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Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1574951
Killing is making a choice
Footsteps clattered off the empty hallway. In about fifteen minutes it would be alive with the sounds of children going from one subject to another. But at the moment, the hallways echoed with the sound of one pair of shoes.

The shoes were walking with purpose, moving quickly but not in a hurry. They were certain, with no trace of doubt. They stopped at a door labelled 'Interview room', in reality a converted broom closet. Inside the small windowless room someone was waiting. Someone who was both waiting and dreading the owner of the shoes.

The door opened.

The person entering the room saw pretty much what he expected to see. A thin young man with glasses and pale skin. The eyes were blue, the same color as the deep ocean. He was dressed in his schools uniform which was crumpled, as though it spent most of its time on the floor.

The person he saw entering the room was not what he was expecting. He was expecting some girzzled, harrased man in a suit. Possibly unshaven. Carrying a file. What he got was a person who looked no older than 24. Suit with an unbuttoned top collar. No tie. No file. Black hair. His eyes were hidden for a few seconds beneath one way sunglasses which quickly vanished into the suit jackets top pocket.

"You are Matthew Arlington. Online name Lone walker?"

It wasnt a question. The guy was just confirming facts. No point denying it.

"Yeah, thats me. What of it?"

"At 11.27 last night you entered a highly secured database. Spent 14 minutes looking around then left."

Again, confirming facts. Matthew said nothing.

"You are on a suspended sentance. one strike away from spending years at her majestys pleasure. And I think she will be pleased when you get 20 years. Dont you?"

Clearly a retorical question. Matthew blinked though. His suspended sentance was for 3 years. Not 20.

"Also I gather that the Americans are becomming aware of your... visits to their databases and are putting together a request for your extradition. When found guilty over there youll be in jail for 70 years if your lucky."

"Wait a second! You cant do that! You cant just turn up to my school and lock me up for the next ninety years! I have the right to a trial! I want a lawyer!"

Matthew was practically screaming. The guy he was screaming at barely reacted at all. He just leaned over the table and spoke slowly as thoguh Matthew had problems understanding things.

"You hacked a classisifed government database. You are out of the normal justice system. Do not pass lawer, do not recieve trial. Go directly to jail."

Matthew Arlington, for the first time in his life knew the true meaning of fear.

"There is another way though, a non jail way."


"Work for me. Your good. I need good people. Give me ten years and all your legal problems go away."

"And if I say no?"

"20 years. Followed by seventy years."

"How long do I have to think about it?"

The guy looked at his watch.

"I'll give you thirty seconds. After that, offers declined and you get to understand a whole new meaning of 'lying back and thinking of England.'"

Matthew took seventeen seconds to come to a decision. Which was about the time he was expected. He didnt have a choice and he knew it.

"Fine. I'll come work for you. Ten years? Then i'm out. Right?"

"Pretty much. I should warn you though. Fail in a task, deals off. Talk to anyone about what you do, deals off. If you quit, deals off. After ten years youll be given the option to leave. Now go back to school. This will be the last day your here. I'll see you at work in a few days."

With that he got up and walked out of the room.


Matthews head was still spinning from the previous month. He had said goodbye to his family, his friends and dodged questions about this mysterious 'job' that he had been recruited for.

Matthew had long believed that there were conspiracies at the heart of government, but to find himself working for one, under blackmail no less still made him feel slightly sick. Was he swapping his integrity for a freedom of sorts?

He arrived at 8.54 on Monday morning. He found the office a few minutes later and it was pretty much what he expected. There were no windows, and the air tasted of being recycled but it was cool. Given the nature of PASTMASTER he expected it to have more people, there were only about 15.

He saw the man who had recruited him walk towards him. A neutral expression on his face.

"Welcome to PASTMASTER. Ready to start working?"

Michael was intimidated, not only by the anxiety that is normal on the first day of a new job, not only by the scale of his new job, but by the fact that his new boss wasnt looking at him like a person. It was like he was a piece of meat. Or a pawn. To be used and thrown away when he was no longer needed.

He was guided over to an area where six other people were sat at computers. One terminal hadnt been turned on yet. Michael gussed that was to be his.

"Welcome to tech section of PASTMASTER. You'll be working here under

Jonathon Peter Davies was kidnapped at 8.27 on a bluster Thursday morning. He recieved no warning, no chance to defend himself. One second he was unlocking his beloved Silver Beast ready for the ride to work in the back garden of the building his flat was located, the next he felt a pinprick in his back, the world started to spin and he collapsed into the darkness.

The second kidnapping took a little more skill. The second target left his familys house at 8.34 and walked all the way to his office. On the way, he passed through a small park where it had been observed that his pace slowed. Therefore the snatch would have to be made there


The package was waiting for Bureau outside her front door.


