Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1570530-The-Edge-of-Reason-8910
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1570530
Grace and Melissa seal the deal. VERY PORNOGRAPHIC! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
    Melissa had only been home for about 15 minutes when her phone rang. "Grace" popped up on her ID.
    "Hey, what's up?"
    Grace took a deep breath. "Melissa, I want you to come over. There's a catch, though. You have to do whatever I want you to. Don't think about it, even though I know you will, and don't ask questions. Okay?"
    "Okay," Melissa said very leery. "I'll be over in a few."

    Melissa arrived at Grace's a few minutes later to find her friend sitting on the porch swing.
    "Hey," Melissa greeted as she walked up the steps. "Are you okay?"
    "I'm fine, Melissa. Come sit down," Grace patted the seat next to her. Melissa obliged and Grace continued talking. "I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out, but I want you to trust me and I hope you'll let me do this."
    "Do what?" Melissa was beyond confused.
    "I've been thinking. A lot lately. It's been a long time since we first sat on this porch swing together and I think it's about time something happened. It's been killing me lately. Are you on the same wavelength now?"
    "Yah," Melissa was still a little confused about what was going on.
    "Are you going to let me do this? I mean, we are both sober this time," Grace tried to joke.
    Melissa was still looking at her puzzled.
    "Just let me show you what it could be like. Is that okay?"
    It finally dawned on Melissa what Grace was wanting to do. She wasn't sure she should at first, partly because it was so new and different and she was scared. Then Melissa began thinking about that night that Gavin had croup and Grace came over. The back massage, knowing just what Dave Matthews song to play...Her mind wandered for a second. She gave in.
    "Okay," Melissa finally agreed.
    "Are you sure?" Grace looked hopeful.
    "Yah," she smiled. "Show me what you got," Melissa joked.
    "Oh I'll show you what I got, alright!" Grace teased back. "You're going to let me do anything I want?"
    "As long as it's not too weird!"
    "Just let me know if you're uncomfortable with anything, okay?"
    Grace reached out and held Melissa's hands. "Are you ready?"
    "Oh my God! Come on already!"
    "Okay, okay," Grace laughed. She leaned in and started kissing Melissa softly on the lips.
    Memories of the first time came flooding back to Melissa. But only for a moment. She was convinced that whatever would happen tonight would be even better. And she wasn't going to let anything get in her way this time.
    Melissa laid back on the swing and spread her legs apart, giving Grace room to lay down on top of her. Grace continued kissing Melissa, on the lips, along her neck and collarbone, and back up again. Melissa could already feel herself getting turned on as she ran her fingers through Grace's wild, curly hair. Her heart was racing.
    "Let's go inside," Grace whispered. "I have a surprise."
    "Isn't Warren asleep upstairs?"
    "No, he's fishing with some friends and Jeremy. Julie's at a friend's house."
    "You totally planned this, didn't you?" Melissa's voice grew shrill.
    Grace just shrugged her shoulders. "Is that so bad?" she smirked.
    "Does Warren know..."
    "Yes," Grace cut her off. "It's no big secret around here. The kids know too. Not about you and I per se, just in general. They're okay with it."
    Melissa just stared, mouth gaping, at Grace.
    "Come on," Grace grabbed Melissa's hand and lead her inside.

    There were candles lit all around the living room. Grace scurried over to the stereo and hit the play button. Melissa's favorite Dave Matthews song started playing.
    "Make yourself comfortable," Grace pointed towards the center of the room where there was a pile of blankets and pillows.
    "You are something else," Melissa shook her head, but couldn't help but smile as she laid down.
    "I'll be right back," Grace disappeared up the stairs. Melissa's mind raced while she waited.
    "Uh uhm," Grace cleared her throat to get Melissa's attention.
    "Oh my God," Melissa whispered.
    Grace was standing at the foot on the stairs in just her underwear.
    "Black and lacy, very nice," Melissa managed. She literally felt like her breath had been taken away. Grace looked even sexier than she imagined.
    Grace came over and laid on her side next to Melissa. "You're turn," she smiled.
    "Okay, but don't laugh. I wasn't expecting anything spectacular to happen tonight, you know. I don't even match," she laughed as she took her shirt and pants off. She quickly pulled a blanket over herself.
    "Why are you hiding?" Grace laughed.
    "Uhm, unlike you, I don't have a smokin' hot body and I'm more than a little self-conscious."
