Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1571686-The-Third-Boon
Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1571686
A wizard bestows his beautiful Maharani with magical powers.

Maharani Padma (Virpur State,450 - 520 A.D.), one of the loveliest women of her times.

Image Copyrighted to Artas or Paul Antonescu

Writer's Note: This story is based in medieval India. In order to recreate the aura of that period and that geography, some native words have been liberally used. The same have been highlighted within the narration and a glossary has been added at the end to explain their meanings.

Chapter 1

"Mirror! Mirror! On the wall! Who is the loveliest of them all?"

Maharani Padma posed a silent question to the full length mirror in her Shringar Kaksh. The looking glass' gilded edges reflected the flickering illumination of the oil lamps. An enormous and heavy curtain hung vertically from the roof. Two slaves stationed outside the room swayed the curtain back and forth, tugging at the ends of a thick cord tied to it. Their efforts generated an artificial breeze that kept the environment within the Kaksh cool and pleasant.

"My lady, you really ought to be more careful. Cold water makes your skin so dry," observed an attendant, gently wiping her mistress' body using a soft towel.

"But the Maharani never heeds our words." A girl clicked her tongue with concern.

"Not to worry. I have just the right remedy," smiled a handmaiden as she applied a fragrant concoction on Padma's bare skin.

"What is it?" someone asked.

"Mixture of rose water and honey. And in the evening I have arranged an almond oil massage for Her Highness," she beamed.

She threw her attendants an indulgent smile, content with the fuss they were making over her. Pleased with her reflection in the glass, she knew that though not a magic mirror, her image in it was the true reply to her query. There was no lovelier lady than Padma in the whole of India.

"Today you should wear the red choli, Madam," suggested a woman.

"And the blue lehnga," proposed another.

The Maharani nodded and the ladies proceeded to dress her.

"Hurry up girls. Her Highness is getting late for the durbar," chided an elderly attendant, who seemed to be the chief. Selecting a diamond necklace, she clasped it around the Maharani's long neck.

A maid lifted the ends of Padma's lustrous black hair while another held a pot of burning incense underneath. The smoke from the smoldering flames dried and perfumed her glorious tresses while a girl passed a silver comb through them. Suddenly, the Maharani shrieked with pain. A strand of hair, getting stuck in the comb had broken off. Aware of her notorious temper, the chattering and bantering of the maids drowned in an eerie stillness. They gaped at their ruler with dread, as she got up from her seat.

Her hazel eyes which could otherwise put a doe to shame brimmed with rage and her lovely face contorted into a visage of fury. The errant girl collapsed to her knees, begging for forgiveness. The Maharani snatched the comb and fondly touched the hair still entwined in it, a wistful look on her countenance, as her fingers traced the length of the broken strand.

"Forgive me, please!" sobbed the offending maid, holding her mistress' hand.

After a terrifying pause, Padma gently caressed the girl's face.

"God bless you, my lady!" she sobbed, reassured at the kind treatment. All the other maids also heaved sighs of relief.

Padma's sensuous mouth curled into a mysterious grin. Suddenly, she raised the comb and before anyone could realize, struck it with brutal force upon the unsuspecting girl's face. The sharp teeth ripped the flesh of her cheek and blood spurted copiously from the ghastly wound.

"Ahh....!" the maid yelled as the severe pain numbed her senses.

Padma signaled to an attendant, who clapped her hands. Two guards, who were invisible so far, emerged from the darkness. Unmindful of the hapless girl's pitiful wails, they dragged her away.

"Leave me! Let me go! Forgive me please!" Her shrill cries for mercy rended the silence of the Kaksh.

"The bitch hurts my peace!" screamed Padma, putting her hands over her ears. One of the guards clamped his heavy hand on the girl's mouth, suppressing her voice. They led her away to the dungeons to be beaten and tortured.

The Maharani returned to her seat. The attendants, trembling at her cruelty, returned to their tasks, behaving as if nothing had transpired.

Chapter 2

An usher pre-announced their ruler's arrival in the durbar causing the din to settle down.

Amidst the blowing of trumpets and conches, Padma departed her Shringar Kaksh. An attendant walked behind her, holding an ornate umbrella above her head. The courtiers greeted their Maharani's entry with silent groans and muffled sighs. It would take a stoic to be not swayed by that face and form.

