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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1576186
book idea, vampire, somewhat erotic, involving female female relations,
Goddess she thought I don’t know why I try to sleep, I am tired from counting sheep. She should have known not to try. Each night she tried and awake she would be until when the first ray of dawn's light broke thru the darkness that was night. So far she had been lucky as an artist she could pretty much make her own hours. But she was starting to worry. She had always been a night owl, but that had gotten worse after her 21st birthday. She wondered if this was something else she had inherited from the mysterious parents that she had never known. Like her pale skin, or the unusual color of her hair. I hope I am not pregnant she thought. Though it might be nice to have a child, not like a kid could leave her, at least not till it were 18. That would be different she thought.

Hell, I was found in a trash can. I have no idea other than someone called the cops and reported cries. The doctor’s report said that I could not have been in there more than 10 minutes. So the cops thought my mother had me, wrapped me in a thermal blanket and called the cops. The great mystery. Clues, two, one a weird necklace two my birth mark, oh and three the name sewn into the thermal blanket solaria. A book I once found said solaria mean s something like child of the sun, or child given to the sun. Yet I and the sun have never been the best of friends. Better make a note, buy stronger sunglasses. Maybe she would even make a doctor’s appointment get some vitamins or something.

She stretched and yawned but the warmth of the blankets just tried to entice her to remain in bed. Than Damien, pounced, landing right on that sore spot near her groin. I am only 21 she thought, yet I feel that I am falling apart. Maybe I do have the flu, joints hurt, hell even her teeth, hair and nails had begun to hurt. She pushed Damien off her saying “okays give me a sec and I will get your food you lazy cat”.

While thinking to herself. The dang cat has 7 toes on each foot and opens the cabinet whenever it wants a treat. But makes me get out of bed to get its food, even though the dang feeder is automatic. The joys of being owned by a cat. Damien chose that moment to send his thoughts, “enough bitching, more moving, cat hungry here…oh and none of that dry crap, give me some of that left over roast beef, the real not that fake tofu crap”.

But she thought back “Damien you don’t like the way I cook it, you always say it’s harder than a syndic tire.”

Damien thought back” that’s how it used to be, now you barely cook it, it is almost raw….. Just the way I like it… or and give me a side of blur...”

Blur she thought, why and when had Damien started needing more of the special drink. Blur was a form of syndic blood with vitamins that Damien’s breed required when not allowed to hunt freely. Thinking back solaria couldn’t remember the last time she gave him it. But looking in the cabinet she saw that it was almost out.

Damien she thought, when did I last give you blur?

He thought back while mind groaning about how good raw meat was, well been a few weeks.

It can’t have been, I just bought a case 9 days ago, on the way home so I could dress for my birth day party at Flame’s nine levels of hell club. There is only 3 canteens the case had 60 canteens.

Damien she thought, are you just telling me this cause you want extra, you know doc said you could only have it twice a week, the extra calories are hurting your healing.

No Damien replied, “ You have not given me any, though you have taken a canteen out each night.”

Now she was getting cross, “well if I took it out, where did it go if I didn’t give it to you?”

Damien sent her a cold look and thought to her “ well I have tried to tell you but every time you get up in the evening, you act like we never spoke.”

“What “ she mind spoke to Damien.

You get up and help yourself to a blur, but its weird cause when you’re awake during the day time , you don’t seem to hear me.” Damien mind spoke.

Oh gods, not again, when she was a pre teen before she began puberty the foster homes had issues with her sleep walking and eating. Fear raced thru her veins, no a she thought, remembering having to be chained to her bed each night… a shiver ran down her spine.

Damien she mind spoke, did I do anything?

Damien looked up from his bowl of blur, licking his whiskers clean. “No, just got up, ate some raw meat, umm passed me some, and drank blur… I thought blur made humans sick. Even humans that have been so blessed as to be able to have familiars like me… even if I have to hide what I am from normal humans”

Damien what else…

“Solaria call flame… she has left so many messages on the phone, well it is not funny” “Sol, something happened on your birthday, and well flame’s messages really differ from your memory”,

Ok Damien she thought, just let me take a hot shower. I hurt everywhere.

