Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1572554-Chapter-1-and-2
by Amica
Rated: E · Chapter · Entertainment · #1572554
Ch 1 - Start of something bad Ch 2 - Portland, Maine
Chapter 1

My name is Alexis Connalley. It is June 27, 2008. My parents gave me this diary to just rant. My mom told me to write as much before I turn into Lady 18, as what she would call it. So, I told her I shall...try. Now for my first entry.

I am now a year older, supposedly a year wiser, but I still look the same. Nothing much has changed except maybe for my hair growing a few inches. Being 17 doesn't feel any different, but I am hoping my life will soon be. I was born in the heart of California. I have never been anywhere else outside of California, so when my parents told me and my twin brother Adam that we were moving back to my parents hometown of Portland, Maine, I was excited and bummed about it.

My parent's names are Matthew and Beth Connalley. They moved to California when my dad got a job as small columnist in a small newspaper company. When my dad got offered an editorial job from The Portland Press Herald, he accepted it with no hesitation. Ever since my dad was a little boy, it was always his dream to have one of his articles headline on the front of the newspaper.

Ever since my dad accepted the offer, our lives seems to be moving pretty fast. My mom had to resign from her job teaching at the elementary school I used to go to and had to start looking for jobs in Maine. She found one in the school she used to go to called Nathan Clifford School. My brother and I would have to move away from all of our friends here in California and make new ones in Portland High School.

My brother and I have never been to Portland, so when we found out that we were moving, we didn't like it at all. It took my dad a whole weekend to convince us. We're leaving tomorrow so I am making the most of my time left here in my hometown. I just had a little birthday dinner with my family and friends, visited my favorite places, and had the best 17th ever.

It's now midnight, my birthday has past. My room is now surrounded by boxes and the only thing not in a box is my bed. It's a little nostalgic having to pack my things, coming across old junk that bring back good times. I'm definitely going to miss my room, my friends, and all the memories that I had pinned up on the walls. Agreeing to move to Portland may be something I regret in the future, but I hope not. I will look at this move as an opportunity for me to start new. So tomorrow (I mean later on) a new chapter of my life will start. I start as the new 17th year old Alexis. I better get some sleep so that I will feel fresh for a new day and a whole new life. Till the next entry...

Chapter 2

LANDED! 11 am and we finally arrived in Portland. My dad took in a deep breath and I saw him go back to his childhood memories and became our tour guide in a way. My mom seemed happy being back home. We arrived at our grandparents house. It seemed bigger on the Christmas cards that they would send us every year. We would be staying with them for now before my parents buy their own somewhere in the city.

Seeing my grandparents in person for the first time makes me glad I haven't changed psychically. Guessing that I got my genes from them, they don't look at all like they are in their 80's. Something about grandparents greeting their grandchildren always seem some kind of ritual. They compliment on how you look, how much you've grown, how much they missed and love you, and how proud they are of you...even though they don't exactly know what bad things you've done. I love my grandparents for they never seem to pry into our personal lives. As long as we reply 'I've been good.', they don't seem interested any longer.

After a few hours of catching up, we all went out for dinner at Benny's. My grandparents decided to pay for the bill as a welcome dinner for the family. My family decided to have a stroll along the waterfront. It was a beautiful view, seeing the water glisten, hearing the water. It was so serene. I had a feeling I was going to like it here. It definitely smelled cleaner than in California, a little bit quieter too. My family decided to stop for ice cream along the way. I was already full from the dinner so I passed on dessert. I decided to just have a walk while everyone else stayed to get ice cream.

I stopped by the water. Throwing rocks and trying to make them skip. Totally failed. As I was about to throw again hoping for a success, I hear a rock skip several times before sinking into the water. Someone was throwing rocks as well. Based on the persons physique, it was a guy. I didn't see what he looked like until he came up to me. He introduced himself as Miguel. (He didn't give me his last name which is ok I guess) He asked me if I needed any help with my technique. He seemed cute so I allowed him to teach me a few tricks. The first two trials was a failure, so he went behind me to show the proper way. I guess third times the charm (especially him controlling me) because he made the rock skip 8 times before it sunk. I was so into the moment of finally skipping a stone that I hugged him. Though he ain't a complete stranger now, it still seemed weird. He then hugged me back. I was surprised but happy.

The moment was ruined when I heard my phone ring. My mom was calling and telling me to meet them by the waterfront. I didn't have much time for a proper goodbye so I just said 'thank you' and left. I looked back once and he.. I mean Miguel flashed me a smile. A few minutes later I met up with my family. They asked me where I was so I told them (of course leaving Miguel out of the picture because my dad would freak). When we arrived back home, for some reason Miguel came across my mind several times. Maybe it was just finally being able to skip a stone, or maybe it was for the fact that he was cute. His smile still embedded on my mind.

The moon is shining bright tonight. Tomorrow will be a new day. My dad will finally step inside his dream job and we will be doing some more exploring of our new life here in

Portland. The moon is shaped like Miguel's smile. I need to sleep. Hopefully I'll get to see him again...and not only in my dreams. (Which I am sure he will come into) Till the next entry...
© Copyright 2009 Amica (purplemunster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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