Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1574976-Wyxt-and-Sia-Visit-the-Lonely-Inn---2
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1574976
Wyxt and Sia continue to lounge about the inn.
Wyxt might get a little defensive at talk of cuddling with 'other' people, but for now has no idea about that curiousity. Wyxt does glance over her shoulder though, to wink at Rekos. ...Damn, if Sia weren't tired, Wyxt'd have them double up on her right there and now. It'd be fun to watch! ...But Wyxt admittedly was a little, tiny bit tired herself, and believe it or not, even if she hogged all the 'attentions' to herself, Sia'd probably be worn out just from watching. Wyxt knew she would. Grinning a bit, Wyxt nuzzles against Sia's neck as she peers at Talbain, and licks her lips. "We'll jus' 'ave t' make it up t' ya when we be good an' rested, now won't we? Onl'h th' right thing t' do m'thinks." Wyxt grins at Talbain.

Sia chuckles faintly at the Catgirls questioning 'Nyah' and peers at her a moment, then just grins and winks, indicating she's just playing a little, albeit she obviously isn't up to much more than a little bit of that right now. She yawns softly as she lies back again, stretching a little as she does so, causing her chest to rise a little more, exposing more of those green mounds as the torn fabric...tears a little more.

Lucia takes some coins before walking off and smiles. "Thank you, sir.", she says softly, looking again towards the trolls with a somewhat disappointed sigh before she slips back behind the bar where she belongs.

Rila shudders a little bit as her hands go up to her own breasts... the troll's breasts looked so nice... Well, Rila didn't want them on her own, because they'd move all the time... but they looked so snuggly... cuddly... Rila... just has to speak out. "N...nyah... Rila... Rila keep... keep look at Squishies... Can... Cans Rila... touch?"

Wyxt licks her lips, then purrs, just a touch, as one hand slips under Sia's tits, bouncing them just a bit. She winks at Lucia, then peers at Rila. She debates, considering how sleepy Sia obviously is, the lavender trolless peering up at the rafters as she considers. Then... "Onl'h touch. No pinchin', an' onl'h 'er squishies. She be tired." Wyxt smiles faintly, but nods. Poor Lucia. Wyxt can understand, she and Sia were both bartenders once, though they were a little more willing to mix pleasure with fun.

Talbain replies excitedly, "I can't wait! Although..." his gaze flicks from Wyxt and Sia to that massive cocbulge between his legs then back to the two troll girls, "...neither can it." One hand moves to rest on the knot of the sash tied at his waist. "I suppose... I'll have to take care of this myself then...", he continues, eyes shifting to Sia's heaving bosom as she stretches, praying for another thread to come undone.

Lucia blushes even more deeply at Wyxt's wink and stares at the bouncing breasts, her ears faintly picking up Rila's request to touch them, causing her to lick her lips subconsciously.

Rekos leans forward a little as Rila asks if she can touch at the 'squishies' and stifles a curious laugh, twisting his legs back under the table as he scoots towards the grouping, blatantly eager to see the catgirl pawing at the troll girl's heavy endowments, grinding the base of his palm against his crotch as he watches.

Rila pulls herself up to her knees as she's by the troll's chair now... she inches forward and carefully reaches for the girl's breast... pressing her strong hand into it gently... her curiousity keeps her hand nearby even when she jerks her hand away at the first touch. Soon, she's resting her hand lightly against the large breast... breathing heavily as this is the largest she's ever touched... and it feels soooo squishy.

Wyxt stares at Talbain, then, figuring one thread or two isn't 'too' much, she reaches up, and 'plucks' that thread, to let Sia's heavy tits be that little bit more free of the confining top. This, of course, also gives more room for Rila to play with Sia's tits, now, as Wyxt's hand drops once more to Sia's belly, to soothe, as she whispers something about a certain 'goblinoid' getting a little rough with Sia's tits in her ear.

