Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1573249-The-Captive-Part-I
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1573249
Chapter I of The Captive. A dark BDSM capture novel.
As the blue gun metal U.N. chopper flew over the city of Tikrit, Anna stared absently out the window at the crumbling buildings and the streets full of trash.  She wondered to herself how humans could live like this.  With a constant state of war and no peace.

The pilot's voice in her headset brought her back to the task at hand.

"We're two miles from the drop site Mrs. Jones."

"It's Dr. Jones.", she quickly corrected him.

"Yes Ma'am I apologize Dr. Jones.", he responded.

Anna was getting ready to have some fun with him when something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention.  There was a bright flash and a trail of smoke heading straight for them.

"Incom", was the only sound she managed before the rocket propelled grenade exploded their back rotor into a million pieces.

"We've been hit.", screamed the pilot over the blaring alarms.

Anna thought to herself no shit.  But decided to keep her mouth closed as she put her chest onto her knees.  Laying there she said a silent prayer for their safety as the whirly bird earned its name.  The chopper began spinning out of control in a 360 degree flat spin.

Within seconds the wounded bird had plummeted sixty feet nose first into the ground with a deafening boom as it came to rest on the desert street in Tikirt.  The impact caused Anna to be slung forward her head slamming into the metal frame of the co-pilots seat.  Gun shots rang out as the world went black.

8/16/2012  1130AM

A map of Tikrit is displayed on the projection screen.  On the outskirts of the city is a settlement being called Section Eight by all the world's news medias.  Sector Eight is a nomadic camp of rebels living in nothing more then shanties.  They carry their diseased and wounded to the town for help.  The women and children of the rebels live here away from the fighting.  However the terroristic government has setup blocks so that food can not enter Section Eight.  That's where the U.N. comes in to bring food and medicine to the needy people.

"The rebels are in need of food and medicine, we are going to aid them the best we can.  Dr. Jones will be flying in with Alpha team to provide on site medical attention while Alpha team unloads the food and supplies.", General Thomas said to the room.

"The chopper will leave at 0800 hours tomorrow morning.  Are there any questions?"


Anna gathers her notes and takes one last look at the map.  She knows tomorrow will be a busy day for her and she only hopes that her eight years of medical school has prepared her for this.  She gave up a lot to be a doctor.  No boyfriends, no social life, just books and now she gets her real world experience in a war zone.

8/17/2012 1030AM

Anna lets out a moan as she slowly opens her eyes.  However the moan quickly becomes a scream as she realizes she can't see anything.  Frantically she tries to move her hands to her head only to come to the grim conclusion that they are bound.  Out of desperation she tries to kick her feet, the only reward she gets in the clanking of the chain as it slaps against the concert floor.

"Good you are awake.", a heavily accented voice says from across the room.

Anna listens as the footsteps get closer to her.

"Where am I and who are you?", she asks in confusion.

Without warning she finds all the air rushing out of her lungs as she absorbs a punch into her diaphragm.  Gasping for air she begins to sob.

"You do not ask the questions here, I do.  You will answer them and address me as Sir or you will be punished.  Is that clear?"

"Yes.", Anna says sobbing and trying to catch her breath.

Her interrogator growls and she whimpers as he punches her again driving the air out of her.  The tears streaming down her face as she cries wondering what she has done to deserve this.  She is only here to help people.  She is not interested in the political war.

"I told you everything ends with Sir.", he snarls at her.

"Yes, Sir.", Anna stutters.

"Thats better, now tell me why you are here."

"I came to provide aid to women and children in Section Eight. Sir.", Anna says.

A smile comes across his face as he slowly removes the hood from her head.  Before her stands a man that is almost a foot taller then her 5'4" frame.  He is muscular and Middle Eastern.  She stares in disbelief at his sheer size.  A moment of weakness and helplessness hits her.

"Why would you want to help them?  They are a waste of space?"

She watches him walk over to the table.  Her jaw drops as she watches him pick up a machete, he turns it in the light looking at the blade before returning his attention to the brown haired beauty that he has at his mercy.

"Because I took an oath to help people." she says.

A look of horror washes over her pretty face as she realizes she forgot to say Sir.  The scared look sends a shock wave of emotions through his body as he approaches her.  He stands there for a moment gauging his prey.  She has slender hips, beautiful lips and what he is sure is supple breasts under her cammies.  Her long brown hair and her hazel eyes make her very unique in this part of the world.