    "Well I hate to break it to you, but if things go the way I plan, I'm going to see you completely naked."
    "I know," Melissa drew out and threw the blanket back. "There. Are you happy?" She rolled on her side to face Grace.
    "Very much so," she teased as she looked at Melissa's breasts. "You really need to lose the bra, though," she smiled evilly.
    "Make me," Melissa taunted. Just like that, Grace reached over, unhooked her bra, and held it up like a trophy before Melissa could barely struggle. Both of them were laughing.
    "I win!" Grace waved her prize and tossed it aside. Melissa tried to cover herself with her hands.
    "No fair!" she nodded towards Grace's chest.
    "Oh, alright," Grace pretended like it was a hassle as she took her own bra off.
    Melissa couldn't help but stare even more. They both lost themselves in each others eyes for a long second before they leaned in and kissed passionately. Melissa began fondling one of Grace's breasts, all shyness flung out the window.
    "This is about you," Grace tried to push Melissa's hand away.
    "Just let me touch you," Melissa pleaded. Grace slowly let go of her grasp on Melissa's wrist.
    "I was going to take this slow, but I can't," Grace breathed heavily.
    "It's okay, it's okay," Melissa's chest was also rising and falling heavily.
    Grace squeezed and caressed Melissa's breasts as they continued kissing, their tongues entangled.
    Melissa felt like she was going to explode already. Everything felt so good and right; Grace's tongue felt like silk on hers and her hands. God, making her feel things she had never felt before.
    Grace climbed on top of Melissa and straddled her. Her fingertips glided down Melissa's arms as she kissed her way down her neck, chest...
    "Oh," Melissa let out a sigh as Grace's mouth met her nipple. Melissa let her hands wander up and down Grace's back and ass while Grace sucked and licked at her breasts.
    "Oh, Grace. It's like you know..."
    "Ssh," she interrupted. "I know."
    Grace sat up and rubbed both of Melissa's breasts, playing with her nipples now and then. Melissa's eyes rolled in the back of her head.
    Grace slowly slid her hands over Melissa's stomach, down to her panty line. She caressed one finger around her underwear, up the inside of her thigh and down again, being very careful to touch nothing else. Grace could feel Melissa twitching every time she ran her finger over the same spot.
    "What's the matter?" Grace teased.
    "You're killing me," Melissa whispered.
    "Okay," Grace giggled and got off Melissa and kneeled at the end of her feet. Melissa looked down at Grace as she inched Melissa's underwear off slowly, her breasts grazing her legs.
    "No peaking," Grace smiled as she bent over Melissa. She fondled one of Melissa's breasts as she sucked on the other's nipple. Her free hand trailed its way down to Melissa's now exposed cunt.
    Melissa let out a moan. Grace massaged her pussy with her whole hand, still teasing her. Grace didn't stop until she could feel Melissa moisten. Then she gently pushed two fingers inside of Melissa.
    "Oh!" Melissa's arched her back. Grace watched Melissa as she slowly worked her fingers in and out of her wettening pussy several times. She began using her thumb to tease Melissa's clit as she continued. Grace stopped after a few minutes to take her own panties off.
    "What are you doing?" Melissa asked.
    "Just watch." Grace used her right hand to play with Melissa's clit as she used her left to fondle hew own. Grace squeezed one breast, then the other and made her way down. "Ooohh," she moaned deeply and tilted her head back as her fingers danced along her clitoris.
    "You are so hot," Melissa managed. Just watching Grace turned her on even more. After a few minutes Grace started using both of her hands to touch herself, letting Melissa watch. She fondled and played with her nipples with one hand and flicked her clitoris with the other, faster and faster.
    Melissa watched in amazement as Grace threw her head back and got off.
    "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh God!" she screamed and didn't stop bucking until she was done. Melissa stayed quiet until Grace caught her breath.
    "What did you think?" she finally spoke.
    "I think I'm even hornier," Melissa laughed.
    "Good," Grace bent down and buried her face between Melissa's legs.
    "Oh!" Melissa was startled, but in a good way. Grace plunged her tongue deep inside of Melissa. She spread her legs far apart.
    "Yah, spread those legs for me," Grace started talking dirty.
    Melissa's mind was reeling. She couldn't believe this was happening, let alone Grace seemed to know everything she wanted.
    Melissa pulled Grace's hair a little bit as Grace flicked her tongue against her clit. She couldn't help but arch her back and moan loudly as Grace's tongue went from her clit to her pussy. Deep inside of her, then flicking.