Sia blinks her eyes halway open, peering to Rila and a light grin on her lips. A faint moan echoes over her lips then as she is being fondled by the catgirl and her eyes and features clearly indicate she doesn't mind, rather enjoys it, particularily as she's resting in her favourite spot. She lets her head lean back again, closing her eyes to let herself remember fondly the things Wyxt whispers into her ear and enjoy the attention she's receiving.

Rila begins to press her hand a little more into the troll's breast... her strong hands moving the fat mound around underneath her clothing as the catgirl leans forward curiously... wondering just what you could do with a breast like this...

Wyxt is a hot mess already, just from remembering herself, having her wife played with in her lap, and just the 'pleasure' of knowing it was a good idea to come back here and to bring her beloved with her. Beaming, proud and aroused herself, Wyxt simply holds her beloved against her as Rila enjoys, watching Talbain and occasionally glancing to Rekos, too, as she continues to whisper to her beloved, now something about her being a hot, dirty mess. Promises of the days to come, too, of course, and telling her about the human not so far off just as interested in her slutty wife's beauty. "I told ya th' dress'd be good this way..." Wyxt chuckles a bit.

Talbain leans his head back to look at Scout with a grin. "Perhaps it won't go to waste just yet. I'll be with you in a moment." Turning back to Sia, he watches in awe as her breasts are exposed even more and Rila begins playing with them. His own fingers curve back and forth slightly, as if he was feeling them himself. Turning then to Wyxt's massive mounds, he inches a bit closer. "Would you care for a breast "massage" as well hm

Lucia nods to herself, pocketing more coins. "No problem...", she mutters softly as she returns to the side of the bar and sighs, slipping her apron off and moving over to a table somewhat closer to the two troll women and the muscular catgirl, taking a seat with a sigh.

Reks winks a green eye at Wyxt when their gazes meets for a brief moment, leaning back in his chair and stretching out a bit. He continues watching Rila pawing at Sia's large, milky breasts, shifting in his seat uncomfortably and reaching down to give a firm squeeze at the arousal mounting beneath his trousers. These troll girls were a welcome addition to the inn, he thinks to himself silently, watching with rapt interest as he reaches into his trousers for a moment, obviously not caring about being a bit... lacking of subtlety tonight, pulling himself out and openly beginning to drag his fingertips along the hardening length of his member, looking extremely relaxed now.

Sia lets another moan slip past her lips and her tongue darts out to gently trace along those little tusks as she remains leaned against Wyxt on her beloved's lap, her head resting on the shoulder. She shifts just a tad bit, but otherwise remains motionless, only arching her back a little to press her large breasts up a tad bit more, against the touch. Even in her half-sleepy state, her body knows how to react when her breasts are treated like that after all.

Wyxt winks at Talbain. While Wyxt did have massive mounds, and even with Sia in her lap they were quite visible, Sia is quite firmly in the center of her lap, and it'd probably be a touch awkward. "Ah, I fear I'll 'ave t' wait till m' love an' I be in bed. We fondle in our dreams." Wyxt lifts the rum to her lips and takes a small sip of her rum, then glances over her shoulder towards Elly. ...Hm. She might comment on that later. Wyxt whispers in Sia's ear, a teasing 'warning...' "Don't spread y' legs too much 'r we ain't gonna get no sleep lad'h." Grinning, before she kisses Sia lightly, head turned so she can kiss her beloved fully on the lips, tusks locking together just a bit from the angle as she locks lips with her beloved. A wink Talbain's way, before her eyes close and she just indulges in her happy beloved for the moment.

Rila flexes her hand... grabbing a great deal of breastflesh... even more than her hand could hold... but the wobbliness... the jiggling, the feel, the weight... it all entranced the catgirl as she continues to knead the girl's chest... finally slipping the globe from her clothing accidentally.