Davies was an old hand at getting knocked out, in fact it was getting to be a bit of habit. One that he was rather keen to break. The actual getting knocked out part wasnt too bad as long as the opposition used either an injection or a gas. Things went blury, the floor rushed up to meet you and the next thing you knew, you were in a place you didnt want to be, talknig to people you didnt want to know who wanted things you didnt want them to know and feeling as thoguh you had a hangover. Getting knocked out by force was pretty much the same exept the headache was worse.

Davies blinked a few times and looked around his cell. Three walls were made stone, one of them had a dorr in it that looked like it had had previous emplyment in a spaceship. The fourth wall was one way glass. There was a bed, a light behind unbreakable glass, and a pitcher of water with a glass, as well as a toilet. Davies drank deeply and began to try to work out what exactly was happening.

The clothes he had been wearing were gone, as was his signal watch, phone, keys, wallet and shoes. Davies was annoyed about the shoes. They were new and had cost a lot of money. He hoped they were being kept nearby, as well as someone who was in for a long stay in jail. Or death. Whichever happened. He wasnt fussy.

After an unspecified amount of time, a voice began speaking through what appeared to be concealed speakers. The guy sounded like he was a gameshow host. The voice was loud and didnt help Davies headache in the slightest.

"Good evening folks and WELCOME to who wants to save a PASTMASTERs life? I'm your host and lets meet our two unlucky contestants!"

There was a seconds silence and the one way glass became two way glass. There was another operative in an identical cell, for a second he hoped it would be Sam, his skill with escaping and various types of violence would be useful. But then it shattered, the man in the other cell was Kevin. This made no sense, Kevin wasnt important.He was in HR, he made sure that everybody did their paperwork and had enough pens. A serious inequality in the quality of hostages.

"In the red cell, we have The Historians personal nemsis and pain in the neck of ever member of SOH who simply wants to return the world to the glories of the past to save it from the horrors of the future, Jonathon Peter Davies!"

Davies looked around, his bedspread was red, Kevins was blue. This guy was sticking to the cliches like glue.

"And in the blue corner, a man who is completly insiginificant to everybody except our lovely jury the man who name nobody needs to know, Kevin!"

Another second of silence as though the voice was expecting applause. Davies shot a nasty look at every wall and Kevin shot one of bravery mixed with absolute terror.

"The rules are simple. I have two, count them TWO operatives of that nasty little organisation known as PASTMASTER. Only one of them is going to live to see the sun rise tomorrow. But that decision wont be made by me, nor will it be made by The Historian, its going to be made by their own side. So lets get this party started!

The horrific broadcast was being transmitted straight into the laptop that had been outside Bureaus front door. The screen itself was divided into three parts, one of which showed Davies, and the other of which showed kevin. There was a webcam that had been connected up, the image of which was occupying the thrid space. It showed a lot of angry and confused faces.

"Now, before the main event I'm afraid there are a few rules! One, any attempt to trace this broadcast is going to result in two dead bodies. So stop trying. (the voice became one of menace) Because I'll know. And I really want to kill them both. (The voice became lighter again) I give you my word that one of them will be released, I know you wont trust it but thats tough. Second, I must accept your first answer as your only answer. And third, i'm only going to accpet the answer from one operative of PASTMASTER. The one you annoying small minded people call Bureau, so the rest of you get out of shot, go on, go away! Go and make a cup of tea or something!"

Everybody but Bureau moved out of shot. Nobody went to make a cup of tea.

"Now, I know what your thinking people of PASTMASTERland, thats not a very tough choice is it? The man who many of you believe to be the only way to win the war against some no-body in HR? But I know a secret. I know two secrets. The first of which is, that Davies is probably going to try for self sacrifice and that I know what you are Bureau. I know what you've been doing. (The voice became menacing again) I know what you threw out three days ago, and I know what grows inside you at this very moment."

Davies head was spinning, this had been laid together in three days? Was this a 'just in case' plan or had they always been planning to do this ans Kevin was just unlucky. And what was growing inside Bureau? Did she have cancer? Was it terminal?

"Tell him. Tell Kevin what you did three days ago. Tell him what you threw away. Tell him what he has given you. TELL HIM! You may not get another chance."

Bureau had gone bright red. Her hand went to her stomach. She looked around, everybody was looking at her. Waiting, wanting orders, wishing that Davies was here. She looked at the wall. Operatives from country with PASTMASTER in were looking at her in confusion.

"Kevin, this is not how I wanted to tell you, I wanted to break it to you gently but i'm pregnant. And its yours."


There was a seconds delay, then the voice started up again, full of undisguised glee.

"And there you have it people, will Bureau save the love of her life and father of her child, or will she save Davies, the man who degrades and insults her but might be the only one to save your pathetic crumbling world."

