//Shoes// Last time I visited seashore I decided to change my shoes As the swelling foam of the last returned waves dusted off the shoes and cleaned off tiny stars twinkling as a result of water spits since I attended than last marriage reception. Probably I have polished it regularly the first month of its Journey from the showcase to my shoe stand, including the soles. But the story is two years old. I never imagined then that I would One day completely try to remove the shoes from my mind. Even when, two toad -couple tenants have made it their igloo since the winter. I knew the shoes are the better index of a man than the man’s face. It is what the homosexual class teacher taught us in the class room in the pre-schooling. For last couple of months A few days before the salary is received I usually make an unseen miscellaneous Calculation over the theme and tone of my sized shoes I have seen form the other side of transparent glass At a shoe house; And strike out the whole note book Right from the time some notes are pocketed as salary. The bare needs to keep a home safe and intact And the expenses to let m child grow To a responsible citizen, And the womanish perspectives of the spouse Paint my shoes for a dream. I still insist, the shoe is a necessity, Especially for an Underground geography. ******* |