Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1573171-Forever--Always
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1573171
A group of teens are changed after a tragedy.
Forever & Always
"Thirteen?" Jake kept repeating in a low, devastated voice, "She was only thirteen years old?!"
I could only shake my head. I was still in shock from that phone call telling me that she was gone. Gone forever. Putting him behind bars will not bring her back. She will never be back. She will never get to hang out with me and Jake. She will never get to go to the eighth grade dance. She will never get to sit near a bomb fire with her two best friends. Never. She will never be back. I am Alice and this is Amy's story.

Book One- Alice:
With jeans and a t-shirt she stood in front of her locker. She popped it open and put her bag in before taking out her blue and black binder. Just like I always she smiled at me. With out a word she shut her locker and leaned up against it waiting for me. When I glanced up, she was looking at the other hallway. I knew she was looking for someone.
"Looking for Josh again, Amy?" I laughed
She smiled and nodded at me. She turned her head hearing someone calling her name, it was Jake. He walked up bright red from laughing. She listened while he told her some stupid story that was hilarious to him. No matter how stupid the story was she would listen. She was crazy about Jake but they were only best friends. For now I hoped. I knew how much she liked him just as he did. He didn't let it get in the way of them being the best of friends though. He said it was because she was a great friend but I knew it was because he liked her back. It might just be a little crush but it would make her smile.
She laughed even know the story wasn't really that funny. I turned around but they continued to talk and laugh. She would tell me every word he said if I wanted to know. I walked over and leaned up against the wall outside of our homeroom class. She walked by with Jake next to her.
"Okay, see you later." She said before turning around and facing me
She leaned up against the wall next to me. I didn't bother talking to her knowing that she was in her own world now. She was staring at the side of the lockers probably thinking about either Jake or Josh. I rolled my eyes. The teacher let us in so she snapped out of it. I laughed when she looked around like she didn't know where she was. She was defiantly thinking about Jake. She never got so out of it thinking about Josh. We walked over and took a seat next to each other. Since I knew it would make her happy, I asked her what Jake had said.
She finished telling me just as the bell rang. She got up and walked over to the door before waiting for me. We walked up the hallway to science. She saw Jake who smiled at her. I looked up at her; she was smiling back at him. I kept thinking how stupid he was for not realizing that that she was completely insane over him but I just smiled at them before continuing to class. We walked into class. She laughed at Kyle's jokes and yelled at Robbie for stealing her pencil just like always. Before I knew it, the bell rang for tutorial. Of course, Amy smiled at Jake on her way by. I shock my head and rolled my eyes.
We sat in tutorial talking. She talked most of the time. The next to periods went by just the same, nothing interesting. The bell rang for fourth period, the period before lunch. She leaned up against the wall across from Jake. I was farther back in line but I still saw everything. He looked at her and gave her a mean look which she did the same to him. Then they cracked and started laughing. She smiled at him and he smiled back before they went in the classroom.
Amy and I walked together to our lockers. Just when she shut hers, Jake ran up and scared her. She screamed while Jake and I laughed. He walked in the middle of us. Just when I thought we could be normal friends, Amy grabbed his hood and pulled it over his face. She backed up and ran towards the cafeteria. Just like always Jake ran after her and I ran after him. They were messing around when I caught up to them.
Jake went over and took a seat next to his friends while she took a seat at the other end of the table next to Sammie. I sat across from them. Josh walked in and headed over to his table with his friends with out even looking at Amy. Josh was mad at Amy but know one was really sure why. She got that upset look on her face as her smiled faded away. I knew that she missed Josh being her friend but there was really nothing to do about it since he won't talk to anyone abut it. Amy continued to talk to Sammie as Jake continued to talk to his friends at the other end of the table.
When the bell rang for the next period, I walked to my locker. Amy was their all ready. Her locker was open and she was brushing her hair. Then she put her sweatshirt in her bag before grabbing her math book and her binder. When she shut her locker, she walked over and into the classroom. We took a seat next to each other again. She took at her book and gave it to me. I opened it looking for the page while she took off her necklace and her earrings. She put them in her pocket.
