Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1576332-Avenging-Alice
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #1576332
Alice takes Wonderland by force. . Word count 625.
Alice sat on a tree stump, having the loneliest moment of her life. This crazy mixed

up place was like a nightmare. Nothing made sense, no one here seemed the slightest bit

sane, and she couldn't get any help to find her way back home. She had been accosted and

abused by a number of mentally disturbed characters who all pretended to help, but

actually just wanted to mire her in their own strange delusions.

Alice felt anger boiling up inside her as she thought of the injustice of it all.

What right had they to abuse her so? She was just an innocent girl trying to find her way

home. She had never harmed anyone in her life, and she was treated like a criminal. She

stood and stamped her foot.

" Enough of this sitting and feeling sorry for myself. I've tried to be reasonable

in this very unreasonable place. These creatures have no manners, and I will not stand for

it anymore! It's time that someone taught them all a lesson. "

Alice reached into her apron pocket for the piece of mushroom that she still had

left. She took a tiny bite and shrunk to a height of three centimeters. The grass and tree

stump loomed over her, impossibly large. She fought her way through the grass stalks,

searching for the remaining piece of mushroom. Suddenly she heard the sound of approaching

feet. A colony of army ants was headed her way, marching in single file. The lead scout

spotted her and sent up a cry.

" Sir, I've found the deserter ant! This way, hurry! " The colony went into double

time, hot on Alice's heels as she ran. She could just picture herself becoming a prisoner,

forced to carry crumbs and shovel dirt for the rest of her life. Suddenly she spotted the

piece of mushroom before her. She dove at it just as the ants were grabbing for her. Landing

in the spongy mass, she opened her mouth wide and took a savage bite.

She felt herself soaring up, up, up to a height of fifty feet. She could no longer

see the ants, but she spotted their hill and trampled it. She took giant strides until she

came to the flower garden. She began plucking up roses and tulips and daffodils, crushing

others beneath her feet as she walked.

" How dare you call me a weed? You'll be lucky if I keep you in a vase!" She stuck

the flowers in her pocket and continued on her way. Suddenly she spotted a gleaming grin in

the branches of a tree.

" And you! You foul feline, I know just what to do with you! " She snatched up the

smile, which quickly became a frown, and pulled Dina's belled collar from her pocket. " I've

had quite enough of your shenanigans. You'd better start acting like a proper cat, or there

will be consequences! " she growled, as she strapped the collar to the newly-revealed neck.

Alice marched on until she came to the palace of hearts. The royal couple was

startled out of their croquet match. The flamingos and hedgehogs went scurrying in all

directions as the queen bellowed for her guards. Alice scooped up the oncoming pack,

shuffling them until they were dizzy and flicking them to the far reaches of the kingdom.

" There is a new queen in this kingdom now, and there are going to be some big

changes around here! " Alice bellowed. " You can all pledge loyalty to me this very minute,

or suffer my wrath! " All the creatures within the palace walls hurried to kneel before the

new queen as Alice contemplated the best way to make a keychain out of a rabbit's foot.
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