Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1574961-Wyxt-Greets-the-Boys
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1574961
Wyxt, my troll hunter (WoW based) greets some of the men visiting the Lube and Booty inn.
Wyxt leans against the stairs, massive, silk-clad breasts hanging over the edge of the stairbase, one elbow on the banister and her chin in hand as she peers at the room down below from the faint shadow of that dragonsnout helm. Peering at Varrain, and then Throk fondly, Wyxt speaks up to the three men in the bar, the gnoll included. "I owe th' lot o' ye f'r that show this mornin', don't I?" Well, maybe not Varrain, but how could she refuse to tease the tauren who'd treated her and her wife so well? Of course, Wyxt is in her favorite outfit, crimson silk vest showing off most of her cleavage (and the bare edges of dark purple tattoo cupping her tits), and that fiery red thong she favors.

Cavhoagh turns in his seat as he picks up his drink, the tall gnoll glancing at Tatayana, especially her legs... before straightening up "oh.. the talented troll lady..." he muses ".. I suppose a little.. ehm.. show won't that wrong..."

Varrain nods to Tatayana with a smile.."I am doing well this evening and yourself, Tatayana?" He looks over to Wyxt and offers her a grin, letting his eyes roam her form..."Hmmm ,what show would that be, Wyxt, seems I may have missed something."

Throk cackles as he recalls the two trolls and their non too subtle performance. "Wyxt lady likes bananas is all me gonna say." He leans back in his chair and takes a swig, eyeballing Wyxt's outfit.

Tatayana smiles as always; she was good even if she was not doing well.. " evening Wyxrt.. I am well Var thank you.. show what show hmm??"

Cavhoagh gives the large tauren a grin "..you'll see, my horned friend.. and you'll like you." he extends a long fingered, clawed hand "...Cavhoagh Cloudrunner." he says to his bar neighbour

Wyxt winks at Varrain. "Teasin' th' poor boys wit' showin' 'em what I could do wit' a banana. But got dragged off t' m' room." Wyxt purrs lightly from her place above the rest of the room, legs crossed under her, leaning against the apparently strong support of the banister. She licks her lips lightly, then purses them, as she glances to the new face, Tiergan. Then... "G'mornin', Tats." Of course, it's night time, but she just go up, so it's all the same to her.

Varrain glances over at the gnoll and raises a brow, most gnolls he knew was trying to gnaw on him. He reaches over and shakes the offered hand.."Varrain Splithoof." He then looks back towards Wyxt and keeps eyeing her and the revealing outfit she is in. "Ahh I see" He chuckles deeply and glances to Brenka with a chuckle.."Sorry got distracted, some Moonberry juice would be nice, when you get the time Brenka"

Tatayana just chuckles and shakes her head sipping her rum.. not really thinking much of Wy's teasing the guys but well some ones got to have some fun here

Brenka nods, hustling back behind the bar to pour some fresh drinks for Tiergan and Varrain, smiling up to Wyxt. "How bout yerself, Miz Wyxt, bottle o' the usual?"

Throk empties his mug and throws it on the table. He slides his boot knife out and starts spinning it on the table to amuse himself. "Nice dwarf lady, me need rum!" He cackles as the knife spins off the table and sticks in the sand floor. "Don't forget bout da free drinks neither."

Wyxt slips off the banister, then. With a faint wobble and a moment to steady herself, and a single glance over her shoulder back to Sia's room, Wyxt shakes her head faintly, and makes her way down the stairs, one hand on her breasts to keep them from bouncing out of her top. "Th' usual, hah. I got somethin' thick'r 'n mind t'night, I think. Maybe grab me a bottle f'r aft'rwards." Wyxt hops down the last two steps of the stairs, and moves to a chair near the bar. She leans against it, though, on one elbow, and peers from Throk, to Varrain, to the crazy old gnoll from earlier, and lips curl in a faint smile. "Y' know, if y' want a sample, I ain't against revealin' some o' m' secrets." Tiergan clips open a pouch on his belt, withdrawing a couple coins as he waits.

Brenka beams and nods. "Oh, aye, drinks is on Mister throk tonight, folks, ye can thank him fer the poundin' headaches ye get tomorrow mornin!"

Varrain grins at Wyxt and sips his juice, eyeing her more and he gets up moving to sit closer to the troll lady.."Hmmm, well why don't you reveal some then" He chuckles and grins.."And I'm sure everyone in here would like to help you get your..thicker drink" He winks at Wyxt again, and sips his moonberry juice slowly.

Sia comes down the steps to the common room, hips swaying with each step, her full, swollen breasts pressing against the tight confines of her top as they jiggle slightly with every step. She yawns a moment, looking around the common room and giving everyone present light smiles. Her red gaze settles on her beloved at last and without further waiting, she walks towards her, putting a hand on her shoulder and leaning forward to kiss her lightly. "Sorry I'm late..." she mumbles and smiles slightly.

Brenka bounces back over to Tiergan's table, sliding the mug of stout to him with a flourish before she heads over with Throk's rum. "Drink up, lads!" She gives her boss a wave. "Oi, miz Sia, wot can I get ye?"

