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Rated: E · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1573993
This is my first short story... please i want a honest review of it....!!!


Being a keen observant Joseph was scanning the whole setup. He saw atleast a dozen of people in a queue eagerly waiting

for their chance to get forward to pay their domestic bills.He saw another half a dozen people seated reading the

daily's, magazine , some people on their phone..Above him were a number of CCTV's , security cameras staring at the

people.One of the cameras kept clicking away all the pictures of the people who were entering the bank.Two gaurds were

at the entrance who had wished him civilly when he had entered the bank. He saw a water cooler at one corner near the

artificial plants. He had been advised not to speak much or gather attention towards him. He saw a room which had SAFE

inscribed in bold letters on the door. As expected two men were gaurding the door. He knew he was looking at his target,

they had to swipe their id cards to access the safe room. He turned away when the men at the door was now staring at him

At the other end was the manager's cabin and on the door was written Mr.Jules Brandon. There were a number of other counters

with atleast a dozen of staff occupying their seats and their attention towards their customers. He knew each of the staff

had the emergency alarm button , which if once pressed would bring the damn cops from all over the place to the bank .

He saw some minor details which did not interest him , but his job was not what he thought which was right or wrong.

He went to water cooler and sipped a glass of cold water and sat down taking a magazine and keeping it in front of his

dark face which only he knew was covered with rubber with a mix of wax mask which looked more normal to the people than

himself which had began to itch. He did not care more about it and peeping from one end of the magazine he started to

analyse each of the staff. His job was done and he quietly exited the bank without anybody seeing him.

      Back at the office the Master was waiting for Joseph for his news. He asked Marlon and Smith to go down to one of

their farm houses and get two trucks for tomorrow . The trucks had been stolen and was modified so that nobody would

recognise it. It had two different number plates - one at the back and the other at the front.Then the Master asked Carlo

to go to the storage at the end of the office and get him two packets.

      Michael Shelly was the man who planned this affair to rob the bank.He was a powerful man ,although not physically.

His presence would radiate such that the impact left on others meeting him would make them his loyal student. So they held

a great deal of respect to him and they would call him as the MASTER, referring to him as their teacher.

    The Master waited long enough and his impatience was growing although it did not show on his face ,the students would

smell their Master's impatience as he would start smoking his stongest Joe's brands of Cigars.Then came Joseph and went

inisde his Master's room and explained all the details and the entire setup of the bank. At this time even Marlon and

Smith also had arrived, all the students stood in front of their Master's desk table with their heads facing the bright

flooring showing their respect. Joseph, Marlon, Smith, Bradley, Carlo were present among other men as Shelly cautiously

explained the entire plan and ran it through the students head again and again.

    The next day, the students got ready for their jobs to do . They found it easy to call their mission as jobs.They

covered their faces with the masks which had been made the same way which Joesph had wore earlier when he was in the bank.

Marlon and Smith reached the bank followed by the other students later as they had planned . They got their truck in front

of the bank. They spotted the two guards in front of the entrance .The staff parking lot was almost empty indiacting it

was the closing time of the bank.

    They went to the guards as lost men trying to find some address they knew which never existed , the first gaurd

didn't know which place they were asking about,he called his fellow gaurd as he came near Marlon and Smith , both the

gaurds felt as if a thick sharp nail pierced their thick dark skin . Both of them fell at Marlon and Smith's arms, they

both carried the two bodies into the back of the truck and dumped them inside the truck . Smith saw that nobody was around

and they had finished their job.They drove the truck away.

    Then came Joseph and Bradley who went inside the bank where they saw Carlo seated with magazine in his hand.

As it was the closing time , most of the customers had exited and only 2 staff  members were present. Joseph and Bradley

quitely made their way into the managers cabin . They dressed as executives with black blazers.The manager welocmed them ,

the three of them sat together.Bradley started saying they were representing their Company called Saturn Hardware Assosiates

and were intersested in opening their company's account for the access of the SAFE. They looked eagerly at the manager as

they thought he doubted about their fake company , then Joseph handed a Visiting card of his company. The manager took the

visiting card studying it very carefully and he was satisfied and smiled at them. Both of them was a bit relieved . They

politely asked the manager wheather they could have a look at the safe .The manager smiled again accepting their request and

took out the id card and trio started towards the cabin door when the manager felt a thick bee sting on his arm and he fell

down. Joseph and Bradely took the id card from the managers hand and came out of the cabin and saw nobody was suspecting

them of anything. They went and sat beside and Carlo and handed him the id card. Joseph and Bradley went near the water

cooler to have a sip and saw the two feamle staff concentrating at their work.

