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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · How-To/Advice · #1575470
Please just read this. I'm sure that you'll relate to it, and possibly make a decision....
Warning: Please read this whole entire letter. It just might change your life.
As you read this, please begin with an open mind, and heart, and please really think about the words, not just what I wrote.

____The ' Realization' Part____

" Look at her dress. That is so UGLY."
" Ugh, I get stuck with the dweeb on my team. We are soo gonna lose now."
" You are so fat."
" You will never amount to anything. You are nothing but a failure."
" I wish you were aborted when you were born."

These comments....I despise with everything in me. To know that some people go through this as a child, or a teenager, It's heartbreaking. Some kids are blessed, not lucky, to have not gone through this. Although for those who have gone through this, please know that whatever was said to you to make you feel less of yourself, is an absolute lie! I know that sometimes, it might become imbedded into your 'hard drive', or your mind, that it is true, but i know for a fact that it isn't. You are unique in your own special way!! I mean look around! Do you see anyone else in the ENTIRE WORLD that is like you, looks wise? No, and that is what makes you set apart from everything else in the world! Nobody else in the planet is like you. You are rare, one of a kind! You, are _____
( Fill in the blank with your full name)Now re-read that sentence again, outloud. You are the most amazing thing on earth!

Now take a second to read this over. Before you scroll down and read the rest, please, take a deep breath, go grab some water, perhaps some cookies or chips, then come back, and really take it in, because what I am writing is the dead honest truth, and you need to hear it!

Did you read it again, are you realizing that you aren't just a nobody, a loser, the reject?
Are you finally opening your eyes, looking yourself in the mirrors, and seeing that nobody has the right to say you are this, or you are that? Seeing that you are intricate, beautiful/handsome, one-of-a-kind, the real deal?
Man if that doesn't bring joy to your face, I don't know what will, because realizing that you are special, is the first step in life.I'm getting ancy just writing this. I'm smiling like crazy just reading this! =D

okay, lets bring your attention back here.

okay. Brace yourself for what is to come.Once you have realized that you Are special, this goes a whole lot easier!

I know someone who loves people exactly for who they are. He desires a true, pure, and everlasting relationship with everyone. I know that this might sound a little weird to people, but hang in there, and bare with me for just a few seconds.

Whoever is reading this, just ask yourself, "what kind of relationship would I want in the future?"

One that is temporary, trashed, or abusive?

( or maybe you are already in one of those genres.)

Whatever the case may be, I know that there is really someone out there who loves you, yes that's right, YOU!!

Let me give you a little background about myself.

HOWEVER...before I do, please make sure that you read this whole thing. Thanks. =)

See, I grew up within a Christian environment that was on fire. ( I don't mean that literally.) What I mean by being ' on fire' is that my friends, and my own family were on fire, simply because they had an everlasting, true, and pure relationship in which the other loved them just the way they were. Nothing more, nothing less. Yup that's right, EXACTLY THE WAY THEY WERE! If you look at some of them, what do you think that you would see?You'd see the flaws, right. You would see the pimples, the hurt, the crooked teeth, the dry skin, the emotional pain, the nerdiness ( or lack there of.) You would see everything that was wrong with them, well for the most part. Yeah you may get past those 'flaws' and befriend them, but to some of them, you might become shallow to, and reject them, and not be friends with them. Simply because they are too short, or they are handicapped, or they smoke, or this, or that. Whatever it is, we all experience this sometime in our life. Right? Yes. We reject someone. I admit that I have done it too. Or maybe it's the other way around. Maybe you were the one who got rejected. Made fun of, or cast out. I'm sure that you would be able to realate to that somehow. We all can. Including me. I too, am amongst this topic(s). However, just because I grew up in a good Christian environment, does not mean that I didn't get rejected. Trust me I did. I had somebody tell me that they wanted me aborted, I had people tell me that I was lower than dogs, I had friends reject me, I had close people reject me still, I even come from a divorced family, but does that stop me from seeing the truth; that God loves me and looks past the flaws in my life, no! Does that stop me from seeing how God truly thinks of me? No!
On the contrary, I know that for some, hope still hasn't reached you yet.

However...don't get defeated. Not yet, because there truly is someone that has the ability to look past that. He looks past aaaaaaall of the flaws. The acne, the height problems, the physical problems that we humans seem to focus on so much. I know what you are thinking; how can someone love THIS..... and you are asking this while you're looking at yourself? Trust me I have, at one point, asked myself the same question, but then something happened. I found something that I never thought that could happen. Actually it's more like someone found me.
God! He got a hold of me and showed me how he thought of me. Now please don't stop reading this just because I mention God. I am not going to preach to you or anything like that. I am not a preacher, and if I was, I would not be writing this. So, let me prove to you that God made you exactly the way he did, for a reason:

Now I'm pretty positive that we have all heard of a bible. God's word. Now some people, real quick, may mis-interperet the Bible for some kind of 'religious textbook' or something, but try, just this once to look at it in the sense from someone who loves you and just wants to say how he loves you. Describe the joy he has when he lays his eyes upon you. The Bible is God's love letter to you! So, I have a few verses, yes out of the Bible that will prove to you what I am trying to tell you.

