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Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1576952
Chenoa part 8
Tyler walked to Chenoa and placed his fingers against her cheek. They were hot like fire and Chenoa had to fight the urge to cringe away.
“You are more powerful than my father,” he whispered with a suddenly hungry voice. “You could destroy anything.”
“But I do not wish to,” Chenoa told him. “I do not wish to harm others.”
Tyler looked at her as if he did not understand. Josh walked up and touched her other cheek. His fingers were freezing and Chenoa almost yelped in surprise.
“Her soul is so beautiful. Some many bright and brilliant colors. I have never seen one like it before,” he moaned. “I want it for my collection, Tyler. Can I have her?”
“For now, but do not bind it permanently.”
Staring at Chenoa, Tyler called to the guys behind him, “Tie them up, but make sure they can still walk. We’re going on a trip.”
Chenoa yelled as they started dragging Sun and Chris away. Josh restrained Chenoa and whispered in her ear as they were left alone.
“They are going away, little phoenix,” he hissed his fingers snaking around her arms. “It is just you and me.”
Chenoa felt cold seeping through her body. Looking into his dead eyes, she felt terror engulf her.
“What do you want of me?” she managed.
“Nothing. I just want you. I want your warmth, your soul, your being.”
He licked his lips and looked at her with such intensity, Chenoa could feel herself being somehow diminished. Suddenly he took her hand and bit one of her fingers. Yelping Chenoa tried to pull away but he held strong and licked the blood off of her finger tip.
“Delicious,” he murmured. “But pure blood always is.”
Horrified Chenoa tried to yank her hand free.
“Give me your warmth,” he cooed pulling her close. “Give me your soul.”
Hugging her to him, Josh started singing. His voice was hypnotic and Chenoa felt herself letting go. There was warmth in his cold. There was safety from the world.
“Yes,” he hissed. “Let go. Let go.”
Chenoa was leaning against him, breathing in his musty smell. In her daze she listened for a heart beat but there was nothing. Nothing. He had no heart beat or at least not one that was detectable. Chenoa felt herself returning to normal.
“You shall be mine forever,” he was telling her. “We shall create powerful children and your soul will be mine.”
“No,” Chenoa thought her hands curling around something hard.
Raising her arm she struck Josh with the object. As he screamed the fog in Chenoa’s mind cleared and she saw what she had struck him with, a silver knife with a dragon hilt.
Staggering away Josh looked at her as if he had never seen her clearly up till then.
“No one has ever broken my binding,” he whispered.
Pulling the knife from his chest, Chenoa was horrified to see that it was still clean.
“He has no blood. Rock said that before!”
Turning Chenoa ran for her life. Josh would recover quickly and she had to disappear fast. Chenoa finally stopped when she could no longer breathe. Standing in the shadows of an alley, she listened. Everything was quiet, too quiet. Chenoa’s nerves were on the edge. She looked around the corner of the alley to see if anyone was there. Giving a sigh of relief she started in the direction, Chenoa thought they had gone.

After searching several blocks Chenoa found them. The group had stopped beside a river that was apparently the boarder line of the city. As Chenoa watched Josh appeared and walked over to them, looking upset and almost hurt. Tyler looked up and grimaced.
Opening his mouth, Tyler was about to speak when Josh held up his hand. He walked past Tyler and up to Sun.
“What?” Sun growled.
Sneering Josh sucker-punched Sun right in the face. It was all Chenoa could do to keep herself from running out to help Sun.
“Get up,” Josh snarled as Sun held his face in his hands, his knees on the ground. “I said get up.”
Two others came and hoisted Sun up. Josh hit him again.
“Josh, not that I dislike this abusive nature, but what has happened?” Tyler asked stepping next to his friend.
“She resisted my charm,” Josh scowled punching Sun again. “She broke my enchantment.”
“I don’t know. It’s never happened before. Mother used to say that a person could only be unbounded if they were in true love with someone but that it was so rare it was a one in a billion chance…it had to be a love that bent time…so I figure it must be this jerk. The other one is too inferior of a creature.”
Again he hit Sun, but Sun took it with a small grin this time. Chris became down cast and murderous looking.
“Enough, Josh. Let’s just get rid of them and go find the girl. We can bind her together.”
Tyler and Josh walked up to Sun and Chris with guns in their hands. Chenoa snuck up closer so she could here what they were saying to her friends.
“I can guess that you two know what we are going to do to you?” smirked Tyler staring at Chris.
