
Without realizing it, Chenoa started leaning back against Oric. He was warm to the touch, a soothing presence. When she looked around she suddenly noticed more men around them. They were pale and gaunt looking, wearing clothes that seemed out dated. One looked right at her and Chenoa gasped and sat forward quickly as she recognized the face. It was Draco. The moment Chenoa lost contact with Oric, the ghostly men all disappeared. Looking around Chenoa was confused.
Leaning back against Oric, Chenoa took in breath sharply as the figures appeared again. The ghostly Draco kept walking near Tender Sky, but were too far for Chenoa to touch. His hair was short and he looked more human than he did when she last saw him. In fact Chenoa was pretty sure that it wasn’t the Draco she knew.
“You can see them?” Oric whispered to me without looking at me or around.
“Yes. Is this what you see all the time?”
“They look so sad.”
“Some are. Some aren’t.”
“Why are they here?”
“Because this is their realm too. We share the plain of existence with them.”
“But most can’t see them. Can they see us?”
“Some. They can see people they want to see. The ones who have affected them in their previous life.”
“Is that Draco?”
She nodded to the figure near them. It seemed to hear its name and looked at Chenoa smiling. It was so young looking.
“In a sense.”
“I thought he was a Nonelement. They can’t die.”
“Draco is a special Nonelement. Nonelements were all born when the worlds were. They just appeared, but Draco was made. He wasn’t born.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It is not important.”
They fell silent and after a few minutes the hair on Chenoa’s neck went up. She felt eyes upon her. Turning her head only slightly Chenoa saw Tom a couple horses away. He was watching her with burning eyes. The look sent a chill down her spine.
“Ignore him. He is only angry that he has been nonverbally demoted. Ark has been trying to keep him far from you. It was Tom’s mistake for not making his passions for your power’s a secret.”
“I don’t understand his draw to me. He is just a crazy person.”
“That happens in his breed.”
“His breed?”
“Tom is an afrit.”
“A what?”
“An unclean spirit. Or at least he is half that. You find in this world that there are a lot mixed breeds. He is afrit and dedkin. It means that he has a tendency for being crazy.”
“It is in your best interest to avoid him at all cost.”
“So I’ve been told over and over again.”
The weight on her chest grew as the air became cooler. Looking forward Chenoa saw a looming castle. It seemed so cliché. It was on a cliff overlooking the River of Lost Souls. The sun shone brightly but the warmth never reached them. Chenoa started to be able to see her breath.
“Is this were writers get their ideas?” Chenoa said but more to herself.
Oric laughed and said, “Many of the other world’s artists have specially formed minds. It allows them to see into this world during their sleep. It’s like mini-portals. Most them do not even realize that they are descendents of Seers.”
“Seers used to be the ones who monitored the two worlds to make sure that no one was in the wrong place.”
“So this is No Man’s Castle?”
“Yes, but it wasn’t always called that.”
“What was it called?”
“The name was lost when the owner left. It became vacant and since it is resistant to all magic, the castle became No Man’s.”
“But your master is using magic there.”
“You can tell.”
“It is like a suffocating blanket.”
“He is the only one I have ever heard of who can use magic there. Ark knows why but won’t say. He says that it is irrelevant at the moment.”
“Oric!” Ark’s voice cut in. “Take her immediately to the prison chamber. I don’t want to risk her escaping.”
“Yes, sir.”
Oric made a clicking sound and Tender Sky bolted forward. Chenoa’s eyes were fixed on the castle as it got closer and closer. Leaning forward Oric pressed against Chenoa so that even if she had tried to slip off the horse, Chenoa would not have had the room to.
Tender Sky seemed to move faster and faster until Chenoa could no longer focus on one thing. Then they were at the castle. In it. Running down a hallway. They turned right then left then left then right and soon Chenoa lost track and became dizzy. She felt motion sickness building in her stomach and reaching a peek when Tender Sky suddenly stopped.