The red choli strained to hold her well-proportioned bosom. She wore a heavily embroidered lehnga. Jewel-encrusted shoes adorned her feet. Over her bare shoulders lay a translucent mulmul chunri, the middle portion of which folded over her chest like a garland, making a feeble attempt to conceal her ample cleavage. Her bare midriff permitted a fortunate glimpse of her smooth skin, slender waist and sweet navel. Her waist-length hair was tied above her head, over which sat a jeweled crown. Bedecked in diamonds and gold, she looked no less than an angel and the onlookers gazed at her divine face and dusky complexion with unabashed adulation.

She approached the throne, the gentle swaying of her shapely hips, stirring the loins of everyone present. The seductive vision could inspire sin in the minds of even the Gods. Surrounded by her bevy of adoring courtiers, Maharani Padma, the sovereign ruler of the province of Virpur in India assumed her seat and signaled for the proceedings to begin.

"We have good news Maharani," spoke the Prime Minister, clearing his throat.

"The farmers' rebellion has been crushed and we have captured their leader Jai Singh," he declared.

Padma knew that the farmers had rebelled against the increased taxes she had recently imposed. They were protesting because the failed rains had led to a drought and the additional burden would cripple them.

"Good news indeed! I would like to hold an immediate trial for the criminal," she announced.

A heavily chained Jai Singh was brought before the Maharani who eyed his dark features with interest. Years of hard life had left their imprint on his face, making him look older than he actually was. Rippling muscles adorned his bare torso and the fetters did little to shroud his defiant spirit.

"Do you have anything to say?" Padma condescended, enjoying the humiliation of her bold adversary. She wished the brave man to beg for his life. Maybe, she would pronounce a lighter sentence.

"Your school of art and music is not more important than the happiness of the people. Go to their homes and see. You live in splendor," Jai Singh waved his hand at the opulence around him, before continuing, "While they barely survive in abject misery."

A deathly silence greeted this stunning announcement. The young leader had voiced the discontent of a large part of the kingdom's population, including the courtiers. Courage, which the ministers of Virpur lacked, had blessed this young man in abundance and his incarceration had not dimmed it even a bit.

"What do you know about art and music!" screeched Padma, infuriated by his bold criticism of her dream project.

Jai Singh responded to her hysterical outburst with a scornful smile.

Wild with rage and reeling under this affront, Padma pronounced the death sentence.

Contrary to her expectations, this terrible announcement failed to ruffle him. His calm appearance provoked her even further.

"Remove him from my sight!" she hollered.

An uneasy quiet descended after the guards had led Jai Singh away.

"I need permission to leave for the eastern border, Your Highness." Vikram Singh broke the silence.

Padma turned her gaze to the Commander of her armed forces.

"Our spies have information that the neighboring kingdom is involved in a military buildup. I would like to leave tomorrow morning with the army."

"Anything serious?"

"Could be, Maharani."

"Vanquish them, Commander."

Chapter 3

Deep in to the night, while his wife and children slept, Vikram Singh performed some mysterious rituals in his secret chambers, trying to appease the Goddess. Few people knew that he was an accomplished tantric with magical powers. Something about Jai Singh had troubled him and he wanted to use his esoteric skills to fathom the cause of his discomfort. He sighed when he read the future.

Padma tossed about on her bed, unable to sleep. The memories of Jai Singh's irreverence haunted her mind. She would not be content by simply taking his life. It was his spirit she wanted to subdue. Only that would be the fitting revenge for her insult in the durbar today. She rose from her bed.

Dejected at having let his followers down, Jai Singh stared at the darkness above him, lying on his stone bed. His mind reflected upon the events of the morning. Surprisingly, his resolute mind was obsessed with visions of the Maharani's beauty. It seemed as if the God of Love had chiseled her at leisure. Only if that same God had also remembered to put in a heart!

To his utter amazement the prison door opened and the woman of his thoughts walked in, holding a lamp. Startled, he sat up, his heart beating fast. Closing the door behind her, Padma moved close to him. Enchanted, he gazed upon her, the wavering light from the lamp illuminating her lovely visage.

"You think I know not my responsibilities!" She confronted him.

"The sight of his misery shall give me great comfort!" she justified to herself the purpose of this midnight tryst with her handsome foe. Although her mind kept denying it, the rebel leader had caught her imagination and she hoped to ensnare him with her physical charm.

"If you did, you would not do what you are doing," he retorted. Though, under the spell of her beauty, his spirit was indomitable.

"An illiterate bumpkin will teach me to rule my kingdom!" she snorted. She felt a strong urge to caress his hairy chest.

"I can, if you would care to! You would need to spend the night in prison. I will make you a better ruler by the morning," he sneered, standing up.

