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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1576320
"The burst" revised. A story of a living armor with the power to save the planet.
1. Being of Burst

20 years have passed since a time in history known as the Great Mayhem. It was a tumultuous time when animals on the planet fought amongst themselves for power, land, and glory. The Great Mayhem ended with a great light in the north, and now those that survived began to slowly rebuild the planet which was now rife with scarred wastelands over what was once beautiful and pristine environments that blanketed the planet.

Now, a new threat has appeared in modern times, the surviving animals could only hide helplessly from the new evils that sought to destroy the already delicate balance of the fledging environments that struggled to return to their former glory.

After many years of hopelessness and dread, an effulgent of hope is lit up over a land shrouded in fear. 

An armored being, with a red-orange, metal hide, looks over the edge of a great cliff that overlooks the vast empty land, having stopped on his vagrant journey to observe the surroundings. After several moments, he hears the sound of something approaching in the air. He  looks directly towards the source of the sound.

Just hundreds of feet away, an orb of light making a whooshing noise was approaching fast, just behind it, a silhoutte of a person could be seen dangling from a thread. “Eeeeeh!” shrieked a voice, when the light flew past Grypto at great speeds. The light flew into a wall of stone and dissapeared, it's passenger hitting the wall and falling to the ground.

She immediately got up despite having crashed into a wall at great speeds. She was a being adorned in light aqua garments which were decorated with many kinds of bow knots.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Grypto.” said the mysterious being, dusting herself off like nothing happened. “Grypto?”,  exclaimed the armored being with a confused tone.

“You must have forgotten then,” she replied quietly.  He looks at her as if trying hard to recognize her but to no avail.

He says to her solemnly “I think you got the wrong person, lady.”

As he tries to walk away, he hears her faint voice say “No, wait.”

He faces her once again, trying to persuade her with a scowl before saying “Listen you; I don’t know who you are so that is proof enough for me that you must have the wrong person. Besides, I'm nameless!”

“It looks like you definitely lost your memory,” she said quietly. He looked at her for a moment with disbelief and said in stuttering tone, “Forgot it? Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, I am,” She replied with a faint smile and friendly eyes.

They stood there silently for a moment, having a brief blinking contest. “Do you mind explaining yourself?” he said light-heartedly.

“Sure, keep you're eyes open.” She replied quietly, with her faint smile now diminishing.

She began to focus quietly and put her hands up in front of her as if holding to something invisible. Suddenly a mirror like surface appeared in between her hands that glowed in a faint light. Suddenly, images began to appear within the mirror, distorted by the swirls of light. “This is just a visual way to show memories, “she said timidly, “it's better than just telling.”  The armored being looked at the mirror curiously while preparing his ears in anticipation to what he was about to hear.

The image of an armored being of incredible stature appeared in the mirror, an armor of orange metal encasing what appeared to be eyes blazing with fury from a face shrouded and obscured by a great, fearsome armor. Long hair dropped from behind the helmet tied by an orange band. A large cape with edges shredded and tattered from many battles seem to reach far back behind him with a background of endless light on the horizon appearing to be distant. “This was you”, she uttered. After a few moments, another image appeared in the mirror. A female being, tall as a tree, with hairs that appeared to be ribbons that extended far behind her, defying gravity through sheer, ambient telekinesis, with a body adorned in ornate bows and patterns appeared.  “That was me,” she said, a brief air of quiet followed.

“I'm you're wife,” she blurted out; an image of what seemed to look like his and hers past forms adorned in wedding attire. He looked at her with a petrified face of terror. “I'm here to take you back,” she said nimbly. His face grew with ever more fear. “And we're going to live in a burrow and your days of traveling will be over,” she finished, with a demented expression.

“Nooooooooo,” He screamed in terror, trying to run as far away as possible.

“Just kidding,” she replied quietly while holding the armored being in mid air with telekinesis, preventing him from getting any further, a look of faint amusement painted on her face.

“Hey! You don’t look like the type to make jokes! This is my past we are talking about here!” he replied with some level of disturbance, while floating upside down a dozen feet off the ground.

She slowly floated him back to the spot where he initially stood and placed him gently on the ground, feet first, a sly look of amusement still fresh on her face. She briefly held her hands to her mouth and turned her head away in quiet laughter that quickly faded as she returned to her explanation.

The girl’s eyes became more sincere and her mood became sullen. “I apologize,” she quietly said, her psychic mirror showing nothing but swirls of energies.  He stood there, looking at her with inquisitive eyes, his tense mood from before now gone due to her playful act. “You noticed?” she asked serenely.

The armored being thought for a moment and replied “I do feel more relaxed, although, your method is kind of disturbing!” She looked at him with a faint smile on her face again, and said “You were getting tense, so I said something to help you relax back like we use to before every battle.” He looked at her with a look of disbelief and eyes lazily open, he thought “D-Did we really talk like that back then? What kind of weirdo would do such things?”

