Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1576947-Chenoa-part-5
Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1576947
Chenoa part 5
“Chenoa?” a voice wheezed and Chenoa looked up from the fire.
Chris was sitting up looking hazy. It had been almost a day since she had rescued Sun and Chris, since her magic had possessed her. Chenoa still shivered at the thought of her own power. It had never happened before. She had lost complete control of what she did and what she felt. There had been so much unknown anger.
“Chenoa, what happened?” Chris mumbled. “Where am I?”
“You are safe now. I found you and healed you. Where we are, I don’t know.”
“Healed me?”
“Yes, you were given poisonous drafts and almost died, along with Sun.”
“He is my new friend and traveling companion. He has helped me a great deal.”
Glancing over at Sun’s unconscious body, Chenoa smiled slightly. Sun’s color was back to normal and his breathing steady; he would be fine. Chenoa did not really remember how she had healed them. Most of the terrifying event was a blur as if she was not herself. Yet somehow she had and that’s all that mattered. Suddenly a stirring brought Chenoa’s attention back into focus.
Sun was stirring on his make-shift cot. He blinked and smiled as he looked up into Chenoa’s face. His hand tenderly touched her cheek and he was about to speak when Chris cleared his throat loudly.
Sitting up Sun noticed Chris and frowned. Studying this human, Sun smirked in dislike. This human was most definitely not a soldier of any kind or a hunter.
“Sun,” Chenoa said nervously. “This is my friend Chris, the one I told you about.”
Chris’s eyes flicked to Chenoa as in ‘you talked about me?’ Sun nodded his head sullenly but said nothing to Chris.
“Chenoa,” Sun asked weakly. “Vhat happened? The last thing I remember vas valking out of the portal and throving you that flower I found. Then some man grabbed me and forced something down mine throat. The rest is nothing but dreams.”
“We were expected,” Chenoa explained as she started picking up the camp site. “They ambushed us as we exited the portal and they gave you a poisonous sleeping draft. Something went awry and I managed to get us out of there.”
“Oh. Vhere is Kork?”
“Gathering berries.”
“What I want to know is how you got there, Chris?”
Chris looked at Chenoa startled then thought for a second.
“After we lost you, Galaxy and Star and I landed here and started heading back to the portals. We didn’t know where you had landed but we figured you’d try to find a portal. Star was out talking to some creatures he knew around here and Galaxy was out hunting when I was attacked at our camp. They tied me up and made me drink some foul thing and that’s all I remember.”
“Is Galaxy and Star okay?”
“I guess. I haven’t heard anything about them. I told you I was out cold till just now. I’m sure they are fine.”
“Yah, their fine.”
Chenoa chewed on her lip as she looked around. As soon as Kork was back, she decided, they would leave. She was not comfortable being so close to the campsite.
They waited another thirty minutes before Kork arrived. In that time Chris and Chenoa caught up with each other more and Chenoa, with Chris’s constant interruptions, was able to explain to Sun the full extent of their situation. When Kork finally did arrive, Chenoa quickly packed up the remaining supplies and started walking. Sun and Chris ran to catch up.
Walking along the sparsely wooded path, Chenoa started noticing more and more magical creatures. As she had been told the colors in this world were so much brighter and truer. The wings of a flying creature that silently hovered over their heads were the richest purple she had ever seen and the hues of green, orange and yellow in a young Chipperite, as Sun called it, though to Chenoa it looked like a hedgehog, were outstanding.
Sun talked to Chenoa as they walked, not really about any particular thing. He just wanted to talk to her. He told her of his dreams, his fears, his memories. They laughed as they shared embarrassing moments and old bad habits. Chris said nothing, but he grew gloomy as the day went on. Throwing Sun constant glances of distain, Chris grumbled to himself and would not look at Chenoa.
Kork, on the other hand, was bubbly and bright, singing his own mava songs about bees and crickets. He was in his own little world, enjoying the sights of this strange land. His mind was quite simplistic.

“Bees can be yummy
But never fill the tummy.
They can be gooshy
but yikes, they sting.
I like them in honey,
So much better then bunnies,
The way that my mommy would make ‘em
Bees can be yummy
But never fill the tummy”

Night soon took over the sky and glowing pixies came out. They danced and warbled in the sky, making the ground seem to glow in their light. Stopping the group set up their tents and Chenoa made herself comfortable in the pleasant weather. She sat watching the pixies and smiling. At that moment everything felt alright. But what had happened at the campsite was nagging at the back of her mind. Chenoa bit her lip as she remembered the consuming pain and anger that had filled her…it hadn’t all been hers.