Sia looks over to Brenka with a light smile. "Mug o rum if ya will lass."

Wyxt winks at Varrain. "First in line, eh Varr darlin'?" Wyxt is distracted a moment, when Sia abruptly leans against her, and her cheeks flush immediately as she returns the kiss. "S'alright darlin', thought y' were tired, was gonna let y' sleep." She pulls her into a half-hug, breasts pressing against Sia's own as she purrs. "Was goin' t' pay back th' poor men f'r th' awful teasin' I did this mornin'. Been feelin' terrible 'bout it." Wyxt grins, clearly not feeling terrible at all.

Tiergan giving a weary smile to Brenka as he nods, "Thank ya lass." He takes a deep drink of the stout, washing out the cobwebs left over from his nap.

Cavhoagh stuffs his pipe and lights it with a grin, looking up at Varrain and then to Wyxt, as the gnollish shaman removes his cape, folding it up and putting it on the counter... he doesn't say anything, but grins, adjusting his armour slighty.

Brenka pours Sia a mug of rum and slides it to her with a smile, setting it nearby while she embraces Wyxt.

Varrain grins at Wyxt and Sia nodding to the green troll and eye sboth before he answers Wyxt..."Well can you blame me Wyxt, I'm surprise riots don't break out when you offer to..share some secrets with everyone" He gives a deep chuckle.

Sia chuckles lightly, hugging Wyxt against her tightly and inclines her head, looking down to her for a moment, then around the room once more, then back. "Well...can't have ya feelin terrible...what kinda wife would I be if I did, mh?" she murmurs and grins lightly, pinching one of Wyxts nipples lightly through the fabric of her clothing while shortly leaning back in the embrace before again leaning down and kissing her beloved tenderly. She then looks over to tat, giving her a soft wink and a smile. "Heya Tats...hows everythin goin sweets?" she asks while nodding a thanks to Brenka and picking up the mug, sipping from it.

Tiergan adjusting the brim on his hat, pulling it down a little more as he looks around, finally taking in everything now that he's a bit more alert.

Throk grabs his rum and stalks over to Wyxt's table, sliding a chair back and plunking down. "Me not have fun with you for a long time, Wyxt lady. How you pay me back, hmm?" He chugs his rum and stares at both sets of troll tits pushed together. He leans back in his chair easily.

Tatayana shrugs.." Ah, you know me its sweet and fine as rain.. nothings bad .."

Wyxt winks at Varrain, then looks back to Sia, and frowns a bit. "Terrible? Sia darlin', sometimes y' need rest, sometimes i do. 'ow'm I gonna 'old that against y'?" She boggles, though that confused look is dispelled when her nipples are pinched. Then.. Wyxt smiles. "Why don't the three o' ya come sit at m' table? I feel like ent'rtainin' t'night b'fre I gotta go tend t' m' crew." She winks at Cavhoagh in particular, who hasn't come closer yet. "Throk, y' know 'ow I can pay y' back darlin'. I owe y' big wit' th' teasin' and leavin' wit'out tellin' ya, don't I? Wouldn't mind a good stuffin' right now..." Wyxt murmurs, and glances to Sia with a sly wink. "Y' don't mind if y'r slut wife makes a mess do ya?"

Sia chuckles and sips again from her rum, licking her lips afterwards. "S long 's my slutty wife comes back ta me ta clean the mess I will create by watchin ya..." she winks, plyfully, her eyes glittering as she leans down to kiss the half-trolless tenderly on the lips for a moment before retreating.

Tatayana listens to whats going on and chuckles.. knowing Wy this would be intresting..she looks at Sia.." You're always making a mess some how..'

Cavhoagh finishes his drink without any signs of hurry, knocks his pipe clean against the counter and puts it in his poket before he gets up... walking towards what seems to be a promising evening, the distingished looking gnoll, looking his chops and returning Wyxt's wink, a wolvish grin curling his lips

Throk grins wickedly at Wyxt. "That what me like to hear." He stands up and looms over Wyxt, grabbing one of her barely covered tits, and squeezing the fat nipple sticking out beneath the fabric. He leers as he massages her chest and looks lustily at her glossy lips. "How you wanna do this, slut?"

Varrain grins at the two lovely trolls, even as Wyxt invtes the other two closer, he scoots over closer to Wyxt, reaching to cup her other breast and chuckles as he hears Throk.

Wyxt bumps that dragon-head helmet against Sia's forehead lightly in her usual affectionate gesture, grinning at the green trolless, before she licks her lips and turns to the table. Both hands come to rest on the table as she leans forward, massive tits almost completely on display from the way she's leaning and her curvy, full ass somewhat thrust into the air behind her as she bends one knee slightly and dark red eyes peer slyly at the men at her table. "Lessee now. Throk, I owe y' th' most f'r m' abscence..." She shivers as he begins to play with her heavy tits, closing her eyes. "So I'mma get y' good an' ready first." Then, glancing to the other two, Wyxt winks. "Don't worr'h, I'll get th' three o' ya good an' read'h soon too. Y' can all stay seated though, f'r th' moment."