Kevin had gone white and collapsed on the bed. Davies could empathise. This wasnt the best way to recieve such life changing news.

"I'm going to give him a few seconds to digest that whilst I explain whats going to happen next. Each of them is going to be give a chance to plead for their lives, you and you alone Bureau will then speak the name od the person you want to save. The other will be gassed to death in front of you and their body will never be found. See you after these important messages!"

The screen went blank. As did the two way glass. And three people were left to think about life and death.


A few minutes later hte screen came back to life and again each section showed a different person. Davies sitting still but radiating calm and purpose, Kevin pale and trying keep from admitting what was happening to him and Bureau alone, with the power that a madman had granted her.

"Ok, lets get this party started, i'm going to let your beloved but careless Kevin speak first. Kevin, you may speak to the judge."

Kevins voice was brittle but firm. He had discovered some inner steel. He knew what he had to do.

"Bureau, this is not the I wanted to find out but I want you to know that I love you, so much. But i'm sorry, because there is no choice here. I would dearly love to spend my life with you and raise this child alongside you but that cant happen. For the sake of the future of our child, pick Davies and do what you did before me. Stop these people."

There was a pause. The voice came back slightly annoyed but also amused.

"I'm not entirely sure that Kevin understood the rules. The idea was to ensure that your OWN life would be saved. I'm sure a smart cookie like Davies will be able to follow the very simple rules. Wont you Davies?"

John stood up and looked first at Kevin, then at the ceiling. He had made a decision that was the exact opposite but followed the same logic, he wasnt going to use such nice language either.

"Bureau, this is Davies, acting under my authorisation as the head of field ops I am ordering you to save Kevin, mary the git and get this... person and ensure that we give him the same kindness that he has shown us. PASTMASTER is stronger than me, it will survive past me. This is my final order."

"Well Davies given how well you two followed my orders i'm sure that yours will be followed. Bureau we are now moving to the endgame, so no help from the idiot gallery or i'll think that your cheating and nobody wins this little game of ours. THe next word you speak will either be Kevin or Davies. The name you speak will be saved, the other will be released from this mortal coil."

Bureau paused for a second and looked at the screen. The atmosphere in the office was screamingley tense. Nobody was speaking and her throat was dry. She took a drink of water and spoke a single word.


Kevin collapsed onto the bed with shock, Davies merely nodded and closed his eyes. Everyone was staring at her as if she had made the wrong choice, but what else could she have done? 'I was only following orders' was the line she would stick to. It stank but it was what she would cling to.

"An excellent choice my dear. Davies, you may say your goodbyes to the woman whio just killed you."

Davies took a deep breath and savored it. He didnt have many left.

"Bureau this is not your fault. I ordered you to do this. I want nobody to blame or bully you as a result. I want you people to smash this operation and bring The Historian to justice. I also want you to look after my pot plants. Dont give them too much water and no Vodka, i'm trying to wean them off it. Look after my mother. Make sure to say nice things at my funeral and tell Rachel that... she knows. I'm sure she does."

Davies looked straight at the camera, as if guided by some sixth sense.

"Live a good life."

He lay on the bed.

"Get this over with. I have a date with hell and I would hate to be late. So uncivilised."

Gas poured into both rooms.


Within seconds it became clear that two different gasses were being used. Kevin merely fell asleep after a few deep breaths. Davies wasnt so lucky.

As soon as the gas reached him he began screaming and screaming in agony until he simply stopped. A froth formed at his mouth, his body began twitching. The voice came again.

"Mustard gas. Historically important. Your prize will be returned to you soon. Until we meet again."

The screen went blank, the laptop fizzed and sparked as it imploded. Even the webcam was destroyed. Bureau had never felt more alone. To her suprise Sam put his arms around her. Overcome with what she had just done, Bureau collapsed into tears.

All around the world, the shock was taking hold as people found themselves facing a situation that had never seemed possible. Davies was dead? It failed to compute. He had been through so much, risked everything and yet he had always ALWAYS come back, insulted everybody and demanded another cup of tea. But they were certain of one thing. They werent going to give up.

The silence in the office was broken rather unexpectedly by Mathew Arlington, who after seeing two men gassed on his fourth day at a job he had been blackmailed into taking had decided to throw up. It broke the tension with extreme effectivness and the smell seemed to bring Bureau back from the dark place she was inhabiting.

"Max, I want you to try and track that webcast. Sam, I want you to be ready to deploy if we get any communications from Kevin. Focus people, this isnt over."

The office became a hive of activity. Somewhere, someone had left a fingerprint, a lose thread, something. No crime was perfect and they were very, very good at finding the holes.