Smiling he walks toward her, his free hand grabbing her throat and pushing her head roughly into the stone wall.  The hand with the blade deftly slides down her shirt.  She cringes as she feels the dull side of the blade running down her skin and under her bra.  A sensation begins to take over her and her breathing grows a little faster.  With one smooth motion he pulls the machete through the cloth cutting it open and reviewing his prize.

"Please stop.", she cries.  As waves of emotions flood her body. 

Roughly the man grabs her left breast squeezing and kneading it.  While holding it in his hand he spits on his other one, then with a loud slap brings it forcefully down onto her naked breast.  The sound reverberating through out the dungeon as a moan and a scream escape her lips.

Reaching over he grabs her right breast the same way.  Her eyes looking on him with a hunger and a fire of passion but at the same time a simple fear of him.

"Why should I let you live?"

"Because I can be of service to you and your men.  I am a doctor."  Anna says.

His massive hand slaps her bare breast with move impact then he did the other one.  The red welts beginning to former on it as he removes his hand.  He looks down at his handy work and smiles. 

"You can't even remember to say Sir.  I don't think I have any use for you."

"I am sorry Sir.  Please let me prove my usefulness.", she begs.

"Very well tell me where the U.N. Base is."

"I don't know Sir.", she says.

"You're lying to me.", he says as he walks toward her.

Anna looks down at the table and the gadget he is grabbing.  She watches as he takes one of the alligator clips into his hand.  Licking his lips as he opens it and approaches her now erect nipple.

"No please don't." she screams and struggles against her bounds.

"You didn't say Sir." he says as he latches the clamp onto her nipple.

The cold steel biting into her nipple causes her to squirm in pain and pleasure.  A sensation she hasn't felt before.  She could feel the wetness beginning to form.  A moan escaped her lips.  Delighted her tormentor walks over to the other side letting the cold steel latch onto her other nipple.

"Now I will ask one more time.  Where is the base?"

"I don't know.", she cries and continues to squirm in pain and extacy.

"Wrong answer."

She watches as he plugs the other ends of the clamps into a box in his hand.  A light tingling sensation begins to travel into her nipples a slow dull yet exciting pain.  Then without warning a jarring jolt hits them causing her to scream in pain and pleasure.  Smiling the man stops for a moment allowing her to catch her breath.  Then the gentle shock begins again.  Then she watches in horror as he turns the knob all the way up sending a sharp current biting into her.  Her breasts on fire she screams and moans as he lets the current run longer this time.

"Please stop Sir!", she begs.

"Tell me where the base is." he says as he turns the gadget back to the gentle tingling.

"It's twenty miles NE of the city Sir.  Please stop!", she cries giving in.

Slowly he turns the unit off and the electricity stops flowing into her nipples.  He knows she gave him the location of the base he walks over to her.  She notices the bulge in his pants and thats when she first feels her own moisture running down her legs.  A wave of embarrashment and wanting wash over her as he removes one of the clamps.  He sees the longing in her eyes and leans down taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking on it for a moment before removing the other clamp.

Anna moans and grinds against her tormentor as he sucks on her other nipple.  Wanting nothing more then to have him inside her which is strange since she has never wanted a man before.  Not like this anyway.  She watches as he slips a collar around her neck and attaches a leash to it.  Taking the other end of the leash in his hand he slowly undoes her arms then her feet.  The exhaustion from the torture causes her to fall forward into his arms.  He slowly lowers her to all fours then begins walking.  Forcing her to crawl like a dog to keep up or be drugged.

He leads his new pet into her cage.  Leaning down he attaches the leash to an eyelet in the floor with a pad lock.  Looking back at his new pet as she curls up in the fetal position on the straw mat in her cell he smiles. 

"It will be fun to break you my pet.  You will experience what true slavery is when I am finished with you.", he says as he shuts and locks the cage door.

She listens as his footsteps echo off into the distance.  Her hand slides down her pants as she begins to play with herself, coming over and over as visions of what she has been through dances through her head.  Satisfied she cleans her hand and curls up to sleep.  Little known to her that he was watching her the whole time from a hidden camera in her cage.
© Copyright 2009 Drimitz (drimitz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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