Cavhoagh pulls out a chair and drapes his cloak over the back of it, sitting down in it and leans back.. a grin still playing over his lips.. and ignoring the idignantly rattling staff he left over by the bar

Throk laughs softly to himself as he undoes the top of his pants and frees his orc cock, almost fully hard already from just thinking about Wyxt's skilled mouth caressing him. His pants slide to his ankles as he sits back down, idly stroking his shaft.

Wyxt licks her lips, hungry and unable to help herself as she purrs. To save a little time later, she wriggles out of the silk top now, with quite a bit of jiggling effort, mind you, to pull the red fabric up and over her head so that glossy blue breast flesh can flop free, dark purple nipples highlighted by the firelight. That done, she purrs, and drops to her knees, crawling under the table. Shuffling on her knees, she first eyes Throk's stroked shaft, hungry to get to it, but knowing that first, some pants need to be lost. So she shifts over to Varrain, hands coming up to the edges of his pants to remove them. One hand quickly undoes the few buttons that would keep them up, with a slut's expert touch, before she pulls back, taking his pants with her as she retreats under the table. Last, of course, is Cavhoagh, the half-troll's hands quick to repeat the process with him after taking a moment to rub one hand against his shaft through his pants, curious as to just how gnoll cock feels. Vaguely, she wonders if he has a knot, too.

Sia chuckles and moves back towards the bar, sitting down there slowly while sipping from her rum, then setting the mug down on the bartop and licking her lips slowly. Her red gaze is fixed on her beloved slut wife as she is having her fun. Her eyes glitter faintly in the light of the tavern, her free hand resting on her ample breasts. Briefly, she considers simply joining in, but she discards the idea, for the time being much more interested in seeing her beloved little slut be taken by those three...or her taking them as it were.

Cavhoagh spreads his legs apart slightly, growling softly as Wyxt feels his aroused shaft through his leather pants, looking down at her as she sits on her knees infront of them... a nice view in itself.

Throk glares lustily at Wyxt as she shuffles around under the table like the bitch in heat she is. Throk's muscled hand strokes slowly up and down, precum beading on his cockhead as he kicks his leather pants out of the way and spreads his legs wide, full balls waiting to empty into Wyxt any way they could. He cackles softly in anticipation.

Varrain gives a grunt as Wyxt deftly removes his leggins, revealing that thick ebony bullcock that is already standing semi-erct from watching Wyxt strip and the thought of the fun about to happen, he leans back waiting to see just what Wyxt's does next, stroking his ebony shaft slowly.

Cavhoagh licks his lips as Wynx pulls his leather pants off... baring a pair of very powerful digitgrade legs and a glisterning shaft, completely emerged from it's sheeth... it doesn't have an acctual knot, but a widening towards the base and a much more flared head than canines... he keeps his hands on his thighs, chewing on his lip

Wyxt wouldn't mind being fucked raw by the three of them, would love it, but she wouldn't mind getting them all to cum down her throat too much, either. When the smell of pre-cum fills the air, Wyxt is quick to move back to Throk, licking her lips, milky tits swaying beneath her as she crawls under the table like a hungry bitch on all fours, ass high in the air for onlookers to see. She doesn't use her hands at all, except to sit up, lashing the head of Throk's cock with a full, rough stroke of her tongue to lick up that pre-cum. She leans forward, and curls her tongue tight against his shaft, kissing the shaft lightly as she purses her lips and sucks, sealing her tongue tight against his cock as she begins to bathe him in warm saliva with those rough strokes, getting Throk good and wet while cleaning up that pre-cum.

Tatayana leans on Sia sitting there with her watching Wy torment the three males.. she looks at Sia and chuckles a bit... and she sips her rum.. watching the show...

Tiergan works a couple moments at cleaning out his pipe, as he watches the going-ons around the room, filling his pipe again, and lighting it. Draws a few quick puffs, then takes a drink from his tankard.

Wyxt of course does not leave the other two males idle in the least. She places a hand on Varrain's shaft, her hands warm and surprisingly soft for a troll that shoots bows all day... but her grip firm, too. Gripping that thick, ebony cock in hand, Wyxt purrs, sending vibrations through Throk's already rather rigid shaft, as she curls four fingers around that hot, throbbing meat, her thumb pressing against the base of his shaft to keep him steady and pointed upright as she begins to pump that hot length... the throbbing feeling in her hand making her want to start switching off and bobbing on cock already.. but she forces herself to be a little more patient. Her other hand finds Cavhoagh's shaft, fingers first gliding over the widened base of his cock, then the flared head, teasing, stroking, and exploring, before she curls her fingers around his shaft and begins to pump him, too, her thumb pressing against that sensitive head of his shaft, and her pinky curled around that sensitive, widened base, as she begins to pump his cock, favoring the more sensitive ridges with her fingers.

Throk grunts in pleasure as Wyxt begins slathering up and down his shaft, his cock pulsing in response to her tongue. Bending over slightly and reaching under Wyxt, he grabs a handful of firm soft tit flesh and tugs on her large purple nipple. Removing her helm, he runs his other hand through her hair and pushes down slightly, urging her to bury him in her throat.

