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by BJS
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1572414
The Cronicles of the crew of the Solemn Knight
Cronicles of the Solemn Knight
Solemn Knight came out of warp space near the frieghters the convoy was guarding. "status report?",Captain Rilson Tent barked. "everyone's here Sir.",Lowell said."engines,shields,and lasers online",rick said. "engineering says where good to go",riley said. Rilson looked at the collection of ships,nine frieghters,four FSCF destroyers and the Solemn Knight. The traders had hired his ship and the four destroyers for a safe passage to the tirolam system...except a pirate fleet had shown up and caught them in a interdiction field. "send the fighters out,load missiles and laser batteries and arm the shivas",Rilson yelled as a swarm of fighters came at them. "13 minutes and counting till they are within fire range",Lowell said. Pirate frigates carried a complementary 3 squadrons(10 per squadron),destroyers carried 4 squadrons and the frieghters carried a squadron for defense,the Solemn Knight carried 6 squadrons the fighters started dogfighting the ships started to move in and fire at each other. The battle got worse as the Knight lost three of its six main guns and half of its anti air. "Sir!",rick yelled as fighters swept form the pirate ships and swung at the frieghters dodging the battle. "how many" Rilson asked even though he knew the freighters where doomed. "...one....one....one hundred and ten"rick said slowly. Rilsons pipe fell from his mouth," tell the freighters to pull their fighters at them and swing the Knight around and fire at them!",Rilson screamed. The fighters clashed but twenty got threw. "ar, the pods and fire all archer missles at the fighters!",Rilson said. Only two where destroyed and the rest fired their plasma torpedoes. Only six where left. The enemy fighters dropped proton bombs wich took out two more. "dang shoot them down!!!", Rilson yelled at them. The Knight fired its remaining bateries at them and blew them to pieces. The Knight fired as more fighters broke threw the fighter wall and came right at the frieghters. Rilson yelled, "fire the anti matter guns and take em all out!". The guns fired and 145 of the 689 fighters where destroyed. They blew 4 frighters up then launched boarding parties onto the Knight and the other two frieghters. "This is the captain all troops go to repell the boarders and close all air tight doors to the bridge,engine room,ACC, and matrix drive",Rilson said over com. Then said to the crew, "Get the fighters here and destroy the enemy fighters!". The crew went to work to get his orders done. After half an hour of bloody fighting the battle was over,enemy troops where dead or captured,fighters had fallen back to there ships and jumped into warp space and two frieghters where left. "Plot a course to the Tirolam System" ,Rilson said then sighed and relaxed as they jumped into warp space.

Rilson was angry,The frieghters owners where paying them 100,000 per vessel that got back...only 2 got back...they payed them equal shares in the proffit,5 ships equals 20,000 each...they got 40,000 florins. "with the repairs to the ship and replacing four sixth of our fighters and crew we only got nineteen thousand outa of it",Rilson grumbeled and plotted a course to Xoran,there base.

The Knight dropped out of warp space and docked with the Class twelve super space station Cursed. The crew headed for there bunks or stations glad to be back. Rilson and the officars boarded one of the shuttles and took it down to Xoran and landed on a landing pad on the base theres' roof then took and elavator 12,000 kilometers into its crust and into the base's underground meeting room. Rilson looked at the space display of the astroids outside then sat at his seat. Second lieutenants Rodney,Crash,Lucy and Dom where follwed by commander Tom and Major Vick. "we need to get more cash or where outa of a job"
,crash said. "any new missions?",lucy asked. Rilson shook his head,"no but the glalactic rebublic of Lylat have offered 800,000 florins a month for us to join there navy",Rilson said to the shocked group of troops.
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