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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1574373
This is the Get Even Series.
((Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first part in one of many, MANY series to come. Each will bare a unique name. I, Nysus, am the author of these series to come. This story takes place in an alternate universe where things are very unfair. For the most part humans seem to have the absolute iron fist here. Instead of deities, spirits and idols being worshipped some humans are afforded the opportunity to take on the roles of their centers of obsession. These few are called the “sponsored.” Deities in this dimension are required to select a human at random to extent a cheap imitation of their power. These humans are still mortal but are considered to ge god-like to the “normals.” An organization of the sponsored known as “The Bronze Guard” protects this version of Earth from others who would abuse their given power, from the deities in general and from humans for that matter. This military force is separated into units modeled much like the majority of the Earth that the audience will identify with versus the one created in this story. Most of the story revolves around this military force and yet, at the same time, it sort of doesn’t. This story has more to do with the characters involved than anything else. In this first chapter of the first series, The Get Even Series, the royal emperor David Lobsien has ascended through the throne as he is heir to it. Nobody knows that he killed his father just to get this said power. This series will be brutal, it will have questionable scenes and if you don't have a thick skin and strong stomach it isn't recommended for reading. Thanks if you do read it and thanks if you don't. However, give it a try. I tried long and hard coming up with the concept. Hopefully, it is loved.))

The Get Even Series

Chapter 1: “Justice for None”

“You fucking fraud!”


“You’re no royal! You’re nothing but a spineless coward!”

And among other things were being shouted from outside the royal palace. Crowds were big before but even rats didn’t scurry to rotten road kill quite like the citizens of Apalia Halo to the royal square. This civil unrest was unlike anything ever witnessed before in history. What would it matter? It’s not like anybody would care or give a damn. That was apart of the problem. Politicians and “silver borns” were indicative of compulsive nostalgic-mongers.

The city was on fire as if someone with gasoline urine let loose upon the brick and mortar to only breathe breath of fire upon the nearly chaos ridden utopia. The royal palace? It looked like a giant penis and the people viewed it as such. The vultures that ran that blasted place were urinating on the commoners and climaxing upon the very ideals that this beautiful escape was built upon. Where was the zeal? Where was the pride and the love of Apalia, the royal lineage and the idea that dictatorship was the only true way? All it took was the passing on of a torch.

“Your highness! Your highness!” shouted an out of breath advisor.

Rushing into the bronze throne room, past the executioner’s dwelling, up the three steps of the Trinity and to the Savior’s feet came a small, pale and often viewed as hideous person. The royal garb this gremlin of a soul wore was almost like camouflage from it being so light in color combined with his own pastry dough pigment. Pressing his nose into the carpet was a terrible idea for it was so long and pointy that he almost broke it upon impact. Sitting in the bronze chair with the golden eagle theme spilled throughout stared a rather carefree looking emperor.

“You have fifteen seconds minus the five seconds that I took to say this to explain why you have troubled me,” responded a very upset sounding ruler.

It was amazing this man could even say such a thing. Slumped over the backside of his chair was a young girl with her face physically glued to his crotch, zipper down and giving him a mouthful of appreciation. For a person not even belonging to the reality that he so despised he resembled so much of his center of hatred or at least the historical figures of that other world. He hated the Earth that warranted invisible gods being worshipped yet he was the perfect embodiment of the emperor Nero. No, he had no fiddle but an oral sex session with a girl not even old enough to smoke in the other world played louder than any instrument mankind could ever create. Her body was laid on top of him upside down and with her hanging onto the backside of the chair like a snake. The advisor would have been disgusted if this sort of behavior were not expected from a man so many considered to be a waste of molecules.

Those ten seconds were tickling away quickly. The words mumbled at first for the sake of wiping away much ganged up sweat. “The people are rebelling! They’re at the front gates! What are your orders on dealing with this rebellion? Shall I summon the Guard?” asked the creature of a man.

A hand found itself gripping a handful of golden colored hair and shoving a young woman’s face into a grown man’s lap. This monster was suffocating this girl. A more disgusting thought was that he intentionally ignored bathing just so he could torture an unfortunate female doomed to be forced into a sexual relationship with him. Such force, such strength and such determination to end a life succeeded in mere seconds.