Sia returns the kiss tenderly, gently...and not minding one bit that her breast is freed from the confines of the clothing. She does keep her legs together for now. She knows full well that it'd not let them get to bed in the next hours if she didn't, so the onlookers would have to do with what was presented at the moment...for now of course. She smiles softly, lovingly after she breaks the kiss a moment, later, then leans a bit forward, placing a soft, sweet kiss on her beloved's forehead before resuming her relaxed, enjoying position.

Wyxt didn't mind Rila exposing Sia's tits fully. After all, she hadn't warned against exposure, as long as Rila kept her hands on the tits and didn't upset Sia all was well. Wyxt affectionately bumps Sia's forehead, just lightly, with her own, and continues to rub Sia's belly as one tusk grazes Sia's cheek in an affectionate nuzzle, Wyxt watching Rila play with her wife's chest with an amused and curious, pleased look on her face.

Talbain gasps as Sia's breast is exposed completely, eying it hungrily, his raging hardon straining against the fabric of his pants, quivering, just begging for some attention. He slides even closer for a better look, his furred shoulder lightly brushing against Wyxt's. "You two... make quite the pair..." he tells her, referring to the two troll women, although he could just as easily have been referring to their breasts.

Rila lifts her hand up suddenly at the contact of the troll's exposed nipple. Rila knew what it was for, but it had still startled her a little... she poked at the nub softly... then moved to gently pinch it... looking at it curiously as she played with it.

Wyxt smirks. "I know. Das why we be a pair. Wouldn't be da same alone." Abruptly, Wyxt's flask taps Rila on the forehead. "No pinchin'. I said dat didn't I?" Wyxt teases, though there is the faintest tone of reprimand in her voice. "Especiall'h wit' all dat muscle, nev'rmind th' fact she be sleep'h. Jus' touchin' an' fondlin'. Keep it light darlin'."

Leaning back in his seat a little, he watches Wyxt and Sia, mostly... Sia, at the moment, as Rila began to play with the half-asleep troll's pert nipples, chuckling. His hand continues gliding his fingertips along the shaft in his lip as he relaxes, chewing on his lower lip and enjoying the 'show' across from him. The other arm of his drapes itself across the back of his chair as he gets comfortable.

Rila cringes a little at the forehead tap... her ears fold back as her arm jerks away... she cautiously returns her hand to the breast and places it flat on the mound... indicating that she's unable to pinch in any way.

Sia breathes a little sharp breath at the pinch, her eyes fluttering halfway open, but only briefly, before she simply lies back again, her breathing regular once more, even if it was deep and slow, enjoying the attentions still, a soft smile playing over her lips, leaning to the side to gently place a kiss on her beloved's neck.

Wyxt didn't doubt that Sia would love having her tits pinched, but that also would keep her from her drowsy state of mind. It occurs to her that, obedient as her kinky wife is, Sia might think Wyxt was holding out, and she whispers, in a soft voice... "When y're read'h t' sleep, m'love, I'll take y' t' bed. Jus' let m' know." The fire was comfortable, and so was the company, and she is in no hurry, but neither does she want Sia thinking she'll be upset when Sia wants to rest. She just wants her to see the inn and understand. Silently, she thanks the all seeing that the place filled up a bit as she smiles at Rila. "Good girl." Said with the faintest trace of a purr.

Talbain can't help but begin to idly stroke his own cock through the thin silk of his pants as he watches, his massive member but a few inches away from the two troll girls. "I don't know how much more of this I can take..." he whispers out loud to nobody in particular, before looking over to Wyxt, almost pleadingly with big puppy dog eyes.

Rila tilts her head at Wyxt and nods softly... continuing to pet the troll's breast with her full hand. She didn't want to lose breast touching priveleges, so she remained in the same soft circular motion. She speaks quietly to Wyxt as she sees Sia is near sleeping. "Can... can Rila use... as pillow... for little bit? Look... look and feel soft..."

