Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1570741-Bloodright
by Seri
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Animal · #1570741
The story of powerhungry wolves and their quest for dominance.
Bloodright, Chapter One

         Ebony peaks rose in the distance, highlighted with a touch of grey in the arrival of dawn.  Though the rock was dark as a moonless night, the snow-covered apexes were splashed with pink, heralding the sun's approach like shifting, sparkling banners.  Further down, a forest of stately pines swept forth, spilling down the lower reaches to pool in a thick band stretching out from the base of the range.  If one were to leave the cover of the thick boughs, traveling in a south-eastward direction, they  would find themself crossing a wide, beautiful meadow.  Spanning for many leagues, it would eventually give way to a rougher prairie as the climate grew hotter, interspersed with stands of trees and the occasional bramble thicket.  A few days journey away one would discover the earth once again rising, this time in a series of hills.  Rivers cross-hatched this section, causing a marshy terrain that seperated the vast grassland from the deciduous forest that lay just over the sloping hillocks.  These smaller rivers would eventually join to form a powerful, raging river that ran to the south-east, cutting through the mountains in a series of falls before cascading beneath the rock, only to reappear once again when the rugged range was crossed. 
         To the far south, past the forest full of oaks, maples, aspens, and the like, the land abruptly fell away.  Steep cliffs, perilous to those naive enough to get too close, fell sharply into the sea, waves crashing against their sides as though trying to swallow the land whole.  The foaming white was broken often by large rocks, boulders sticking like monoliths from the surface and pounded through the centuries to a smooth, shiny finish.  Every so often a cloud of white would rise, squawking indignantly, and a colony of seagulls and other shore birds would relocate to avoid the frothing waters. 
         The cliffs were not the only home to the bounteous wildlife.  Spring had only shortly before banished the harsh winter, and life thrived.  Deer and rabbits roamed the meadows, and a family of black bears had also made their home near the edge of the pine forest.  Foxes and stoats darted amongst the undergrowth, startling ptarmigans and other fowl into flight.  By day songbirds kept up a steady serenade, and by night a symphony of crickets and frogs kept the music steadily flowing.  Yet the balance did not favor the peace, for powerful predators too made this bounteous land their home.  Lynxes and mountain lions dwelt among the vast peaks, wheras below, another carnivor stalked the land.  On a cold morning in mid-spring, one such powerful figure could be seen stalking a certain hill, one which lay half under the shade of a giant, twisted oak.
         The wolf was truly a formidable sight, his outline clearly visible to his followers.  They were grouped on the base of the rise, none daring to approach the den at the peak.  Instead their sparkling eyes followed his shape as he paced in the growing light, his impatience clearly showing in every movement.  Every so often he would raise his powerful muzzle to the sky, shaking out his black-tipped coat irritably.  He never paused in his motion except to go through this odd routine, as though trying to rid himself of the growing tension.  Atrix Viscus Caligae was not used to waiting.
         He was powerless on this occasion, the first in a long time.  Nature was in control here, and it irked him to no end.  Normally, when he was rushing, things quickened.  His pack knew better than to waste time when their rightful Alpha was in such a mood.  Not that he actually held the title yet.  It was only a matter of perspective.  What were names when it was his commands that all followed?  In reality, he would have already killed the old fool by now if he had thought that would do any good; still, half the pack was loyal to the current 'leader'.  He wanted all of it, and opposition was not in the plan. In the political reguard, he was more than willing to wait.
         His patience only extended so far, however.  What was taking so long?  Half the night he had paced in front of this den, and still could not go in.  Rotating his ears, he tried to make out the sounds emitting from the back of the cavern, and he thought he heard a small voice whine.  Perhaps it was only his imagination, but still he approached the entrance.  A low snarl started in the back, and he paused for a moment.  Atrix was not a submitting wolf, but he was not stupid either.  He had chosen his mate solely for her equality to him, no other reason.  Love was not there, but respect was.  Theirs was a business relationship; continue the line, lead the pack.  He was unquestionably above her, and she was above the rest.  In this occasion, however, he was unsure of whether to heed her or not.  Shaking his head, he let a small smile fall upon his lips and stepped inside.  She would deal with his presence.
         Kira was in the back and lay curled around three small shapes.  Her frame was limp with exhaustion, but when she raised her head to look at Atrix, there was hostility in her eyes.  Ignoring it, he came forward, looking down at his children.  The first thing he noticed was a splash of tan among the shades of grey and black.  A little female, her brown coat at odds with her brothers. 
         "The female is worthless.  Kill it."
         Kira shook her head wordlessly.  It was not in her to love them, but she would not kill a member of their pack without cause.  Raising her eyes to meet his gaze, she spoke coldly.  "Let her grow, and then judge her worth.  She may or may not be of use, and it will hurt no one to give it a chance.  Maybe she will prove to be an asset, and then it would be a waste to end her life now." 