Padma felt she had been slapped. She had believed that in the privacy of his cell, he would beg for her forgiveness. But neither her regal status nor her uncommon beauty could subdue his intrepid spirit. Her ego bruised, she felt bitter and frustrated. Her shoulders drooped and for a moment her chunri shifted, revealing her deep cleavage. He shifted uncomfortably and she could feel his lustful eyes on her bosom.

She made no attempt to cover her breasts and instead exulted that his defence had at last crumbled. In a bold move she moved the lamp closer to her chest, offering an inviting view. She could hear his labored breathing.

Delighted about the spell she had at last cast over her antagonist, she reveled under his hungry stare. At the same time, though not shocked by her body's reaction, she did feel uneasy about the rising stickiness between her legs. In the pregnant silence of the partially illuminated room, the two leaders stood separated by an unbridgeable chasm. She finally found the courage to lock gazes with him. Embarrassed, he looked away, but not before she had caught the desire in his eyes. His want stirred her own needs and the subtle scent of her arousal spread in the air. Knowing that he could smell her also, she felt her nipples stretch against her satin choli. Her knees felt weak and gripped by an unknown fear, she fled from that place.

Padma was breathless by the time she reached the safety of her bedchambers. Trembling with want, she wished her lover would be present to take her in his arms. Standing before the mirror, she removed her choli and cupped her full breasts, tweaking the nipples between her fingers. The gratifying sensations stoked her hungers even more. She walked up to the bed, her soft melons heaving. Raising the lehnga to her waist, she lay upon the soft mattress. She touched her aching womanhood and brought the hand to her nose, inhaling the wild smell of her arousal. Closing her eyes, she imagined his lust bound by fetters as her finger pleasured her sensitive nub. Someone knocked at the entrance. Only one person had access to her private quarters at this hour. Expectantly, she opened the door.

Vikram Singh stood in the doorway. A smile formed on her beautiful face in sheer relief. She held his hands and led him into the room, closing the door behind her. The two kissed with passion, undressing each other with urgency. The Maharani lay on her back, as her Commander mounted her. She held his engorged manhood in her hands and positioned it at her entrance. He slid in easily, surprised at her arousal and buried himself into her to the hilt. He lowered his face to kiss her sensuous mouth as she moved her pelvis in tandem to his every thrust.

Vikram Singh was Maharani Padma's commander, protector, friend, confidant and lover. He was her father's commander and when the king passed away, Padma succeeded him. Greedy aspirants to the throne saw this as an opportunity as they reasoned that the young Maharani would be no match for their intrigue and treachery. All their ambitions were thwarted by Vikram Singh's loyalty. The young Maharani blossomed under his protection and tutelage. It was only a matter of time before his valor and her beauty formed a hotbed of passion and the two commenced an illicit affair.

Basking in the aftermath of their lovemaking, she was now lying on his chest. The warmth and softness of her naked body pleased him and he enveloped her in his arms. His mind worried about what he had seen of the future.

"Padma," he started in a grave tone

"What darling?" She looked into his eyes.

"You have to be careful, when I am gone. There is a lot of discontent in the kingdom because of the taxes. Perhaps you should reconsider," he cajoled.

She cast him a petulant look. "You know how important the art and music school is to me."

Vikram Singh ran his hands through her hair as she buried her face in his chest. Knowing her passion for the school, he did not have the heart to discourage her. He stroked her bare back, wishing he could protect her at all times.

"You are worried about me. Why don't you use your Tantra and give me special powers," she giggled, raising her pretty head.

The suggestion bothered him, but he suppressed his disquiet. Evaluating the pros and cons, he reached a quick decision.

"Ask for three boons," he proffered.

Amused by the offer, Padma pretended to rack her mind.

"Be serious!" Vikram frowned.

She sat up on the bed, intrigued by his testiness. Thinking aloud, she said "If I am ever attacked by wild animals, I should be able to protect myself. If ever I look for someone or something, I should be able to find my path. If ever I am threatened by my enemies, I should be able to control their minds."

He whispered the secret mantras into his lovely protégée's ears who burst out laughing. "No way can I remember that."

Vikram Singh sighed at her frivolous behavior. "She doesn't see the danger," he worried. He removed her diamond ring, chanted something into it and slipped it back on to her finger again.

"What was that," she asked innocently.

"This ring will give you all the powers that you seek."

"No!" she squealed. "I cannot wear the same ring every day."

He raised his hands in exasperation. Left with no other choice, he pinned her naked body on to the bed, face downward. He kissed her hips, sliding his tongue between the cheeks. He lingered there for some time as he loved the smell of her arousal. Next he rolled her on to her back. Alternatively, cupping each breast at a time, he suckled and fondled them. Finally he applied his mouth between her thighs, darting his tongue inside.