Suddenly someone plopped down beside her. Chris smiled and put his arm around her. Returning his grin, Chenoa leaned against him with a sigh. He held her gently more like a brother than a friend. She was glad he was okay and she was glad he had come with.
Sun watched them as he made himself something to eat, despite his loss of appetite. A burning feeling prickled his chest. He was not used to such a wretched feeling and did not like it. Sun disliked it almost as much as he disliked the Chris fellow. He had to admit, in spite of himself, they did look good together, but what Chenoa saw in that human, Sun did not know. He could take care of her much better. Yet the way they held each other seemed more like siblings then like lovers. Sun had a chance. He would not give up so easily.

The next couple days they traveled all day and sometimes at night. Chris told Chenoa where Galaxy and Star had told him they were going. They were heading deeper and deeper into the main land of the world. The scenery changed almost everyday, from rolling meadows to looming forests to cloud covered mountains. Chenoa could only think that their destination had to be the castle in No Man’s Land.
The days grew long and the only thing Chenoa could do to occupy her mind was to either talk to one of the boys or practice her magic. She tried contacting Galaxy but Galaxy was either too far away or something was blocking her messages. At night Chenoa tried to resist lighting a fire, afraid of the hand and the voice that usually accompanied it. If they did have to light a fire, Chenoa stayed away from it. Elixir’s warning rang in her mind.
“Fires are dangerous portals to horrible places,” his voice echoed.
Chenoa knew this was true, but when the blue flames called her name she could not resist. Sometimes she felt as if she wanted them to take her. Chenoa shuddered at the idea. It was a ridiculous thought but one she had all the same.
After a while, Chenoa and the boys came to a large crystal stream. Sun told Chenoa that this stream was always clear and pure.
“It vill cleanse anything and anyone of all dirt, impurities, etc,” he told her as she gazed in wonder at the stream.
It danced like diamonds in the noon sun.
“Would it be terrible if I took a bath in it?” Chenoa asked him sheepishly, for she had been longing for one for days.
“Not at all. This is vhere the fairies come to bless their newborn babies and cleanse them of their unborn vrongs.”
“Oh, like being baptized?”
“Vhat is that?”
So Chenoa sent Chris, Sun and Kork out hunting and gathering. Once she was sure they were gone, she cast a spell to warn her if they were returning so they could not catch her off guard. She loved her boys but didn’t trust them as far as she could throw them. Then Chenoa stripped her dirty clothes and washed them. After they were clean and lying out to dry, Chenoa took off her undergarments and climbed into the water.
It was surprisingly warm and immediately made her body tingle. Scooping some in her hands, Chenoa splashed her face and felt instantly refreshed. For a bit she swam around, cleaning her hair, and washing her whole body. After a while she found a nice rock to sit on and just let the water work her sore muscles.
Closing her eyes, Chenoa sighed in relief. Her body relaxed and she just enjoyed the R&R time. She did not know how much time passed, but the sun moved more east, an odd occurrence she had noticed in this world, and soon it was almost in front of her. Turning she looked around then started swimming back to the edge.
Not far away a man was watching and as he saw Chenoa start towards the edge, he began making his way towards her. As he drew closer, the man started to speak when he stopped. Chenoa had arose from the water, her long lochs clinging to her front and back, exemplifying her curves as the water glistened on her skin. The man was transfixed. With the sun setting behind her, Chenoa looked celestial. An unusual desire grumbled in his gut as he regained movement in his feet. His eyes never left her as he approached quickly.
“Hey,” he called moving even faster.
Chenoa startled looked up and blushed crimson as she tried to both cover herself and run for her clothes. The man was faster though and he grabbed her clothes before she could.
“Those are mine!” she said, her voice abnormally high.
The man looked her up and down as she crossed her legs with one hand between them and the spare arm across her chest. Her face was as red as her hair and she stared defiantly at him. He smiled slightly exposing perfect teeth. In truth Chenoa was taken aback by his good looks. The man seemed to be a life size version of a top male model, smooth, handsome, suave. His dark eyes gazed at her from a nicely tan face with lush lips and well kept black hair.
Ignoring Chenoa, the man started looking through her clothes, holding up her lace underwear and bra. He grinned broader almost laughing.