Oric was off in a flash then lifted Chenoa by her waist. Chenoa felt like she was fluttering down. She studied his three beautiful eyes. They glittered like precious stones.
“This is your place for now. Your friends are on the other side.”
Nodding Chenoa’s voice was stuck in her throat. Holding her by the arm, Oric pressed his hand against the door and it swung open. Chenoa walked into it and heard the door softly shut. She looked behind her at the large wooden door then back around. Before she could even take the room in a piercing scream filled her ears.

Something hard and soft hit Chenoa at the same time. Falling back to the hard stone floor, Chenoa gasped for air as her ribs ached under the weight of something heavy.
“Chenoa! Chenoa! Chenoa!” a high voice squealed in Chenoa’s ears.
“Gabby,” Chenoa managed to say as she tried to gain breath again.
“Oh Chenoa, Chris said that you were here. I knew you would find me!”
Gabby was practically crying in Chenoa’s hair. Chenoa wrapped her arms around her friend. She couldn’t even imagine what her friend had been through.
“I’m sorry, Gab. This is all my fault.”
Gabriella looked at her best friend, her eyes full of tears, and smiled. She started laughing and hugged her friend tighter.
“Chenoa, no matter what you say I could never blame you for this. These are just crazy men and you still came for me. That’s all that matters.”
Chenoa managed to push herself up and saw Nick was there along with Chris and Sun. Kork, Star and Galaxy weren’t there. Nick looked a little thin but no worse for wear. Looking down at Gabby, Chenoa saw that she had dark circles under her eyes and evidence of weight loss could be seen in her face.
“Have they been even feeding you?” Chenoa asked with anger in her belly.
“Yes. You wouldn’t know by looking at Nick and me, but we were actually treated very well. The last couple days have been rough, but I don’t think they thought it would take you so long to get here. We just have chosen not to eat a lot because we kind of thought they maybe poisoning the food.”
Chenoa smiled. Of course Gabby would jump to the conclusion. She was such a cloak and dagger thinker.
“Has Chris told you what is going on?” Chenoa asked.
“No. He said it was your place, not his.”
“Ms. Gabriella, could you please get off Ms. Chenoa? I think she vould be more comfortable,” Sun asked politely but his face was stern.
Gabriella blushed and quickly stood up. Sun came and offered his hand. Smiling Chenoa took it and stood up. Brushing herself off Chenoa looked around the room. There was one bed, a small table and one chair. That was it. Sighing Chenoa looked around again. They were all watching her tentatively.
“You all want to know what is going on?” Chenoa sighed.
They nodded in unison.
“Well honestly, I don’t know all of it, but I guess I should update Gabby and Nick.”
“That would be nice,” Nick beamed that winning smile of his. At least that hadn’t change.
Taking a deep breath Chenoa sat on the bed and focused on the door. She started from the beginning, when she first found out she was a Spellbinder. When she finished there was a silence as she expected and it was Nick who spoke first.
“That so cool, Chenoa. You’re a spellbinder? That’s like amazing.”
“Really? Thanks, Nick. You’re not mad?”
“You can’t control other people. This other spellbinder is obviously a nut.”
Gratefully Chenoa smiled at him and his loyal golden retriever personality.
“How could you not have told me?” Gabby asked her voice full of resentment.
“I was not supposed to tell. And I guess I thought I was protecting you.”
“Come on, Chen. I know you. That’s bull.”
“Okay, okay…I was afraid that you’d think I was a freak. You’re my best friend and I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
“You should have given me more credit than that. And I would have rather heard it from you than learn it this way.”
“I know. I’ll understand if when this is over if you’d rather not talk to me.”
“You’re so dramatic, Chenoa.”
Gabby laughed sounding like her old self.
“Why wouldn’t I want a spellbinder as a friend? I mean think of the perks.”
At this Chenoa laughed too and hugged Gabriella.