“It isn’t hard, I mean it is the oldest way to get rid of bodies. I mean you definitely don’t have any originality,” sneered Chris.
Smack! Tyler had hit Chris up side the head with the bud of his pistol. A small trickle of blood fell down the side of his head. Chris winced but didn’t cry out or faint.
“Watch it. I could make your death a lot more painful,” snarled Tyler glaring at Chris with hate. “I was actually just going to throw you two into the river with weights tie to you but now I’m going to kill you and let your friend drown for you.”
Chenoa moved closer and quickly darted under a near bye bridge that crossed the river. Her feet got soaked as the fast moving water flowed over her feet and onto her jeans. Goosebumps covered her arms and legs as she slowly waded through the water to the other side of the bridge so she would be almost next to the gang.
Sun was tied up tight with heavy looking rocks dangling all over him. A bunch of guys came and tossed Sun into the fast flowing river. Chenoa watched as the mob laughed as Sun sank a bit and flowed down river towards Chenoa.
Quickly but silently Chenoa walked back into the middle of the river until it was up to her stomach. She bent down so that the water covered her shoulders. As Sun’s large figure flowed up to Chenoa, she grabbed him and pulled him out of the water.
Dragging Sun to the bank of the river on the other side of the bridge, she untied him and made sure that he was awake. Then Chenoa crawled back into the icy cold water and arrived back on the other side of it just in time to here Tyler tell Chris something.
“As soon as you’re dead me and my buddies are going to go back and find that friend of yours, the girl one of course, since your other one isn’t exactly retrievable,” Tyler whispered into Chris’s ear but it was still loud enough for Chenoa could hear. “As soon as we catch, I’m going to have to have words with her. She is too valuable to kill…hmm…her power too great.”
Chenoa’s blood started to boil as she listened to Tyler. Then she got an idea. She waded into the middle of the river and raised her hands into the air while closing her eyes in concentration.
She began to hum.
“Dragon of water I give you life, come to me and fight!” chanted Chenoa with arms in the air.
A wind blew past Chenoa ruffling her hair and making her shiver. The water around sped up as the wind became like a whip, lashing at Chenoa’s cheeks. Everyone froze in their places.
The water stirred and became choppy. Suddenly a wave of water rose into the air, forming a giant water dragon.
Its eyes seemed to be made of ice and its tongue lashed out like a jagged piece of coral. The dragon swayed then it let out a huge, tremendous roar that shook the trees near-bye. Some of the boys ran but most stayed until the dragon spouted blue fire that turned a tree it touched into ice. Then all of them scattered leaving Chris, Josh and Tyler alone.
Tyler threw Chris onto the ground and backed up slowly. Chenoa walked out behind Tyler acting dazed.
“What’s going on here?” she asked pretending to be clueless.
Tyler turned towards her and was about to grab her when the dragon’s head appeared in between them. He shrieked in surprise and backed away from the dragon.
“You don’t know who you’re messing with,” Tyler growled his shape becoming less stable.
“Neither do you,” she sneered.
Tyler smiled, his teeth growing large and sharper. With a loud growl he grew, his body making a ripping sound as he transformed into a large blue demon cat with black bull horns. He was as large as Galaxy with intense black eyes, the third one still visible but a deadly red.
“Your true form, I suppose,” Chenoa said calmly.
“Does it suit you?” he smirked digging his claws in the ground.
“Hmm…it is more attractive than your human form, but almost anything is.”
His eyes flashed as a snarl slipped out of his throat.
“Do not test me, spellbinder.”
“Do not test me, morgrif.”
Rumbling emitted from his belly as he shook in anger. The ice dragon swayed behind Chenoa, waiting for instructions.
“Do you wish to test you pitiful magic against my power, half-breed?”
“Is it fair that a half-breed be insulting a half-breed?”
“Show your true form, Chenoa. I have shown mine.”
“This is my form, Tyler.
“My name is Relyt and I believe not.”
Before Chenoa could blink, Tyler bounded up to her, slashing her dragon out of the way and pinning her to the earth.
“Show us your form, wench!”
“Tyler!” Josh yelled running to his friend.
“Stay back, Shoj.”
He pressed his massive claw harder on Chenoa, crushing her body. Chris and Sun both called for her but were powerless. If either of them came near, Relyt would swat them away with his tail. Crying out in pain Chenoa felt herself sink into the ground.
“Come now, spellbinder, fight!”
