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Rated: E · Novella · LGBTQ+ · #1571148
when 3 different boys become friend.....wonders happen
im thinking of putting like, 7 chapters in this so remember the story is not over yet! this is actually just the beginning of the middle............if that makes sense.....

“So, you’re a devil prince from hell nick?” I said. I was so mystified by my two new wonderful friends I could not believe. “Yup! Sure am. And proud of it!” he responded, a snide smile on his face. “And you Adrian, “I continued, “were and angel but you were kicked out of heaven because you weren’t perfect?” I was a bit puzzled over Adrian’s excuse. “Well, not exactly I still am an angel I just don’t live in heaven anymore. See this necklace around my neck?” he said. He touched a beautiful silver ring around his neck, so I leaned over and lightly touched it too. It felt like silk except it was hard. It was simply exquisite. “It’s beautiful.” I murmured, “But what is it? Do all angels wear a necklace like this?” He looked at me with loving eyes. His eyes were simply gorgeous with their greenish blue color like a sea after a storm. “Well Jeremy, actually this is my halo.” He said. He smiled, showing his pure white teeth. I could not figure out what was so imperfect about him. “Ok guys,” nick finally piped up,” I don’t know about you but I am more tired than a man carrying a coffin all by himself for eleven miles. So, I say we turn in, you guys dig?” all three of us laughed and found a spot to lie down. Adrian curled himself up in the floor near the window and nick obviously took the couch so I was left to sleep in the chair. Not a bad place to sleep though. When we woke up it was late morning. The sun was shining beautifully and it was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. When I had woken up nick was still on the couch muttering to himself in his sleep. Then I looked over to where Adrian was sleeping but he was not there. I tried not to panic but I could not help it. Where had Adrian gone? I quickly ran upstairs and heard someone in the kitchen. I was almost positive it was mother but when I had entered the room that smelled delicious with pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon did I realize it wasn’t mom it was Adrian. He was cooking. “Adrian? What are you doing?” I said sleepily. “Oh good morning Jeremy! I was just making breakfast for you, nick, and your mother if she wanted some. Is that alright?” I smiled at him. I thought it was very sweet he did this for people he just met. “Yeah its great thank you so much! Ill go get nick he’s mumbling about something depressing anyway.” So I ran downstairs to get nick up. I will admit I was a little scared if he would get mad for being woken early. I mean he was after all the prince of hell.
“Nick, c’mon get up nick Adrian made breakfast!” Jeremy said softly into my ear. I groaned with displeasure and opened my eyes. “Oh yeah? What did he make? Halo ham and perfection pancakes?” I said. Jeremy laughed at my sarcasm. “Yeah I guess.” he giggled. So I slowly got up from the couch I fell asleep on and wobbled to get on my feet. When we got upstairs it smelled great. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelled the food. So I sat down next to Jeremy and Adrian quickly brought over a large plate of bacon and eggs. “Do you like pancakes nick?” Adrian said. I looked at him as if he was crazy. “What do you think feather brain? Of course I love pancakes. Bring them over boy!” I smiled to let him know I was joking. He smiled back. It was a very cute smile. He had freckles that made him look more of a little boy than a fifteen year old like the three of us were. I had never seen anyone quite like him. Then a thought crossed my mind. Did I have a crush on the angel? I tried to say no to myself but every time I said no in my head it was responded with a yes from my conscience. Ok so maybe I did have a tiny crush on Adrian. But it wasn’t like he would have a crush on the evil prince. He was probably into girls for one, and good girls at that. I ate my breakfast quietly trying not to let Adrian see I was looking at him. Once he caught me looking at him and I immediately turned pink. Note to self: not the best shade for you. After breakfast we went outside in Jeremy back yard. It was medium sized and had pretty flowers everywhere. Overall a nice place. We ran around and messed around for a good hour or so and went back inside because it had begun to rain. We sat inside watching TV in Jeremy living room but when I looked over at Adrian he was staring out at the rain. “Hey Adrian,” I said, “are you alright you look kind of upset. Anything I can do?” he looked at me for a second trying to figure out if I was kidding or not then smiled his handsome smile. “No nick, thanks though I’m just a little tired. And, well I was thinking about something.” He continued staring out the window then Jeremy spoke up. “Thinking about what?” he said cautiously so he wouldn’t hurt Adrian’s sensitive mind. “Well,” said Adrian,” I don’t think I could stay here for more than the weekend. Your mother wouldn’t allow that I don’t blame her. But I need somewhere to stay. And I was thinking of a place I could go, that was all.” Wait a minute; he wanted a place to stay right? He could stay with me. I mean I didn’t have parents for him to worry about and maybe, just maybe, we could get to know each other. I smiled and said, ‘Adrian, you can stay with me. I don’t have anyone there except myself and it wouldn’t be as lonely. What do you say?”
