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Rated: E · Short Story · Spiritual · #157582
An story about the spiritual world in conection with ours
Of Men And Angels

It was a small town with a small square and small houses. On the edge of town was a small Baptist church. The humans went about their daily lives not knowing what evil lurked on the streets and in the buildings.
“I want that town” barked Satan.

“Consider it done!” replied the the head principality. “It should put up little resistance. I’ll get one of the other princes right on it.”

“Soon enough I want it just like Sodom.”

“Prince of Darkness VI, I want you on it!.”
Meanwhile in Heaven. . .

“Michael, I know Satan wants the town, send some angels to watch over it.” says God.

“The town will be cut to shreds if we take a strong defensive stance. Aren’t there a few Christians there?”

“There are, and I know how they'll react.”

John was on the way to the bank when he saw it. Countless demons flooding the streets like a plague. He dropped both of his grocery packets and turned to run. He sprinted for all his worth, didn't even look over his shoulder. He didn't pause until he got to the pastor's house. He hammered on the door with inhuman violence.

“I’m coming, don’t worry,” Pastor Matthew said as he answered the door.

“There’s a huge problem in the town,” blurts out John.

From the moment that Pastor Matthew opens the door, he can sense something is direly wrong.

“Come in quickly!” says Matthew. “What’s happened?” he asks as he closes the door.

“They were everywhere, like a flood!”


“The Dark Ones.”

“Demons” remarks Matthew. “Do you know where Mary is?”

“I think she is at the Bank!”

“Well fetch her and meet me at the church.”

“How’s it going? asks Satan.

“There’s rioting, looting, rape and my favorite, murder. The best part it that the Angels won’t interfere.”

“But wait, there are Christians in the town, aren’t there?”

“Only three insignificant people.”

“Destroy them right now! They are a major problem,” orders Satan.

“They’re doing nothing!”

“NOW,” roars Satan.

“Mary let’s go right now,” says John.

“What’s up? “I have to make a deposit.”

“Big problems.” John and Mary leave together and go straight to the church.

“Hey Matthew, what’s wrong?”

“Didn’t John tell you?”


“Invasion of the worst sort.”

“Have you started yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Then let’s begin,” says John.

“What is the progress?”

“Well, the people are on our side!”

“And what of the Christians?”

“All their possessions are gone. Their friends have abandoned them, and we have burnt their houses to the ground. Chaos reigns through the town. The people are busy fighting and killing each other.”

“Do the Christians live?”

“Yes,” replied the demon in a weak voice.

“Destroy them.”

“The problem is. . . we actually have no right to touch them.”

“Take the right !” screams Satan. “Have I taught you nothing?”

The demons kicked in the back door of the church. Splinters of wood fly every which way, but not one of the Christians is worried. The first demon remarked.

“Kill the weak one, and destroy the faith of the other two.”

John stood to his feet, Mary and Matthew joined him.

“Ready for a rumble?” asked John?

“You can’t fight them physically,” replied Matthew.

“How may are there?” asked Mary.

“Do you want to know? asks John. “I thought not.”

“Lord protect us,” prays Matthew.

The demons charged the humans, full speed, sabers of darkness in hand.

“Have faith!” says Matthew.

“Easy for you, you can’t see them! John cries.

All the demons land flat on their backs.

“The Lord’s protection is upon them” remarks one.

The evil creatures stand slowly trying to intimidate the Christians. Only John has his eyes open.

“If you are a true Christian John drops to the floor. Another demon stood over John, sword raised and ready.

“Jesus deal with him,” whispers John. The demon drops the sword, and backs off in terror. John braced himself against the wall. As he looked up he saw two Angels lifting the demon off the floor. They struck it down and it ceased to move. The Angels faded out of his vision. The remaining demons fled from every exit. John got one last glimpse of the Angels, one at each corner of the room.

“What the hell happened?”

“the and down, pacing.

“We can do nothing,” says John nervously.

“Have patience and faith,” says Matthew. “God will sort it out!”

“Listen to Matthew, he’s never let us down before.”