Delighted with these acts, Padma squealed like a young girl. She thought that her lover was experimenting with some new technique of foreplay. Highly aroused, she tried to take him in her arms. But Vikram had other ideas. He addressed her in a voice that forced her to listen.

"Padma, listen carefully. I have blessed the special powers into your body. If you are ever attacked by an animal, you have to go down on your fours like one and expose your hips to the sun. The sunrays falling on your naked bottom will scare the beasts away. If you ever seek something in the night, you have to expose your bosom to the moon. The moon rays gliding off your breasts will show you the right path. If you are ever threatened by an enemy, you have to expose your breasts, hips and your womanhood. Your enemies will fall asleep."

The Maharani thought this was some joke. Too hot to care, she pulled her lover to bed and straddled him. He moaned with pleasure as she buried his rigid shaft into her velvety sheath. His fingers fondled and played with her rounded jewels, as she commenced a pleasurable ride.

Chapter 4

Early morning, Vikram Singh left with his army for the border. As if the absence of her lover was not enough, Padma received further bad news. Jai Singh had escaped. Livid with the news, Padma ordered all the prison guards to be beheaded. Not trusting anybody with the task of chasing the fugitive in her commander's absence, she decided to lead the pursuit herself.

Well-trained by Vikram Singh, the Maharani was no novice. She selected a team of fifty able-bodied and skilled horsemen. At the break of dawn, they galloped into the dense forests of Virpur where they expected Jai Singh would be hiding. By mid-afternoon, they had reached deep inside the jungles. One of the horses tripped, and the rider fell off.

Padma rode up to the soldier and getting down from her horse, helped the man back on to his feet. The soldiers were surprised at this impromptu act of kindness from their Maharani who had a reputation for cruelty. The fallen man thanked his leader, not seeing her raised hand. When the hard slap landed on his cheek, he turned crimson with shame.

"Incompetent fool!" she derided, her exquisite features assuming a garb of rage.

They rode on in silence after that incident. No one had the courage to challenge the Maharani, but internally they were all simmering with discontent. They came across a river where they decided to stop and rest for some time, before riding further. The animals would need to drink too.

For reasons of expediency, Padma had not brought any female attendant. They would not be able to ride horses and would prove to be a liability. A curtain had been brought to protect the Maharani's privacy. Two soldiers stood some distance apart, each holding one end of the makeshift partition.

On the other side Padma prepared for her bath, unaware that the soldiers enamored of her beauty would not resist the temptation to view her luscious curves. After the incident of the morning, they were all upset and had punched small holes in the curtain from where they planned to peep at her swimming in the buff.

Facing the river, the Maharani first took off her boots. Next, she unfastened her headband and shaking her head, allowed the glorious tresses to cascade down her shoulders. Her back to the curtain, she first removed her hunting shirt and then stretched her hands behind to untie the knot of her choli. Her waist-length black hair shielded her bare back from the soldiers' inquisitive eyes. A tug at the strings of the harem pants and they heaped at her feet in an instant, exposing her smooth posterior. Cupping the cheeks of her bottom, she squeezed gently to relieve the weariness from the horse riding, oblivious of fifty pairs of lusty eyes lapping up her every move.

Trotting a few steps, she plunged into the river. The cold water relieved all the fatigue in her body. The soldiers watched her swim with gay abandon, before she returned to the bank to lather herself. They saw her stand up and soap her smooth hips, before diving back again. When she finally waded out, the men were rewarded with a full frontal view. Her shapely and firm rounded-jewels rose and fell gently as she walked. The soldiers were delighted to see her shaved womanhood and their eyes devoured the clear view of her plump nether lips.

It was too much for them to resist. Never before had they seen a woman so beautiful, and to see her stark naked! Desperate for relief, many of them released their hardness and began masturbating. Women have an uncanny sixth sense. Her head tipped, Padma was drying her hair, when she felt 'watched'. Her almond-shaped eyes detected the flickering of the eyeballs at the holes in the curtain. Beside herself with rage, she marched toward it and pulled it down, momentarily forgetting that she did not have even a thread on her body. An amazing sight greeted her. Well-bodied men in various states of undress moaned blissfully, their eyes half-closed, as they stroked their rigid members.

Chapter 5

"What the hell is going on?" Padma thundered.