The pain was engulfing Chenoa. In her desperation, Chenoa’s thoughts turned to Gabby and Nick and Draco. She could not die. Her friends needed her. She wanted to seem them all again. She had to see Draco.
Something sparked in Chenoa and suddenly her eyes blazed. The fire spread from inside her body to out. She was on fire; she was fire. Grinning in triumph, Relyt barked holding her down firmly.
“See Shoj, her true form emerges as I knew it would.”
Shoj gazed in wonder at the blazing Chenoa. At that moment he would have sworn she was a goddess, a phoenix.
“Can you contain her, Relyt? Can you break her so we can keep her?”
“But of course, Shoj.”
“I think not!” Chenoa interjected her fire blazing hotter. “I wonder, Relyt, was your father in this form when he raped your mother? He was so disgusting that he couldn’t win her fairly.”
“Shut up, you bitch!”
Raising a paw he smashed it down on Chenoa. Chris and Sun screamed. Then there was silence. The earth and water went still. The wind stopped. Nothing moved.
Smirking Relyt ground his paw in the ground.
“See, Shoj. Sim…”
Relyt was suddenly lifted in the air. Looking everyone saw Chenoa standing in the foot deep impression in the earth, arms raised, glowing a bright purple.
“Do not test me, creature,” her voice echoed as thunder rolled over head.
With a flick of her hand Retyl was thrown away from them, hitting a stone building with a crunch. Shoj watched hungrily.
He sneaked around and up close to Chenoa as she looked to her friends. Before either boy could utter a warning, Shoj grabbed her, his black aura enclosing hers.
“You must be mine,” he ordered greedily as he tightened his grip, his sharp teeth visible as he bit Chenoa’s neck.
The scream that rented from Chenoa’s lips seemed to tear the sound barrier. Sun and Chris were forced to cover their ears to try to stifle the horrific sound. Shoj held on, his darkness seeping into her, her light seeping into him.
Chenoa turned her body with a great effort and faced him. Her hands shook as Chenoa grabbed him. His eyes betrayed no fear, only desire.
“Be mine,” he whispered, almost pleading.
“I…” Chenoa stammered then her eyes glinted maliciously. “I will never.”
With one last scream, Chenoa threw him back far from them.
“Are you two alright?” her voice echoed.
“Yeah, but I could of handled him,” he answered wiping the blood of the side of his head.
“Thanks would have been enough,” Chenoa scowled sarcastically walking over to him her voice still echoing.
Chris said nothing. He was in a very bad mood.
“Let’s get moving,” Sun suggested trying to make the atmosphere happier. “As soon as ve cross the bridge Galaxy, Kork, Star and Autumn vill appear. Plus those monsters vill be back soon enough.”
“Right,” sighed Chenoa and then she collapsed.

A cool cloud was brushing against Chenoa’s face. It trickled rain down her cheeks and neck. Moaning Chenoa twisted around a bit.
“Hmm, stop,” she mumbled.
“Chenoa,” a soft voice said.
Blurry eyed Chenoa looked into Sun’s worried face.
“What happened?” Chenoa gasped trying to sit up.
She was very sore and very weak.
“You fainted. You over exerted yourself and fainted. Chris and I took you avay from there before Relyt or Shoj voke up.”
“Are you two okay?”
“Ve are fine. Ve were vorried about you. Vhen you go into that state you are at your most powerful and most vulnerable.”
“My mother told me about it. It’s your last resort state, you cornered-animal state of being. You go into to protect yourself but all your power is going into offense, so your defense is lessened.”
“But you are okay. Ginger helped us get you here.”
“She is a friend of Galaxy. I guess our friends ran into some trouble to and Galaxy sent Ginger to guide us.”
At that moment a timid looking deer walked into view with Chris. She had large brown eyes and her nose twitched constantly.
“H..h..hello,” she stuttered. “Good to see you are awake.”
“Thank you for helping us.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
“What is going on, Ginger?”
“Galaxy and them ran into some goons while waiting for you. They tried to lure them away from where you were coming but I don’t know how successful they were. Galaxy said one of them was captured. A dwarf…what was his name…Abraham…Adam…Winter…”
“Yes that was it. I’m terrible with names, China.”
“Never mind.”
“Anyways Galaxy sent me to help you. She told me to warn you about Ark.”
“Who’s Ark?” Chris asked sitting next to Chenoa.
“He’s a shape shifter. He is one of the ruler’s henchmen, like his advisor or something.”
“That might make things difficult.”
