Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1573907-Three-Little-Cubs-and-the-Big-Bad-Pig
by Pen
Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1573907
This is a children's story parody of 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'Billy Goats Gruff'.
Once upon a barbeque there lived three little wolf cubs. One day, Mr Wolf said to the cubs, “Now you are big and strong like I am, you must go out into the world and find your own den. There are many good spots in the forest, just watch out for the Big Bad Pig.”
So the wolf cubs left, and they were crossing the ditch near the forest, when they saw a huge, growling, snarling, pink pig blocking their path.
“AAAAAAH!” the cubs yelled.
“If you come into my forest, I shall take you to my pigsty!” the Big Bad Pig grunted.
So the wolf cubs left. When they were a little way off, the biggest cub said, “I have a plan!”
The cubs sat down.
“Tonight, when it is dark, we shall go to the forest and sneak in!”
The wolf cubs all liked that idea. They waited until night time, then went back to the forest.

They were crossing the ditch, when they heard a snuffling and a grunting and a trotting.
“Who’s coming into my forest?” the Big Bad Pig boomed.
The cubs scampered off and hid in the fields.

When the cubs woke up the following morning, the second-biggest wolf had a plan.
“We’re going to disguise ourselves and sneak into the forest,” he said. “Let’s gather some animal hides, leaves, sticks and mud, and make ourselves look like other animals and plants.”
So the cubs all covered themselves in mud, then stuck fur, feathers, sticks and leaves all over themselves.

They went off to the forest again, and they were looking around for a den when they heard the Big Bad Pig shouting, “What’s that strange creature over there?”
The wolf cubs fled, and went back to the fields.

The next morning, the youngest and littlest cub had an idea.
“Your plan won’t work,” the biggest cub said. “Ours didn’t.”
“We’ll try,” said the smallest wolf, and he explained his plan.

This time, the wolf cubs went down to the river, cleaned off all the mud and leaves, and went to the forest quietly. They all hid behind the bushes, except for the littlest pig, who started to cross the ditch.
“Who’s walking into my forest?” the Big Bad Pig roared.
“It’s only me, the littlest of the cubs,” the wolf cub said.
“I’ll take you to my pigsty, and make you clean out my straw!”
“Oh, I’m too little and weak for that,” the smallest wolf cub said. “Please let me into the forest. My brother is coming with me, and he’s much tougher and stronger and bigger than I am.”
So the Big Bad Pig let the smallest wolf cub into the forest.

The next-smallest wolf cub started to cross the ditch.
“Who’s this coming into my forest?” the Big Bad Pig grunted.
“It’s only me, the second smallest wolf cub,” the cub said.
“I’ll make you find my dinner for me, and serve it up to me in my pigsty!” the pig said.
“But I’m no good at cooking, and I’m too young to know where all the food in the forest is. Wait for my brother to come, he’s the smartest, biggest, strongest and fastest wolf cub.”
So the Big Bad Pig let the next-smallest wolf cub into the forest.

The biggest wolf cub began to cross the ditch, and the Big Bad Pig saw him.
“Why are you coming into my forest?” he asked the cub.
“Please, Mr Pig,” the biggest wolf cub said, “I’ve come to get straw for your pigsty and make your meals.”
“Ah, so you are the biggest, strongest, smartest, fastest wolf cub. Come with me to my pigsty.”

The biggest wolf cub followed the Big Bad Pig to his pigsty.
“The first task I want you to do,” said the Big Bad Pig, “Is to clean out my pigsty and bring the straw from the barn in.”
The Big Bad Pig watched as the biggest wolf cub took all the old straw from the pigsty, put it in the compost heap, then went to the barn and brought back all the new straw.
“Now, it is lunch time. Wolf cub, go to the barn and get the food from the back, then bring it here and feed it to me.”
The biggest wolf cub did as the pig said, and watched as he ate the food.
“It is nap time,” the Big Bad Pig said. “Watch that nobody comes and steals my food or straw while I sleep.”
The Big Bad Pig went to sleep. But the biggest wolf cub was hungry, and he couldn’t resist some of the delicious looking berries, chops and mud cocktails. The cub started on his meal, but to his dismay, half way through the Big Bad Pig woke up!

“Wolf cub! Get me some more food from the barn!”
The wolf cub did as the pig said, and watched the pig eat it all up.
The wolf cub brought more food, and more food, and more food.
“Now bring me – AAAAAAH!”
The biggest, strongest, fastest, smartest wolf cub watched as the Big Bad Pig stopped, mid sentence, and exploded! He had eaten so much that he had burst!! The wolf cub quickly finished his meal, then scooped up some food for his brothers.

He left the pigsty, and found his brothers near a large, hollow den with lots of room for storage, play and sleep.
“What happened to the pig?” the youngest wolf cub asked.
“He burst!” said the biggest cub.
“What did you do?” the second biggest wolf cub asked.
“I went to the pigsty, and cleaned out all the straw, then brought the pig lunch,” the biggest wolf cub said. “Then the Big Bad Pig fell asleep, so I had a snack, but he was so mad that I ate his food that he made me get all the food from the barn, and watch him eat it. So he ate and ate and ate, and eventually he exploded!”

The wolf cubs all lived happily and pig-free in their new, wonderful den in the forest, and told generations after about the defeat of the Big Bad Pig.
© Copyright 2009 Pen (duckbird at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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