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Rated: 18+ · Draft · Contest · #1574122
romance for contest
    I remember it vividly. My mother had just dried and put away the dishes. My two sisters Olivia and Bianca and I went upstairs to play. Olivia is my older sister by two years and Bianca is only older by a year. Having three kids, a year apart from each other, was rough on my mom but she is glad it worked out that way because we are all so close. My parents owned a nice two story colonial house that over looked Lake Michigan. It was December 1996, I was eight and oh so innocent. My sisters were playing house and because I was younger If they let me play I had to be the maid. I went searching for our plastic feather duster so I could prove that I could play with the big kids. Outside of our play room was a narrow hallway decorated very nicely. The floors were hard wood and the walls were a deep ocean blue. My mother had put up pictures on the walls of her three little girls and some wedding photos of her and my father. As I walked down the hall to the cleaning closet I remember hearing noises coming from my parents bedroom. I knew that snooping around was wrong and was always told not to put my nose in other peoples business. However, this seemed too important to look away. I crept up to the large white door on the right beside the cleaning closet and poked and eye through the crack.

    "You know I love those little girls, but I cant live like this!" said my father.

"If you just tell me whats going on with you we can work it out." Said mom, she had her hair pulled back and her sweat pants on.

"I have tried to tell you how unhappy I am, but you don't listen, you never have!"

"Adam, please, I don't want to have this fight right now."

"This is exactly what I am talking about, you never want to talk right now." as he said this he loosened his bright red tie.

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired. Amelia had her singing lessons today after school, and Olivia and Bianca had to be there because you were working late!" my mom yelled.

"Oh blame this whole thing on me! I work to provide for you and our kids. Now you want me to be super dad? Huh Amy was right."

"Amy, you have the nerve to bring her up. I know you like her so why don't you two just fuck and get it over with!

"I am over you! I'm leaving tonight don't expect me back, I will be with Amy." my dad said in a final note.

His funeral was beautiful. There we a few people crying in the front and I sat with Olivia and Bianca towards the back. The cemetery was decorated with roses. I hated this man, i didn't know if I hated him so much that I wished death upon him. After all he was my father. My Mom decided not to come, she was pretty upset when she found out about his death. I don't know if she was upset because he is dead or still bitter that he left her so many years ago. Its hard to see my mom cry, deep down I have always though it was my fault for the divorce. My sisters had reminded me every day that it was my fault when I was younger because they couldn't face the fact that our father cheated on our mother. He never came back to our house. He did send me and my sisters letters now and again, but we knew he had a new life apart from us.

"Bastard, I am so glad he is dead." Bianca whispered to me. Well that was blunt.

All I could think to say was "I know".

"Do you think he left the slut (Amy) any money. I mean she is due for some cash the hooker." Olivia whispered to Bianca. Wow maybe this wasn't a good idea, three angry girls in a confined space honoring the one they despise most in this world. Bianca giggled and I elbowed her really quick to assist in her modesty. My mother had taught us to be on our best behavior when attending events.

"Do you think you two could hush up for two seconds?" I said in a loud whisper to get my point across.

After the ceremony my sisters drove home, they had said their peace to our father. I stuck around because I didn't think I could leave without really knowing what happened to my dad. The head stone read "Here Lie Mr. Adam Taylor, Beloved husband and father, Rest in Peace." it sounded tacky, I wondered if Amy had decided on that. Shes not the sharpest knife in the drawer but she did love my father very much. I could see that today, she seemed truly depressed.

  I realized I was the only one in the cemetery at this point. The sun was going down and I could see just a hint of light over the horizon. A cemetery at night was peaceful. Most people would run away if they were here alone. With a little courage from my mother and a different aspect of life and death. I found that the cemetery was silent and beautiful in its own way. I looked around at all the different head stones and walked around trying to clear my head. finally I gave up and started toward my car. I tripped on something. Catching myself before I ruined my little black dress I looked down to see a hand. I staggered back in shock, its not every day you see a human hand sticking straight up out of the ground. It was glowing white and there didn't seem to be any blood. Maybe I will call the grounds keeper in the morning I thought. He could put that back in the ground and everything will be fine. As I went to leave for a second attempt I felt something happen underneath my heels. The ground was shaking! I looked back at the hand and saw what it was attached to. A man stood in front of me completely naked and extremely handsome.

    "I am sorry to have scared you, You don't know how uncomfortable the dirt can be." Said the naked stranger. I turned away quickly to give him some privacy.

"Um, I guess I don't. Excuse me but what are you doing under ground in a cemetery? I can clearly see you aren't dead." I asked. Why not I think I had a right to know.

"I was sleeping, and as I said before sleeping under ground isn't the most comfortable place for me."

"Oh, well I guess I will leave you to find some clothes and what not. Nice to meet you um..."

"Bennett, Nicholas Bennett. And you darling?"

"Amelia Taylor" I stuttered a little because he is so handsome, and its a bit chilly tonight.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you Ms. Taylor. I hope to see you again sometime, maybe under different circumstances."

"It was very nice to meet you too!" God I practically yelled that. Whats wrong with me. I gave him a sweet smile and walked quickly to my car.

I raced home just in case he was following. I didn't know what or who he was. Though he seemed nice enough, people that sleep in the dirt naked in a cemetery shouldn't be trusted. When I walked through the door my mother was sitting on the couch sobbing over "The Notebook". I don't blame her that movie always brings me to tears. I slipped into my Victoria Secret pajamas and made a bag of pop corn. I sat next to my mom with some tissues and watched with her. I think she appreciated the gesture, and I hoped she knew just how much I admire her. after a few minutes Olivia and Bianca made their way down stairs and joined us. All four girls were having a grand time. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the mysterious man I had met. He reminded me of a famous person from the 1920's. After the movie I went upstairs to my room, climbed into bed and fell asleep.

© Copyright 2009 Ally Daniels (alicakes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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