“Stop that!” Chenoa yelped but she didn’t move out of fear of further exposing herself. “Those are mine!”
“I know,” the man said in a soothing voice taking Chenoa by surprise. “I’m just looking. Anyways finders keepers.”
“That’s not even funny! Give me my clothes back!”
“You could at least ask politely.”
“Please give me my clothes back.”
“Oh, come on!”
The man beamed even more as Chenoa became obviously flustered. His hungry eyes grove her body as if taking a mental picture. He licked his lips as his fingers subconscious felt the soft material of Chenoa’s shirt and undergarments.
A chill wind came and blew against Chenoa’s wet body. Shivering she watched the man angrily. His eyes danced as her skin filled with goosebumps, though now she wondered if it was the wind or the man giving them to her.
“I could just keep them,” he said thoughtfully making as if to put them in his pockets.
“No! Please... Its getting cold out and I have friends coming back that are guys and obviously you can image how awkward that would be. Plus I don’t have any other clothes and I can’t just wander the countryside naked!”
“Oh, I don’t know, with your body you could get away with it.”
Chenoa blushed crimson.
“Uh…well…uh…thanks…I think.”
“Anytime, dollface.”
The man then threw Chenoa her clothes. Surprised Chenoa lifted both arms and caught them. It took her a moment to realize that she was completely exposed and the look on the man’s face made her quickly press her clothes to her nude body.
Struggling to both get dressed and keep herself covered, Chenoa nearly fell twice. Looking up she snarled at the man, who still watched in amusement.
“Need some help?” he offered sweetly though his eyes glowed with malicious laughter.
“No. I can manage.”
“Suit yourself.”
So the man watched till Chenoa had her undergarments on then he turned and walked away. He looked back one last time and studied her. Blowing her a kiss, the man disappeared.

When Chris, Sun and Kork returned Chenoa was still in a foul mood. She snapped at them and ignored their persistent questions. Nothing was wrong. Leave her alone.
Chenoa went to bed early and woke up at dawn. She vindictively woke the other three and they started walking. Sun and Chris knew enough to stay away from her. The man’s face was stuck in Chenoa’s head. His annoyingly superior smile. His apparent arrogant nature. What right did have to embarrass her like that? Men. Chenoa was walking in such deep thought, she was not paying attention.
Suddenly she smashed into someone. Stumbling back Chenoa looked up and saw the Ying-Yang man. His face was grimly set and he reached out for her.
“Run!” she yelled turning to see Tom, Oric, the Bear-man and others come behind them.
“Senoa, ork,” Kork whimpered cowering by her.
“Stay calm,” Chenoa said more to herself than anyone.
“Vhat do you vant?” Sun asked proudly standing in front of Chenoa, protectively.
“We have come for that girl,” Tom growled his eyes glued to Chenoa.
Tom did not look so good. His body was covered in bandages and he skin was tinted with green. Oric, who stood behind him, looked even worse. His head was bandaged and he would not look at Chenoa.
“You can’t have her,” Sun barked.
“You, little mutt, have no say.”
Sun bristled at the insult. Chris clenched his fists and also stood in front of Chenoa.
“Looks like ya healed them well, my little birdy. You sure are full of surprises. Maybe you will show ‘em to me.”
Chenoa gritted her teeth. Sun and Chris growled.
Oric shook his head. The Ying-Yang man moved closer grabbing Chenoa’s arm. Yelling Chenoa struggled against him. Sun and Chris spun around but could do nothing. Kork trembled, terrified.
“Come peacefully and we won’t give your friends that potion again.”
“Bite me!”
“Don’t tempt me, my birdy. My master wants you…hmm…unharmed.”
The Ying-Yang man started to sing softly in her ear. It’s effect was almost instant. It seemed to be weaving her mind closed, making her senses go into a trance. There was a yelp and Chenoa’s mind snapped into focus. Kork had bit the Ying Yang man and the pain had caused his singing to cease.
Chenoa narrowed her eyes and with a hard wretch pulled her arms free. Sprinting Chenoa hoped her friends would follow. They did. Sun and Chris soon ran neck and neck with her, while Kork trailed a few seconds behind them. Tom yelled in rage and barked for them to be captured.
The friends ran faster and faster, heading towards a clearing. Yet the clearing only held a cliff. A very, very steep cliff. At the bottom of the cliff was the purify river, running peacefully.
“Shit!” Chris yelled as they stopped at the edge.