         Atrix didn't respond, but merely turned his head slightly, appraising the other two for a moment.  His eyes lit upon the largest of the litter, and a smile placed itself upon his features.  It was genuine, an expression not usually seen on the bru.  This occasion merited the honor, however.  Finally, a worthy heir had arrived.  From his silver and black fur, unusually thick for a pup, to his size and promising looks, he was a Caligae through and through.  His father's son.  Atrix was no longer interested in the third whelp, a smaller male with a grey hue similar to his mother.  He would make a good follower one day, perhaps, but the heir would be King.  As was the custom, Atrix would bestow a name upon his chosen son.  Kira would name the rest. 
         "Dante Viscus Caligae, heir to the Caligae line."  He chuckled, and Kira looked up in surprise.  "My son, I shall start a legacy for you."  He turned to his mate, almost as an afterthought.  "Oh, and do not name the female.  Not until it has earned its keep.  I do not want anyone getting... attached.. and not being prepared to do the necessary."  With that he left the enclosed space, climbing over the small ledge and stepping into the growing sunlight.
         Kira sighed gratefully in the lighter air, then lay her head down next to the small bodies of her children.  Turning her silver eyes to the smaller male, she studied him, looking for any signs of future potential.  "Daes, Daes Viscus Caligae.  That shall be your calling, little one."  She lifted her muzzle, touching the pup lightly between the ears.  He would always be second, she knew that, and as would he in time. 
         Turning away from her daughter and sons, she gazed at the stone and earth wall beside her.  The den was a spacious one, set at the top of a rise against the edge of the forest.  It was formed in the hollow of the large oak's roots, large stones forming many of the walls around her.  An ideal location, for the height offered a watching distance unrivaled and the forest lent its own protection of cover and a barrier.  However, Kira could not feel less secure.  Things were changing, and their position in this pack was at risk.  Atrix was making risky moves, so far gaining power but not appearing ready to stop anytime soon. Not everyone in the Caligae band was thrilled with their leader for jeopradising the nice setup they had here, all for the sake of more influence.  Tierce was an honerable Alpha, always fair and providing for his protectors.  Why mess that up?
         Others, however, supported the traitorous lead fully.  They too thought that they deserved more than what they recieved, and were willing to back his efforts to overthrow the elderly Tierce.  It was only a matter of time before all of this was uncovered, despite Atrix's efforts to keep it buried beneath lies.  Kira was on the border of such matters.  If the plots were a success, she would be in a position of power, Alphaess to a huge land.  Their pack's current land was a branch of Tierce's holdings, a small part that was large enough to support them but nothing compared to the larger Highland pack's lands.  Their smaller portion was alotted to them by the Alpha in return for their services in protecting his borders.  The trusting fool had not yet seen through Atrix's plan, but even though he had a naive nature, he was not completely blind.  If he saw too early; well, suffice to say, their semi-comfortable lifestyle would be over.
         A sharp tug at her underside brought Kira back to the present, and she looked down at her whelps.  Daes had pushed his way through and was now half on top of his larger brother.  With a small smirk, she nudged him so that he was no longer resting upon Dante's back. 
         "Fate means nothing to you, does it, little Daes?"  She could already see his future, although his father did not seem to realize it yet.  She knew fully well that her sons would never be at peace, for it was not in a Caligae's blood to back down to authority.  Half of the brutes in their 'family' would tear Atrix's throat out and take the title if they did not know they would lose.  It was the way their pack was, ruthless to the core.  It was why their protection was so saught, for they would not back down to anything that came.  Warriors all, to the very end.  A leader could not ask for a better pack when the going was good, but when things got rough, he had to watch his back.  It was the way of the world.  The strong strive for control, and that was what Kira saw now.  Perhaps not right away, but soon, her smaller son would begin to resent his brother's rule.  It was inevidable as the changing seasons, and really, preferrable.  It was just another test, and only the strongest heir would come out on top.  That wolf would be the one to lead.  And if one fell to the treachery of the other, it was only natural.  The Caligae pack could not have two Alphas.
         If only to spite her controlling mate, whom she may have respected but seemingly felt no affection for, she found herself looking upon Daes as her hoped victor.  Even as a mother, she did not feel any real love for her children.  Her protection of her daughter had been more out of loyalty to her pack than the instinct to save her child, and this detachment was the Caligae instinct.  It made the whelps more independent, even from birth, and prepared them for the hard path they would soon tread.  As soon as they no longer needed her milk, she would be done with her role of mother and the pack would take over, shaping the new recruits into elites, just like every litter before them. This cycle was the heart of their pack, stretching back before anyone could remember. 
         Love, even for the innocent young, was no more attainable to such a legacy of death than repentance.  Kira closed her eyes and laid her head upon her paws.  That was just the way of the world.
© Copyright 2009 Seri (seristarr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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