Wyxt wags a finger at Talbain. "I ain't gonna 'elp y', but if y' ARE goin' t' cum, please do it over Sia's tits 'r 'er face. Gimme somethin' t' lick up t'night." Wyxt is amused, then she glances to Rila. "Dunno 'ow long we'll be down 'ere. Besides, if Talbain's gotta let go, since 'e did it lookin' at Sia an' I, it onl'h be right 'e make a mess on 'er wit' it." Wyxt grins. "Unless y' don't mind 'im gettin' you too. An' y' might 'ave t' get up shortl'h."

Lucia suddenly reaches down and removes the crotchplate from her leather leggings, setting it aside. She'd then shift her own position and spread her legs a bit. From this angle, she'd actually be giving Wyxt an unobstructed view of her moist sex as she stares at the troll woman with a smoldering gaze, deciding suddenly to take a little initiative.

Rila blinks a little at Wyxt. She had no idea what the girl had said there... so she simply keeps her hand over the girl's chest... maybe she could cuddle with them later... "Nyah... you... you go to bed soon..?  Is... is warm?  Rila can lay at end of bed, nyah..?"

As he hears Wyxt offering such a treat to Talbain, Rekos clears his throat and stands up, walking over towards the small grouping. He wasn't doing a damn thing to hide the erection bobbing free at the front of his opened trousers, as he murmurs, "Heard you offerin' to this fellow here, though I'd ask if I could have the same luxury. M'name's Rekos, by the way. Nice to meet'cha." The human grins a bit, stroking himself slowly.

Talbain doesn't hesitate for a moment, untying his sash in a flash and whipping out that huge, throbbing wolven cock that had been dying to get free, the swollen head already slick with precum, the shaft crawling with bulging veins like ivy. Standing up, he positions himself in front of Sia but stops, mid-stroke, looking down at her as if asking for permission.

Sia moans softly again, licking her lips in her half-asleep state. She's probably dreaming something very naughty right now...errr, she probably does that every other night, but it's quite obvious right now as the exposed breasts are being gently treated by the Catgirl, the hard nipple proudly erect. She doesn't even open her eyes as Talbain stands, just grins faintly, pleasantly, licking her lips.

Wyxt frowns. Oye! She didn't come looking for a pet and here the catgirl was throwing herself at them. "Ah, not th' first night Rila. We'll think about it mayb'h alright?" Wyxt blinks as Lucia exposes herself across the way, and she looks to Rekos. "...Ha... ah..." geezus! What did they do? They were just being lazy as fuck on the couch! "Ah... well, like I said, we be tired, but if y' can finish b'fore we head up t' bed, yeah, y' can make a mess all over her. I'd love it if ya did." Wyxt winks at him, then drains the rest of her rum, before setting the flask aside so both of her hands are free. That done, she grips Sia by the hips lightly, thumbs idly rubbing against the cheeks of her ass, and she simply nods at Talbain. "Give it t' 'er. She loves it. 'Might' even clean it, but that's up t' 'er!" Wyxt grins wickedly, proud of her wife.

Rila pulls away quickly at the sight of the sudden random penis... what was that doing there..? And why was it being aimed over the woman she was touching? She looks towards Wyxt and nods slowly, responding softly. "Is... is okay... Rila hear how you want warm and... and Rila warm... Rila no see people like you before and Rila... want know more. Rila would not take up much bed, nyah..."

Lucia frowns at the troll's response, picking the plate back up and reaffixing it to her armor before dragging herself out of her chair with a prolonged sigh and heading for the stairs. Raven, Braids, Miyuka...was she even sexy anymore?

Rekos nods with a sly smile at Wyxt, pondering something to himself; Wyxt seems to be the far more dominant member of the relationship, though this may simply be due, of course, to the fact that Sia was sort of snoozing against her beloved. Either way, he was intrigued by the two, and murmurs, "Well, thanks, darlin'. I'll be sure to finish myself quickly. Don't wanna keep you girls up to late, nyeh?" Chuckling, he moves over to Sia, and begins to firmly stroke at his rigid shaft, his fist closed around the flesh jutting from his hips, every upward stroke causing the fattened head at the tip to bulge a little, almost with anxiety as he lets himself bring his orgasm near.