We worked on the questions we were assigned quietly. Amy packed up five minutes before the bell rang. She shoved the book in the desk before we went over and stood against the door. Amy asked to go to her locker about two minutes before the bell. I followed her and put my binder in my locker just as she did. She shut her locker and walked over to the other team that Josh was on. Just then the bell rang and Josh was the first to walk out the door. He looked up at Amy who smiled at him. He just put his head down and walked by. Amy's smile faded quickly and she lowered her head. When we turned the corner, Jake yelled Amy's name. She turned around as he ran up to her. All most immediately, her smile was back and she was laughing. He laughed as they started messing around again. She grabbed his sweatshirt out of his hand and took off towards the gym with it. He yelled after us as we ran at top speed. We ran all the way to the girls' locker room. Amy ran in still with Jake's sweatshirt over her shoulder. After about two minutes, she walked out with me and we headed to the seventh grade side of the gym. Not long after we got over there, the boys' locker room door opened and Jake walked out. He smiled and shook his head at Amy. She laughed as she took off. Just like I predicted, he took off after her. They ended up lying on the wresting mat near the bleachers. He got his sweatshirt back but he still messed around. We all ran after each other and played basketball.
When the bell rang, Jake and Amy took off after each other. I walked to my locker. When I opened my locker, Amy walked up out of no where and opened her locker. She grabbed her bag and put her mp3 and her cell phone in it. After grabbing her binder she shut her locker and walked to class with me. Eighth period flew by. When the bell rang, Amy and I took off for the door. She put her head phones on and, before she climbed onto the bus, said that she would call me later. I never got that call.

Book Two- Amy:
I said good-bye to Alice before climbing onto the bus. I took a seat in the front row and searched for my mp3. I turned it on and looked out the window. I saw Josh talking to his friends. When the bus started moving, I closed my eyes and put my head against the window. Before I knew it, we were at my stop. I walked around the bus and headed home. The sky was cloudy and I could tell rain was on its way. I put my hood up. I grabbed my key and unlocked the door. I had all the chores that a mother would do that I had to complete since I don't have a mother to take care of them. I set my bag on the table and got started.
I started dinner and polished the furniture. I swept the kitchen floor and made the beds. I washed the dishes and then decided to watch TV. I put the weather on while I folded the laundry. The rain started pouring down outside so I closed all the windows. When I finished, Cory was home from his friend’s house. Cory was my baby of a brother. His brown hair was completely soaked just as his tee and jeans were. He explained that his friends and him were stuck out in the rain. I let it slip but I told him to change before he went back out with his friends. It was now six o' clock and still no sign of my father. I guess that was a good thing for now.
As I sat down, I couldn't help but to think about Josh. After all, he was mad at me and refused to speak to me. Even though I wasn't completely sure why he was mad at me, I said sorry every time I get a chance. I think Alice may have been right. I pushed that thought away as the back door slammed shut. I sprang up out of the chair as I realized he was home. He walked in, barley being able to stand up straight. Of course he yelled and slapped me. He threw things and smashed things as he freaked out on me. The last thing I remember hearing was his words echoing in my head.
"You stupid little brat!" He yelled at me
Then he hit me hard and I collapsed to the ground. I felt a blazing pain in my arm and a massive stinging in the back of my head. I put my hand up against the back of my head. When I looked at my hand, it was covered in dark red blood. There on the floor I lay, crying quietly to myself as he left. I couldn't move anything so I laid there motionless. Everything hurt and my head burned. I reached my cell phone and dialed 9-1-1 but I couldn't get words out. I laid there waiting for someone to help me. I then heard a knock on the door but I couldn't turn to see who it was. I prayed that it was someone here to help me. After a couple minutes went by, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I heard a guy talk into a radio. That’s when I figured out that it was a cop. A said thank you to myself.