The semi-naked men froze on the spot, some of them still holding their erections. In the ominous silence, none of them dared to look at her face. Realizing her stark nakedness, she hurried back to where her clothes lay scattered on the ground. Quickly she put on the harem pants and her boots. Next she tried wearing the choli, which proved difficult. She signaled to one of the soldiers to come near. She held the piece of cloth on her chest and asked him to tie the ends at her back. Not believing his luck, the man did as told, his shaking hands momentarily grazing her bare back. His companions stared at him with envy.

Getting dressed, the Maharani returned to face her soldiers. Her eyes betrayed her distaste for them, but being an intelligent woman she carefully evaluated her position. She knew that the slapping incident earlier would have already made her unpopular. Too much of high-handedness could instigate a revolt. They could rape and kill her in the middle of the forest or even join Jai Singh's army. She hatched a plan to turn the situation into her advantage.

"If you help me capture Jai Singh, I will pardon all of you. There will also be a handsome reward for every member of this team," she vouched, her voice composed and sincere.

"Forgive us, Maharani! You are so kind" one of the men fell at her feet and cried with relief.

"We will lay down our lives for you, Your highness!" declared another, collapsing to his knees.

"We were foolish. You are our ruler. We will protect you forever!"

Overjoyed with Padma's announcement, the men all rallied around their leader. Being simple folk, they were immensely relieved that she had pardoned them. Padma suppressed a smile at their gullibility. She knew that they meant every word. Once back in the capital she would put them to death. But till then she planned to exploit and use them.

Led by the Maharani, the group rode in silence, their speed considerably diminished by the hostile terrain. She was feeling restless because not only had they failed to find any trace of Jai Singh, but her mind kept reflecting upon the incident at the river. The sight of so many semi-naked men had turned her on and she wished to be in Vikram Singh's arms. The thought that the soldiers were fantasizing about her body stimulated her own arousal. She gently touched her breasts, hoping that the men would not see. Her bewilderment knew no bounds when she tried visualizing their secret dreams about her.

All of a sudden, terrifying sounds pierced the stillness of the forest and looking around they saw a bloodcurdling sight. A herd of wild elephants had surrounded them. Trumpeting angrily, the massive animals attacked Padma's army, trampling the soldiers under their enormous feet. The men tried to defend themselves with their arrows and swords, but the tuskers were too many in number.

Padma watched in dismay her forces get decimated when she remembered her lover's words.

"If you are ever attacked by an animal, you have to go down on your fours like one and expose your hips to the sun. The sunrays falling on your bottom will scare the beasts away."

Some sunlight filtered in through the thick foliage. Padma dismounted her horse and walked towards the elephants.

"No, Maharani," one soldier shrieked.

"They will kill you!"

"Please turn back."

Their horror turned to amazement when they saw the Maharani remove her shoes. The fact that they were watching farther fuelled her hatred for them. They would get to enjoy her shame one more time. But one furious elephant approached her, and she had to be quick. She removed her harem pants. Her labia and derriere were again exposed as the hunting shirt reached just below her navel.

She got down on her fours and raised her bottom to the sun, providing the soldiers with a delightful vision of her royal charms. In the darkness of the forest, the sunlight kissed Padma's bottom, making it appear like a celestial fruit. The sight of that round, smooth and flawless hips transported the men to a world of dreams and desire. Momentarily, they forgot their imminent deaths.

The animals suddenly stopped in their tracks, as if struck by lightning. Their trumpets turned into whimpers and they started backing away. Wanting to ensure that the magic's effects would sustain, Padma remained on fours for a long time even after the elephants had left. She had suffered heavy casualties, and could not afford any further chances.

All the men grouped behind her like children at a candy store. Some of them involuntarily rubbed over the arousal in their pants while others salivated at the sight of her delicious derriere. Their eyes fixated upon the sweet slit partitioning the round cheeks. Feeling their eyes, Padma could feel her blood boil and her hatred for them increased further. When she sensed their lust, anxiety built inside her. But when she realized how erotic the scenario was, her excitement rose simultaneously. To her amazement, she found the men's desires and her own embarrassment act like a powerful aphrodisiac. She knew that the men could smell it as they approached closer to inhale the scent of her heat. The thought that each of those men wanted her, convoluted her mind with need and she worried that they could clearly see drops of her arousal glistening on the fat outer lips guarding her feminity.

The shrill cry of some birds shook them out of their reverie. Shocked at her body's response, Padma stood up in a flash and got dressed. She felt her juice wet her pants and hoped that a stain had not formed there. The men also came back to their senses and fell at her feet out of sheer gratitude for saving their lives. She bid them to rise and assess the casualties. They had lost seventeen men.