    "Oh God!" Melissa screamed. Grace knew she was getting close.
    "I want you to cum," Grace whispered.
    Melissa wanted to argue, but all she could do was moan and scream over and over. Right when she was about to cum, Grace took her tongue out and stuck her fingers back inside of Melissa. She only relaxed a little before Grace found her g-spot and rubbed it gently. Grace knew it was enough to send Melissa over the edge, but started flicking her clitoris with her tongue again to add to it.
    Melissa was beyond being in control of any part of her body now as she thrust wildly into Grace.
    "Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh God! I'm cumming! Oooohhh!" Melissa's every scream grew louder as she finally came. No one had ever made her feel that way before and she let herself go as Grace watched her tense up and twitch.
    Melissa calmed down after a minute and laughed at herself.
    "What's so funny?" Grace laughed with her.
    "I've never done that in front of anybody before," she confessed.
    "You're not embarrassed, are you?"
    "A little bit."
    "Don't be. That was the whole plan," Grace smiled. "Why don't we get cleaned up and dressed and go sit outside again?" she patted Melissa's leg.

    "Alright. Be honest. Was it what you had hoped for?"
    "You don't even know." Melissa replied.
    "Well tell me. I want to know what you're thinking."
    Melissa couldn't look away from her beautiful chocolate eyes.
    "You want to know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking that you're the most beautiful woman in the world and I wish I wouldn't have waited so long for this."
    "Melissa, I've never felt anything close to this with any other woman before. You mean so much to me and I'm glad you let me do this for you."
    "Me too. I'm sorry I made you wait so long, but you know?"
    "I think it's finally that time for things to change," Melissa smiled at Grace and squeezed her hand.
Melissa's marriage gets a bit "hairy."
    "Hey, Melissa. What are you doing this weekend?"
    "Probably not a whole lot. Maybe get some stuff from the house, if that's okay. Why?" Melissa could already tell Grace was up to something.
    "Well, I was thinking we could go out. I'm tired of seeing you mope around the house all the time."
    "Who's going to watch Gavin?"
    "I already asked Julie and she said she would be more than willing to watch him." Grace smirked and nudged Melissa's arm.
    "Grace, she's 19 years old. She needs to get out and have fun before she goes back to school. I mean, plus Gavin's going through that stage where he freaks out if I leave him with anyone."
    "Stop making excuses, Melissa. Gavin loves Julie and you know it. I know it's only been a month, but you can't sit around waiting for something to happen. You can't sit around waiting for Eric." Grace said softly.
    Melissa started crying. "Why not? What am I supposed to do?"
    "He'll come to his senses, babe. I know he will. I think he just needs a little time for everything to sink in, sort things out, you know?"
    Melissa just nodded her head and sniffed back her tears.
    "It's just ridiculous that we live so close and here his wife and son are not even living at home! It's not like you're trying to break our marriage up, you know? It's not like I love him any less or am any less attracted to him."
    "I know," Grace hugged Melissa.
    She let Grace hug her and leaned her head on her shoulder. "I think I'm finally going to write him that letter. I'm a lot better saying what I mean on paper than in person. I guess I"m a pussy," Melissa finally laughed.
    "You're not a pussy, Melissa."
    "Yes I am," she laughed.
    "You're only a pussy if you don't go out with me Saturday," Grace teased.
    "Oh really?" Melissa raised an eyebrow. "Where are you planning on taking me anyway?"
    "It's a surprise. All I'm going to tell you is to wear something slutty," Grace had her signature evil grin on her face.

    Melissa came down the stairs Saturday night and everyone just stared at her. She handed Gavin to Julie and realized everyone was looking at her.
    "What?!" she started feeling self-conscience. she had on tight blue jeans, a black, very low-cut sleeveless shirt, and more make-up than Grace had ever seen her wear.
    "You look stunning, Melissa," Warren finally spoke up.
    "Thank you. Slutty enough?" she asked Grace.
    "O-oh yah!" Grace was enthusiastic.
    "Is it too much?" Melissa was still being paranoid.
    "No, you look hot!" Julie chimed in. "Doesn't mommy look hot?" she looked down at Gavin. "I really like your hair that way too."
    "I just hope the curls stay. I feel like I used half the bottle of hairspray! I don't know why you're making such a fuss over me. Look at you!" Melissa smiled at Grace. She had on a short black skirt Melissa had never seen before, a low-cut red top with slits on the sleeves, and to top it off, black boots that stopped mid-calf.