I pondered this idea for a while. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. Besides he was a pretty nice person, I mean, for a devils son. He was kind. Something I would have never guessed. He also was quite handsome. You see, when I lived in heaven I was never really attracted to the females as much and none of the males really interested me either. They were all well, they were all perfect. I for one, hate perfect. So as I stared down on the humans I always imagined myself one of them. Someone imperfect. Now I was. So what a better way than to spend time with a very imperfect person. “That’s a very nice offer nick. If it would be alright with you id love to stay at your house. In fact it would be an honor.” He smiled causing me to smile as well. I was going to get to know him a dream id had for years. Getting to know someone as imperfect as me. Jeremy looked at the both of us for a moment the smile slipping from his face. “Adrian can I talk to you for a second?”He said. My stomach clenched. I hoped I wasn’t in trouble. “Yes am I I’m trouble?” I couldn’t help but ask. Jeremy smiled once more but I could tell it was slightly forced. “No Adrian who would be mad at you?” that gave me a little but of reassurance. Even though I was nervous I followed Jeremy into his room while nick waited back in the living room. “Listen, this might sound crazy but, do you have a crush on nick?” he said. My eyes widened. “No,” I said trying to lie, “of course not, I, I, I, is it that obvious?” I said figuring I was defeated. I could not lie; it was never a talent of mine. “Well,” said Jeremy, “it kind of is, but it’s alright I have a pretty good sixth sense to tell if people like each other. And guess what?” I gave a ‘what’s the good news’ expression on my face and Jeremy went on. “I think he likes you too! If you guys spent time together then maybe something will click ya know?” I nodded. “And maybe I can set up a ‘friends date’ for you two, alone. To see if you like each other. Would that be something you might want to try?” my smile faded. “I don’t know Jeremy, I’m really shy and when I get nervous I stutter and shake and it gets really… just its bad ok? I don’t know.” We were quiet for a moment and suddenly an idea clicked inside my head. “What if you came with us? Just to help me along or wait, better yet you could hide in the bathroom or something and if I needed help I could just go get you so it wouldn’t seem like I was that nervous. It sounds like a good idea to me how do you feel about it?” I said. I was excited now I had never been on a date before but I have seen many humans go on them. It always seemed so romantic well, except for the occasional breakup but that wouldn’t happen to me and nick because, well, it just wouldn’t. “It sounds like it’s worth a shot Adrian, you want to try? I think nick would like it too!” I blushed at the last remark Jeremy made. “Yes, yes id love to try it. Thank you so much!” when our talk was over we went back outside into the living room where nick was watching a show on MTV. It seemed quite R rated so I quickly hinted to turn it off. Nick rolled his eyes and I could feel my face burn and my hands tremble. I smiled and he smiled back. I looked over at Jeremy and he winked at me. I blushed another shade of red and we continued our day. It was hard to hide my feelings but somehow I knew I wouldn’t have to much longer. I was now a prisoner of love but I enjoyed it more than anything.

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