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Rated: E · Essay · How-To/Advice · #1574397
My view on how life ahould be lived
The Pursuit of Happiness

I find it amazing how another persons influence, actions or behaviors can directly affect the same in another. Human life is truly a learning experience, yet I find we continually disregard the many obvious lessons presented to us. We are all on our own individual path to achieve the destiny this magnificent universe created for each of us, however without the impact of others who are placed before us, the force that drives us would slow, eventually stopping us dead in our tracks. Even the tiniest of encounters can change the course of our lives - and if we fail to recognize the importance of such an encounter, is it possible that we are denying ourselves of our ultimate goal...
It has been said that one drop of rain in the ocean can cause a tidal wave on the opposite side of the earth, or that a single empathetic tear from a friend can alleviate the sorrow of another. A genuine smile from a complete stranger has the potential to drastically change the outlook of someones day, who otherwise wouldn't have remembered the mere possibility of happiness at that moment.
challenges in life make us stronger, true and honest connections with another can make those seemingly impossible challenges achievable. It's quite possible that the result of a single smile or friendly gesture can create a wave, crossing mountains, valleys and oceans all around the world, allowing millions of others to have a moment of tranquility in an otherwise cruel and uncaring world. Each and every one of us possesses the ability to start this positive ripple effect, to add a tiny ray of sunshine to the unknown stranger desperately in need of a light in the storm. The clouds can be shifted in order to display the beauty above, in turn allowing many more to gain access to the sky and its open and ample abundance.
Positivity procreates Positivity.
So much can come from simply being prudent. Letting go of the menial annoyances in our lives has the potential to give us true serenity, even if only momentarily. A single second of serenity can mean far far more than an entire day of mediocrity. In the end, it will be that single second which will become a lasting memory in our minds, and our motivation to return to that moment.
True happiness only appears to be unobtainable, simply because we fail to understand that it is through our own unconditional caring, love and compassion for one another which deep and lasting happiness is placed in our hearts. We must first let go of our fears in order to move toward our own goals. Then and only then will we learn to appreciate each and every hardship placed before us, which in turn gives us the capability and strength to face the next challenge in our continued Pursuit of Happiness.
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