Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1572308-TIMELINE
by BJS
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1572308
They say that history writes itself...but...what if it didn't?
They say history writes itself....but what if it didn't?


Alex smiled. Sixteen,"hit me" and a card slid his way...he looked at it and tried to suppress a smile,it was a five."Show e'm" the dealer said and Alex flipped with the other five people in the room and showed he had twenty one,"black jack" he said as another man said it as well. The dealer split the pot...forty five grand each. What happened next was expected. The man jumped up and tried to punch him but Alex knocked him off his feat and left with his winnings. He made it to the parking lot where his best friend and companion Wallace drove up in silver/black hydrogen."what took you so long?" his friend asked."had to get my money!" Alex said half sarcastically and got in. As he hopped in a van drove by and all at once the windows opened and PPHS popped out shooting up the sides of the car. They both ducked and Wallace looked at him "I see you won another game..." as machine gun bullets hit near them. Alex chuckled grimly and pulled a miniature M50 and shot at the van hitting the front tires and drivers seat. As it crashed Wallace rolled his eyes "why do you always blow things up?". Alex laughed "you told me to try and get info out of Rymond and i did". Wallace raised a brow "what'd you get?". "nothing much just his cell,address,bank number and email" Alex said sounding bored. Wallace's mouth dropped "WHAT!". Alex doubled over in laughter. Wallace groaned "you'll be the end of me". This only made Alex laugh harder.

"Hes the one yes?". "Yes Alex is the target..."."Then i will be sure to eliminate him for the good of the hegemony..."."you leave tomorrow...".

Alex was packing his stuff in the plane and headed up the ramp with a suitcase and a backpack. Wallace was sitting in a chair against a bolted table with a laptop talking to someone."Who is it?" Alex asked. Wallace motioned for him to sit next to him "CIA director" he whispered. Alex stiffened ."Agents Wallace Kane and Alex Stone..." the director said."Sir" they both said."you will arrive at Sidney tomorrow at Sidney and you are to meet a agent of the SSS or Sidney Secret Service...he will inform you of your Assignment". Wallace turned the computer off and yawned "I'm tired ill see you at 01000 tomorrow" and with that he headed to his bunk on the stealth plane they had lived on for years as a HQ and home.

They landed in Sidney at 12pm and headed for lunch. They had to meet the agent by 5pm and decided to tour the city. After lunch they walked around the city and bought some things and then loaded the plane. At 4:15pm they headed to the meeting place,a abandon warehouse. Alex looked at his watch and checked the time...5:59pm. "These guys are never late...what gives?"

SSS agent walker sat on a crate eating a late lunch while waiting on the American CIA agents and heard the door open. "your early?" was all he had time to say before the AK-47 opened fire and blew him against the wall. He sat up with a grunt fumbling with sweaty hands trying to get his pistol. The man walked up to him and aimed at his head "for the hegemony" he muttered as his gun fired and walker closed his eyes picturing his family waiting for him at his home for dinner...then it all went black.

Alex didn't like the feeling he was getting. The warehouse was empty... "anyone here?" Alex yelled. Wallace pushed him to the ground with his body as a stream of AK-47 rounds hit the wall. Wallace aimed his pistol and fired the heavy 40 cal rounds. Alex was up in seconds and fired at the area where the bullets came from. They both moved carefully near the area when rounds hit near them from above.

Alex and Wallace ran up the stairs to the second floor which had no railings or walls but only walkways that lead to the other side of the wall where boxes where stored on a large platform or in nets hanging from the roof. More fire came at them as they ran there,stopping behind stray boxes on the cold steel catwalk for cover as they rested from time to time. Alex fired a shot over the box and ran as Wallace did the same.

They saw a man hanging from a net with crates in it shooting a AK-47 one handed. Alex fired at the man but he jumped and landed on the floor,he rolled and jumped up as pistol rounds nailed all around him. Wallace screamed as a round hit his shoulder and slumped against a box clutching his shoulder as it burned like live fire. Alex was in a fury shooting all at him with near perfect accuracy. The man fell over with three shots in his heart and two in his legs. Alex looked at him....he was STILL moving. "The hegemony most survive" the dieing man mumbled before pulling a odd device and hitting a button making it glow and beep at a high speed. "Alex!" was all he heard before Wallace ran into him and pushed him out the window. The last thing Alex saw was a massive explosion that blew the roof off and probably cleared the atmosphere from the hight it made,then all went to black.