“And Tom is on the prowl for you, Cegway. I have heard him boasting that he will capture you and your power. Some think he is possessed.”
“His master won’t like that,” Chenoa sighed.
“No, not at all.”
“I guess that means we should just get going. Better not to stay in one spot for too long.”
Chenoa grunted as she heaved herself up. Wobbling Chenoa started walking as the other three rushed to catch up.

Miles behind them, Relyt awoke. Groaning he sat up, back in human form. Looking around he saw no one. The place was empty, except for a lone figure. Shoj. He stood with his back to Relyt looking at the huge paw print in the ground.
“Shoj?” Relyt said cautiously walking over to his friend.
Shoj did not answer. He stood silently, just staring. Relyt could not put his finger on it but something was different. He could smell it in the air.
“Shoj, what is going on? Are you alright? Did that wench hurt you? Mangle you? Or something?”
“No, my dear friend. Not in the least bit. Quite the opposite,” Shoj whispered slowly turning towards his friend.
Relyt stopped, frozen. Shoj was smiling broadly; his skin seemed to be glowing. His eyes were a vibrate purple; his hands held fire and his body seemed stronger.
Holding up his hand, Shoj winked and threw a ball of fire at the near-bye tree. It seemed to explode and disintegrate at the same time. Then he raised his hands as if pulling something up and chunks of the earth pulled free and hovered in the air.
“She has given me some wonderful gifts, Relyt. We must thank her someday.”

“Chenoa, is everything okay?” Chris asked running up to Chenoa awhile later.
“Yah, everything is okay but ..,” Chenoa stopped in mid sentence not sure of what she wanted to say.
“But what? Is there something that is bothering you?” Chris persisted with concern.
“I really don’t know. Everything seems okay and I’m glad that I have you and Sun to help me but I just feel weird.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know.”
Chris put his arm around her shoulder in a brotherly fashion and hugged her. She didn’t pull away because it wasn’t a boyfriend hug or a personal hug; it was a friend hug, a nice hug that was meant to comfort her.
That night Ginger and Chenoa set up camp and the boys went looking for food. They didn’t return.
Chenoa tried to reassure herself that they were just lost but when she went to go find them Ginger stopped her.
“You must never step off the path. The boys are just farther down the trail!” she warned shaking.
“Because there are creatures out there that are dangerous and blood thirsty.”
“Griffins, tamera, dragons, sirens, etc.”
“Ok, ok. I won’t step off the path.”
Sighing she sat back down. Not too much later though when Ginger had fallen asleep, Chenoa heard someone calling her.
“Chenoa, Chenoa!” the distant voice called.
“Hello?” she said slowly.
“Chenoa, my little dove, where are you?” the voice called again.
“Papa Bear?”
Standing up she looked into the night, straining her eyes to see even the slightest movement.
“Yes, it’s me! I have come for you!”
“Is it really you, Papa?”
“Of course, little dove. I missed you. I had to come and get you.”
“Oh Papa Bear! I missed you too. Where are you?”
“I’m right over here. My foot is caught and I can’t free it. Please help me.”
“But I can’t leave the path. Ginger told me not to.”
“Oh, but I’m only a short distance away. Anyways what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“I guess.”
Starting to step off the path, she paused unsure but she let her foot touch the ground. Taking another step, she found herself completely off the path.
“Papa Bear, where are you?” she called to him.
“Over here!” he called.
Making her way to the voice, she found the branches tearing at her clothes.
“Papa?” she grunted as she got close to the voice’s location.
“Yes, my dear?” the voice cackled.
Large yellow eyes appeared in the night. Chenoa stumbled back as a Griffin appeared in front of her.
“How nice of you to come and help me?” it jeered stepping closer, swishing its lion tail.
“Yes. That is what I love about you good hearted people, so gullible.”
Turning to run, Chenoa found herself enclosed by the massive wings of the creature.
“I don’t think so my dear. You’re coming with me for dinner.”
“I’m not hungry. I already ate.”
Chenoa tried not to look the beast in the eyes but they kept drawing her attention.
“But I am.”
Rearing the beast grabbed her in its front claws and carried her off.

Flying high above the trees, Chenoa felt a weird sensation in the pit of her stomach. Clattering down on a high perch, the Griffin dropped her and folded its wings against its body.
“Ah, home sweet home,” the bird-lion smiled pleasantly.
“It is very nice,” she stammered trying to stay alive as long as possible.
“Yes, it is.”
“It must have been hard work finding a place like this.”