      Carlo went near the SAFE room where two men were gaurding , carfully he swiped the id card the door flew open,

he went inside and after a few moments he called out one of the men who were guarding the Safe room saying that he was new

to this kind of system of the vaults and asked them wheather they could help him. One of the men told it was no job of

their's then 'Jon that's not the way how you treat our customers,said Bob' the other gaurd standing beside him. Jon

impatiently told Bob 'I don't care about any damn customer and anyway i am quitting this dirty job and the filthy pay'

Bob ignoring Jon went inside and asked Carlo how could he help him and suddenly with a groan Bob fell down . Seeing this

Jon "Hey what do you think you are doing " shouted at carlo and went inside and he felt the thick sharp arrow pierce his

skin and fell down. When Jon had shouted at Carlo the two staff women directed their attention towards the safe and then

Joseph and Bradley who were at the water cooler went around the counter quickly and got hold of the two women and they felt

a needle pierce their soft skin and they fell down . Joseph went down and tried to lift one of the women and make her sit on

the chair but Bradley told him not to waste time and they left immediately.

      Carlo at the Safe room opened the vault and saw fresh crisp notes of thousands dollar bills bundled and stuffed

everyhting into the black kit bag which he had brought with him . He finished half of his job and the only thing

remaining was that he had to get into the car where Robin would be waiting for him to drive them away. Carlo closed the

zip of the bag and went out of the bank and he was shocked to see atleast a dozen of policemen with their guns pointing

at him and asking to be shot at him , he saw around he could not find the car which would be waiting for him.

Seeing the cops , he dropped the kit bag, he didn't give the cops any chance to fire at him , he took out a small revolver

from his side pocket and muttered 'Sorry Master I failed to complete your job ' and in an instant he pulled the trigger in

front of his face and he dropped down. The policemen were half shocked and half dumstruck , they ran towards the dead man

and the chief J.D.Thomson bent over the dead body and could not recognize the face . Carlo had shot himself so that , the

cops could not see his face and even if could see a glimpse they could not make out he was wearing a mask.

      Thomson opened the black bag and saw a whole lot of thousand dollar bills and checked Carlos pockets for any

identification and was surprised to find two empty syringes which had HPD printed on it. Dr.Robert Jay had been brought

along with the policemen in case of any casuality. Thomson called the doctor and asked him about the syringes ,he looked

at the syringe and told him that it was called HYPER PSYCHOTIC DRUG (HPD) which is used to highly sedate worst case

senario psychic patients. He told that it had been banned long time ago and handed the syringe to the chief.

Suddenly the cheif asked the doctor 'What happens if an expired HPD is used on a normal person' , the doctor was surprised

and asked 'what do you mean , it would surely kill them.' Then the chief said , first they use a banned drug and then

they make it sure it has expired .The loyal students had made use of these drugs in order to kill the gaurds at the entrance

then the manager,the two men gaurding the safe and the two female staff.This was their weapon instead of the usual guns and

tear gas. The MASTER didn't like any kind of violence , so he used these kind of drugs in order to carry out his buisness.

      Back in Michael Schelly's office , Robin came shouting Master Master and told him that he was waiting for Carlo with

his car and then from nowhere came a bunch of police cars and he vacated the place. Shelly understood what would have

happened and he told Robin to go and asked Joseph send him in.

      Joseph came inside and bowed to his master. Michael asked him to have a seat but Joseph refused politely .Michael

insisted to him to sit , Joseph didn't want his master get angry on him so he sat in front of the master's table.

Michael started 'Joseph , I asked you to come here to tell you that our job has been completed sucessfully'. Joseph gave

a startling look at his master with a "Oh.." and then he said good.Then Shelly started again "The cops got Carlo and he

killed himself ", I thought you were a loyal student of your master , I didn't think you would kill Carlo , why did you

do it.??"

    Joseph was surprised what was his master was talking about , he was shocked , he felt a sledge hammer had struck him

on his heart. How did the master know..? He started with his face facing the gorund "I am really sorry mast.." Michael Shelly

never let Joseph complete his justification , next to the chair where Joseph was sitting was his brain. The master had

literally shot him although he didn't like violence.

      When the two female staff had directed their attention towards the SAFE when Jon had shouted . Joseph and Bradley

hurried around the counter and injected the drug into them . They both fell and while Joseph was trying to get them and

make them sit on the chair he pressed the emergency alarm button , and Bradley told him not waste any time , they

walked away.Then the policemen had come...                               




© Copyright 2009 Karthik (karthiksac at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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