“Nowhere to go, ork,” Kork sobbed shaking visibly.
Chenoa heard none of this. Her eyes were transfixed on the gap after the cliff edge. She could do it. It would be easy. She would be safe.
“Chenoa,” a voice cooed. “Chenoa, just stop. Don’t be foolish. Let them take you. You will come to me. I will protect you. No one will harm you. I’ll give you your dreams. Come to me.”
Freezing Chenoa found the words to be less hypnotic than before. No. No, she didn’t want to. Backing up, Chenoa took a running jump off the cliff. Her three friends screamed her name as Tom and his men stopped, stunned.

The air whooshed by Chenoa, making her eyes tear and her skin burn. She held a picture of Galaxy in her mind, calling her friend desperately. The rocky river bottom grew larger and larger. Chenoa’s heart pounded against her chest painfully. Closing her eyes Chenoa knew all was lost when someone called her name.
Chenoa startled looked around and saw a colorful blur coming at her. Panicked Chenoa almost screamed when she heard the voice call her name again from inside the blob.
“Chenoa!” a tinkling voice cried.
“Star!” she yelled back.
A scaly claw closed around her body and Chenoa jolted at suddenly being lifted. The wind was knocked out of her temporarily, so Chenoa just watched as Galaxy climbed into the sky.
“Child, don’t you know human’s can’t fly,” Galaxy chuckled though her voice sounded oddly strained.
“It must have slipped my mind,” Chenoa smiled but she could say no more for Galaxy dived steeply, heading towards the boys.
Scooping Kork, Sun and Chris up in her remaining claw, Galaxy soared away from the still stunned looking bandits.
“Chenoa, your admirers keep multiplying,” Galaxy grunted with amusement as she carried all four of them. “Soon I won’t be able to carry them all. And you have even branched past humans now. Am I carrying a mava?”
“Sorry, Gal. They are just my friends that helped me get this far. Yeah, that is Kork. And the other one is Sun.”
“I haven’t seen a mava in years. They are very rare nowadays. They are supposedly bad luck.”
“I not be bad luck, ork!” Kork squeaked though his voice was muffled. “Maybe I have few accidents, but not bad luck, ork.”
Galaxy’s belly rumbled in amusement at the mava’s indignation. They grew silent and flew for quite awhile. When they finally landed it was in a field of firegrass, a grass that was stunningly red and bright, which seemed to flicker like flames in the wind.
Chenoa, Chris, Kork, and Sun rolled onto the grass, out of Galaxy’s way as she plopped down. Star clambered off Galaxy’s back and trotted to Chenoa. He looked her over once then nuzzled her.
“You had us worried to death,” he snapped though his eyes were full of relief.
“I’m sorry, Star,” Chenoa said looking down.
“Well, at least you are alright. Lords know what I would have done if you had been hurt. And you found Chris too. That is good. We can’t have a human running around here freely.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” Chris piped in.
“Nothing, Chris,” Chenoa interjected.
Chris fumed silently but said nothing. They all took a quick drink of water and rested. Star and Galaxy told Chenoa what had happened to them after the fight and Chenoa told them about all that had happened to her.
“Well, it seems you have experienced what magic can do when uncontrolled,” Star sniffed. “It must never happen again. It is dangerous and can take over you. You must always remain in control.”
“Yes, Star.”
“I think I know of this Oric,” Galaxy said distantly as she thought. “I think I have met him.”
“Yes. He is a Magicteller. His breed has the ability to read the magic potential of anything and some can see the future. Their third eye is one that sees only the spirit realm that coexists with us, so it never blinks because if it did it would miss everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, in every world there is the realm that everyone can see, but there is also a realm along side us full of spirits of the past and future. Magictellers see this realm too. They too are very rare now. They used to travel around in large groups, putting on shows for money in whatever town they passed in.”
“They are like gypsies.”
“Well yes, I guess they are like the other world’s gypsies.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes thinking about this. Chenoa chewed thoughtfully on a piece of firegrass, the flavor of cinnamon exploding in her mouth.
“We must be going,” Star grumbled as he stretched his haunches with a neigh. “We must reach our destination before night fall.”
Groaning they all got to their feet and followed Galaxy and Star towards a pair of dark woods.
They did not walk long in the woods before they came along a well beaten path. Star and Galaxy obviously knew where they were going for they barely even looked around. Chenoa’s head was full of questions. Who was after her? Why were they after her? And where were they going now?