The killer’s head turned towards a nearby handmaiden. “Cut off her hair. I’d like to add it to my robe. Think of it as a trophy,” was the cruel words. Tears was all this maiden could muster up as words would not have accurately expressed her sorrow. That girl, that teenager at just the age of fifteen whose life was so needlessly interrupted was this woman’s daughter. In this world one must sacrifice something to prove their worth; every last person. Even if that something happened to be a somebody. A mother dragged off the lifeless body of a beloved child off to be mutilated further for hair removal.

“Your highness?” inquired the advisor once more.

There this man sat naked but he reached under his butt and pulled out a handgun. Loading the weapon would have prompted the servant before the feet of a tyrant to flee in terror. No one would dare do that. To suffer an unjust death was better than to try to escape it. The penalty for refusing the emperor’s execution had much less appeal than to just take a quick expiration.

“Your highness! Please! I answered your query in the time limit allotted!” pleaded the cretin. Perhaps falling to a double knee of a begging position would afford some mercy. Not today.

“I said you had ten seconds. I never said that you accurately answered my question in its entirety. Therefore, I must kill you in order to teach you a lesson. Although it is a lesson that you will only briefly learn from for you will die in two more seconds,” explained the emperor. He lifted the gun towards the goblin’s head and practiced a commonly used action of slowly squeezing the trigger with the tip of his index finger. That way, the fire will come as a surprise as most gun experts would attest that it should be.

“No, no, NO!”

A sickening pop illuminated the palace in sound. Yet another dead body was near this man. Only this time the echo of a Berretta summoned senior and even lower ranked members of the Royal Guard. If someone needed a living body to account for one point of age to become old enough to consume alcohol in the other world they would have the exact count needed. Twenty one people in all. Irony was filthy in this. For there were only twenty one ranks within the Guard.

“Your highness, we do not dare demand orders from you but I’m afraid that we must act or else the gates will cave in, the rioters will invade this sacred ground and you will be in imminent danger,” were the words that came from the highest ranking of all the current muscle in the room.

The eye of the hurricane destined itself to fall upon everyone in this room like the general predicted. Something had to be done. Not a single citizen daring enough to show up to the palace was absent. This whole scene was eerily similar to those that the emperor viewed in the other world. If it were not for certain gifts and abilities that this man possessed he wouldn’t know how to effectively rule. With thanks to his eyes that could see into anything including other realities and dimensions he was well aware on how to deal with unruly “peasants” as he referred to his own people as.

Every person within the city was considered to be ungrateful ingrates to this man that worshipped himself. His head turned to view the mirror that was posted just behind him so that he could view his own eyes. No pupils were present. All that could be seen out of those peepers were swirling circles of teal, yellow, red, blue and sky blue circles that resembled the image of the universe out of a telescope. He was looking into the future to only laugh when he viewed the sick course of action that he would employ.

“Bring Dunn to me. Comply!” remarked the emperor with a deep and almost angry sounding tone.

“Dunn, your highness? Who is Dunn?” a man, a private even, so foolishly spoke. His superiors rushed to shush him but it was too late.

In lightning-like flash the emperor’s birthday suit seemingly teleported from one side of the room to the other with the end result of a clamping hand wrapped around this under ranked royal’s neck. No part of the human anatomy was supposed to snap like that. Really, it should not have.

The tyrant turned his head towards the others with the spirals in his eyes rotating at a rapid pace. “Anymore questions?” he asked. “Now find her!”

Locating the person the imperialist leader wanted to have in his presence so badly was a task in of itself. This mattered not. Either this Dunn person was found or every person that stepped foot in the throne would should seriously consider updating their life insurance policies. Then again, such a thing as insurance lacked existence here.

Time passed as the emperor waited. Only a minute, literally, a minute elapsed and yet he felt like this retrieval mission took entirely too long. Upon the sixtieth second the soul required appeared with the officers and lessers following close behind. A little girl? That’s what this mad man wanted? What? Was he going to molest her too, perhaps take her life and give these men that he so reluctantly called in a show none of them would ever forget?

“Your highness, we recovered this adolescent standing right outside with an ear pressed against the door. She is the Dunn you were searching for. I thought it was I you were looking for but I was already here. We were not certain because it is her last name. She is my cousin. What does your highness require of her?’ asked the general. He prayed he only called her to serve him food or drink. Goodness forbid this vile man required her for anything else.

Rarely did the emperor say words that were not necessary to say and take actions that were not just as essential. “None of you will have the strength to slay those who oppose me. I ascended to the throne through the death of my father. Most of you don’t even believe that I should truthfully be the emperor,” said the evil son.