“Yes, it was. I had to fight off several others.”
The Griffin started to groom itself with its sharp beak. Not complaining about the stalling in her death she sat down and waited.
“What are you doing?” the Griffin snapped looking at her.
“Nothing!” she said truthfully.
“Exactly. You should be getting dinner ready.”
“What? You want me to cook myself?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, aren’t you going to eat me?”
“Heavens no! Gross, you humans are too bony. I brought you here to take after me. Dragons aren’t the only ones that do that you know.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.”
“Hmmm, you don’t know much for a human in the World of True Color.”
“I’m not from here. I came here in search for my friends, who have been captured, and I’m not human. I’m a spellbinder.”
Startled the creature looked up, stunned.
“You’re a spellbinder?”
“Damn it!”
It started pacing back and forth with a worried expression.
“What? What is wrong?”
“Uh, well, I can’t keep a spellbinder. Oh, and you looked in such good physical condition!”
“Why can’t you?”
“It breaks the decree of 99. Back during the year 99 Griffins and the spellbinder community made a deal not to harm or capture each other. They are also to side with each other during times of war and things.”
“Then why aren’t you with the other Griffins that are helping the new ruler of No Man’s castle.”
He glared at her and snapped, “Don’t insult me, spellbinder! I would never sink to the level of those Hindracorns.”
“I didn’t know there was a difference. I apologize. As you can see I’m new at this.”
The Griffin sniffed and put its beak in the air and turned away from her.
“Oh, so you have to let me go still, right?”
“Yes, I don’t really have a choice.”
Pinning his ear back he frowned.
“This has been a waste of time!”
“I’m sorry.”
“Because you and I both had more important things to do. Here take this. I hope it makes it up with you and I hope I can turn to you when I need to.”
Chenoa took a ruby ring off of her finger and handed it to the Griffin. It had been her mothers.
“Where did you get this?” the Griffin asked in amazement as it held it between two claws.
“It was my mothers.”
“Do you know what you just gave me?”
“A ruby ring?”
“Not just that. This ring can lead to the land of dreams and prophecies. No one is allowed there except a few who have the keys.”
“So I’m guessing it is a good gift and that you and I are okay?”
“Yes, yes. More than okay. Let me take you back to your campsite.”
“Okay. If it doesn’t inconvenience you.”
“No, not at all. Imagine, me having a key to the land of dreams and prophecies. Wow.”
Climbing onto the beast’s back, Chenoa got as comfortable as she could before he took off.
It took no time to get back to the campsite but no one was there.
“Chris? Sun? Ginger?” Chenoa shouted.
No answer.
“Where could they be?”
“Listen,” the Griffin snapped.

Chenoa strained her ears and faint voices drifted on the wind. It took a moment or two for Chenoa to recognize them and as they registered, Chenoa smiled.
“Galaxy!” Chenoa cried running through the trees.
“Wait, girl!” the Griffin called trampling after her.
Breaking through Chenoa yelled in joy as she saw Galaxy, Star, Kork, Sun, Chris and Ginger standing in another clearing. Looking up, the worry wiped from their faces, they smiled broadly and almost laughed as they saw the blundering Griffin following Chenoa.
“Another stray?” Galaxy laughed shaking her head. “I most definitely can’t carry that one.”
Beaming Chenoa ran up to Galaxy and hugged her. Then Chenoa quickly gave Star a kiss on the muzzle. Cautiously the Griffin observed the strange group his eyes staying on Galaxy.
“What happened to you all?” Chenoa asked finally.
“Like I said, Chrik and Bun,” Ginger started, “got lost on the trail…”
“But as Sun and I wandered we discovered Galaxy and Star and Kork…”
“We just escaped bad men, ork. We were trying to find yous, ork.”
“So naturally Star, Kork and I were delighted to see the boys and we wandered with them till Ginger found us.”
“But by then young lady, you had disappeared. Do you know how worried we were? I think my horn grew two more rings. I am too old for this.”
“I bumped into my new Griffin friend and he gave me a ride back here.”
Chenoa didn’t think it was necessary to add that he had kidnapped her in the first place and the Griffin seemed pleased that she didn’t mention it.
“Who may you be, kind Griffin?” Galaxy inquired in the politest of tones.
“My name is Broc, madam,” he bowed respectfully. “And am I correct in my assumption that you are one of the royal family’s daughters?”
“What?” Chenoa gasped looking at Galaxy.
Straightening proudly Galaxy graciously nodded her head.