Chapter 6

They rode on in silence. Padma was beginning to get worried. Her forces were depleted and it would soon be dark. They could not even turn back as they were much too deep inside the forests and far away from the capital. They decided to camp for the night at a small clearing. The hard bed was no match for the soft bed of quilts she was accustomed to. The strange sound of animals produced an eerie effect and prevented her from sleeping. Since the elephants had destroyed most of their provisions she had been forced to partake of a frugal meal of fruits and honey, which the men had collected from the forest.

While pondering over the incidents of the day, she felt frustrated when her libido begged to be quenched. "Oh, Vikram! Where are you my love?" she sighed.

She had no choice. The sexual tension in her body had transgressed limits of self-control. She extinguished the oil lamp in her tent and lowered her pants. In the darkness her hand moved to her slit, sticky with juices. She rubbed the puffed lips, moaning gently, thinking of the soldiers fantasizing about her in their beds. She removed her hunting shirt and choli and pressed her soft mangoes. Her hands were cupped over her breasts when she remembered her lover's second boon.

"If you ever seek something in the night, you have to expose your bosom to the moon. The moon rays gliding off your breasts will show you the right path."

Excited, Padma just pulled up her pants and raced out into the open. The sight of the full moon renewed her hopes. She addressed the man standing guard outside her tent. The poor fellow could not believe his luck as he got a wonderful view of her titties.

"Gather everyone immediately," she ordered and rushed back into her tent. The Maharani was already on her horse by the time the soldiers assembled.

"We leave immediately," she commanded.

The men gawked at this exquisite sight. A lovely woman with her rounded jewels exposed, mounted on a white horse in the backdrop of the forest under the full moon. They were no poets, but they all felt the rush of inspiration. This time they got a much closer view of her abundant and shapely breasts, the moonlight making them look like silver jugs. They stood stunned, hypnotized by her dark brown nipples and coin sized, chocolate colored areola. The cold breeze made the nipples erect. Neither did they have any idea what she was up to nor did they care. They had all fallen in love.

For the first time on the trail, Padma bore them no ill-will. Instead, she felt affectionate toward them as they gaped at her beauty.

"Go, get ready," she said this time in a soft voice, which shattered the daze of the soldiers.

As Padma marched under the moon her horse chose a strange direction of its own volition. The men didn't know this path, but by now they had full confidence in their leader. Under the spell of her loveliness, her haughtiness was forgiven and they were all prepared to lay down their lives for her sake.

Regret clouded Padma's mind. "Why could I not learn the mantras or why did I have to be so fastidious about my diamond ring?" she thought. Self-pity engulfed her mind. The great Maharani Padma whom the entire kingdom held in awe and reverence was cavorting nude in front of her soldiers! A tear trickled down her eyes, which soon turned into a torrent.

A breeze made her tremble and she crossed arms across her chest to ward off the cold. Immediately the horse stopped and she knew why. The moon needed to see her breasts. Tearfully, she moved her arms away and the horse resumed its trot.

It led them atop a small hillock where they could see a settlement below. Padma knew that this was Jai Singh's abode. She now wore back her choli. She did not have to signal to anyone. A man came and stood behind her as she held the tiny cloth on her bosom. He tied it behind her back. She put on her shirt and addressed her soldiers.

"Jai Singh hides below," she motioned.

Her men knew she was right.

"But Your Highness, we have to assess his strengths." The head of the band had finally found his voice.

"You are right. But we have no choice. Soon it will be daytime and we will be discovered. Surprise is our only weapon," Padma explained.

They split their small army into groups and decided to attack from different sides. The Maharani had seen a lot in her young age and had faced death many times. But she knew that this time it would be different because Vikram Singh would not be by her side.

Chapter 7

The head soldier had been right. They were hopelessly outnumbered. Padma was captured alive and all her men were slaughtered.

She was presented before Jai Singh who was surrounded by his cohorts. They all jeered and booed at the Maharani

"The bitch," one voice said.

"Look at that slut hanging her head in shame," another voice taunted.

"Strip her and make her walk naked," a drunken man exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, yes," a chorus was heard.

"She exploits us. Our children cry in hunger while she whores with her commander."

The last comment stung her. She had always believed that her affair with Vikram was a secret. The hapless woman had no idea that public figures cannot have a private life.

She started sobbing which excited the crowd even more.

Jai Singh was seated on a wooden chair which his followers were treating like a throne. He got up and raised his hand. As if by magic, the crowd fell silent.

He looked at Padma." So we meet again, Maharani!" The voice was dipped in sarcasm.

"I must admit that you have courage, unlike your courtiers. You come out in to the jungle to catch me! You must be mad," he declared.