Varrain grunts as Wyxt begins to stroke his cock, it hardening fully rather quickly. He looks down at her under the table, watching her sucking the orc's cock and he grins. He glances to the other two guys and then he reaches under the table to grab one of Wyxt's tits, squeezing it as she strokes and sucks cocks.

Cavhoagh licks his lips... exchanging a glance with Varrain.. before leaning his head back and sounding a soft growl.. the smooth, wet shaft hardening and growing further in Wyxt's skillful hand.. sounding a suprised yip as she presses her thumb against the tip of his cock, jumping slightly, his tail thumping against the back of the chair in a stackatto rythem

Sia peers at Tat leaning on her, smiling as she slips an arm around the human girl and strokes her shoulder and side gently up and down, then up to her hair, entangling her fingers in the red strands quietly, as her gaze returns to her wife busily working on the three males. She grins lightly, licking her lips happily at seeing the slut doing what she does so well.

Wyxt pulls back, though. In fact, she ducks away when he moves to pull away the helm, which she's rarely seen without these days. Her tits being molested, herself dripping wet between the legs and panting a bit already, she peers up at THrok fromthe darkness, and winks. "Don't worr'h, y' get t' fuck m' throat soon as y're all good an' wet." She blows him a kiss, then disappears, turning to face Varrain's cock now. Wanting to do something different each time around, she guides his cock nto her mouth, dark blue glossy lips pursing around his throbbing shaft as tusks lightly guide that thick, long bullcock into the depths of her warm mouth. She doesn't take him into her throat, but rather, lets the head of his cock bump the back of her throat, as her tongue arches and strokes his length vigorously, lips pursing tight around his cock as her cheeks pull in and she begins to bob on his shaft lightly.

Wyxt shifts her hand to Throk's gleaming green wet shaft, closing her eyes as she feels him out, and begins to stroke his cock. This time, her hand is a fist, pumping him vigorously almost as though she's trying to get him off with her hand, though in truth she's purposefully working Throk into a frenzy for her next time around.. assuming the men can remain seated a little longer before they outright fuck her. Cav's hardening shaft lengthens in her hands, and Wyxt's fingers spread to follow the growth of that thick cockhead and the widened base of his cock. Not gripping quite as tightly, but spread over nearly his entire length, stroking him as she bobs on Varrain's cock.

Brenka makes the rounds, checking on Tiergan's mug with a nod and a wry grin, making sure Miz Sia and Tats are both topped off.

Throk looks a bit disappointed when she pops off of his cockhead, but her husky words seem to satisfy him for now, and when she starts pumping his shaft vigorously, he doesn't mind one bit. Her hand is a slippery blur up and down his throbbing cock. Grunting, he leans back and savors the feeling as it washes over him and waits for his chance to fuck her throat like he loves to do.

Varrain closes his eyes to grunt a bit as Wyxt's mouth engulfs the head of his ebony cock. He lets go of her tit so the gnoll and orc can fondle them as he bends over slightly to grab that nice ass and squeezes it. He pushes his hips very slightly to Wyxt's bobbing mouth. He lets out a low groan opening his eyes to watch Wyxt working his cock.

Sia looks to Brenka and nods lightly, then winks. "Come on, sit with us and enjoy..." she murmurs and pats the chair beside her.

Cavhoagh just murrrs softly as he looks down at her with his odd-coloured eyes half-closed and a silly grin on his face... looking at the others he bites his lower lip and reaches out with a long arm to feel Wynx's plentiful bossom... oh how they had teased him since he first saw them.. but now..

Tiergan takes another swig from his tankard... then mutters as he hears some clicking, pulling out a small contraption and checks it a moment, then disappears upstairs.

Brenka nods and smiles, plunking her solid frame onto the chair and watching the foursome unfold, licking her lips a little. She glances over as Tiergan heads upstairs abruptly, giving a small shrug.

Wyxt peers up at Varrain, and winks at him, looking every bit the slut that she is, as he fondles her ass, drawing a vibrating moan from her as she strokes and sucks on the length of that thick black bullcock. Of course, though, she doesn't stay for too long, sinking her lips down to the base of his shaft so that his cock fills her throat one or two times a moment as she swallows down pre-cum, then pulls off of that shaft, cheeks sucking in hard on her way up like a vacuum as she pulls off of his with an audible plop. She licks his cock a moment, then turns the waiting Cavhoagh. So far, she knows what order she wants to do this in, and she vaguely wonders when someone's just going to move the table out of the way and get to it. Since Throk is going to be fucking her throat, she does something different this time. The slut licks her lips, and leans forward to stroke his shaft with her tongue as she releases it from her hand. ...Only twice though, before she grabs both of those milky tits in her hands and wraps them around his shaft.

Wyxt fully encloses Cav in that somewhat firm, gleaming blue titflesh, his slightly knobby shaft disappearing into her cleavage, before she places his hands on her tits. "Fuck m' tits, would ya? Ain't no one fuck 'em proper since I got 'ere." She grins up at him, even as her hands would move back to Varrain's and Throk's shafts. She leans forward, to swirl her tongue around the exposed head of Cavhoagh's shaft, as she purrs, now loosely stroking Varrain's cock so she can pump the entire shaft instead of just one portion, having that long bullcock like he does. Throk would find her hand a blue blur on his green cock, but she gives him a break a moment to play with his balls.