"It's ok sweetheart, you're safe now." I heard him whisper to me
That was the last thing I that happened before suddenly, I couldn't feel the burn anymore and everything was going black. It was then I knew that this was my end. No more pain. No more tears. The bad part is no more Jake or Alice. No more laughing at Jake's jokes or messing with him at school. No more getting in trouble with Alice in class. No more sorrow or laughter. Then, I closed my eyes. I saw Jake's cute, smiling face and heard Alice's beautiful laugh. I couldn't help but smile. But then the darkness over came me and I was gone forever.

Book Three- Jake:
I walked and took a seat in the back of the bus before I turned my ipod on and glanced out the window. I noticed Amy saying good bye to Alice beforer she climbed on the bus. I watched as she took a seat and searched for her mp3. With her head up against the window she was looking at someone. I didn't know what she was looking at so I scanned the crowd. I searched until I found Josh talking to his friends. Amy apparently likes that kid, Josh. I don't see why though. He's no good for her. He's rude while she's sweet. Alice might be right when she said that Amy likes Josh because he's funny and she loves his smile. I still don't get it. I want to be a good friend and tell her that Josh is all wrong for her but she might think I'm just jealous. I'm just going to let her deal with it on her own for now.
Before I knew it, we were at my stop. I turned my ipod off and shoved it in my pocket before getting off the bus. It was starting to rain so I put my hood up. When I got home, I walked straight to the kitchen, dropped my bag on the floor, and grabbed something to drink. I turned my phone on as I headed to my room. Then I sat on my bed and turned my x-box on. At four o' clock, my best friend Devin called so I ended up going over his house and hanging out with him. We rode our bikes to the old community center after a while. Behind it was our fort. We hung out there for a while.
After about an hour went by we headed back to my house. We played video games for a long time. After we each scarf down three pieces of pizza we went for a bike ride to his house. When we got to his house, we hung out on the trampoline with his two younger brothers. It was eight o' clock when we went back inside. I laid on the floor with my hands behind my head while Devin played games on his laptop. I was half asleep when my phone rang. It was Alice. She sounded frantic and as if she had been crying recently. I asked her what was wrong but she didn't seem able to get the words out. Alice couldn't stop herself from breaking down and crying her eyes out. Then it hit me. Something horrible had happened. I couldn't even begin to guess what though. I don't think I wanted to know.
After about ten minutes, I got her to stop crying long enough to talk to me. Again, I asked her what was wrong. I stood up as she started to explain. She answered me in a low voice ready to cry again but this time, I understood why. I dropped the phone when she said those three words that could have ended my life right there, right then. She said it twice making sure I heard her. I was speechless as I hung up. Devin turned around and looked at me. All the color drained from my face and my heart sped up. Devin continuously asked me what was wrong but the words wouldn't come out. I felt as if I was going to pass out. Then it wasn't just a feeling. Everything went black as I went into panic mode.

Book Four- Alice:
What had happened? Why wasn't Amy answering her phone? I walked over to the window and watched as the rain fell onto the bright green grass outside. I dialed Amy's cell one more time but still no answer. It was only seven-thirty so maybe she was eating dinner. I went over and sat on my bed thinking she would call but she didn't. "If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."
At seven o' clock, I got a call. I was watching TV when I got that call. Amy was pronounced dead at six forty- two. My eyes flew open. I started screaming at the top of my lungs. How is this possible? I ran to slam my door. Then I ran to my bed and stuffed my head under my pillow before crying a me + him+ fights, arguing, smiling, & a perfect couple *Heart*river. My best friend was dead. I knew that I was true. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. After an hour, I could talk again. I locked my door and dialed Jake's number. He picked up but I just couldn't get the words out. I was barley able to say his name.
"Jake?" My voice cracked
"Hey, what's wrong you sound upset." He had no idea what had happened
I suddenly broke down into tears.
"Alice? Alice? What's wrong? What happened? Alice?" I heard him say but I couldn't answer
After about ten minutes, he got me to calm down enough to talk to him. All I could say was that she was dead.