“This is all really sweet and touching,” Chris interjected. “But how are we going to get out of this?”
“I don’t know. Ark said that his master only wanted me, so maybe he’ll let you guys go if I stay.”
“No! Chenoa, you can’t give up. Ve vill find a vay out. I won’t let him hurt you,” Sun proclaimed taking her hand in his.
He was so melodramatic, Chenoa thought smiling.
“Uh, this guy is right, Chenoa,” Gabby nodded giving Sun an appraising look. “Even if he is a little, uh, knight-in-shining-armorish.”
“That’s my Sun. Which reminds, Sun have you tried using your powers here?”
His face fell and became dark.
“He only managed to throw himself into the wall,” Chris smirked looking at Sun cruelly.
“At least I’m trying,” Sun snapped at Chris, his hair sparking.
“Yeah, like it did much good.”
“At least I have some value in this situation, unlike you who is a useless human.”
“Hey!” Gabby and Nick piped up looking indignant.
“Sun, that’s unfair,” Chenoa chided narrowing her eyes.
Bowing his head in humility Sun apologized. The tension between Sun and Chris still lingered though, despite the change of topic.
“I think,” Chris sighed after hours of talking, “that we should get some rest.”
They all nodded and Chenoa climbed into the bed with Gabby. The boys made themselves comfortable on the floor and Chenoa smile at her friends. The last thing she remembered seeing was Chris watching her, his eyes burning oddly bright.

Draco was there in Chenoa’s mind. He was looking at her solemnly.
“Chenoa,” he called sadly and Chenoa felt her heart tug.
“Draco?” her voice said back.
“Where are your guardians?” he asked looking around the dark empty space of her mind.
“What are you talking about?”
“The Spirits. They are gone. What have you done?”
“Those animals? I told them to leave me alone.”
“Why would you do that?”
His voice was suddenly angry, but Chenoa found that she didn’t care.
“I didn’t want to be breaking the rules. I didn’t want to be different.”
“You stupid girl! You weren’t. They belong with you! They are you! How are you supposed to fight him without them?”
“Yes. He’s coming. I can’t get to you from here. He has placed so many spells that this is the only way I can even reach you. How can I know you’re safe if you don’t even have the Spirits.”
“Draco, I just want to go home.”
“He won’t let you go home! Don’t you get it! He’s going to kill you!”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me.”
“Things always come full circle, Chenoa. This one has taken much longer than most but it has come. Please, Chenoa call the Spirits back.”
“No, and I don’t understand.”
“You will but…”
His head snapped around. Worry lines creased his beautiful face and Chenoa wanted to hold him close to her. She reached for him and he held her hand.
“I must go, Chenoa. He is here. Please call the Spirits. They are a part of you.”
A voice cut in calling her name.
“Chenoa! Chenoa!”
“Don’t go, Draco.”
Draco smiled but faded away and Chris’s face appeared instead. Chenoa reached out and touched it. It was real. Chris was leaning over her in the bed, shaking her awake and calling her name.
“What’s going on, Chris?” she mumbled rubbing her eyes.
“The door…it’s unlocked.”
Bolting up Chenoa looked around wildly. The door was unlocked?
“Yeah, I woke up and thought I’d try it and to my amazement it was unlocked.”
“This is great. Help me wake everyone up.”
They quickly rose the rest of their friends and edged to the door. It was really unlocked. Nick let out a soft yippee and Gabby hissed yes. Sun looked at Chris with an odd look, but said nothing. Waving for the rest to follow him, Chris slipped out the door. They half ran, half walked down the hall, hugging the wall.
They said nothing. They barely breathed. The halls were dark with the faintest of light from some unknown source. Chenoa thought her heart was beating in a deafening tone and was afraid that someone would hear it. Every once and while they would pause and listen. When they heard nothing they continued.
Sun looked grim and foreboding. Chenoa kept looking back at him but he said nothing. He looked extremely angry, but Chenoa could not understand why.