" When I look up into the night skies and
see the work of your fingers---the moon
and the stars you have made--- I cannot
understand how you can bother with mere
puny man, to pay attention to him! And yet
you have made him a little lower than the
angels, and place a crown of glory and
honor upon his head." -Psalm 8:3-5

" But now the Lord who created you says. . . .I have
called you by name; you are mine. . . .And I love you. .
. You are precious to me. . .I have made you for
my glory. . . It was I who created you."
-Isaiah 43:1-7

" Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."
-Jeremiah 1:5

Man! That is some powerful stuff! God, creating the universe, yet still giving you the time of day. That just shows how much he loves you! Now there was a time where I too was struggling hard with self esteem, and my appearances, but I found a good verse in the bible that I think will help just about anyone:

" All beautiful you are, my darling, there is no flaw in you." Song of Songs 4:7

That is how God looks at each and everyone!! That is how he looks at YOU!

____A Change Of Focus____

Wow! That is what God thinks of you! That is a kind of love that you would want right?
Well I can tell you right now that you can absolutely have it!! Its free too, no cost, and absolutely no circumstances or conditions!

The only thing that you have to do, is ask God to show his love to you personally. I can guarantee you 100% that He will too! If you want to end the habit of taking in those lies that you were hated, or fat, or just the time when you were rejected. If you want that to change, then please, ask him right now, and if you need some help, due to the fact that you don't really know how or what to say, don't fret. Here is something simple that you can say and ask God: (you can either say this to yourself, right where you are, right now, or you can say it out loud, on your knees, standing up, wherever, however. Just don't wait! The change, starts now!) The first step is to admit what you were doing wrong.

God, my focus has not been on you and I don't want to believe the lies that people have said to me. You know what has happened, you know exactly what I went through, and you know how I felt. God please show me how you love me. Show your everlasting joy to me and lavish me with and within your unconditional love. I don't want to be put down anymore by the lies. Help me God to put my eye on you and your everlasting love. Thank you for always being there, and loving me just the way I am, thank you for accepting me, despite my never-ending flaws! Help me to focus my appearance based on how you look at me!

____Talking With God____

So, tell me how does it feel????? Great? Fantastic? New? Authentic? You name it! PLEASE real quick, If you have just said this prayer, please message me as soon as possible, I want to rejoice with you!

You my friend, have entered into the best kind of relationship that you will ever get! Things will never be boring when you know God. Now, a word of advice for this new relationship, as we all know, relationships are two-way deals. No one way thing, nah uh! This is two-way. So you can't just have God do all the talking and work. You have to go to him, TALK with him, and listen. Now there are different ways, none that are specific, of talking to God:

1____ Praying:
Praying is simply thanking and praising God for what he has done. Yes, I think it is better to do it daily. You don't have a relationship and talk to your partner only once a week, or only at night. No! you talk to him/her every day, every minute you can get! This is the same with God.

2____ Old fashioned talking:
Talking to God like you would talk to a friend. You do NOT need to add in the 'thees and the 'thous'. that is not how you talk to your friends is it? No, so go ahead, talk with God. Any topic, just communicate.
Oh, and one more thing... Yes, you can yell at God, cry with Him, definitely laugh with him, joke with him, do whatever, but just remember, talk the way you would talk to a friend, a friend that you respect. The way you talk to your parents, or a teacher.... is not the way.

I know, I know. You may not have the best voice in the house. Or the best voice in the world, but remember, God loves you anyway. He doesn't care if you are tone deaf, or anything like that. Sing and shout for joy! Get up and dance if you feel that you should at any given moment in your new relationship. Whatever it is, singing has definitely helped me in my relationship at some point. =)

4_____ Repeat:
I know that I have already said this, but I cant say it enough... Talk to him like you would a friend. I'm serious. It can be a little awkward at first, but don't worry, this will just be the beginning of a very open, and comfortable relationship!

____The Start____

So, now that I have given you a fresh view on how the one who truly looks at you, the inside of you, the real you, go, expand that new relationship and see where God will take you! If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask me anytime! Just shoot me a message and I will get back to ya!! Again, if you have made that decision to start new, clear your slate, please message me and tell me right away! Thank you so much!

This is not something I desire rates for. However If you choose to, feel free to do so.

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