As she got ready to shower random thoughts were going thru her mind. What is going on. I am sleep walking again I haven’t done that in years. Why now? And Damien is right even if it is synthic blood, it’s made for wild life rehabilitators for wild cats and raptors. How could she be ingesting it? Maybe the question should be why she would ingest it. Maybe it was related to how she never seemed to be hungry. Sometimes she could not eat anything solid, it sat in her stomach like a rock. She felt like she was back in English class, who what where when and why. All rolling around in her thoughts. Turning on the water to a nice warm temp she stepped under the spray. Wow that was cold. Something must be wrong with the auto temp setter. She said “ computer raise shower temp 3 degrees”. Computer replied shower temp raised 3 degrees. She shaved and was trying to wash the conditioner from her hair when the water went cold again. What the hell is going on with my water heater, she thought. Computer raise water temp 5 degrees. Computer replied water temp in shower raised 5 degree’s. Caution water is at boiling level. Automatic override in effect. Replied the computer…

What the heck she thought. She barely got the dang stuff from her hair. The water like ice she rinsed as fast as she could. Water off she said to the computer. Water off it replied. Grabbing a towel the size of some people’s bedspreads she wrapped it around herself. Damien do you have any clue what is wrong with the computer … Damien gave her a black look, nothing is wrong with the computer, look at the air , this room could duo as a sauna. She looked around and noticed for the first time the amount of stress. The picture window that surrounded her 6 person whirlpool spa tub on three sides and noticed all the windows were covered in water vapor. Damien mind spoke, solaria what is happening to you.. Your red, you have blisters all over you… but I can see them healing before my eyes. She grabs a hand towel and wiped off the mirror just in time to see a blister simply disappear off her skin like it had never been there. The scar that she had on her stomach faded away as she watched..

Damien is this a side effect of the familiar bond? She asked. Damien thought for a moment , not that I know of no other familiar had that happen with their bonded. Really solaria you need to talk to flame she is the closest thing we have to a doctor and if this is from our bonding well you can’t go to a human doctor. Most humans don’t know that my breed still walks this earth. Damien she thought. Am I human, you always said that your kind didn’t normally bond to a full human. Am I some alien or something. NO Damien mind shouted, you have always scented as human, you smell human, your mind feels human, and your powers taste human. Before you freak out anymore call flame. I will she thought in a bit. Damien stamped off , clearly not happy with her answer.

Walking over to her closet she opened the door , and walked in. deciding on comfort she grabbed a pair of her favorite jeans, the kind that are broken in and fit you just so. The material softened by age, slightly tattered at the edges. Bra or not. Most females with her size chest needed to wear one, well unless they had implants. But she was lucky, even though she was a dd cup. Her chest was pert and soft while still firm. Maybe one day she would have to worry but not now. Deciding she grabbed one of his shirts a soft fake suede type material. She knew she should have gotten rid of his things after the breakup but she couldn’t make herself part for a few of his shirts. She couldn’t really say it was a breakup, is it a breakup when the person just disappears?

Walking back into her bedroom from the closet she catches sight of Damien from the corner of her eye. Damien what are you doing she mind spoke. Nothing he replied with a guilty tone to his minds voice. Damien she spoke. Nothing he replied. They then played the chase game for almost 10 mins. Finally she caught him and he had her cell phone. Damien if you were dialing that 900 sex kitten hot line again….. She mind spoke as she looked in the history on the phone. Finding a text to flame. Damien what did you do. She mind spoke. What you should have. Her phone buzzed, in coming text. She opened the text and read “what the hell, Damien you are text messaging people now? You know solaria will make me neuter you if she catches you…” reading his reply. Flame come quickly something wrong with solaria, need help meow raugh, purr…” and flames reply of “ what.. On my way”. Crap she thought, trying to send a text to flame before she could get to her house. Flame nothing is wrong just Damien thinks something is. I am fine. Flame texted back, if you are fine than it is no big deal if I come visit…. It will give me the chance to bring you the 4 cases of blur you asked for. You know he is only supposed to have two a week, right?..

What 4 cases of blur and when did I ask that, she texted back…grabbing her brush she began brushing her hair as she waited for the next text from flame. Instead the door bell rang. Crap and hockey sticks. Computer who is at door. Flame is at door replied computer. Computer open door. Walking thru the open door flame said, you know you really have gotten lazy since, umm he, wired your house to that master computer. You won’t even open your own front door. Solaria’s replied flame it is just easier, especially when I am up to my elbows in clay or paint or whatever I am making at that moment. Flame laughed and said Okays if I put the blur in your walk in freeze? You know even though it is synth it can go bad?. Sure I replied. Flame lifted the 4 cases like they were a carton of eggs. I know for fact that each of those things weighed in at almost 20 pounds. Then again flame was 3/4ths sun elf. Sometimes she was jealous of flame. Flame was 5ft 11 inches wore a perfect size one, though solaria had to admit she preferred her chest to flames, though before he had come into her life she could remember nights with flame and how soft flame’s breast were. The perfect shape of flames strawberry colored nipple and how much flame enjoyed when she…. Woo back up.. Why the hell was she going off into fantasies remembrances of flame and hers time together. Flame must have sensed where my mind had gone. She turned given me that Smokey honey colored eye look, which used to make me wiggle on my chair. Her eyes reflecting the multiple hue’s of red that was flame’s hair..