Gasps, thoughts of shock and amazement with a hint of heads turning from left to right in disagreement. However, those necks quit forcing those same heads to turn for those heads would roll if any of these men were to call the emperor a liar. The men simply dropped to one knee while this Dunn girl walked forward and knelt before the emperor.

“What does your highness desire?” she asked.

The emperor didn’t want to abuse her. Not yet. There was no need to. No, he needed to show just how expendable his men and women were. Killing a few fair ladies here and there just wasn’t enough. Even Jack the Ripper did not acquire the respect that some should have given him. Not the kind of respect that a decent person should be warranted. But the kind of reverence that a tiger was given even though tigers, like most big cats, had the mental capacity and killer instinct to slay humans if given the chance. He doesn’t need future sight to foresee that if he did not establish an iron fist and ruthless nature now he might as well be a teddy bear.

A rather bi-polar ruler’s hand reached down, cupped the little girl’s chin and encouraged her to stand up upon her feet. Filth in a mind was the only thing that allowed this man to remain unclothed in front of this child.

“General, what is the enlisting age minimum?” inquired the supreme power.

What kind of question was that? He couldn’t be seriously trying to enlist this kid into the Royal Guard. That prestigious military force that literally conquered deities would be insulted by this blasphemy of an enlistment?

“Your highness, with all due respect, you should know this. You changed the enlistment age this morning. You changed it to one years old. And that, means, and I’m sure of it, that even if you aren’t even old enough to pronounce your name you can be drafted into the Guard and sent to die for Apalia,” the General responded with.

This was a joke. Dunn was awarded the obviously unwanted honor of being the first eight year old enlistee into the Royal Guard. The emperor didn’t even formally announce it. Upon the rags that she wore symbolizing her family’s impoverished state bore a large spear emblem on the right side of her torn shirt. In a split millisecond the ruler had placed the object upon the child and fully expected her to perform all the duties of a Royal Knight.

“Welcome to the ranks Lieutenant,” greeted the emperor.

Surely this general heard wrong. Prayerfully the emperor had made a vocal error or he just awarded an eight year old with an officer‘s rank that was just enlisted in less time than it took to take ecstasy. “Lieutenant?! Your highness! This is preposterous! You can’t be serious! She’s just a child! She can’t possibly gain a rank like that as a new recruit anyways!” the General exclaimed in utter protest.

“I can and I just did! You dare question my authority?! You must be gotten rid of! Lieutenant!” shouted the emperor.

The girl only impersonated what she saw other Guard members do. She stood straight up, both heels of her very dirty bare feet pressed together and a fist slammed into her chest covering her heart as this was the salute of the Guard to the emperor. “Your highness!”

“Slay every last one of these rat bastards. All of them. Do it and do it now,” he ordered.

Dunn couldn’t help but look up at her superior with a confused expression. One can’t rationally expect a child to carry out such a heinous command. She wasn’t even sure she was capable of murder. He was serious. No joke. Not only was she now required to take the lives of men that did nothing wrong but to take the life of a family member as well; the general. A firearm was placed into her hands. She stared at it much like a virgin stared at her lover’s naked body for the first time. Just holding it caused tears to drop from her eyes and seemingly did the drops give the weapon a cold wash. But no more colder than the action expected of her.

“W-w-wha? I dun understand. Your highness. I-I-I-I don’t know. I-I can’t do it. Please, your highness, have mercy,” she pleaded, not even looking at the titan of a man.

The emperor lifted a hand high and ran it across Dunn’s fragile face. A much smaller victim toppled onto the floor.

“You asshole! Don’t you ever touch her! I’ll kill you!” shouted the highest ranked.

That would be the last thing done before the general would finally put a foot down. Every person within the Guard had special powers but the general’s abilities were especially potent. This man possessed the death touch. Just a finger nail clipping being placed upon a living organism and a simple thought of death will land someone or something six feet under. Rushing towards the emperor came the older and much slower four star. A valiant effort but to no avail. Side step, a fist pound to the back and the spine being ruptured upon impact and the falling of a person dead even before they hit the ground was all this would end with.

Guard member after Guard member tried to escape but something strange happened. The little girl had already gotten to her feet. She was taught to always obey the emperor and she did. Thus, explaining why she was picked as a servant at such an early age. Obedience had its perks. A gun pointing towards the door prompted the men to run even faster. There was a reason why she was picked for this execution. She was special.