    "It's not about me," Grace insisted. "Are you ready?"
    "I guess," Melissa laughed nervously.
    Warren kissed his wife, then Melissa on the cheek.
    "You girls have fun," he smacked Grace's ass as she walked by.
    "Bye, mommy," Julie took Gavin's hand and waved.
    "Call me if you need ANYTHING at all," Melissa called as she walked out the door.
    Grace took Melissa's hand as they walked to the truck.
    "We're going to have fun. I promise," she smiled with a twinkle in her eye.

    "What is this?" Melissa asked as they pulled into their destination for the evening.
    "Oh, it's a club."
    "I've never heard of it before."
    "It's a girl club," Grace whispered and giggled.
    "Are you serious?"
    "Yah. Come on. We'll have fun, I promise. It's not like you're going to see anyone you know."
    "I know. I've never been to one of these before. I'm nervous."
    Grace took her hands and looked her in the eyes.
    "You trust me, right?"
    "Yes," Melissa was unenthusiastic.
    "Then come on!"

    Inside the club, it wasn't as weird as Melissa thought it would be. Grace was holding her hand and lead her to the bar.
    "What do you want, babe?"
    "Mmm, something fruity," Melissa smiled.
    "How appropriate!" Grace laughed.
    The bartender, who was a very cute, young, blond girl, came over.
    "What can I get you ladies?" she yelled over the blaring music.
    "I need two Sex on the Beaches!" Grace called.
    The bartender stared at her for a second. "Grace, is that you?"
    "Sheryl? Hey, how are you? I didn't even recognize you!" she leaned over the bar and hugged her.
    "How have you been? It's been so long!" Sheryl asked.
    "Good, good. Julie graduated last year. Can you believe it? Oh, Sheryl, this is my friend, Melissa." Melissa shook hands with Sheryl.
    "It's nice to meet you!"
    "You too!" Melissa yelled.
    "Just your 'friend', Grace? You better hang on to her. She's cute," Sheryl winked at Melissa as she handed them their drinks.
    "Sorry," Grace apologized. "I haven't seen her forever. She used to babysit Julie and Jeremy back in the day."
    "It's okay," Melissa practically gulped her drink down as she stared ahead.
    "What's wrong, babe?"
    "Just feel a little awkward. I'll be fine once I get a few drinks in me," she continued staring.
    Just then a group of three women came up to them.
    "Oh my God! Grace, how are you?!" The three of them each hugged Grace.
    Grace didn't want Melissa feeling left out any more than she already did, so she introduced her right away this time.
    "Mary, Helen, Gloria, this is Melissa," Grace put an arm around her shoulder.
    "It's nice to meet you!" they all shook Melissa's hand.
    "No wonder you haven't been in here for so long, Grace. Going for the younger ones now, apparently," Helen said.
    Even Grace was a little put off by the comment. "Melissa and I work together. And age doesn't matter to us, either."
    Helen said nothing more. The other two tried to be polite. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Grace," Mary said. "Yah. You guys have a good night," said Gloria.
    Melissa was already turned around, ordering another drink.
    "Are you okay?" Grace rubbed her back.
    "I'm fine," Melissa was still in zombie mode as she spun around and sipped on her new drink.
    "Whatcha got, babe?"
    "Margarita. Good stuff." she paused a second. "There's a lot of good looking women here...How many of them do you know?"
    Grace stared at Melissa in awe.
    "Oh my God! You're jealous! Come here," she grabbed Melissa's hand and drug her to the bathroom. She made Melissa stand in front of the mirror. Grace stood behind her and wrapped her arms around Melissa.
    "Melissa, look at yourself. You're beautiful. And you have no reason to be jealous. All these people are from my past; most of them are just friends. You're here now though. You're what matters. And Helen, she only said that because she's jealous. She's been trying to get with me for years, but I've never given her the time of day. She's a bitch, which I'm sure you could guess. Melissa, I love you."
    Melissa was silent for a minute before she turned and looked at Grace with watery eyes. "You love me?" she whispered.
    "Yes! What's not to love?" Grace tousled Melissa's curls.
    "I love you too, Grace," she grabbed Grace's head and kissed her.
    "Now," Grace said, "I'm going to make you get over all this self-consciousness! I promise not to talk to anyone for the rest of the night, okay? It's time to gave fun!"