Talbain begins pumping his massive member before Sia, that well-teased cock already close to erupting, the sticky sweet bead of precum formed on the slit dribbling down in a silky thread right into her cleavage. Pulling it downwards, he aims it at her heaving breasts, the other hand joining in as he increases the pace, heavy cum-filled balls tightening.

Sia moans softly, almost expectantly. Her eyes remain closed, but she does have good hearing and even if she was half-asleep, she knew basically what was going on around her...and her sleepy mind projected the images in her head well enough as she shivers softly in Wyxt's lap.

Wyxt peers at Rekos, and her appreciation is obvious and genuine at his talk of hurrying in his enjoyment for their sake, though watching two men stroke themselves over her wife's heaving tits is a great thing to watch. She grins, then nibbling lightly on Sia's ear to tease her messy beloved as Talbain and Rekos start stroking themselves over her. Wyxt, helping out, since Rila backed up a little, places both hands under Sia's heavy tits, cupping them, kneading them, exposing the shiny green globes to the open air as she plumps them for the two men, and also making sure that single strand of precum finds Sia's heavy breast as she purrs. "Mmmm, y're such a slut Sia." As if Wyxt could talk. She winks at Rila then, then shrugs, just a bit. "Not t'night darlin', not this first night. But we will talk about it, f'r sure. A'right?"

Rila nods to Wyxt and hangs back for the time being... seeing as the one man had his manhood out and was aiming at the massive bosom of Sia's. "Nyah... okies... Rila... Rila just thinks yous are snugglies..."

Rekos doesn't even take all that long, to be honest. His love life had been rather 'dry' for the past few days, and the occasions where he was in the inn when others were furiously fucking each others faces (hooray alliteration!) had caused him to become rather aroused over the course of the past few days. Indeed, normally the human wouldn't just barge up and whip his cock out, but... well. Exceptions can be made. Gripping his cock, he lets out a groan as he quickly achieves his orgasm, the well-toned human's slender fingers blurring back and forth along the flesh as he releases, the slit at the bulbous tip firing out large, thick, sticky ropes of his seed, holding himself down to aim well. Not that those enormous, milky tits were an easy target to miss, his cum spurting onto the green globes, painting them. Every pulse of the human's cock sends a strip of his white hot seed across those globes, the jism dribbling down those plump, sumptuous curves as the troll's lover holds them up on display for the carnal show.

Talbain continues pumping his dick with both hands, eyes watching hungrily as Wyxt plays with Sia's massive melons, pace increasing, veins bulging, looking as if it was going to burst until finally, with a feral growl, he orgasms, that massive hardon spasming and firing a hot, thick, white rope of seed all over Sia's tits with the pressure of a fire hose. He does not stop jerking himself off, each pump spurting forth another and another sticky rope of cum all over her until he is exhausted, shoulders relaxing and slumping down, eyes turning towards Wyxt as he mouthes a kiss to her, as if to say, "I'll get you next time.

Sia blinks her eyes halfway open, moaning softly, even cutely as her large breasts are painted with Rekos' thick, hot seed. Her tongue darts out, licking her lips and she even, more or less out of instinct rises a little, leaning her head down to her breasts, which are, courtesy of her beloved, thankfully pushed up so she can lick at the cum, her breathing deep and shallow, mingling with the soft moans.