A pretty flower caught Chenoa’s attention and she stopped. Bending to smell the flower, she fell behind the rest. Taking a deep breath, Chenoa inhaled the sweet smell. There was a small thud from in front of Chenoa and the soft twang of a string being pulled taunt. Very slowly Chenoa straightened to face an arrow in her face.

In front of Chenoa stood a medium height girl with silver hair, and blue-gray eyes. The girl’s ears were pointed and small. Her skin was a white bark color and on her back were a pair of wings. The wings seemed clear but as Chenoa looked closer, she saw that they glimmered with the colors of the rainbow. To top it off the odd female’s clothes were made of a material that resembled large tree leaves.
Glaring at Chenoa she spoke in a language Chenoa felt she knew but could not understand.
“I’m sorry,” Chenoa stammered. “What?”
The girl narrowed her eyes.
“Who are you?” the girl asked in a sing-song voice.
“I am Chenoa Rose.”
The girl paused now looking at Chenoa calculatingly.
“Are you really?”
“Oh dear gods!”
Dropping her bow and arrow, the girl threw her arms around Chenoa in a tight embrace. Then the girl kissed Chenoa enthusiastically on both cheeks. Babbling in the strange language again, the girl beamed and bubbled with joy. Just then Galaxy and her friends appeared.
“Chenoa, what are you…” Star started then stopped seeing the girl.
“Venus!” Galaxy roared with delight.
The girl thankfully let go of Chenoa and threw herself around Galaxy’s neck. The dragon chuckled licking the odd girl.
“Venus, it is good to see you. We were just on our way to your home.”
“I knew strangers had entered my forest but I didn’t know it was you. It has been so long since you have visited, the forests have forgotten you.”
“It is complicated, but it is good to be back.”
“You can tell me all about it back at home.”
Venus let go of Galaxy and leapt onto Star.
“Don’t think I forgot about you,” she giggled nuzzling against the unicorn’s neck.
Chenoa felt a twinge of jealousy as Star’s usual stern visage became colt-like and playful.
“It’s good to see you, Venus, you little mischievous fairy,” he whinnied nibbling her hair.
Climbing onto his back, Venus tapped him with her heels and they started walking, babbling again in the other language. Chenoa felt bitterness rise in her as she felt for the first time excluded. Who was this Venus? Why did everyone treat her this way?
Chenoa sulked the whole trip to Venus’s house. No one spoke to her. No one even seemed to notice that she was upset. Galaxy and Star were too enthralled with Venus.
“Here we are,” Venus suddenly said.
Venus pointed to a large mushroom that was at least three stories high and had a door and several windows added in. Inside was an oak kitchen and a dinning room. Upstairs there were multiple bedrooms. One of the room’s doors was locked and bolted shut.
“What’s in there?” asked Chenoa, pointing at the door once they were inside.
“That room hasn’t been opened in years,” answered Venus glancing at the door with a sad look. “Come, I have some food down stairs for you.”
Once they were seated at the little round table in the kitchen and had hot food in front of them the talk of what to do about unknown enemy came up.
“I suggest that we first get to the castle,” Star suggested placing his hoof on the table.
“I agree with Star, but how long will it take us to get there? And what supplies will we need?” Galaxy agreed nodding her elegant head, who could only slip her long neck in through the back door.
“I think that ve should get to the castle as fast as possible but make sure that Chenoa is totally safe. If something happens to her it vill be terrible,” declared Sun giving Chenoa a look of total devotion.
“I actually agree with him, for once,” sneered Chris glaring at Sun with a look of something that resembled jealousy.
“What do you think, Venus?” Star questioned looking at Venus. “Will you help us?”
“I guess,” Venus sighed glancing at Chenoa.
Chenoa all of a sudden felt like everyone was doing things for her and only her. It made her feel awful because all of these people were putting their necks out and she didn’t know why.
“I’m really tired. Can I go to bed?” Chenoa yawned standing up and stretching her arms.
“Okay, your room is the one at the way end,” Venus directed walking Chenoa to the stairs.
Soon Chenoa was in bed and fast a sleep. Her dreams were undisturbed by nightmares or fates. The only thing that made the slightest wave in her sleep was the vision of a figure standing over her. Then the figure bent over and whispered into her ear, “I could wait for you forever.” It was odd because it was a male voice but the voice neither sounded like Sun, Chris, or Star. Right after the voice whispered those startling words, a growl came from the end of her bed. She looked down and there she saw gleaming eyes of yellow. At the end of her bed was a wolf bearing its teeth at the figure. Then the figure disappeared and the wolf laid its head down on her feet. Chenoa didn’t give the incident a second thought before falling into a deep sleep.