Tatayana sits there... and whispers "She is talented; I dont think I could do that..." she laughs softly as she sits with Sia. "Yes Bre come sit with us, appreciate the show" she chuckles some.

Sia smiles and extends her other arm to slip around the dwarven lasses shoulders, her hand resting on the dark iron girls large breast. She grins lightly and pinches that nipple through the clothing playfully. "Yer gettin wet yet lass?" she said, whispering throatily, peering down to the lass for a moment before looking back to her wife now being tit-fucked. She licks her lips slowly, feeling herself growing more and more aroused as she watches the foursome unfold and get wilder.

Throk is bored with waiting. He lifts the table, drinks and all, and chucks it none too gently behind him, being sure not to hit Wyxt. With her attentions elsewhere, her full firm ass just bobs there, begging for attention. Kneeling quickly behind her, he jabs his now moistened cock into her dripping sex, roughly digging into her and feeling her slick insides against his pulsing shaft. Grabbing her ass, he drives in until hips meet and begins slamming into her cunt.

Tiergan wanders back down the steps, carrying his pack and axe, setting the pack next to his chair and leaning the axe against the table, as he settles down once again.

Varrain ducks the flung table with a chuckle and just enjoys the stroking his cock is getting. He watches the orc begin fucking Wyxt and grins some, moving his chair a bit, without sliding his cock from Wyxt's hand, but still moving a bit closer so she can titfuck the gnoll and stroke his ebony cock while she is fucked like the hot slut she is.

Cavhoagh grunts softly as Wyxt wraps his shaft in delicous, firm troll flesh... he pants out "..as you wish, my blue madam.." with some trouble, as he starts fucking her pushed together tits, groaning softly.. precum leaking from his thrusting cock, over Wyxt's skillyfully swirling tongue... panting loudly, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, one hand creeps up to her shoulder, why the other grasps the chair for support, using his strong legs to drive his meat up her generous cleavage.

Wyxt absolutely loves it. Suddenly no longer covered in the darkness of the table's shadow, and hearing alcohol and glasses crashing to the floor below, Wyxt knows she's teased poor, impatient Throk too long and fully expects it when she fulls her wet, dripping cunt exposed and suddenly full of his thick, throbbing cock. Moaning with pleasure at the fast pace Throk immediately gets into, causing her tits to flop somewhat around Cavhoagh's own shaft. Her hand on Varrain's cock guides him closer, a prompt reminder that she can suck him while getting her tits and cunt fucked as she leans to the side somewhat to run her tongue over the length of his cock. Moaning huskily, breath hot on his shaft, Wyxt speaks up... "Mmm... Varrain, stuff this cock suckin' slut's throat wit' y'r meat an' 'elp 'er keep quiet..." When Varrain gets his meat into her mouth, her hands would move back to her tits, to the purple tattooing there. (more)

Brenka cozies up to Sia, her nipple firming up easily under the Troll's fingers. She gives a little snicker. "Lemme check.." she teases, slipping a hand under her loincloth for a few long moments. "Aye, I am now!" As the table flips over with a crash, she barely suppresses a cringe, eyeing the toppled furniture and scattered mugs mournfully.

Wyxt pushes those heavy, milky breasts together, wincing a bit, around Cavhoagh's shaft, heavy breasts delightfully tight around his pulsing, thrusting shaft, and curves of her breasts rounded just right to rub at the widened base and head of his cock as he fucks her milky teats,too. Her cunt, dripping wet, thong pulled aside for the crazed thrusts of Throk, is somewhat loose, her being a slut after all, but muscles latch onto that thrusting cock, tight, as he fucks into her warm depths. Varrain knows, though, that Wyxt likes her mouth fucked, not just to suck on cock.

Brenka mutters "I'd best take care o' that before someone trips and busts a leg.."

Tatayana is comfy just leaning to her friend as she watches.. she chuckles at Bre.. and moves out of the flinging tables trajectory... she watches Wy and the other three having a blissful time.. she thinks back a bit on k'halfani and her self but says nothing...she looks at Sia and whispers "You have a wonderful wife.." she smiles.

Throk laughs as Wyxt starts putting cock where ever she can fit it. "You good little troll bitch, ah? Ha ha ha ha!" That lovely ass bounces firmly against his strong thighs as her pussy massages his pistoning cock. Spreading her cheeks, he rubs her sensitive pucker with his thumb a few times before plunging it into her bowels, stimulating her from both holes. He cackles in animal lust as his crotch starts becoming messing with their combined juices.

Varrain chuckles and hooks an hand behind Wyxt's helm as she begins to suck on his cock and licks his lips.."Gladly." He grins and begins to thrust into her mouth, fucking it and her throat deeply, his thrusts making his heavy tauren balls smack against her chin with soft lewd sounds. "Thats it you cock hungry little slut, show us why all the men can't wait to have you."