49 hours later
Alex woke up groggy and tired as he looked around. The room he was in was white walled with odd machines and people in white cloths with masks and gloves. As he woke up more he realized he was in a hospital or something close to it. "welcome back to the world agent Stone" a fermilure voice said. Alex got up despite the protests his aching body gave him. "you shouldn't be up till next week" the voice almost sounded pitiful. Alex got up and stood for a second before a chair saved his almost leathel fall. "Like i said a WEEK...". "where am I?"Alex asked defeated. "area 97" the man said. Alex raised a brow. The man chuckled "no its not like 51 its in Washington...or about 10,000 meters below Washington DC”the man said. Alex looked up and all he saw was the bright walls and floor. "this facility is for the president,his staff and the other top politicians and other V.I.P.s the man finished."Where is Wallace i need to talk to him about somethings" Alex asked. The man became grave and sad "agent Wallace is KIA...nothing was found of him but some carbonized bones and his DNA..." the man said. Alex smashed his hand,which was shattered, into the wall and left a good sized crack in it.

Alex was walking to a briefing room. It had been three hours since he was brought here from Sidney and he was about to be told of the mission he was being assigned. He sat there missing his dead friend,but he was going to find the ones responsible for the kill.

Three men walked in,a five star general,a man in a lab coat and captain Michel. Alex stood at attention. The general sat down in a chair with the captain as the man in the white coat walked up. "Lieutenant Stone...congratulations on being the first human to be exposed to large radioactivity and live" ,the man said grimly before continuing,"the terrorist that attacked you is part of the group destinated group 4654 or the lost ring". Alex stood up "how much radiation was i exposed to and what does the lost ring want with me?" Alex asked. "you where exposed to far more then a human can take...about 300% more then a human if you need perfect information...as to the group well general Colt will explain" the coated man finished and left the room. The general walked up and hit a button showing an ancient and rusted battleship underwater, "do you know what that is?" the general asked. Alex nodded "Its the Maine..the ship the Spanish sunk and started the war...long after the war they found it was just an accident with a smoking sailer.." Alex said wondering why some old ship was connected to his mission. The general smiled a grim smile "Yes,thats what we told them to say..." Colt said to a confused Alex then hit another button showing the powder magazine of the ship. "we had a camera in the powder room...a test for the fun of it...we didn't think this would happen..."

a Spanish man snuck in and set a charge on the magazines and set the timer then started to walk out but a sailer who came in with a half lit cigarette. A short brawl went on until the Spanish soldier was dead and the American was disabling the charge. Alex thought it was surprising but didn't explain why the ship blew up. Then a man walked in and held a odd gun to the back of the Americans head and fired...melting the back of the corpse and killing him instantly. the man walked up and set a glowing device,Alex saw it was the same one that the man he fought had, and left,his face showing for a second. Alex was shocked...it was the same man he had fought...but that meant he was over 150 years old. "when the dive teams found the camera they showed us it and we found it very very very odd...when the Russians pushed threw Berlin and the Americans searched the town of Concord they found uniforms that match the remains of the man you killed and the one in that video....the American revolution,both world wars and the Spanish American war...all started because of these men" the general finished. Alex was frozen at what he had just been told...every major or world confrontation had been because of these men with odd weapons and bombs? "Agent Alex...these men are not of our time and are considered aliens....we don't know why they do this but our guess is to destroy earth...we believe many figure heads have been there agents...Hitler,Sudan,several Americans and Spanish and British have been conformed to be agents...we want you to go to Berlin to meet agent Kovlek for your new mission good lu-" was all they had time to say before an explosion knocked them to there feet. the doors opened and three men in marine armor burst in shooting down the hall. "Sir! D-Z wings are overrun and A-C are about to be hit...we need to get the package to L wing soon or well never be able to get him out!" the marine leader yelled. The general nodded and grabbed Alex and walked out with the captain following. The doctor from earlier was laying dead and in half form the heated blast that had hit his stomach...the scorch mark behind him was on the wall still burning. L wing had several pods for escape and the marines stood outside the door as the general and captain hooked him into one and explained the controls. "that steers and that ejects...those are increase speed,decrees and flares...good luck" they said as they sealed him in the pod as the doors blew open and what was left of the marines where on the floor from plasma blasts. The men in the cloaks and armor with dark masks fired and killed the captain but the general killed one then was shot in the heart. the two remaining masked men walked up and aimed at Alex's pod...and his head. Colt hit the pod button and Alex's pod shot into the tunnel just as plasma blasts hit the wall he had been against.

