Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1571031-Feelings-of-Insanity
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #1571031
Hera Love Olyma is a normal girl, until she realizes that she has a secret follower
Sorry, the first few chapters are short!
Feelings of Insanity- Chapter One

I will never forget that very day.
It started like any other day. I got up at 6:15, tripped into the shower, and made my way to high school. I am 14 years old, a freshman. It is the first day of school I suppose, but other than that it is just like any day in my dreary life. Growing up in Stillwater isn't the hardest thing in the world, and I just count myself lucky that I don't live in California. I have never been able to tolerate extreme heat.

I ran to catch up to the bus, and apologized to the Bus Driver. My Uggs were soggy, and I wrang them out in the bus once I got to my seat. They were easy to get soaked, and I quickly placed my tennis shoes on and hid the Uggs so the Bus Driver couldn't blame me for the river of muddy water on the floor of the bus.

The High School was gigantic compared to the Jr. High. I grabbed my books for first hour from my locker and set off to find my best friend, Jordan. I had no idea where his locker was, so I just wandered around aimlessly until I saw him pulling book by book out of his locker.

" I didn't know you cared about school at all Jordan. I was under the impression you didn't. " He jumped as I came up behind him. I laughed at his expression.

" I don't. These are for my brother. He ' forgot ' them at home again. Mom made me bring them. " he scowled as he remembered his brother stunt.

" Come on, I'll bring them to him with you. Tomorrow, may I suggest you put them in his backpack for him? Thats what I used to do when Katie would forget hers. " He smiled at me, and I grabbed his hand and took a sharpie to it.

" What are you doing? " He yelped. I was well know for writing things people didn't want to have on them on their hands.

" Calm down sissy. " I teased him, " Look. "
On his hand was written:

Idea Time!:
Put your brother's books
in his bags tonight once
he goes to bed!
- Hera.

Jordan smiled.
" I remember when you used to do Idea Time on everyone's hands when they needed help. " I laughed.

" Ah, the good old days of 6th grade. I thought you would remember. Actually, I more hoped. You have a horrible memory. " He scowled again and I laughed at his face.

The whole day passed in the same manner. Jordan and I were in a lot of classes together, and while I was a more dedicated student, we enjoyed pissing the teachers off together. It was only until later in the day, when I had gotten home, that I felt a feeling of being watched.

Chapter 2: (sorry if you can't tell who is saying what- I'll have Jeremy's sayings with ** around it. Hera's'll just be * Ex: **Jeremy** *What?*

It didn't help that I'd been feeling these feelings all summer. I'd thought they'd go away when school started. I felt someone watching me the whole time I tripped and stumbled from the bus stop to my home- almost a mile.
I fumbled in my pocket for my key and finally concluded that it was not there. I scowled and rang the doorbell, making my dog bark like mad before I noticed my Mom's car was gone. Just. Great.

The feeling of being watched was stronger now and I could almost feel the person behind me. Could almost feel the feelings of smugness emanating from them. I felt the hole in my pocket and cursed my bad luck to the skys out loud for once. Then I got annoyed.

" Who are you?!? " I snapped, not expecting an answer. So I jumped a mile when I heard a voice.


" So... are you stalking me or something? Because I've felt your presence all summer. Its freaking me out. "

**Think your questions and words. You won't look like your insane, talking to no one. I am not stalking you. I am merely.... watching you. I am speaking in your mind. I am different than your kind.**

*But.... then... what are you?!? And.... why exactly are you watching me?*

**You are in danger from my kind.**

*Your kind? But... What IS your kind?*

**My kind? Do you need to know?**

*Yes. It is imperative.*

**Fine. My kind is... the vampyres. You believe in them, do you not?**

*Well... yes, but I have since I was twelve. What does that have to do with it... hold on... I WAS RIGHT! YES! Jordan cannot call me insane anymore. Unless... hearing you makes me insane.... humph.*

A laugh sounded in my ears.