Sia chuckles and her hand idly begins to play with the dawrf girls breast and nipple, pinching it from time to time, twirling it between her fingers. Her other hand continues to stroke Tatayana's side gently while her eyes continue to enjoy the feast before them. She tries to keep Brenka in place though, whispering. "No hurry..." with a wink. Then, a bit louder, she speaks. "Come on ya three...ya can fuck my wife a little rougher...ya know she likes it dat way." Another wink is directed to Tat and her statement answered with a light, happy nod.

Cavhoagh pants heavily as he looks down at his nearly painfully hard cock plowing Wyxt's plentiful bosom.. rubbing him in all the right ways.. forcing him to release a ragged gasp of pleasure.. as well as to pace himself slightly.. looking at Varrain stuff Wyxt's throat full with beef, growling softly "...Gods... I could die right here.." he laughs, grinning, with his tongue hanging out his mouth "...between these two very talented orbs.."

Wyxt winces as her back arches as best it can while her tits are getting fucked, her ass high in the air for the crazed pounding of Throk into her needy cunt, especially when that finger presses into her ass, and Throk would find that, for a change, Wyxt is actually just a little loose ther eand could use another finger or two. Groaning, her tongue curls air-tight against the base of Varrain's cock, as he fucks her mouth like he fucks pussy, her tongue roughly stroking the base of his shaft as she closes her eyes and swallows around the length of that black bull-cock. Balls slapping her chin, being rocked back and forth as she is, Wyxt barely even needs to move her hands to stroke Cavhoagh's shaft with her huge tits, considering the flopping and bouncing they're already doing around his shaft. Still....

Brenka glances up to Sia and nods, not really keen on getting up anyway, not with her boss's hand squeezing and playing with her heavy breast. "Aye, I'll set things right later." she muses, her deep grey nip firming up hard as a pebble and her thighs pressed snugly together. "Mmh.."

Wyxt does her best to provide the best quality possible. Even with her throat stuffed full of thrusting cock, her lips pursed tight around the base of Varrain's shaft and suckling her way up his length, and even with Throk plowing into her suddenly unbearably tight, wet cunt, the troll woman feeling herself fast on the way to orgasm being fucked like she is, she still manages to control her breasts, milk pooling in Cavhoagh's lap now, as she meets his thrusts with her massaging breasts, tits almost in pain from how he bucks up into them, but the troll having begged for it uses it to help her steady the flopping of her breasts, letting the rocking of her body and the push of bucking thighs do most of her fucking for her.

Sia grins lightly and continues her plays with Brenka's tit. Dexterous fingers massage it deftly, tweaking that hard nipple before she allows her fingers to move under the clothing and go directly for the skin to further stimulate the dwarven girl. She herself feels her thong being drenched by now from seeing her wife fucked like that. She bites her lips, moaning softly while her other hand strokes Tat's sides almost tenderly, leaning back on her chair, her back arched slightly so her large breasts press against the confines of her top almost painfully.

Throk grunts heavily in lust as sloppily pounds Wyxt's sex with complete disregard, using her luscious booty as a handle to force himself deeper. The finger exploring her ass does feel a bit lonely, and he makes a spearpoint with all four fingers to stuff into her ass. Now that he's got some resistance, he wiggles inside her bowels and continues to thrust fiercely into her, swollen balls slapping near her clit and tensing slightly, signs of impending release.

Cavhoagh looks slightly suprised... suddenly noticing that he's getting wet and looks down, realising that milk from Wyxt's large breasts is soaking into his furry thighs... as he pumps his sweetly tortured shaft between the troll's tits, softly throbbing... and whipes some of the trickling milk up with his finger, stroking it with his wide tongue.

Varrain looks down at Wyxt, grunting deeply as he fucks her mouth and throat. His hands behind her head helping her to suck him. He glances to the other two guys as they all three use Wyxt and he chuckles, glancing about nodding to Sia and those watching hoping they are enjoying the show of him and the other two using Wyxt like the hot and hungry slut she is.

Brenka wiggles in her chair, letting out a breathy moan as Sia gives her stiff nipple a tweak, pushing one of the Dark Iron slut's hot buttons. She gives a little laugh right after, unbuckling the leather harness and slipping it over her head before the just-repaired straps get snapped again. Her ample chest jiggles in all the right places, her breathing picking up a notch.

Wyxt grunts faintly around Varrain's shaft. As Throk, still such an abusive, foul orc, thrusts four fingers fully into her ass, Wyxt's back arches just that little bit more, both to accomadate those spering fingers, and to push her ass back, rather roughly, against his hands, hips making a lewd wet noise as they meet. Feeling the head of his shaft peeking into her womb, Wyxt does nothing to hold off her own orgasm, pussy clenching and unclenching, milking his cockshaft now, as her own fluids run down her legs, the horny slut bucking on and off his thrusting cock and fingers as she rights through her orgasm. The cock in her throat is reflexively swallowed around, her throat tight as a glove now, as she winces, milk dribbling freely now.