Licking her lips flame spoke “if that’s what this is about, all you had to do was say… I would have welcomed you back, and if you wanted I would take him into our bed too.” Walking towards me the entire time, that walk that reminded me of a large cat. Slinking and sexy. Wow, what the hell, my body was going from neg zero to oh please fuck me. Flame reached out to touch me than froze. Solaria, what… solaria where did you disappear to the night of your birthday? Only for you would I turn my club into a birthday party to beat all others. Yet you disappeared.” I replied “what are you talking about, I was there all night… wasn’t I?.”

No she said you disappear right around 3 am. Don’t you remember. No flame I don’t. Starting to get scared. I thought am I going insane. Flame I am scared. What’s happening to me. Damien says I am drinking blur during the day. I can’t sleep until the sun is rising over the horizon. I can’t seem to stay awake during the day. Damien says I am now cooking meat just the way he likes it. I feel like I am losing my mind. Help me , flame.

Crossing the few steps that separate us, flame enclose’s me in her arms. Something that normal never failed to sooth me. I nuzzled my face into the space between her neck and shoulder. Seeking to inhale that fragrance that is purely flame, I inhaled deeply. I feel my body start to relax. But I notice something different. Flame I ask “did you change soaps or something?”. No she replies, why?.. I inhale her again. Saliva starts to flow into my mouth. I notice a sweet coopery smell. Sniffing I search for where the smell is coming from. She has a small wound. Flame I say, when did you cut yourself? Flame replies in a languid voice, umm don’t remember but it is just a scratch. Flame I ask, would you like me to kiss your ouchie… she gives a small laugh and says, sure sol if that s what you want. Do you want the bandage on or off? Off I reply. As I go to place my lips over the injury, I inhale as the scent floods my senses salvia fills my mouth. Than all of a sudden my gums feel like they are being torn.

Jumping away from flame I curse what the fuck. But even I don’t understand what I actually say, it comes out wfuf thetyhuck. Flame says sol what’s wrong with your mouth. Did you bite your tongue or something. Noth I reply. Sol flame says, come here. I walk over to her and she moves my hands from in front of my mouth and lifts my lip.. Oh my gods and goddesses, sol. Oh shit.

Whaff I ask… fearing I have something wrong with me like really nasty bad breath. Flame walks over to the fridge opens the door grabs the coke bottle. Walking to the right cabinet she takes down two glasses’s and pours. After replacing the bottle in the fridge she walks back to me and hands me a glass. I would prefer this talk take place with something strong than coke… but this is all you have here. Flame I start to say, because the silence and pauses are starting to scare me. No sol, let me see if I can piece this together. I can’t be wrong or off on this diagnosis. You don’t know your birth parents. You bonded with a mystical cat. You have a birth mark, and when found was wrapped in a thermal blanket with the name solaria on it. Correct… not even giving me time to reply she continues. In the nine days since your birthday, you have started walking about in the day time while being asleep. You are having a hard time staying awake during the day, no matter how hard you try. Yet you can’t sleep at night even if you take those sleeping pills the doc ordered you… pausing she takes a sip of her coke and sit on the leather recliner. You are drinking blur, Damien how many canteens? Damien replies depends 4 to 9.

Flame shakes her head and throws her head back, making the hair leave her face. She continues on let me guess, you got up and went to take a shower like you always do? But kept having to raise the temp on the water because it felt cold to you.” Pausing she waited, so I replied “yes”. Yet , she began again, when you got out of the shower the window were totally covered in water vapor? The air like a sauna?, am I right she asked. Yes I replied. I began to be afraid, but I didn’t know why. For some reason I did not want flame to say anything more. I moved over to sit next to her on the recliner. I turned to her and began to kiss her. Our lips met and began to move slowly against each other. Her lips were softer than a rose petal, I ran my tongue along the seam of her lip, asking to be let in, her lips parted. I began a slow dance of thrust and retreat. Her tongue followed mine into my mouth, circling my tongue just the way she knows I enjoy. I began to suck on her tongue, gentle tugs. Oh, mother fuck she cried. Opening my eyes, I see that she has blood coming out the corner of her mouth. What the fuck, I think.

“Flame “ I say walking towards her. She backs away from me. “Flame” She shake’s her head. Than says “no, sol. Let me go clean the scent away. I will be right back.”