"I know that you do not want to learn from an illiterate farmer like me. But let me tell you something. Your men do what you tell them out of fear. These men," he waved to the crowd before continuing, "Will do what I tell them, out of respect and love. They trust me as I work for their betterment."

Padma could not raise her head to face him. Never before had anyone humiliated her so much.

"Take her away," Jai Singh commanded.

Chapter 8

Padma lay on the hard bed of her prison cell. Resigned to her fate, she only prayed for death to embrace her without any further humiliation. Tired of the trials and tribulations of the day, she fell asleep, in spite of the inhospitable conditions of her room.

Angry, harsh voices outside the room woke her up. Sensing their malicious intent, a pall of sweat broke across her body.

"Drag out the slut," the first voice said.

"We should enjoy her royal fruits," the second one opined.

"Let her dance naked for us," lusted the third.

The prison door open and she saw them enter. They were drunk and she almost fainted on smelling their foul breath. They clutched her hair and dragged her out.

Outside a big crowd waited and jeered. She was dragged to the center of an open enclosure. Shattered and scared, she lay on the ground like an animal, the bright moon above exposing her misery to all present. She felt hungry, thirsty and cold. But the men would not have any mercy.

"Get up," they commanded. She did as they asked.

The men could see from her red eyes that she had been crying. But she still looked lovely. Nature had gifted her in so much abundance that it would take a lot more misery to dim her charm. Her loose hair reached her waist.

The men all drew closer to her like a magnet. They had never seen so much beauty before.

A sharp sword was held at her throat. "Remove your clothes," the voice beside that sword said.

She stood there defiantly. The sword dug a bit deeper grazing her smooth skin. "Do it."

She had no choice. She brought her hands to her shirt. The sword moved away. Several pairs of lusty eyes saw her unbutton her shirt and cast it away. The men groaned when they saw the bare skin below that shirt. Those in front of her saw her smooth and deep cleavage. The others behind could see flashes of her smooth skin beneath strands of black hair.

"Turn you bitch," they jeered.

She turned around. Someone started playing a musical instrument.

"Dance you whore," they commanded.

Padma's subjects knew that she was a skilled dancer. She started dancing to the tune of the music.

"We want to see your fruits," one voice commanded and the others clapped in unison.

She stopped and cried, "I beg of you. Kill me if you want, but do not make me do this."

Taunts and boos greeted her cries.

"Watch the great Padma beg. What happened when we requested you to waive your stupid taxes," someone from the crowd said.

The sword appeared again."Show us this," the voice said poking at her breasts with the sword.

She gave in and reached her hands behind to untie the choli. She felt like a whore now. She resumed her dance to the tune of the music, her ripe breasts springing with her steps. The men were all groaning and moaning.

"Warm my bed, Padma," a lascivious tone insulted.

"I wish I could touch her," another man said.

Padma sobbed and danced, her shapey assets pendulating merrily.

"Remove your pants," a voice laughed.

"Yes, yes, yes," there was a huge commotion.

Padma knew she had no choice. Soon her pants lay on the ground and she stepped away from them in all her naked glory. Her tears had stopped as she was devoid of any feeling now. Her humiliation had been deep and complete. She made no attempt to hide her crown jewels. Her breasts, hips and womanhood were all exposed for the pleasure of those lustful eyes.

It was then that she remembered the third boon.

"If you are ever threatened by an enemy, you have to expose your breasts, hips and your womanhood. Your enemies will fall asleep."

The realization brought her back to her senses. She knew that her deliverance would be swift. Her lover had not failed her on the previous two occasions and he would not fail her now.

Her haughtiness returned in the confidence of her lover's magical prowess. She stood up more arrogantly, unmindful of her nudity, looking forward to her revenge. She was to be disappointed.

"Stop it!" roared a voice which marked out its owner immediately as the leader of men. It belonged to Jai Singh.

The music, the booing and the jeering, all stopped and an eerie silence descended upon the crowd. They parted and allowed him to reach to the center where Padma was standing. He took it all in, in a swift movement of his eyes. Her naked body, her lose hair, the sorrow in her eyes, and her dried tears.

He removed his uttariya from his shoulders, and draped it around her naked body. Padma noticed that his eyes were moist.

"Forgive me, Maharani. I wasn't around. I just returned. I.m ashamed at the behavior of my men." His voice choked with emotion.

He signaled, and some women appeared to lead Padma away.

Next morning, Padma was housed in a much more comfortable room. Bathed and fed, she felt much better. She was dressed like an ordinary village woman. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Jai Singh entered the room.

"Maharani Padma, we have made arrangements for your departure. My men will lead you to your palace." he informed.