Chris grabbed Chenoa’s hand and smiled at her as they paused at one corner. He squeezed her hand and then looked around the corner.
“Coast is clear,” he hissed and they edged around it.
“Chenoa,” Sun murmured to her when Chris seemed distracted.
“Don’t you think its odd that Chris just suddenly found the door unlocked?”
“What do you mean?”
“Isn’t it a little convenient?”
“What are you suggesting? You think something is up with Chris?”
“No…I don’t know. I just feel like this is too easy.”
“We just got lucky. That’s it.”
Chenoa’s tone told Sun to drop it, but he looked hurt and mutinous.
“Wait!” Nick said suddenly and they all stopped.
There was the faint sound of footsteps coming from down the hall. They all sprinted, but then there was the sound of voices from up ahead.
“Crap!” They looked around but it seemed like they were going to be trapped.
Chenoa pressed herself against the wall but found there was no wall. A doorway as black as the wall was right behind her.
“This way!” she called and ran ahead of her friends.
Sun and Chris called for her to wait, but she was sprinting as fast as she could. They would keep up. They had to move quickly.
The passage twisted and turned and she felt like she was running up hill. Chenoa became winded and slowed down. Leaning against the wall to her left she tried to catch her breath.
“I think we lost them,” she smiled looking back, but no one was there. “Chris? Sun? Gabby? Nick?”
No one replied and Chenoa realized she was on her own. They had to just be behind her a little. She only had to wait. So she stayed as still as possible, steadying her breath. Yet it only took a few minutes for her to start becoming antsy. She would just walk slowly. They were probably running so they’d catch up soon.
Edging her way down the passage she felt the walls with her fingers. The hallway was definitely going uphill, but where? Her fingers met the air as another doorway appeared to her left. Curiously Chenoa took a moment to decide whether to walk down it or not. There was light at the end and Chenoa picked up her pace.
It was sun light. Chenoa knew it. Sprinting Chenoa started smiling broadly, anticipating the warmth of the sun. Reaching the light Chenoa let out a cry of joy before she ran head on into someone.
“Ooff...” Chenoa gasped falling back.
She landed hard on her ass and looked up.
“Birdie,” Tom cooed as he looked down at her beaming.
“Crap!” Chenoa tried to scoot back away from him.
She turned and tried to scramble away on her hands and knees, but Tom quickly over took her and picked Chenoa up by her scruff. Laughing he put Chenoa on her feet and pinched her cheeks.
“Just the girl I was looking for. I guess it’s true that the best things come to you.”
“Let me go, Tom. My friends are right behind me and you can’t take all of us on.”
“All the more reason to move quickly.”
He started off down the well lit hall way that Chenoa had mistaken for outside. It did look like the outside, except for the stone walls. The floors were covered in a grass and vines grew on the walls. Chenoa could have sworn she heard birds and running water.
Chenoa could only think though about getting away. She tugged and pulled and planted her feet in ground, but Tom just picked her up and carried her over his shoulder.
Yelling and ordering him to let her go, Chenoa became red in the face with frustration. Tom just laughed and ignored her. He carried her for what seemed like forever when they entered a large circular room. It was so tall that Chenoa could not even see the ceiling.
Tom slowed as he entered the room and placed Chenoa down. He seemed in awe of the room and Chenoa could understand why. It was gorgeous with every inch of the walls covered in wooden carving, including large columns that were dispersed randomly through the room.
“The master’s room.”
“His room? He sleeps here.”
“Don’t be absurd. This is his room of magic and deliberation.”
“Its beautiful.”
They fell silent for a moment then Tom grabbed her arm and pulled her after him.
“We need to get out of here.”
“Chenoa?” a timid voice called.
Tom and Chenoa snapped around. Chris was standing in the doorway they had just come through looking around confused and dazed.
© Copyright 2009 Dreamer (dcg1189 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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