Alex sat in the pilot seat of his plane and was only six hours from Germany and his destination. Suddenly a alarm buzzed saying incoming missiles,Alex did a roll and hit the speed to maximum. The alarm went off more as the missiles came closer. Alex ran for the door grabbed his backpack and jumped out the door with a chute in hand. He was 40,000 feet off ground and watched the timer as it counted down....39,25,000 then he pulled the shoot at 15,000 and still landed hard on the field as his plane was blown sky high. “That your first landing?” said a odd voice. Alex jumped up and aimed his rifle at him. “Plz agent Stone lets not start killing each other yet” the man said sarcastically and with boredom. Alex raised a brow and looked at the man oddly....”agent Kovlek?” Alex asked courisly. Kovlek nodded and pointed with his AK-47 to a tunnel “this way my friend” he said and walked towards the tunnel. Alex shrugged and followed him into the dark tunnel. The tunnel was very dark,it felt oddly humid and the large stone stalagmites dripped water down to the cold stone floor. They walked down the tunnel for what seemed like hours,every now and again taking a different tunnel or a dropp off they would climb down or a spot they would climb up at,then back down.
Alex looked around inside the steel room they where in under the massive mountain they had gone into, it was solid steel,half a meter thick, and had weapons,uniforms and masks...all from the odd men that had plagued Alex since this mission started. “where did you get all this?” Alex asked with awe. “from many places...Germany,America,Britain,France,Africa,Russia,Australia all the major continents and world powers...” Kovlek said. Alex examined the equipment “they seem to have been everywhere...do you believe that they started all the major wars on earth?” Alex asked. “No I think they started because the people wanted them to not because some men in Halloween costumes blew some things up” Kovlek said. “So whats our next move?” Alex asked. “we need to find out more about these things...” Kovlek said.
“How?” Alex remarked “there everywhere but never show themselves”. Kovlek laughed grimly and opened a door showing a man with blond hair and was wearing a Nazi uniform. Alex looked at him “who is he?”. “he is Major Von Lan Sharkforth...one of Hitlers favorite SS troops and was rumored that he worked with odd mystery men that fit the description of your persures” Kovlek said. Alex was dumbstruck “Hes a Nazi? But he cant be that young!” Alex protested. “he was deep frozen in a lake near Berlin...must have jumped in there and froze solid...i found him when I was scuba diving looking for a lost war head”. The man woke up and started speaking in German. Kovlek slapped him hard and yelled “English so my friend here can understand!” The man looked angry but complied “you fools will die when Hitler's SS finds me they will-” Sharkforth was silenced when Kovlek punched him in the jaw. “Hitler is dead and the Nazi empire ended over fifty years ago!” Kovlek shouted at the shocked Sharkforth. Alex looked at him “you dealed with the men in the odd masks and robes...who are they!” Lan didn't respond. Kovlek hit him harder,no response, He was hit harder. “I will say nothing!” he screamed. But Kovlek only took a electric glove to him. Alex looked away as Lan screamed at the top of his lungs. Alex came back in after 15 minutes to find
Lan sweating and Kovlek seething. “tell us something or your going to go threw it AGIAN!” Kovlek screamed at Sharkforth. Sharkforth spat on his shoes and then the entire torture process went over again....

