Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1575707-some-thigs-just-cant-be-kept-a-secrat
Rated: · Short Story · Fantasy · #1575707
two best friends find them self in the neighborhood of one of the girls crush.
school out for the week. its friday. two friends aly and brooke are goning to spend the whole weekedn together. they get off the bus and head toward alys house. sun shines threw the windows of Aly's bedroom. her friend brooke was spending the night at her house for the weekend while her parents where out of town. as there up in alys room. aly starts to think... and then she gets a crazy idea. her mom knocks on the door
"im going to the store and then im going to stop by your aunts house for a few hours. stay home. dnt answer the door for anyone. and NO cooking with witches brew plz. it took us 6 differnt spells to fix the kitchen last time.so plz dont. okay." her mom explains
"okay will do. were just goning to stay home and watch tv. thats all. just boring stuff. you dont have to worry." aly tells her with the idea in her head that thats all the complete opposite if what she was really going to do.
"alrighty ill talk to you later bye" her mom says closing the door.
aly and brooke listen for the door to close and to hear her car turn on and leave.
"okay i have the.... greatest plan ever!" aly says
"oh my god. do i wanna know. you always have somthing crazy going on in that head of yours. do you know that. " brooke says and laughs
"i know thats why i love me. haha. okay jordan lives in the hollow. the neighborhood across from me.and u wanna.... go and just see if hes there ??" aly asked happily.
"mmmmm... yea sure. haha. lets go." Brooke replyed
"well im going to change first this outfit says best friends but... " aly says as she pulls out a black spaghetti strap. with tight blue jeans.
"... this outfit say GIRLFRIEND hahah. "
"oh wow aly could that shirt be any smaller. its shwoin a little of your belly. haha"
" its only a little. oh and my dc's. hah yep yep. okay lets go !"

The girls left to jordans neighborhood. alys crush. a wall seperates the two n a 2 way street. brooke ent firts up the wall. 7 ft. thats all it was. when she got to the other side, she helped aly by telling her where to put each foot on the wall. aly wasnt the climber. she used magic more than she would doing things on her own. brooke was the only one outside of aly's family that new she was a witch. a good witch. she got to the top. once at the top brooke gave aly what would seem like good advice but anyone could of gussed what it was
"be carefull trying to come down okay! " brooke says
"wow if i didnt think of th- " she falls down near brooke "oohff! "
"that wasnt carefull" she laughs
now they just have to cross the street. the run arcoss while there arent any cars. when the get to his nieghborhood the come to one more opsticle. theres a gate code
"well theres a gate and we dnt kow the code thats a sing we should go home alright haha okay lets go !" brooke says
"no no brooke your not getting out that easily. look i know how to break these codes there simple. me living around here and being one of the most popular chicks you know things"
she types in 4 numbers.
"ta-da. heheh" the gate opens
"ho-how did u do that"
"all the nighborhoods with gates usually use the date the finshed building the last house"

the start to walk in. so many high walls like the wall of china. streets to houses were as long as a mile. so amazed by the walls n the hights that we both forgot about the reason we were there. then a sign caught both of our eyes "keep out of resident. house off limits" we couldnt evn see the house the hill was so high n the wall cover the extra space.
"oh my god... Lets check it out hu !!!! " aly says
" NO. nu uh . it says keep out. that means keep out. do not disturb. n besides we cnt evn get in. theres a gate WITH a lock." brooke explains
"umm. hello .. witch. powers. flying brooms. magic. i can open this with my eyes closed oh look ill do it right now."
she closes her eyes and opens the lock.
"tehe yay i got it" she says giggleing "c'mon" she says pulling brooke.