"Amy is dead. She is dead, Jake!" Then I broke down into crying again
He said that he had to go. I couldn't imagine what Jake was doing after he hung up. He was probably not as big as a mess as me. I washed my face off since my make-up was running all down my cheeks. After that, I laid down on my bed. I starred at the ceiling until I fell asleep. I woke up about every twenty minutes due to a nightmares. Finally I gave up and sat there watching TV. I glanced at my phone every couple minutes thinking that Amy would call and say that it was all a big joke. She never did though. I started thinking about how she died. She had a sprained wrist, some broken ribs, and head force trauma. The head injury was what killed her. I was also told the story that they came up with. They only told me since I asked.
They said that they received a call but no answer when a dispatch answered. They sent a cop over to see if it was a prank call or something serious. The cop peered through the window and saw a lot of broken glass, messed up furniture, and blood. Then he saw the worst thing well at least it was to me. He saw a girl lying unconscious with blood near her. He called for back-up and an ambulance before busting in. He said that she was still alive when he got there. Her arm was bruised and he had a strong feeling that her ribs may have been broken which they found out later that they were. She was gone when they got her to the hospital. They tried everything that they could but nothing worked.
Her father was arrested for murder of Amy. The story was run on the news already. Most of the school probably knows by now which is going to make school really hard. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was only three o' clock in the morning. I read the texts message. He asked me if I was awake. I told him yes and that I just couldn't sleep. He sent a message back saying that I had to meet him somewhere. I told him to meet me at the track and he agreed. I got up and changed into jeans. I opened my window slowly and stepped out onto the roof. I slid over to the ladder in the garden and climbed down quietly. I ran to my bike and jumped on. I got to the track just as Jake sent me a message telling me that he was here. I parked my bike as I heard him skid behind me. I turned around to look at him. He looked worse then me. His hair was a complete not, his face was pale white, and his eyes were bright red as if he had been crying. He had the sweatshirt that Amy always took from him on with a pair of jeans. His expression was easy to read. He was devastated or at least looked like he was to me.
We walked up to the top of the starting hill. He sat down and lay down on the cement. I took a seat next to him and looked up at the stars. I was glad the rain had cleared out. He didn't talk so I turned around to look at him. His eyes were closed on he was perfectly still. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. Just as I turned around again he started.
"Can you believe it?" He had his eyes closed still and hadn't moved
I just shook my head as a tear trickled down my cheek. He sat up and looked at me. He shook his head before resting it in his hands. When he looked back up, there was a tear rolling down from his eye. I had known him for a while now and he had never cried. At least I never saw him cry. He wiped the tear from his eye and asked me if he could tell me something. He said that it might not matter now that she's gone but he wanted someone to know. I told him to tell me anyway so he did.
When he was done, I was speechless. I rested my head on my hand as he looked up at the stars. Just as I looked up, there was a shooting star.
"I think she heard you." I whispered

Book Five- Jake:
I blinked several times until I could see clearly again. Devin was sitting on his bed. He told me that I had been passed out for an hour. Good thing his parents weren't home. They would ask questions. Then I suddenly remembered why I passed out. Amy is dead. Alice was the first one to know so she called me and told me. I didn't want to sit up. I honestly didn't know what to do. I Devin I was going to go home. I had to get a hold of myself. I knew that would be a hard thing to do though. Amy was my best friend. She couldn't be gone but she was. Amy was gone forever.
When I got home, I washed my face before lying down. I passed out with my jeans and sweatshirt on. It was eleven when I woke up to my mother and step-father talking. They were talking about whether or not I should go to school tomorrow. I guess they got a call from Alice's father. My step-father said that it would be easier for me if I stuck to a normal schedule. My mother said that it would be a good idea and she agreed with my step-father. I put my head under my pillow and closed my eyes again. I knew going to school wasn't a good idea. I didn't want to go to school and see Alice's sorrow face or hear everyone talking about what had happened to Amy. I barley knew what had happened to her myself. I only knew that she had a sprained wrist, broken rib, and that head force trauma had killed her. It was that guy who was supposed to be looking after her. I don't call him a father I call him my worse enemy. He took my best friend and now I was never going to hear her laugh or see her smile again.