It had been three days and Sharkforth had said nothing. Starving,shocking,threats none worked. At last Alex walked up to him while Kovlek slept in the corner and started at him. Sharkforth was staring at his boots...red boots....his uniform was ruined and covered in blood and sweat from the torture Kovlek had been doing. At last he looked up and stared at him “w-w-what d-do yo-u w-an-t sc-um” Sharkforth mumbled pain all over his face. “why do you fight all the torture? Why don't you just tell Kovlek what he wants and stop suffering?” Alex asked,He had never been around torture jobs and had worked hard to avoid them. “Because I cant!” he managed to yell. “why?” Alex countered. “they will kill me and I will not let the earth be destroyed!” now Alex was curios “what do you mean 'destroy the world' ?”. Sharkforth cursed realizing he had said something. “Sharkforth all I want to know is what is going on and who they are” Alex protested. Sharkforth looked up “They call themselves the......Preventer's”
Alex had gotten only little information from Sharkforth. The Preventer's as they called themselves where a group of unknown,probably alien, terrorists. They had started The worst wars known to man and had been around since the medieval times. And now he had to stop them from assassinating president Rickson.

Alex landed in DC and was running to the white house with Kovlek right behind him. He got into the building running and flashing his top clearance badge to security. Alex busted into the presidents office and found the president laying in a pool of blood and a cloaked and masked figure staring at him. Alex dived into the office as the blast melted the door and the wall. He fired three times and hit him in the shoulder. The man aimed at him and fired blowing a hole into the floor as Kovlek fired at the man. The odd cloaked figure turned and fired melting Kovlek's arm and lower abdomen. Alex fired and the round hit the cloak in the back. Secret service entered the room aiming at him. The cloaked man tossed odd grenades at them then blew the windows and wall out then jumped out The hole. Alex pulled the president and fell down the hole in the floor as the grenades went off and the roof fell out from under them.

He looked at the president as he died and as he reached and gave him a small book “keep it safe” he whispered then his pulse ended and the hand went limp. Alex got up and left after closing the deceased president's eyes. He was driving to area 51 after reading the book. It gave much information on the 'Preventer's'. They where actually rouge soldiers from the year 8150 and where trying to stop the world from coming to a end by,ironically, starting wars and assassinating people that would make the small adjustments in starting Armageddon. They had assassinated Rickson because he was going to give up the documents to the world. Now there next goal was uncertain,but, he had a hunch that it was the book. He drove in showing the presidential pass and walked into the most secret and heavily guarded area in united states. They showed him to wing 165 a top secret wing that only the president and vice president could see. The room was bare except for a computer and several full suits of the Preventer's. He tried the computer and went threw the data. “hello” the computer said “you do not have clearance to this room” it finished. “stuff it or ill stuff you in to a trash compacter” Alex said as he searched threw the empty data banks, “where is the data!” he demanded. “the data is where you can always find it but not where you can take it,it is set in stone and is guarded by a great leader” the computer responded. Alex thought threw the riddle,where he could always find it but never take it,it is set in stone and is guarded by a great leader...” its in the Washington monument!” Alex exclaimed. “you have discovered the riddle but now you must be terminated....calling securi-” was all it got out before Alex shot it then walked over to the suits and grabbed the weapons and armor.

After a small run in with the soldiers at the door he made it to his car and floored it to Washington. He veered to the right hard as a missile nearly hit him. Why was there always a assassin chasing him with missiles and machine guns? The apache chased him threw Nevada as he avoided its fire. He saw a tunnel coming up. The apache fired a missile and hit a train next to him. Alex was flooring it hard as the train crashed in front of him. He fired a blast at the road and sent the car into the air from the blast then landed on the skidding metal train. Alex hit pettel to the metal as more 50 cal rounds hit around him. The metal was screeching under the car as he scraped across the train and left sparks behind him. A missile hit behind him as he flew off the train and into the tunnel,missing the roof by inches and the explosion made the tunnel collapse with flames chasing after him. He cleared the tunnel as the entire tunnel exploded and the apache continued shooting at him. Alex aimed his newly acquired plasma weapon and fired at the apache. It missed and the apache fired and nearly hit him with another missile. Alex aimed and missed as another missile hit the back and blew the back part of the cars metal off leaving the roof and most of the metal of the car gone exposing the trunk and back of the car. Alex aimed and fired as the copter raked machine gun rounds at him. The blast hit the co-pilot seat and caused the entire helicopter to explode into a ball of fire and crash to the ground. “Sweat!” Alex yelled as he continued on to Washington DC.
© Copyright 2009 BJS (james8000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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