"I will never forget your gesture, Jai Singh," she responded, tears welling up in her eyes at his kindness.

"I've no place for men who do not respect women. The soldiers who humiliated you have been punished." He could not help steal glances at her sweet face as he spoke. Dressed simply, she looked even more divine. He had never heard her speak kindly before. But today her voice sounded like a melodious harp.

"You are a kind man. You saved my honor, though I ......" Her sentence drowned in her sobs.

"Calm down, Maharani. You are safe now," he cajoled, his voice tinged with feeling. His heart melted on seeing her cry and he had a strong urge to take her in his arms.

He cursed himself for feeling so sentimental. Making a desperate attempt to subdue his emotions, he again put up a show of defiance.

"This doesn't mean that we will not continue our fight. I'll continue to lead my people against your unfair taxes and policies," he warned.

For the first time in her life Padma was falling in love with a man other than Vikram Singh. She gazed shyly at his handsome features. He looked regal in his simple antariya. His torso was covered by a uttariya, but the strength in that body was evident. His eyes were bright and kind and she wanted to rush into his arms. "Only if he would hold me, even for a moment..." she wished.

Jai Singh's men returned her to the safety of her palace. She called for an emergency meeting of her courtiers. In the presence of all her ministers, Maharani Padma issued an ordinance that would immediately lift the additional taxes she had levied on her subjects. The school of dance and music would still continue. But she would finance it with her personal jewellery.

There was widespread rejoicing in the kingdom. People held prayers to pray for the safety and long life of their Maharani.

Far away inside the forests, Jai Singh received the news with relief and happiness. He did not have the heart to fight this beautiful woman any more. He felt a joy in his heart which he had never known before. He could never forget the way she had looked at him before he had sent her away. The love and admiration in those eyes would be his cherished treasure for life.

Maharani Padma lay on her couch. She could not sleep. She was confused. She had never expected to be in love with two men at the same time. But she had no control over her heart. She wondered why the third boon of Vikram Singh had not manifested.

Vikram Singh had not told her that the third boon would not work against him who truly loved her, even if she considered him her enemy. He had also conveniently forgotten to mention that he would no longer have any special powers from the moment he had blessed her. For the first time on the battlefield he would have to rely only on his martial skills. But he was not concerned. Nothing mattered more to him than the security of Virpur and the well-being of its ruler whom he loved more than his own life.


Shringar Kaksh : A woman's dressing room

Choli: In contemporary India the choli is a midriff-baring blouse worn along with the sari.The choli is cut to fit tightly to the body and has short sleeves with a low neck. The choli is usually cropped, allowing exposure of the navel. In medieval India cholis were different. Back then choli was a piece of cloth that only covered the bust and tied in the back for support, leaving the shoulders and arms bare. The choli I refer to in my story, is of the last type.

Lehnga: A long formal or ceremonial skirt worn by Indian women.

Chunri: This is also called dupatta. It is a long, multi-purpose scarf traditionally worn across both shoulders. However, it can also be worn like a cape around the entire torso. There are various modes of wearing an unsewn chunri. When not draped over the head in the traditional style, it is usually worn with the middle portion of the chunri resting on the bosom like a garland with both ends thrown over each respective shoulder. It is essentially supposed to be an additional layer of clothing over the choli to protect a woman's modesty.

Antariya: Antariya was the modern dhoti type main garment varying in size. Antariya was worn on the lower part of the body below the waist as the male dhoti in modern times. For those wondering what is dhoti, it is a rectangular piece of unstitched cloth, usually around 7 yards long, wrapped around the waist and the legs, and knotted at the waist.

Uttariya : An uttariya is a piece of dress in ancient India. It is scarf-like, and descends from the back of the neck to curl around both arms, and can be used to drape the top half of the body. It was usually made of fine cotton, but almost never of silk.

Tantric / Tantra: Someone who knows Tantra. Tantra is a religious philosophy according to which Shakti (Strength) is usually the main deity worshipped, and the universe is regarded as the divine play of shakti and shiva.(Hindu God of destruction).The word Tantra also applies to any of the scriptures commonly identified with the worship of Shakti. Tantrics in ancient India were supposed to be bestowed with special powers from their practice of tantra.

Mulmul: Mulmul or muslin is a very fine plain weave cotton fabric.

In addition I have used the following words frequently. These words have today become a part of the English dictionary, But I would still like to define them.

Maharani: Empress

Durbar: Court

The name of the central protagonist Padma means lotus in Sanskrit.

Word Count:7574
© Copyright 2009 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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