Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1576829-This-I-Believe
Rated: E · Essay · Contest Entry · #1576829
This essay is for the contest the Writers Cramp.
Word Count 403

When traveling through what we call life, we come to stops along the way the require us all to make decisions. These decisions are not always easy. No, many of them are very hard and we have to rely on what we as individuals believe as right. What we believe as right are the core values that we as individuals hold to be the things we live our lives by. Personally, I was raised to believe that the things that my parents taught me were always true and right. Now though that I am older I have realized that you are given a base set of values that everyone pretty much agrees on. Things like hard work, honesty, do unto others as you would want done to you, and so on, but as you grow you realize more and more that it really depends on the situation at hand and how you are willing to live your life. So, I decided to practice four things in my life everyday. First, I chose to never stop learning, education does not stop outside the classroom. Second, whenever I could I tried to help the people around me weather emotionally or physically. Third, I would never pass on trying something new fearing what others would think. Lastly, I would not let money rule my every thought. It is with these guidelines I setout everyday into the world trying to make it a little bit better of a place. Now, I am not going to say that these values have never failed me but when times got hard I always reminded myself of my first guideline, never stop learning. Life is a journey of learning weather it be scientific or just philosophical. I try to keep my mind open and never block out new ideas or thoughts. I believe if we all continue to learn, we can all help each other in someway shape or form. Education to me is the main key value I live my life by. Without it I would be lost and would not even be capable of following my other guidelines stated above. Probably would not have even gotten as far as to think them up. So, I thank all those that I have learned from that have helped me shape my beliefs and morals, and I hope that maybe people will learn something from me as we travel together through life.
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