The girl focused and became even more serious in mood, this surprised the armored entity and he listened intently to what she was about to say. The image on the mirror showed the fearsome orange warrior once again, eyes blazing in fury. “Your name was Grypto of the Burst,” she said with a solemn tone. 

“You fought with many Emperor Beasts throughout the Great Mayhem; you wanted to free the animals from their oppression,” she paused briefly, her expression becoming melancholy, various images of battles between powerful beasts and fearsome warrior appeared in the mirror, “You fought for many years, you fought all the way to the very end,” she said faintly.

“Unlike the modern Emperor Beasts of today that just take land and rarely fight each other, the Emperor Beast's of the past where extremely violent and fought amongst themselves at the expense of the environment,” she explained.

She stopped speaking for an instant and images of Grypto and three other fearsome beasts appeared in the mirror. “During the final battle, you led a group of beings against the remaining Emperor Beasts and their forces.” The images in the mirror showed the fearsome warrior being triumphant over three of the emperor beasts. “Just when we thought the Emperor Beasts were defeated, the last of them appeared with a terrible power,” she said with great sadness.

The mirror showed images of the final emperor beast unleashing waves of energy from his hands while the fearsome warrior attempted to strike at the epicenter of the waves with a great sword engulfed in energy that flowed from it like flames. “You tried to stop it,” she said.

The last image is of him being overcome by the waves of light and appearing to disintegrate within them. The screen becomes bright, “That was the last time I ever saw you,” she said, taken with grief, her past self is shown nearly disintegrating in the light. Swirls of energy appeared briefly in the mirror before another image materialized on the screen. “I found myself deep in the grand abyss, where light is faint and no sound is heard,” she explained, the image of her former self now reduced to what looked like rock like shapes of what she use to look like. “I laid there in the darkness in a form that wasn’t able to move anymore,” she said, “All I thought about was if you were still alive.”

He looked at her puzzled as she stood there with her eyes closed, her lips bitter, thinking of the distant past. “After sometime had passed I found a faint signal of your aura from very far away, when I finally felt this, I was overcome with relief,” she said, still melancholy. “After I had found you, I noticed that I wasn’t able to move anymore, and that the only way to regain myself immediately would be to discard most of my remains and remake my form from what I had left, just like you did,” she explained, the mirror showing her present appearance emerging from the remains of her old form.

“I did that?” said the armored being.

“Yes!” the girl said with content, a faint smile appearing on her face again. The mirror showed her at another place with what appeared to be the remains of something big.

“Hey, I use to live there!” he exclaimed.

“That’s where you discarded your old form and made your new form from what was left, but you seemed to have lost your memories during the process,” she explained with some discontent.

“I guess you are telling the truth, I somehow feel it,” he said rubbing the back of his head. “Although, why are you so over friendly with me, especially in some of those images.” Suddenly the mirror returns to an image of when they were together, her old form looking in awe at his previous form. “There it is! Is this some kind of joke! I thought you were kidding about the marriage thing!” he exclaimed, pointing his finger at the image in the mirror.

“We weren’t married, but, we did have something special,” she said, now holding her hands to her face in an attempt to hide her blush, her jaw dropping in awe.

“Impossible! I would never fall in love! There’s no way that would happen!” he said defensively. “A warrior lives a solitary life, there is no room for love in war,” he proclaimed with his fist raised high in the air.

“You said something like that decades ago”, she said her blushing becoming more apparent.  “Even if you don’t remember who you are, you’re still the same as ever,” she said with a smile full of ease, her hands still gripping her face.

He turns away from her and stubbornly crosses his arms in disbelief then after sometime, looks at her again and says “It was nice to meet you “again”, I think, but I don’t have any memories of you or who I use to be,” he said. “I thank you for telling me my name though, and I’ll use it from now on.”

The armored being now having a name, grabbed his sword and impaled it on the ground and said “I live a life where I’m hunted and feared regularly, it’s dangerous to be around me.” The girl looked at him with sad eyes, full of worry. “I’m nothing like that person you showed me, I don’t like the company of others, and I would definitely not lead a team of them into battle,” he determined.  “And I definitely would not fall in love.”

She looked at him with sorrowful eyes as he said this, he felt a deep sadness emanating from her.  He thought to himself worriedly, not knowing what to do, when the girl suddenly spoke “If you don’t mind, may I travel with you?”

He looked at her with perplexed eyes, trying to find the answer and stuttered, “If that’s all you want, then for a while, until I can find you a safe living place!” She looked at him with a faint, yet melancholy smile, satisfied with his answer.

The two walked down the seemingly ill landscape, towards an endless horizon in which a tired sun began to settle in. The emerging forests lining the path that appeared to fade into the horizon, utter bitterness filled the land as the day ended.

“I forgot to ask your name,” said the armored being now known as Grypto.

“It’s Uigu,” the mystery girl said, faintly smiling afterwards, her eyes filled with hope. They walked off into the dreariness of the land filled only with emergent plant and tree life that trickled the endless barren ground.

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