She left the room. “Damien “ I mind spoke. “Damien, what is happening to me?” Damien walked toward’s me. Sniffing as he got closer. “your base scent has changed. If I didn’t know better I would, well is that possible, lets wait for flame.” He mind spoke. Flame came walking back into the living room area. “Ok here is what I am thinking and well we need to go to voo’s place.” She said. “voo??” I repeated Not sure of who or what was a voo. “yes.” she replied “voo is a master in areas that I am not even a newborn in”. “why, what s wrong with me, how did I cut you or what did you cut yourself on” only than noticing the sweet taste in my mouth. It was thicker than water more like a syrup, sweet yet salty, coopery … I tried to focus my taste buds to figure out if I could name each flavor in it. It tasted like heaven. I licked my lips, yum more was there. Flame just watched me with a almost entranced look on her face. “Damien” I mind spoke. “why is flame staring at me that way, do I have her lipstick on my chin?”

“umm no” Damien mind spoke back. “actually, it might have to do with how your sucking your fingers and trying to lick all her blood off your face with your tongue.” I didn’t realize what he said at first. “Damien, this is not the time to joke” I mind spoke back, before realizing I did have my fingers in my mouth. I jumped up “ what the hell am I doing” I could see a few small spots of blood left on my fingers. Oh gods I thought. Walking over to the mirror on the wall. I had a few spot on blood still on my face, but when I wiped at them. They just came back. Than I realized that I was bleeding. I watched as the small holes closed on their own. “flame , whats wrong with me?”

“Let’s go to voo.” She said. Damien’s ears came to a full stand facing forward on his head. “umm can I come?” he mind spoke to us both. Flame grinned “ you’re a cat , not a dog… “ she said. “yes , you can come with us. Voo’s been dying to met you.” We headed down to the elevator and got in. wow I thought first time that the blasted thing was right there. Even though it should be here, the first floor was the gallery I owned. My house was the second and third floors. Though at this time the third was mostly storage. It was not like just anyone could use the elevator. It had security codes that prevented others from gaining access to my area’s. wow , I thought flame must have been in a rush. She had brought her really old mustang.

The one she had said she would never let Damien right in. I am not really into cars but it was some kind of super rare from like the mid 60’s. I know she had paid threw the nose to get it restored to mint condition. But she had always said she would never let Damien with his black fur and sharp, long nails near the mint cherry red leather seats meet. Damien purred as he jumped in. think that is when she realized which car she had brought. With a sigh she just got in the car and off we went.” Ok so where does this voo dude, dudete live?” I asked. She gave me her evil grin. Than said “ohh , don’t worry , your going to love this.” Ummm I thought I don’t like when she does that. She , lets put it this way, it would be easier to get gold from fort knox than a secret from her.

So, off we go with flame driving like the hounds of hell are on our bumper. Thank all that’s holy that the car has a built in air cushion and she squeezes us threw areas I honestly could not see how we fit. She seemed to drive in circles and then she started to drive straight for the side of a building, I opened my mouth about to scream, when we just seemed to slow threw the buildings wall.

“ What the hollythanthoumotherfucker, was that?” I said.

Flame sighed “Sometimes I forget how much you do not know about the Non humans you share this world with, What is it with you humans anyway, fuck do you need a written map to show you that You are not the dominate species on this planet?” she said.

“Woah, what the fuck, did someone shit in your fae soup?” I said.

Flame grinned “ Sorry” she said.

Grinning I said “ Maybe, if you explain what is up?”

Flame seemed to think on it. But, than she must have made a choice, though I kind of wished I knew what she had decided between. Turning to me after she parked the car she said “ listen sol, there is shit I am not allowed to tell a human, and up until just around 30 mins ago, I thought you were human, shit I about ripped raptor apart when you two started dating. “

“What the fuck does my ex shit head , have to do with all of this” I asked

She sighed “ why are you two fighting now?” she said.

I think I must have looked at her like she was a bug under a scope. Realizing she must not know that the fucktard must have took off with someone else from MY birthday party. I opened my mouth and was about to speak when there was a loud crunching noise near the bumper and than this huge , I mean horror movie huge , some type of mix between a panther and something like a white tiger, jumped onto the hood of the car.

“ Holy mother of the moon” I stampered out.

Flame giggled and groan, “dang it voo. Your paying for that bumper, paint and collusion work. Why the hell do you feel the need to chew on my vechiles”

The creature grinned opened its mouth and said “ well , I got bored, not like you two were having a nice juicy make out.”

I kind of just stared. I mean I knew that daemon talked, and that there were others like him, but this thing looks like well I do not , can not truly say I knew anything like it or rather him, I think and it talked… My mind just refused to work. Voo must have noticed my silence and shocked look.