Wyxt curls her tongue, arching it so that it rubs hard against Varrain's shaft, roughly enough to push his shaft up, just a bit, and sink him that little bit deeper into her throat. Lips purse tight around his shaft, almost a faint purple, as she forces herself to stop breathing, to take that deep throat fucking with no reservations. Wyxt can't hold on, and her hands fall away from her breasts to rest on the chair beside Cav as she tries to support herself for that bucking hot cock in her pusy... but Cavhoagh would find that even with a little pressure relieved around his shaft, with the curve of his thighs to guide them, Wyxt's tits flop up and down around his shaft, weight keeping them rather firm around his cock, as the slut leans against him somewhat, trembling from her own orgasm and hot between them.

Sia grins playfully, noting the dwarven girl undoing her top, she tweaks and twists her nipple a bit more before her hand reaches a bit more about her and pulls the dwarven lass towards her, half onto her, closer to her thrust out breasts. Her nipples show clearly through the fabric of the thin top, which does next to nothing to hide her large, swollen breasts, plus, the area around her nipples is already rather moist from the leaking of drippling milk. She moans softly leaning her head back a bit more, half closing her eyes though she does not take the gaze away from the show that is being delivered.

Brenka erks! a little as Miz Sia tugs her close, her nostrils twitching at the smell of arousal and the damp milk seeping through the thin material. The grey-skinned barmaid licks her lips a moment, her breathing getting more rapid, then gingerly slides the flat of her tongue over the Trollnipple nearest her head, glancing up with lifted eyebrows.

Throk grunts in surprise as Wyxt's spasming pussy washes over his cock. Once last thrust deep into her womb and his balls drain their heavy load, shaft spurting waves of cum into her waiting hole. His own fingers spasm in her gripping pucker as he continues to pump orc seed into her. His hand pulls out and he leans on her ass until her pussy milks him dry, his tongue lolling in pleasure. He slaps her ass as he sloppily pulls out, cum dribbling out.

Varrain groans at that tight throat of Wyxt's as he fucks it faster, rising from his chair some to really give her a nice face fucking. He watches the way Wyxt moves and glances to the orc fucking her and grins down at Wyxt..."Mmmm, such a great slut, Wyxt..cumming for us." He keeps his hand on her head and helps her to bob on his cock as he thrusts, his balls smacking her chin a bit rougher now.

Cavhoagh pants heavily, his grip of Wyxt's shoulder tightening slightly as the thrusts up to meet the slutty troll's heavy, flopping breasts... the claws on his feet digging into the floor slightly.. even with the preasure eased up a bit, he still doesn't know if he can hold out much longer, twitching and shuddering slightly in his chair... grinning as Wyxt reaches a trembling orgasm..

Sia gasps softly and giggles then, looking down to Brenka, her red, lustful gaze resting on the lass for a moment before her hand travels down her back teasing the naked skin with surprisingly soft strokes. Her nipple, already rock hard leaks some more milk into the dwarven barmaids mouth the sweet liquid soaking through the thin fabric of clothing she is wearing. She licks her lips teasingly, soft moans escaping her slightly parted lips. Her other hand grows a bit bolder on Tat's frame, brushing over more sensitive skin now, her arousal rising quickly.

Tiergan puffing idly on his pipe, can't help but watch the group across the way... used to seeing things like this at the Lion's Pride, but among the Alliance races. Seeing it in the Horde was a bit different.

Wyxt feels Throk's hot, burning cum filling her needy, hungry womb, and it holds her through that orgasm, her hands feeling somewhat weak and the troll slut luckily already on her knees, or her legs would probably be jelly. Feeling him pull out, hot seed dribbling from her cunt onto the ground below, Wyxt concentrates on the task at hand still before her, wanting to feel Varrain pumping his hot load into her belly, and feel that thick, hot cum sprayed over her chin and tits. Now, hands once more wrap around her tits, except, this time, she hugs those huge, flopping breasts, crushing them around Cavhoagh's cock even as he thrusts up into her cleavage, making her swollen tits an unbearably tight fuck to milk his cock between them.

Tatayana caresses Sia and kisses her cheek.. she moves to grab a bottel of rum and purs another drink.. moves back to her seat letting the others enjoy the goings on... she just watched... them all

Brenka 's cheeks darken a little in a blush, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she smiles sheepishly, wrapping her lips around fabric and nipple both, the tip of her tongue flickering over the nub rapidly, like a hummingbird's wing.

Wyxt doesn't forget Varrain either, and how could she, holding her breath as she is? Instead of just letting her face get fucked, she begins to return the favor, saliva running down the length of his shaft as, when he pulls back, she does as well, cheeks sucking in tight, creating a vacuum he can barely escape, as her tongue aggressively strokes that thick black bullcock. Then, despite the pain in her lips (she's sure they'd bruise if she weren't a troll), she pushes her way down his bucking shaft into hips slam somewhat roughly into her face and his cock is fully lodged in her swallowing throat. She doesn't loosen up, at all, until he pulls back again, then only to repeat the sucking process to create a vacuum, truly seeking to suck Varrain dry as his balls slap her chin.