About a month ago, Amy told me that he drank a lot. I confronted her when the bruises on her arms and her father added up. She confessed but made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone ever, no matter what. I promised, of course. She wouldn't let me get her help her. She said she would take care of it herself. I didn't bother arguing. I should have though. I should have been there to help her. I should have made it clear that I was there for her. She shouldn't have had to go through this by herself. No, I had to ignore the problem thinking it would just go away. The problem did go away but it took my best friend with it. I had to stop myself there. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but I just couldn't. Amy was on my mind still. I tossed and turned until I finally well back asleep.
I woke up and it was still dark. My head was still under the pillow and I had my eyes closed still. Suddenly the nightmare I had started replaying in my head. I remembered the dream vividly. I was sitting next to Alice at Amy's funeral. I snapped my eyes open to block that nightmare. I sat up and put my head in my hands. It was only three o' clock in the morning. I sat there and let my mind wander. I couldn't stop thinking about Amy. I knew this week was going to be rough. I lay back down and took out my cell phone. It had been off ever since Alice called me. I turned it on to see all the missed calls I got. I went through my pictures after viewing all of the calls. There were the pictures from my party. I stopped on the picture of Amy and me at the beach. She had her hair up and a red bikini top on. That day flew into my memory.
Alice, Amy, and I were at the beach over spring break. Amy and I tackled each other in the water like always. They stole my shoes and we went on the boardwalk too. I was stuck with Amy's flip-flops. I missed that day a lot. I went to another picture. This one was of Amy and Alice on a roller coaster. She had a huge smile. The next picture was a class trip to Ocean City. Amy and I got pushed out of the seat and Alice had my phone. She took a picture of Amy smiling next to me while we were on the ground. I smiled but then it faded. I sent a message to Alice asking her if she was awake. She told me yes so I asked her to meet me somewhere. She suggested the track and I agreed. I closed my phone and put it in my pocket.
I sprung out of bed and headed to my window. I popped it open quietly. Then, I climbed out it landing in my backyard. I hopped on my bike and headed to the track. When I got around the corner, I sent a message telling Alice that I was here. She had parked her bike and was standing near it as I skid my bike to a stop behind her. She looked just as bad as me. Her hair was a mess and her make-up was smeared. She had a red tank top on under a black sweatshirt along with jeans. Her eyes looked as if she had cried right before she got here but I didn't bother to ask her if she had.
We walked to the top of the hill were the races started. I lay down on the cement. She took a seat next to me and I saw her look up at the stars. I didn't know how to start saying what I need to tell her so I kept quiet. I closed my eyes. After a while, she still didn't say anything. I decided to speak up.
"Can you believe it?" I said the only thing I could think of
I opened my eyes and saw her nod her head. I sat up and looked at her. I shook my head and then rested it in my palms. I felt a tear run down my cheek. I wiped it away and asked her if I could tell her something. I told her that it might be to late now that she was gone but I needed to tell someone anyway. She told me to tell her anyway.
"I had a lot of time to think so I've been realizing a lot of things. One of those things is that I love Amy. I don't know if I can live without her. She was my life. Every good memory I've had since I met you and her has had her in it. She makes me smile and I love her. I really do love her. I don't think it matters now that she's gone. I wish I had told her this. I wish that I was there for her. I wish she knew that I love her. She will never hear any of this though." I had just poured my heart out to Alice
Alice sat there speechless. We both looked up as a bright star flew across the sky. She looked at me after the star had faded.
"I think she heard you." Alice whispered with a smile
I think she did. I'm glad she did. I will love her forever & always.

(This was a story I put on here for my friend.This was not my work, it was hers!)

© Copyright 2009 Taylor B. Williams (genesis467 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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