“How was your night?” chirped Venus the next morning. “I’m just making breakfast. I hope you like chick eggs, leaves, and vine juice.”
“I’m not that hungry. I think that I will just go for a walk in the woods if that’s okay,” sighed Chenoa with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Fine, just stay near the house because you can get lost, abducted, etc.,” Venus warned shaking an oak spoon at Chenoa.
Outside birds sang and whistled to the tune of the breeze flowing through the trees. Sunlight streamed through the gaps of the leaves and flooded the ground with golden shadows.
“Everything is sooo beautiful here,” gasped Chenoa as she walked.
She had just been talking to herself so it startled her when someone replied.
“It is a wonderful sight, isn’t,” called a voice from her left.
Chenoa snapped around to see a small man coming out of the bushes. Having been a fantasy fanatic as a child, Chenoa easily guessed he was a dwarf though he did look very similar to the imps.
“I hope that you like the flower, mademoiselle,” smiled the dwarf handing Chenoa a flower that resembled a honey-suckle. “My name is Autumn Tree-bark. May I ask what is yours?”
“My name is Chenoa Rose,” Chenoa blurted in surprise when the man grabbed her hand and planted a kiss on it.
“An enchanting name for an attractive woman,” purred Autumn as he let go of Chenoa’s hand. “May I walk with you?”
“I was about to turn around and head back,” stammered Chenoa looking at the man, named Autumn. “Sorry.”
“I’ll accompany you to your home then,” answered Autumn curtly.
“I don’t think that would be wise,” replied Chenoa turning and starting to leave.
As she started off the dwarf grabbed her hand, and said, “I will take the chance.” Then they looked at each other, Chenoa’s face showed surprise but the dwarf’s face showed determination.
“Okay,” said Chenoa in total astonishment.
Again she turned away and walked towards the mushroom type house. When she walked she kept a pretty fast pace, for no reason at all. The dwarf always seemed to keep up with her though. He never took his eyes off of Chenoa, which made her terribly uncomfortable.
“Chenoa, there you are. Venus was about to tell us about something extremely important,” scowled Star as Chenoa approached the house.
“I was on a walk,” explained Chenoa going to walk into the house, feeling a slight flush of bitterness.
“Can I come in?” asked Autumn in an annoying voice.
“I think not!” snorted Star standing in front of Chenoa before Autumn could catch up with her. “I’d tell you to leave but I know how you dwarves are, so if you don’t mind, you can wait out here!”
“See you than, fair lady,” Autumn bowed to Chenoa and walked to a tree, then he sat down.
“Didn’t any of us tell about dwarves? You should stay away from them at all coasts! They are truly awful creatures,” glowered Star as he led her into the living room.
“I didn’t mean to! He just kept following me,” whined Chenoa. She was sick of everyone lecturing her.
“All right, you two are here. Now we can get down to business,” smiled Venus. “First we can leave today and we can still make a fair distant before dark. If we are lucky we will make it to my friend, Candy’s house by dark. Any questions?”
“Nope,” chorused everyone in agreement.
After everything was packed and Venus was sure they had enough food, they left on their journey. Outside waiting for Chenoa was the dwarf, who smiled at Chenoa as she walked out the door.
“What are you doing here?” snapped Venus glancing at the dwarf.
“I am here to escort the fair maiden in your company,” smirked Autumn.
“She is in no need of an escort, so leave us now,” growled Galaxy showing her teeth, but still the dwarf did not budge from his spot.
Then Sun walked up to the man and warned him, “I vould move if I vere you. My friends here and the ones in the Mist vouldn’t be happy if you didn’t.”
As the dwarf looked at Sun, he stepped away, then turned and ran.
“What made him leave?” Chenoa asked with interest. “He has been bugging me all morning.”
“Dwarves know better than to mess vith imps and their friends,” smiled Sun as he looked at Chenoa, shinning with pride.
Behind them Chenoa could hear Chris grumbling something under his breath. Then he pushed his way up to Chenoa and said in a sarcastic tone, “Well, are we going or not? I am only asking because we’re just standing here talking.”