The first break came seven hours later. Kevin had been found at the side of the road and was swiftly brought back into the office. Anything he knew might be usefull.

To no-ones suprise he and Bureau embraced, kissed and vanished into the conference room to discuss what was happening next. Sam followed them to ensure that they stayed on topic. Max went with them to ensure that Sam didnt cut Kevins head off. Dry cleaning was so expensive and difficult in a highly classified secret offce that wasnt supposed to exist.

Two hours later they knew exaclty the same as they had before Kevin was found. Nothing. Eventally Sam spoke up.

"All we are doing is burning energy. We must sleep, return tomorrow and try to avenge Davies."

For him that was almost a speech. And people knew what he meant by 'avenge' his twin swords werent there for decoration. Bureau caught him on the way out.

"A quiet word Sam?"

Sam waited until the room was empty.

"I want to know your intentions. You swore allegience to Davies, not PASTMASTER and I know you. I need to know what your plans are."

Sam nodded. He had expected this conversation. Just not so soon.

"I will stay here. Davies will be avenged. But I will stay here."

"Just so we are clear, avenged means this guy in a jail cell, still alive, not cut into 17 different pieces. Understand?"

Sam nodded again. He understood. He would ensure the guy could still breath and was cut into 16 pieces. Diplomacy was a skill he was trying to master.


The next few days were like a bad dream for those of PASTMASTER UK. After three days they had turned up no leads, no evidence and no sign of Davies body. Sam had decided that Bureau was in immediate danger and had forced her and Kevin to move in with him and Lucy. THey werent complaining. Somehow they slept better knwoing that there were two trained killers ready to defend them sleeping less than three feet away.

Telling Davies mother and girlfriend hadnt been easy. They had brought them both together and had broken the news gently. There had been no mention of gas, or pain of any kind. They thought it was kinder that way. Davies had been kidnapped and they had been contacted and told of his demise. There were tears and denials but eventually they accpeted the truth. A date was set for the funeral.

Oddly, one of the hardest duties was writing a letter. Davies had spent some time with a group of people in America and had written to them frequently. Bureau explained that Davies was deceased and that there would be no more communications. They had sent a priest who had demanded to give the sevice. Since no-body else had claimed that duty they let him. But explained exactly what would happen if he so much as hinted at what John had done for a living.

About half past two one morning Bureau woke up to find Kevin staring at her. His hand on her stomach. She waited for him to start speaking.

"Bureau, we havent really had time to talk about.. you know. Us, becoming a family."

She said nothing.

"I meant what I said that... day at work. Will you marry me? Let us become a proper family."

She looked at him.

"Are you sure your doing this because you want to? Because I wont let you do this out of guilt."

He kissed her softly.

"I'm doing it because its what I want. And I hope its what you want."

Wordlessly she kissed him proceeded to show him exactly what she wanted.

Afterwards they lay in each others arms.

"We need to discuss names for the baby."

Kevin didnt even have to think.

"Jonathon. Were calling him Jonathon."

"If its a boy."

Kevin smiled at her.

"Its a boy."

They fell asleep.


Rachel and Johns mother didnt accept Davies death well. For two weeks they held out hope, but eventually then began to accept it. John had been killed doing his mysterious job and his will had been clear. If that happened they were not to question or try to dig. They were to let him rest and trust his people to do their jobs.

Which they were donig with a vengance. Davies was gone but PASTMASTER lived on and its work continued.

The Historian kept sending out riddles, most were solved, one or two werent and that meant that some politicians were beginning to make noises about the effectivness of the people who were supposed to be guarding them. A few meetings later they were backnig down and those that werent suddenyl found their lives a lot less comfortable.

And life went on.

Bureau and Kevin found a place together and began decorating a room for the baby. The atmosphere at the office was tense though and several times the young couple could have sworn that people were talknig behind their back. Convinced the wrong choice had been made that day. But that was what life was all about. Choices. And she had been following orders. Which made it all ok. Because Davies had always followed orders. On the odd occasion that he had been bothered to acknolwedge them, or the moon had been blue. That had always helped.

There were a few problems. Sam was developing an obsession with working out and enhancing his already considerable weapons skills. Lucy knew what was happening, Davies had saved him form SOH as he had saved her and he ahd sworn to protect Davies with his life. And had failed. And his wrath and vengance had no target except that of the gym. Which explained why so much equipment was being destroyed or cut in half.


About an hour after Davies 'death', a man had walked into a room and sat at a computer. There was a webcam at the computer that he looked into. He smiled at the webcam. He knew what was at the other end. It had been a big operation and he had done it well. He was awaiting his reward which was part financial and part prestige. He knew who he was talking to.

"What did you think?"

An electronic voice responded a few seconds later.

"The operation went exactly as planned. Although her choice was interesting."

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