they start to walk up the hill. it takes an hour just to walk up the damn hill. then when they got to the house they were suprised by what they saw. a rusted, rotting, old, one story house. i did not match the nighborhood at all. it was the ugly duckling of them all. they stood there just looking at the house. then they began to walk toward the front door. aly wiped the cob webs away from the door knob with her wand then opend the door. the knob squeaked as she turned it. as she walked in foot steps sounded like big hiking boots. sun and wind blew threw the broken windows. floors were dusty. the furnitre was old. it looked like no one had been here in years. brooke walks into the kitchen n sees dried blood on the sink. she looks to her left n there was a dried blood in the shape of a foot print. she gets scared and runs toward aly. aly is looking threw the book shelf. she comes along a scroll. when she opens it a pendant falls out. its a tri-qi-let. the meaning of mind, body, soul, and the rebirth of life. only certain witches knew about these. she starts to think. was this abandoned by a witch ? was she/he found and killed ? is this why its off limits? in evry witches home the in the closet is a portal. of any kind. most of time what they have masterd. she goes to each room and into the closet. two rooms and nothing. then she walks into a room. its dark. scary. the rooms a mess. "oh my god" She whispers. she checks the closet. a rush of air comes. its a portal alright. she then remembers learning about this in her witch hitsory class. a witch was cought in an ordinary neighborhood and was killed. but as she was trying to escape she killed to men and police tracked her down to her resident and killed her. no wonder it has that sign in the front of the house. as she closes it shes heres brooke scream and a mans voice
"ALY !"
"hey what u kids doing here this is off limits!" the officer said
"ALY!" the officer had brooke in his arms trying to arrest her. aly ran to the living room where brooke and the officer was.
"BROKE hold on!" not knowing how to save her and get out, she automaticaly used her wand to get her out. the spell made brookes body feel to hot to touch and it burned the officers hands till he let go. once he let go the spell wore off. they both ran to get out and away from the cop. running down the hill would of taken forever so they did only what they could of.
"brooke get ready to jump of the wall. the 40ft wall!"
"just do it!" aly used her magic to put brooke in her bathing suit n her hair n a ponytail. then she had a tank in the middle of the street filled with water so they could jump in it and leave quickly with out getting caught. as she jumped she put her hair up and tried to get her bathing suit on but was not successful. as she jumped she had her pants on but not top. she landed in and her hair tie broke. luckly her hair was to her stomach so it cover her boobs. she got up gasping for air. she looked at brooke n she was fine. then out of no where the tank tipped over !
"ALY !"
someones car hit the tank. it couldnt stop on time to not hit the tank. it tipped ove and water just porred out. the people in the car rushed out and it was none other than jordan. jordan rushed to aly and his dad rushed to brooke. aly was out. he took some water n pput it on her face. she slowly woke up. hair covered her boobs so jordan wouldnt get flahsed. her eyes opened n she could barely speak
"j-jordan" she said raspy "oh no" she coughed "wheres Brooke is she okay ?" she looke to her left n she was out cold. "oh broke oh my god." she tried to get up but couldnt. her legs were in to much pain to stand up.
"whos that" jordan said lookin up at the top of the wall.
"oh no" the cop pulled his gun out and shoots down at them"
"everybody get down !" aly puts a magic shield ovr them. then the cop leaves.jordan looks confused.
"jordan ill explain evrything. just get me into the car n get brooke to."
jordan picks up aly. she wraps her arms around his neck and she can feel jordan not just carrying her but holding her and hugging her. she hugs him back. shes in the car n helps jordans dad get brooke in the seat belt. as they drive off aly makes the water n tank dissaper like it was nevr there.

2 mins later and they arrived at jordans home. jordan gets out and opens the car door. he looks at men smiles. aly smiles back. he picks her up and carries her to the living room.brooke still out cold lays across the couch. dripping wet and topless makes for a very awkawrd moment.
"um jordan why dnt u go get a shirt for umm- whats your name again ?" his dad asked aly
"aly. why dont you go get aly a shirt." he said again
he went and got her shirt. she was freezing in the house. when she put the shirt on she smiled at jordan and also recogized it. she knew that was his faveorite shirt. she thought it smelled like jordan. after that his fahter began to ask aly about her powers. 2 hours went by just question after question. then brooke woke up. once she woke up aly realized that her mom would notice if her and broke wasnt home when he got home.
"oh no! jordan ive got to get home. my mom said shell be home soon, plz ive got to get home. im srry." she said quickly
"o-okay okay. can u walk yet.?" jordan said. she tryed to get up. she stood fine for a minute but the fell to the ground.
"im taking that as a no. my legs still hurt. they just need to rest for a day or two." aly said
"yea okay lets get you up." jordan said.
brooke could walk. fine so she was gathering her stuff and getting them into the car. jordan put aly in the car and had his dad take her to her home.
as they were leaving aly started to shape the clouds and put them in front of jordan in the sky "i love you jordan"
he smiled back at aly. they got to her house and luckly her mom wasnt there.
"oh my god shes not there thank god. hehe" jordan got out and grabbed aly. aly gave brooke the key to open the door and they walked into the living room. jordan placed aly on the couch and said bye. they waited to here the door close.
"oh my god i cant belive that just happened. hahaha" aly said
"oh my god i know right" brooke said
the door opened. brooke and aly looked at eachother confused.it was jordan. he looked at aly. then he kissed her. soft and slowly. the he said "go out with me. i love you too."
she replyed "oh yea"
he slipped her his number "text me" n kissed her again and left
"i love having powers sometimes !!!!!"
"hahahahaha" brooke laughed

2 months later aly and jordan are still together. the cop ended giving up on searching for aly and brooke. they still look back and wonder how they got away with that. but they will nvr know. brooke has gone on to learn about the magics history. and aly has started to research witches in hideing helpin witches that dont know how to come and live in the real world
© Copyright 2009 singer/writer1102 (babyboo1102 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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