Wyxt sticks out her tongue even as Rekos coats her beloved's tits with his hot cum. She shifts, just once, so she can catch a bit of that thick white spunk herself, not wanting to miss Talbain's either, the cumslut leans forward, kneading her wife's cummy, messy tits even as she closes her mouth, some cum resting on Wyxt's cheek now, and swallows. Wyxt leans back, purring, rubbing the cum into Sia's tits, around her nipples, smoothing it and playing with it as she also plays with her beloved. "Mmm, thank ya, the both of ya. If y'll be 'round t'morrow or th' day aft'r, maybe we can do somethin' while we're a lil' more awake, show ya better places to put thick, hot cum in m' wife an' m'self." Wyxt bites her lower lip, pleased. Good decision! She's amused as Sia, likewise, catches what little cum she can as it paints her glossy green tits white.

The fiery-haired human grins down at the beautiful couple as Sia has her heavy breasts painted with his and Talbain's thick white seed, gripping his shaft tightly and making sure he milks every last spurt of his orgasm he can, until the cum erupting from his thick head is reduced to a slow trickle, feeding the swelled breasts the last of his juices. He winks at the couple as he stands there, dripping a litle onto Sia's chest as he murmurs with a pant, "Phew... That was nice. Don't get t'do that all too often these days. As for -that- offer," he says as Wyxt mentions the placing of cum into 'better places', "... I can guarantee I'd be up for a proper 'welcoming' to Nanthalion."

Sia licks a few more drops where she can reach, then shivers a little, her eyes squeezed shut tightly with a look of pleasure on her features before she sinks back against Wyxt and now, seemingly has really fallen asleep. Her breathing is slow and regular, her cum-covered tits rising and falling slowly.

Talbain exhales deeply a few times, his cum having been spent. He takes a step closer, cock still in hand, that swollen, cum-slicked mushroom-cap of a cockhead within lip's reach of either of the two girls if they wished. "I'll hold you to that," he grins down at the two of them.

Wyxt beams. This was hot, but even hotter would be having her wife's cunt a hot, spunky mess, bent over with Rekos pounding away at her, Talbain between her lips... or both of them at once, of course, maybe face to face. Back to back? Haha, well, those were ideas for later. Wyxt kisses Sia lightly, tenderly and passionately, then finally looks to the others, addressing Rekos and Talbain alike, as well as Rila though Rila has fallen mysteriously silent at the painting of Sia. "Mmmm, good, I be expectin' y' too." Wyxt's tongue 'does' snake out then, to first clean Talbain, since he's stepped so close, her somewhat rough tongue licking at the veiny had of his shaft to tease sensitive nerves, to clean it of cum, before she twists to likewise clean Rekos, leaning forward a bit. Lips seal around the head just a moment, and she sucks the last of the cum from Rekos' cock, before pulling off with a soft plop.

Rila quickly scampers off... not really wanting to see the end to what Wyxt and crowd are doing... as it was... a little foreign and inappropriate for her.

Wyxt winks at them both, then carefully, but smoothly, shifts, to place her arms under Sia's back and the curve of her wife's ass. "If ya all will excuse an' f'rgive us, though, it be time t' take m' wife t' bed an' get some shut eye m'self. Got a suspicion t'morrow it's gonna 'elp if we be well rested." She grins at the both of them, then nods to Rila. Pondering a moment, then Wyxt nods, and turns, heading for the stairs with her ass swaying behind her, the cum on Sia's tits getting on the bottom of Wyxt's now as she grins.

He was a little surprised, and lets out a gasp of delight as he feels Wyxt's tongue snaking out and wrapping around the head of his cock, joined by her lips, feeling a small vacuum draining the little bit of what was left of his orgasm, reaching down to stroke the trolless's cheek. "Mmm, damn, thanks for -that- darlin'," he says as he steps back, pushing himself into his trousers and watching the couple carrying themselves up the stairs, giving them a friendly wave. "Sleep tight, girlies."

Talbain gasps as he feels Wyxt's tongue along his cock. That alone would be enough to get him all hard again, but it seems the two were exhausted for the night. Stepping aside, he allows the girls to pass by before getting dressed and going upstairs to his own room for the night.
© Copyright 2009 Wicked Wyxt of the Freak (purrversion at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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