“I am the youngest daughter of Ice Fire,” she said in a dramatic tone.
“Ice Fire! You come from the strong side of the family tree than. I could tell by your many colors, your strong bone structure, prominent and proud jaw line, you magnificent eyes, your…”
“Yes, yes, we get the point, you recognized her,” Star interjected in a bored tone.
“I didn’t know you were royalty,” Chenoa said amazed.
“Well, it doesn’t matter around here and I haven’t been home in hundreds of years.”
“It’s not important.”
Galaxy’s tone made it apparent the subject was to be dropped. Chenoa ached inside to know what Galaxy wasn’t saying and why it was a secret.
They talked for a bit and Chenoa, tired from the excitement of the day and from being away from home for so long, drifted in and out of consciousness. Galaxy and Broc were talking about the old days while Sun and Chris were debating some stupid sport or other. As the sun set, Chenoa leaned against Galaxy, her internal fire warming Chenoa, her jacket had seemed to have stopped working since the incident back in the city. Letting her friends babbling flow over her like a stream, Chenoa closed her eyes and floated off to sleep.
Chenoa had a dream that started off odd but then transformed into a more pleasant one. She was walking in a field of firegrass, the sun high in the sky. Black hair, that must have been as long as she was tall, flowed behind her. Chenoa felt beautiful and wild. Her body was not her own but one that she somehow knew.
Out in the fields she was all alone, but Chenoa felt as if she had all the company in the world, as if the very earth she stood on was a friend. A faint voice started calling to her. Turning Chenoa saw a handsome young man running towards her, waving his hands goofily. Chenoa felt herself smile.
“Onatah! Onatah!” the man cried running and nearly tripping over himself.
Chenoa stifled a laugh. Panting the man reached her, bending over.
“Hold…on…sorry…must..catch..my…breath,” he gasped his hand on his ribs.
“What are you up to, Draco?” Chenoa heard herself say though in a much older voice.
The younger Draco smiled. He looked much different than the Draco Chenoa knew. His skin was flushed and though he was still very handsome, this Draco did not seem enchanting…magical. His hair was a dirty blonde and his eyes were milk chocolate. The smile was the same.
Inside Chenoa felt an affectionate swelling.
“I brought you some flowers,” he finally said holding up a small bundle of flowers whose heads had fallen off, become bent, or lost their petals.
Looking at his pathetic bouquet, Draco frowned.
“Oh man,” he grunted. “Well, it was a very nice bouquet but I guess I accidentally ruined them on my way over. I just saw you and wanted to see you before you left. I’ll just throw them out.”
“No, Draco,” Chenoa’s voice laughed catching his hand tenderly and taking the flowers. “I love them. Nature in its true form.”
Smiling Chenoa watched as Draco’s face light up. He seemed like a young school boy infatuated with her. She felt he was much younger than she was.
“Walk with me, Draco.”
They started walking, close but not touching.
“Do you have to go?” Draco said suddenly.
“But why?”
“I am needed elsewhere. I must talk to several people about the future.”
“Solon. And Aileen. Time.”
“Solon? The dragonman? He is mad.”
“No, his ways are just different than ours.”
“He believes in Dragon prophecies. Everyone knows only Aileen holds the prophecies.”
“His are very much real but one should not hold much store in prophecies. There are too many of them.”
“Aileen says that they are all true.”
“Aileen says a lot of things but she is just a child.”
“She is now seventeen and very gifted.”
“And still green to the ways of magic.”
“Why must you see Solon? He makes me uneasy.”
“He is just an unusual character that is all.”
Draco did not seem convinced and his face displayed it.
“Do not worry, Draco. I can take care of myself. I have for centuries.”
“What will Lost Heart go with you?”
“He will join his friends and family. He misses them dearly.”
“And what about me?”
“You will sit and pine for my return like a maiden waiting for her knight.”
Chenoa winked jovially at Draco.
“No, you will be fine, Draco. I will only be gone a couple days. You are fit, handsome young man. You should be off with the other boys, filtering with fairies and playing cards with dwarves.”
“I’d rather be with you.”
“I would. I am always happiest with you.”
Chenoa stopped and looked at the feelings in Draco’s eyes. Her smile lessening only slightly, Chenoa nodded her head.
“As I am with you.”
“I will miss you.”
“And I you, but I will be home soon.”
Draco took Chenoa’s hand as they started walking. It was a small gesture but it felt like something much more.
© Copyright 2009 Dreamer (dcg1189 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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