“gah, another new one that must realize I am a talking cat. Get over it sweetie, I bite. I speak most known and a few now unknown languages, I exceed most species in intelligence and that is not bragging. I am a teacher among my kind and for what ever reason flame here thinks you need to meet me.” Voo said.

I opened the car door and got out, trying to move carefully. Flame jumped out and reached out to scratch voo behind the ear. A rumbling purr shook the car and rebounded off the walls around us. Flame waited for Daemon to exit the car before she closed the door. Daemon and Voo seemed to be sizing each other up and I wondered if a pissing contest was about to happen and what I would do when voo ate daemon in a single bite. I felt a buzzing in my head , shaking my head trying to get rid of the sound. I noticed that it seemed like voo and daemon were either speaking mind to mind, or maybe the soft growling and cuffing noise’s was some type of sub vocal language. Finally getting tired of the buzzing.

I said “ umm rude much, just because flame and I do not speak what ever language you do, does not mean we do not exist. “

Deamon looked slightly shamed and Voo said “ Ahh, sorry little one, no disrespect meant, we were mearly catching up, my smaller cousin and I.”

Voo began to pace away and I followed flame and daemon down a few halls and up a few stairs. A door opened and soft lights sprang into being. We walked down a hallway and took a few steps down into a beautiful sunking living room with a massive fireplace on one side. There was a wall of glass, that seemed to be tinted in someway. Voo motioned towards a lush love seat like chair. I noticed that their were several of them. All of a size that a creature like voo could comfortably lay apon any of them. I chose a seat and sat. I walked passed voo in the process of going to the seat. Voo seemed to freeze, his noise crinkling up like he smelled something that may not have appealed to him. He looked at flame and again I felt like there was conversation I was not party to. The buzzing in my head returned and after a period of time I began to get annoyed.

Finally I could not stand it anymore so I said. “ Umm hello, I understand that you three are much more advanced than me the lowly human but think maybe what ever the heck your talking about, which I assume is at least in partly to me, how about including me in the talk, I would hate to have to impose on any of you to have you repeat your words.”

None of them looked sorry, just kind of dull shock.

Voo said “ are you sure, she has no clue?”

Flame replied “ Voo, we were lovers from age 17 to almost 19 and half. Than we decided to take a break and she meet and began to date raptor. “

Voo shook his head, mumbling to himself “ strange very strange”

Flame sighed “ I have always felt sol was different, heck when she finally trusted me enough to tell me about daemon the cat that was not a typical house cat, even if I only saw a small domestic cat. She really thought I would not believe her, she could not tell that I could see thru his illusion and heck hear their thought messages to each other.” She said.

Voo just shook his head, turning to me he said “ what do you know of your birth parents”

I looked at him , than flame.

“why would you want to know that crap” I asked

Voo said “ humor me”

Now I have never liked talking about my birth and the way I was thrown out like yesterdays kitty litter. But, since flame knew how I felt and she had not said anything to tell voo to back off I figured I better tell what I could before the three of them decided to continue back to talking with out me.

I said “ ok, I do not know much, I was found in a trash dumpster with in an hour of my birth. The cops and workers always said they felt my birth mother must have been near by because it was really cold that night and I was wrapped in this really weird material that was like a thermal blanket and had the name solaris stitched into it. They felt that was important and that the female that called in reporting the sound of a baby from the trash dumpster must have been my mother. I had a very unique necklace and also I was born with a birth mark, kind of like a cresent moon with a full moon and than stars in a circle around the two.”

Voo, seemd to find my birth mark special. But he did not say anything else.

So I continued “ The necklace is kind of like my birth mark but well they could not figure out what the metal was or the stones in it. The necklace has two ladies in gowns on either side with the stars surrounding them and the cresent moon and full moon. There are 7 stones in the circle and two heart shaped stones in between the ladies and the moons. Though sometimes, the necklace seems to alter itself somehow. The full moon will wax and wane just like our moon. “ than I mumbled half under my breath “ like my birth mark”.

Voo looked at flame and sighend “did you see that birth mark”

Flame sighed “yeah, but I never thought anything of it, truth to say. I really did not think about anything, not until today, when sol was kissing me and her fangs ripped open my lip”

“fangs ?“ voo asked

“fangs “ replied flame

I sat there wondering what the heck she was talking about.

Daemon spoke “ pardon my input here but I think more is going on, heck every since her 21st bday sol has been different, when she wakes during the day she , well, later that night when I try to talk about what she said during the day, she seems to have no memory of the conversation”

“Excuse me “ I said, “ but I am right here and I have no clue what the heck you are talking about but I want some info fast.”

© Copyright 2009 valeriespring (valeriespring at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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