Throk breathes heavily as he fetches his pants and slides them on with a bit of difficulty over his still half hard cock. Grinning at Wyxt doing her best to work the other two to orgasm like the cum addict she is, he idly slaps her ass and makes his way upstairs, pausing to watch the other scene on the bar a moment. "Throk see you nice people tomorrow." He grins stupidly and shuffles upstairs, yawning loudly.

Brenka wiggles her fingers g'nite to Throk. "Mmmph."

Varrain gives a loud groan of pleasure as he thrusts his hips foward, making Wyxt's face bury against his groin as he slides the entire lenght of black bullcock into her throat as he cums. Shooting his hot, thick cum down her throat and into that hungry belly, giving the troll slut the drink she is after from him.

Sia giggles, but then moans with pleasure as she feels the fluttering tongue go over her nipple. She doesn't like the fact she still has clothing between that skilled tongue and her sensitive skin so she reaches up and, with a little effort, pulls her breasts free of their confines, offering them freely to the dark iron girl and actually arching her back to push them forward a little more while she moans softly, demandingly.

Cavhoagh groans heavily, grapping Wyxt's shoulders with both hands as he thrusts his cock up her tight cleveage, muttering and yipping under his breath in his native language..shifting into orcish "...oh you beutiful, sexy troll.." he growls out, his thighs slapping up against her heavy breasts "..ooo-ooh.. that's.. it.." and his entire body goes rigid for a second.. and his cock spews out a jet of hot cum, splattering against Wyxt's chin... and all over her shoulders and breasts as he keeps thrusting between them,

Brenka takes the hint with a nod and a wink, her eyes glowing softly as she scoots her plump frame up snugly to Sia's, a soft sigh of contentment rolling off her damp lips before she re-seals them over that nipple. Her tongue swipes up the leaking milk lazily, the Dark Iron nursing with one arm around the Troll's waist, the other lightly caressing Sia's near thigh.

Wyxt of course, has no choice but to swallow all of Varrain's thick, hot cum, his hips pressed against her cheeks as they are. Still, with Varrain fully lodged in her throat and mouth, the troll slut pulls back, just a few inches, then pushes forward, stroking his length and girth with her suckling mouth and rough stroking tongue as she works to empty his shaft and get her drink nice and proper from him. Dark red eyes open now, the hot troll slut winking up at Varrain sluttishly before suddenly she's quick to close her eyes, cum splattering over her chin, tits, and her face. Her breasts hurting, just a bit, but covered in gobs of cum, Wyxt smiles sluttishly around the cock buried between her lips, waiting for Varrain to pull out when he pleases.

Sia moans quite cutely as thedark iron girl begins to lap at her now exposed nipples. One hand travels up into the girls hair, entangling there and pushing her close to her leaking tits while her thighs spread slightly, automatically so to speak from the touch there. She shifts a bit, but only to allow Brenka better access and more comfy sitting on her lap. Her eyes still half open, she watches Wyxt get splattered in cum and licks her lips hungrily. "Love..." she moans, though loud enough for everyone to hear..." I wanna lick ya clean o tha beautiful mess...."

Varrain groans and pulls slowly out of Wyxt's mouth grinning as he adds a spurt or two of his own thick cum to the gnoll's painting Wyxt's face and he reaches to smack Wyxt's ass and licks his lips.."Wonderfull as always you horny little slut" He grins at Wyxt and glances towards Sia and Brenka chuckling watching them

Tatayana watches sipping her rum..she moves so sia and wy and bre can have some room to play..she moves to sit in a chair by the fire... the sceen gave her an idea for a new story to write later this eve..

Cavhoagh grunts softly, smearing Wyxt's breasts with his softening, but still swollen cock, glancing to the dirty-talking tauren.. himself, he just gives Wyxt a thoroughly leecherus grin and strokes her hair with a large paw "...very nice... no need to act tense around me now, I hope." he says with a wink. Cavhoagh stands from his chair.. slightly woobly, with a wagging, floofy tail behind her "...now.. that's a welcome.." the gnoll mutters to himself, giving Varrain a glance "..she's always that.." he clears his throat "..friendly?"

Brenka stifles a moan around her mouthful of nipple, the fingers tangled in her hair and guiding her head sending a little jolt of pleasure up from her damp mound form a ball of warmth in the pit of her stomach. Her tongue slides over Sia's milky nub a little faster, the fingers on her free hand sneaking down the massage the green Troll's thong-covered sex.

Wyxt swallows, audibly, swallowing down that hot cum before she winks up at Sia. "Pleasure t' meet y', mist'r. Name's Captain Sinblade. Wyxt, by m' friends. Welcome t' th' Lube an' Boot'h inn." She purrs up at Cavhoagh, then winks up at him, before slowly standing, picking up her discarded shirt and a mess of cum, still dripping wet, too. "Ah, I'd love that, darlin', but I need t' get t' m' boat an' I don't want t' arrive clean t'night. That an' 'ow'm I gonna keep m' skin shinin' if I nev'r let th' stuff sit a while?" Wyxt puts a hand on her hip, then, and grins. "I'mma 'ead out. Y' all 'ave fun, eh?"
© Copyright 2009 Wicked Wyxt of the Freak (purrversion at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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