    Grace and Melissa got another drink as they sat at the bar for a little longer. Any time anyone would recognize Grace, she would just wave back.
    Melissa finished her third drink.
    "You ready to dance yet?" Grace asked.
    "I can't dance, but okay!" Melissa stumbled off her chair. Grace grabbed her arm.
    "Easy, slugger."
    Melissa just giggled as they walked to the dance floor.
    "Aren't you drunk at all?"
    "I've got a higher tolerance than you!" Grace said. "But yes, I'm a little tipsy," she giggled.
    Melissa attempted to dance, but Grace couldn't help but laugh.
    "Here," Grace smiled and held Melissa's hips. She moved them, back and forth, to the beat. Melissa laughed.
    "This is sad! You're a better dancer than me!"
    Grace put her finger on Melissa's lips. "Don't talk. Close your eyes and feel the music move you."
    Melissa just shook her head, but did what Grace asked. She felt herself loosening up after a minute. Grace's hands were still on her hips, but they were moving in time with hers finally.
    Melissa put her arms around Grace's neck and opened her eyes. Grace had closed her eyes and to Melissa, seemed to be a part of the music. She looked amazing as her body swayed, almost fluid. Grace must have felt Melissa staring at her, and opened her eyes.
    "What?" Grace smiled.
    "You're gorgeous," Melissa looked deep in Grace's eyes and kissed her.
    Grace felt Melissa's tongue slide gently onto her own and teased back, their tongues fluttering. Melissa drew back as Grace pressed her body against her. She rubbed Grace sensually up her waist, along her arms. They continued dancing for awhile until Melissa couldn't stand it any longer.
    "Truck. Now." Melissa whispered in Grace's ear and lead her outside.
    "Not so shy now, are we?" Grace smiled.

    Melissa practically threw Grace in the truck and climbed on top of her. They were both breathing heavy already. Melissa kissed Grace's neck.
    "I like this side of you," Grace breathed.
    Melissa held Grace's wrists above her head with one hand and took her shirt and bra off with the other.
    "Oh my God, Melissa!" She began sucking on Grace's nipples.
    "Oh," Grace moaned. "I am SO glad I took you out tonight."
    Melissa just looked up and winked.
    Melissa woke up to a knock at her door the next morning.
    "Come in," she rasped.
    Grace walked in carrying Gavin on her hip.
    "Look Gavin! Sleeping Beauty is finally awake!"
    "Mama!" he screamed and held out his arms. Melissa took her son and sat him on her lap. He played with her face while she talked to Grace.
    "What time is it?" Melissa squinted.
    "A little after two. I thought you could use some sleep," Grace smiled.
    "Holy crap! How long has he been awake?"
    "A few hours. Julie let him sleep with her last night. I hope that's okay."
    "No, that's fine. I don't want to be a burden on you guys, though. I told you that."
    "It's no trouble, really. Julie didn't mind. Anyways, I thought I would bring you up something to eat."
    "That's okay. I'm getting up," Melissa insisted.
    "No, now you spend some time with your son and I'll bring you something to eat," Grace disappeared before Melissa could argue any more.
    Melissa looked down at her son and couldn't help but feel sad. She saw Eric's face every time.
    "Mama!" Gavin smiled up at her and grabbed her face and gave her a big, sloppy kiss.
    "How did you get so sweet?" Melissa felt a tear forming. "You know what we should do?"
    "Hhm?" Gavin titled his head to the side.
    "We," she poked his nose, "should write that letter to daddy."
    "Yah," she picked her son up and walked over to the desk. Melissa pulled a picture of Eric, Gavin, and her out of her purse and sat it on the desk next to her notepad.
    "Daddy?" Gavin pointed.
    "Yah. Who's that?" Melissa pointed to him in the picture.
    "Gabin?" he pointed to himself.
    "Good job! Yay!" She and Gavin clapped their hands.
    "What's all the raucous in here?" Grace came in with a plate of food. All of Melissa's favorites: turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls.
    "Oh. Gavin was just pointing out people in the picture," Melissa said quietly as Grace saw the photo.
    "Oh. Who's this?" Grace pointed to Melissa in the picture.
    "Mama!" Gavin squealed.
    "Who am I?" she pointed to herself.
    He paused for a second to think. "Gwaycie!"
    "Good job, Gavin!"
    Melissa just smiled as they clapped.
    "What's the matter, babe?"