Strength was one thing. Pure awesomeness for human performance was another. Her finger pulled the trigger of the weapon at such a speed that the bullet didn’t even have a chance to fire before she hurled the gun towards the door and towards her victims. The Beretta fired halfway from where it was launched thus creating a bullet with such velocity and such power that it blew a hole through every man as they all ran for the exit in a straight line. A feat like this impressed the emperor and that wasn’t easy. Every man, except for the one that gave the order, hit the floor; death in an instant. As for the Beretta there wasn’t much of a better fate. It was shattered upon hitting the diamond embedded door which was more of a gate than anything.

Finally, this man acquired some clothing in a flash. Royal wear was in order. He had a new right hand assistant. No, this girl was no general but she had the power to do things that none else could. All bronze in color did he wear for such an occasion and before her feet was a Royal Guard uniform with a yellow bar sitting on both of the shoulder sections of the imperial dress. The bar represented the rank of Lieutenant or more affectionately called “butter bar.” It looked much like the emperor’s royal robe which was an honor. He had to give her something that resembled his clothing. Only she could match the speed that he possessed. Therefore, she had to at least resemble him in some ways.

“Put it on. You’ll be wearing it for some time to come.”

“Understood, your highness.”

She had no problem disrobing herself in front of him. After all, he did have the courtesy to look away. But why? Why treat her any different from any other female? Normally, he treated little girls and women like they were flies awaiting the swatter. The answer to his favoritism was that he secretly wished for Dunn to be his own daughter for she resembled him in so many ways. She would’ve shot those men in the end. She would’ve been just as brutal as the emperor. She would’ve, without a doubt, been indicative of everything that he was and stood for. And when she was fully dressed he stared at a female mirror image of himself.

The door opened and in came more ranking officers who stopped upon seeing the dead bodies of their superiors. Some covered their mouths while others vomited right there on the deceased.

Dunn outranked them all. “Get over here this instant!” she commanded.

Person after person stared at one another. That was only after some of them finished losing their meals upon the floor. Not one of them responded to the girl but only came forward to greet the emperor.

The ruler had no patience for anybody disobeying his special one. “When she gives you an order you respond. The SECOND that you do not comply and I give her permission to do things so horrible to you that even a nightmare wouldn’t accurately depict it. Go back to the entrance and await her beckoning!” he ordered.

This was a joke to the Guard that were present. However, what wasn’t a joke was dying to the hands of an eight year old and they knew she was well capable of inflicting said death upon them. So, without haste, they double timed it back to the door and stood at the position of attention like the good non-commissioned officers that most of them were.

“Get over here. Move it! Move it! Fucking move it!” she shouted with veins popping out the sides of her neck.

Men were falling over each other trying to get over to her before she flipped her lid or, worse, the emperor did. “Yes ma’am!” they said in unison.

Dunn smiled. “Now that’s more like it. Your highness, orders?” she asked. But the Lieutenant would dread the day she asked that question.

“Hmm, well, I have a problem outside. Kill all civilians located outside of MY palace and then I give you all pass of leave until further notice,” he ordered.

The girl’s heart sank. Her parents were out there protesting against this cruel and tyrannical imperialist. She would hate this man. She would despise this man. She would want him dead, gone, unburied and have birds drop fecal matter upon him. Her face, hell, her whole body shook in disbelief. She would have to give the order to slay her own kindred. No, she wouldn’t show weakness. She had to be strong. If not for herself then for her family who always taught her to obey the emperor despite their now protesting of this man. Her parents would now regret the days of teaching Dunn loyalty without question.

She turned ever so slowly towards her men. Her eyes were rolled. It was a technique she employed to try to keep herself from crying when she got the urge to. “As of right now I am giving you all the order to……kill all civilians……that are outside of……the palace,” she said.

The emperor turned, smiling to himself and vanished. He heard what he wanted to hear. This man doubted she’d even go through with it and was prepared to give the order himself to prevent her having to die for disobeying him. Yet, she surprised him by being even more ruthless than he originally thought her to be. The Lieutenant’s head turned to stare at the spot where the supreme leader once stood. Her eyes were full of angry and hatred but her heart didn’t feel that way. What is the use of getting mad when, one day, she will surely Get Even?
© Copyright 2009 Mistapepperz (spinmain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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