**Don't worry about it. You are in danger because you believe. It makes you dangerous in the eyes of my kind. They worry that you could expose them. I am here to protect you from them.**

*So... your like a.... guardian vampyre? Hahaha. Nice.*

**I'm glad you think it's funny your life is in danger.**

*I have a question. How'd you get in my mind?*

**You have absolutely no barriers. Its a danger, but helpful for me, definitely.**

*Hm. Should I be concerned that it's so easy to get in my mind? *

**No, not really.**

*Ok, then I won't.*

**Oh, um... your key is right over there.**

I looked over in the direction he told me, and sure enough, a shiny key sat on the dirt, I went to pick it up and opened the door.

*Why can't I see you?*

**I only can show myself when I want to. Of course, my kind can see me all the time. Right now, no one needs to see me.**

*Humph. It would be helpful, you know.*

**Yes, but if someone sees me following you, its not going to look good. I can't show myself to you without showing myself to all your kind.**

*Oh. So... your names Jeremy... I guess I could get used to this. *

**You'd better. 'Cause I'm not going away.**

*Even if you annoy the hell out of me?*

**Even then.**

*Huh. Maybe this isn't so good.*

Jeremy fell silent after a laugh and I began to do my homework. I had tons of questions for him, but wouldn't ask them until later. I was still debating the feelings in my mind that I was insane, but I ignored them and concentrated on my algebra. It was a lot to take in in a day.

Chapter 3: (ok, that is really, really tedious. I'll do the rest later, and upload more later. See ya!)

So... Jeremy, what would your kind do to me if they got me?

Hard question for me to get the guts to answer.

Come on!

Fine, fine. I would say they would either suck you blood out of your body slowly and painfully, change you so you are bound by the secrecy, kill you quickly in your sleep, or send my brother to torture you to death.

Your brother?

Assassin. Really good one too. He's my twin. If you ever see him, you know what I look like.


Not cool if your the one he's killing. He annoys me so much though. Tries to follow me everywhere. Thankfully, he's never been a good tracker. But we seem to have some sort of telepathy. He knows I'm here right now, but I'm trying very hard to keep why I'm here from him, and succeeding too.

Double cool.

Ok, I might not be a teenager anymore, but... DOUBLE COOL??

I know, cheesy moment.

His laughter bounded around my mind. My algebra lay on my bed, finished along with my english, history, and science.

So... how old were you when you were changed?


I sucked in a breath. Wow.

So... technically you still are a teenager. That must've sucked. How old are you really?

I'll tell you when you're ready.

Aww... come on!

No. You're dinners done. I can smell it from up here.

I'm not hungry.



I WILL win this battle.

Do I have to eat?

Yes. Now go.


Dinner was beef stir fry, which I ate all the vegetables and swirled the beef dejectedly around my plate. My Mom looked at my lack of appetite as a sign I was sick. She checked my temperature and sent me up to bed, much to the irks of my older and younger brothers. I protested that I wasn't sick as much as possible, but she wouldn't be swayed.

Out. I'm changing for bed. My mom would be ticked if I didn't get in bed right now.

I heard Jeremy's laugh, and changed quickly once I was sure he was gone. I then made my way to the bathroom and pushed my silvery-blond hair that reached all the way down my back out of my face and brushed my teeth. Then I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed my hair, always a long task. I walked back into my room and lay down in my bed. I did feel a bit feverish, but I just considered it my mind.

I'm going to sleep.

You are?

Yes. I AM actually a bit tired. AND I have school tomorrow, so I want to be well rested.

Fine. Goodnight.

Goodnight. Wait... you can't hear ALL my thoughts, can you?

No, only the ones you want me to hear.

Would you be able to hear my dreams?

Maybe, if I concentrated.

Where are you in my room?

The corner.

Huh. Thats wierd.


I can see a shadow where you are standing...

Wow. You possess a gift. I've only heard of two other people who managed that. The first one saw flickers of me, and the second one saw a shadow like you. It is an amazing accomplishment.

Cool. I'm unique... kinda. I stifled a yawn.

Goodnight Jeremy.

Goodnight... Hera.

© Copyright 2009 Alice M. (vampgurl1996 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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