    Melissa sighed. "I think I'm going to write that letter to Eric finally."
    "I think that's a good idea. You'll feel a little bit better at least. Do you want me to take him so he doesn't bother you?"
    "No, he's alright for now. Maybe he'll cheer me up. He's being awfully lovable today." She started kissing Gavin all over his face and made him giggle.
    "Okay. Well let me know if you need anything." Grace closed the door behind her.
    Melissa looked down at the blank page staring back at her.
    "Here we go," she whispered as one small tear escaped down her cheek.
    Gavin looked up at her with sad eyes. "Daddy?"
    "Yep. Daddy."
Reconciled Differences

    Melissa was surprised when her phone rang later that night and "Eric" showed up in her caller ID. She caught herself holding her breath.
    "Hello?" She finally breathed.
    "Hey. What are you doing?"
    "Oh, Gavin's just sitting here on my lap. We're just watching tv."
    "Who? Who?" Gavin looked at her and questioned.
    "It's Daddy, sweetheart."
    "Dad-dy!" he screamed.
    She could hear Eric laughing on the other end. "Tell Gavin I love him and miss him."
    Gavin was trying to grab Melissa's phone and started fussing.
    "Daddy!" he started crying.
    "Sorry. Can you hold on a second?"
    "Sure," Eric waited.
    Melissa ran downstairs and covered the receiver. "Grace! Can you take him?" she whispered. "It's Eric!"
    "Sure thing," she said and took Gavin. He kept on screaming as Melissa ran back upstairs to the bedroom.
    "Okay. Sorry."
    "That's okay. Is everything alright?"
    "Yah. He was just trying to take my phone away."
    "Oh." There was an awkward silence. "I read your letter."
    "Already?" Melissa was surprised.
    "Yah, I saw you drive by and drop it off."
    "And?" Melissa felt herself getting defensive.
    "And I want you to come over if you're not busy."
    "Can't we talk about this in person, Mel?"
    "Fine. I'll be over in a few."
    "You're not bringing Gavin?"
    "Do you really want me too?"
    "Of course. I miss seeing him everyday."
    "Alright. See you soon."
    Melissa hung up the phone and went downstairs.
    "Come on, baby," she held out her arms to Gavin. We're gonna go see daddy."
    "Daddy!" he finally stopped crying.
    "Good luck," Grace looked at her sympathetically.

    Melissa knocked before she opened the door to her own house. Eric was in the living room waiting for them.
    "Daddy!" Gavin held out his arms and Eric took him.
    "Hey, buddy! Can daddy have a kiss?"
    Gavin leaned in slowly and kissed him on the lips. Eric threw him in the air, making him squeal. "Are you going to be a good boy while mommy and daddy talk?"
    Gavin thought about this request for a second before he shook his head 'yes'.
    "Okay," he set him on the floor to play.
    To Melissa's surprise, Eric walked over to her and gave her a long hug. "I missed you too, Melissa. I'm going to get right to the point."
    "Okay," she sat down on the couch.
    "First of all, I am so sorry for all those horrible things I said to you. I didn't mean them, honestly. I was just, confused, I guess. Melissa, I've missed you so much these past few weeks. I want you to know that. It's been killing me not seeing you except for maybe two minutes when you drop Gavin off."
    "Gabin!" Gavin heard his name and smiled.
    "I've missed you too, Eric. And I really think it's starting to get to him, and that's not fair," she pointed.
    "I know," Eric sighed. "Melissa, I love you more than you could ever know. I've had a lot of time to think about this and I've finally realized that it's no one's fault. You are right. Grace isn't trying to break our marriage apart and you can't help the way you feel. I want to do anything it takes for us to be together. I'm not sure how I would feel if I saw you and Grace making out, though." Eric tried to joke. "Seriously, though. I'm still trying to get used to the whole idea. I'm really trying, though."
    Melissa had tears in her eyes. "It's so good to hear you say all those things," she threw her arms around him. "I thought I was going to go crazy without you. I love you so much, Eric."
    "I love you too," he leaned in and kissed Melissa passionately.
    She couldn't help but lose herself in his arms. She hadn't been without sex with him this long since after Gavin was born. Melissa jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Gavin was asleep next to his toys.
    "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Eric asked heavily.
    "I hope so because I want you so bad right now."
    With that, Eric carried Melissa up to their bedroom and it wasn't long before the sound of old springs and screams filled the house.
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