“I know, but this is different.”

“It is not,” replies Matthew, “trust God!”

Aided by demons the townsfolk set the church on fire. The fuel fed fire quickly spreads to the church roof and walls.

“Where is your God now?” cries the crowd.

“Who will save you from the fire?” “Burn! Burn! Burn!” they shout.

The demons are dancing around the building in a sick frenzy.

Mary is crying in the church as Matthew continues pacing and praying. John is thinking aloud. “What to do?”

“Have faith Mary, don’t worry,” whispers Matthew.

“The fiends are dancing ,” remarks John.

“Guys, lets sing.”

“What?” asks Mary.

“Sing, you know, sing to God” says Matthew.

They start singing a chorus of ‘Our God is an awesome God’. With every line they grow in faith and strength. They start a small circular dance. A lit bottle of paraffin breaks a window and flames take hold of the chairs, tables and pews. The Christians dance for all they’re worth. The flames burn right through the night but not one beam of the church collapses. Not one mark of black is on the church building.

The night progressed and there's a knock on the church door. The Christians quieted down hours ago but John gets up and walks to the door.

“Careful John,”warns Matthew. “You never know what they try,”

Mary wakes up from a semi-sleep praying effort. John opens the door carefully. No demons were in his sight. The crowds stopped cursing and chanting. One person stood before them.

“Jasmine, what are you doing here?” asks John.

“I heard you, Mary and Matthew were here, so I came to see how I could help.”

“Don’t leave the building!” cries Mary.

“Its fine, it’s Jasmine.” John steps out into the street.

“Close your eyes, Mary, it will be over soon,” says Matthew with a tear in his eye.

“How have you been?” asked John,


“I’m glad to see the commotion is over” remarks John.

She embraces John and spins him around. The crowd prompted by demons take action. They all draw weapons and shoot mercilessly on both John and Jasmine. Matthew watches, tears streaming down his face. He covers Mary’s ears as she kept her back to the door. John hit the pavement, with unbearable pain,more emotional than physical. He looked at his own blood filled hands and breathed his last.

Anger beyond belief welled up inside Matthew. Anger turnes to rage. He tries to control it. He tries to stop himself, but the sight of his buddy that he had known since birth slaughtered on the ground overwhelmes him. John's last look was to Matthew, and his bleeding mouth tries to speak. He mouthes the words, 'forgive them.' Matthew's feelings were more than he can bear.

“Mary take this.” he says as he hands her his Bible. “Cover your eyes and pray.”

“What are you going to do?” she asks, fear welling up.

“It’s working.”

“Don’t be so sure. Be very careful until all the Christians are dead and gone,” replied Satan.

“But we already got one!”

“Just be careful, damn it!” shouts Satan.


Matthew strides from the church. He had anger in his fists and revenge in his mind.

Four demons attack him at the same time. He raises but one hand and they were all thrown back. The townsfolk all draw and reload their weapons of destruction.

“May this haunt you till the day you die!” he shouts, rage welling up again. “This will only be broken if you ask Christ for forgiveness. Lord knows I won’t.” He stretches out his hands as the sun is rising.

Matthew closes his eyes. “May His wrath be poured out upon you and may you know He is Lord of all.”

The town goes dark black and lightening strikes through the air. The earth trembles and there is a great flash. Every one of the crowd is struck to the ground. Their pointed weapons flung everywhere.

“What the hell happened?” askes the principality.

“ could only be the power of God.”

“And what of the demons in place?”

“Imbecile, they are gone! Nothing can with stand the power of God’s wrath.”

And of the humans? He probably had mercy on them!” spits Satan.

The darkness subsided and the earth stopped shaking. A red mist hung above ;the town. The townsfolk were battered and all blind. John sat up next to Matthew. But Jasmine was no more.

“What did you do?” askes John.

“Called on the power of God,” states Matthew.

“And the townsfolk?” askes John.

“He gave them a chance, but some were instantly killed.”

Mary ran to John and embraces him. “There’s a lot of work to be done.”

Arc Angel March 2001

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