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Rated: E · Novella · LGBTQ+ · #1571118
when 3 very different boys become friends.... wonders happen
Have you ever heard of the angle and the devil on peoples shoulders? Well, in this story they are more than on my shoulder. They are real. My name is Jeremy fox and this is a story of how a friendship can bring more than a friend. It can bring a whole world of opportunities.
“Honey are you up yet?” shouted my mother. She’s a beautiful woman who had long golden hair and loving eyes. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. It was the first day of freshman year and I hoped with all my heart it would be better than last year, and the year before and the year before. See, I wasn’t a very popular person, in fact, I was quite the nerd. So anyway, I ran downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. “Hey jerry, I’m glad you’re up and ready. Do you want a ride to school?” I pondered her offer for a minute. “No,” I said “I want to ride the bus today. Ya’ know, first day of school and all.” She smiled, placed my plate of waffles in front of me then patted my reddish brown hair. I ate quickly and ran out the door to catch the bus.
“Eat it nerd!” shouted mike Loweritz, a boy who found great joy in picking on less fortunate people than himself. Now, since school was out for the day him, a few of his friends and I were behind the building. I, up against the wall with a wriggling and squirming worm inches from my tightly closed mouth. “C’mon eat it Jeremy!” he said as he quickly pried open my jaw and shoved the poor creature in my mouth. I made a face resembling a toddler who had stuck a whole lemon in his mouth. Mike and his horde laughed wickedly, pushed me against the wall hard and left as I crumpled onto the cement. This was going to be another stupid year. Suddenly I could have sworn that in the sky, I saw a quick flash of a purple colored light and about 10 seconds later another flash of a bright white light. I wonder what they were from.
“Sir,” a servant said entering my dark room, “your father wishes to speak with you. He says it’s urgent” I groaned and rose from my king sized beautifully decorated bed. What did father want with me? Well, it couldn’t be that bad I mean, honestly I’m his perfect little demon prince right? I felt a sinking feeling in my gut as I got out of bed. This was not going to be good. After getting dressed, washing up, and putting on my royal pure gold necklace forged from the fires of Hell Mountain I left to speak with father. The servant had told me he was in his study. Like, I didn’t already know that he was always there. So, I opened the door ever so slightly and peered inside. “Father?” I said, “Are you in here?”
“Yes nick I am in here, please enter.” I strode inside casually, as if I wasn’t scared to death of what the man had to say. After all you would be scared of the devil too, even if he was your father. “So what up?” I said with a little laugh. He sat in his chair stone faced like usual. It was getting unusually hot in the room, I mean unusually hot for a hell kingdom, which if you haven’t figured out by now I was the prince of. “Son,” he began in a rough voice, “you must leave the kingdom. It is unsafe for you here and I do not want my only heir killed by prisoner demons. So, I’ve arranged for you to be taken to a small town in a place called Arizona.” I knew this was not good.
“Where the heaven is Arizona??” I screamed then, realizing my fowl language, muttered a sorry and stared my father strait in his fiery eyes. He scowled. “It’s….. Up top, on a continent called North America” I smirked “pft! As opposed to what, east America? Cant those stupid goody-goody humans think of anything better?” my father flashed a small smile, a rare sight for him, and stood up. “You be bad my devil prince.” He said still smiling, “I don’t want to see you going soft. I will have my eye on you.” Then with that he ruffled my dark black hair and led me to the transport room. There was a flash of purple light and I was gone.
I had been awake for hours now, I was an early riser. I looked down from the clouds pondering many things. Then another thought crossed my mind. What if I fell? I had wings yes, but what if I fell and I could not open them? I shivered and scooted back from the edge. I was not the bravest angel around; in fact, I had very little bravery at all. It was peculiar actually, all the others seemed perfect but I had many faults. As if I was a defective toy on the shelf of one thousand perfect ones. Or if I was an ugly donkey in a sea of beautiful white horses. Suddenly I felt a warm hand gracefully touch my white wing. “Adrian?” came the small voice of Donna the secretary for the angel government. “The king whishes to speak with you, and he says you should be there right away.” I nodded and turned for the castle. When I entered the large doors I saw all the royal comity the king and the queen. I began to feel uneasy. “Um, good morning to you all” I said stuttering. They looked at me in a grim way and I felt my face turning red from embarrassment and fear. “Adrian. We have come to the conclusion that you are not eligible to live here.” I was shocked. “Um, pardon me?” I said. “Yes you heard right. We have been testing your perfection and, well to be quite frank, you are too imperfect to live here with the rest of the angel community. We have sentenced you to banishment in a state called Arizona.” No no no no no. I cannot be banished from my home. Not me, I’ve never done anything wrong. “But um, uh please may I have another chance I,”
“No Adrian, you had a chance now please be silent and go on your way.” With a quick flash of light, my halo was instantly around my neck like a necklace and I was falling from the sky. I could not move my wings. This was the dreadful thought I had before now a reality. I fell hard and fast. With a thump I fell hard into a clearing in some woods. There was an old rusty swing and a small lean to. This was bad. Very very bad.
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