Sun glared at Chris and Chris glared back at him, then Star poked both of them with his horn. It startled them both so much that they jumped in the air. Then the group started off west towards a darkening sky.

After a couple of hours Chenoa began to feel strange and uncomfortable, something inside of her was telling her that there was trouble a head. When all of a sudden Venus called, “We’re almost there. His house is just through those bushes.”
“Venus, I don’t think we should go that direction,” Chenoa suggested pulling on Venus’s arm.
“Why not?” requested Venus giving Chenoa a skeptical look.
“I am just getting really bad vibes from that direction, that’s all,” shrugged Chenoa as she nodded towards the direction of the house.
“Now that you mention it, I am too,” Galaxy added as she slowly began to nod her superlative head.
“So what do you suggest we do, walk around?” snapped Venus crossing her arms. She was tired from the long hike and no longer possessed her sweet disposition.
“Yes, that would be the best solution, I think,” agreed Galaxy with a thoughtful look at Venus.
“Fine!” retorted Venus as she stomped through the underbrush to her right.
“Don’t mind her,” Galaxy sighed to Chenoa. “She doesn’t like being told what to do and fairies have the tendency to be temperamental.”
Chenoa nodded, but she still felt bad about making Venus mad.
They walked for a few yards when Venus disappeared and gasped in horror at what she saw. Everyone came running after her to see what made her gasp. There behind the bushes was a house, just like Venus’s but all around the house there were thugs sitting, standing and laying. Each of the goons seemed to be on the watch for visitors, or more over Chenoa.
“I don’t get it, where is Candy? He is supposed to be here and he is supposed to be on the good side,” gasped Venus in confusion.
Then a voice from behind made them all jump in surprise.
“Venus, over here. It’s me, Candy,” whispered the voice.
“Come out and prove it,” snarled Star pawing the ground with his hooves and pointing his horn at the direction of the voice.
Out walked a tall man with silver hair and dark green eyes. His wings were just like Venus’s but his skin was a couple of shades darker. The man clothes were made of dark tree bark and he only wore a pair of pants. This allowed his muscular biceps and his six-pack to be exposed. On his back there hung a quiver of arrows and a long bow.
“See it is me, Candy,” the man said in a deep soothing voice that made the girls including Galaxy blush and the boys, including Star, grumbled and rolled their eyes.
“What is going on, Candy?” asked Venus, who would not look at him.
“I was out hunting a couple of days ago, and when I came home they were there. I knew that it would be stupid to go near them so I have been staying out here while I waited for you and the others. I thought I was going to have to save you all but you guys out smarted them, which, if thought about, is really not that hard to do. They do not seem to be the most intelligent of creatures. Now if you follow me, I’ll show you where I have been staying,” explained Candy in a soft convincing voice. It was extremely hard not to believe him so they followed him away from his house.
“I knew you could be trusted,” sighed Venus as she grabbed his hand and looked up at him.
“They looked so good together holding hands. When they hold each other’s hand they seem to glow. He is tall and handsome, while she is of petite and beautiful. I can tell that they really love each other by the way they talk and look at each other,” thought Chenoa with a tiny sigh. “It must be great to know that there is someone that truly loves you, who is will always to be with you.”
They started walking away from his house, Venus and him still holding hands. The sun beat down on them as they walked on and on for what seemed to be hours. Chenoa felt sweat roll down her back and face as she trudged on and on. Venus and Candy didn’t seem to be effected by the heat and, unlike everyone else, they were extremely talkative.
“Fairies aren’t affected by any weather,” Galaxy informed Chenoa with a huff and a puff, “Even extreme cold and extreme heat. To them this is just a nice cool summer day.”
“Lucky stiffs,” Chris grumbled wiping his forehead off with his arm.
Chenoa nodded in agreement
“Here is the cave I have been staying in. It isn’t much but it has kept me safe for these past days,” said Candy as they walked into a large roomy cavern.
“It will be fine since we can only be staying over night,” answered Venus.
“Only one night! I thought that you were staying for a couple of days!” moaned Candy placing his hand on his forehead.
“We were but with those idiots at your house so it isn’t safe to stay here,” Venus sighed as she placed a hand on Candy’s arm. “I’m sorry, Candy. I really am, but I’ll come right back, I promise.”
“Okay, then you all better start getting ready for bed. You’ll want to get up early,” shrugged Candy turning away from Venus and he walked towards the opening of the cave.

© Copyright 2009 Dreamer (dcg1189 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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