Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1570260-history-of-the-great-eastern-desert
by Gurtax
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1570260
another history for the dragonswords mud. please comment
Long ago when Midgaard were but a hut in a forest, there existed a grand city called Drumast. The city were carved from sandstone and at each intersection there were a garden with lush vegetation and  fountains of the finest marble. The streets were paved with limestone and painted with colorful designs. The protector of this fair city was the godess Danica, whom had a temple at the center of the city. She was worshiped by everyone and in return protected them and cured those that were ill. At the hight of the citys splendor a great black dragon began raiding the eastern side. The people prayed to their godess Danica to protect them and destroy this dragon. However everytime she confronted the dragon it vanished in a swirl of darkness. Eventually she tracked it to its lair, deep underground, and confronted it there. She faced it in the darkness and... fell in love. She were unable to kill it and instead she commited the her first crime against her people, she began to help it in its raids. The dragon were truly evil and used her love against her, torturing her with her own love. When the people of Drumast finally managed to kill the dragon, it drove Danica mad with grief. She turned yet again against her people and obliderated those that had slain the dragon. The blast destroyed the dragons lair, causing it to fill with sand. In her rage she went forth and annihalated her beautiful city and everyone in it. She killed every man, woman or child she could find, mecilessly. Those that tried to escape, fleeing to the west, she drowned in a river she caused to spring from the ground. When everyone was dead and all that remained was dust and sand, a desolate desert with nothing remaning, she finally came to her senses and relised what she had done. Howling in dispair she begged the creators themselves to unmake her, to let her rest in peace. The creators refused, sentenced her to  cure the sick and heal the wounded at the temple of Midgaard. Meanwhile life began to return to the desert that once ware Drumast. A purple worm camped at the rivers edge, feasting on what the river brought. An old  dragon looking for a quite place for its lair found its home here. Also a family of sphinxes built their pyramid there, filling its treasury with what was left from the great black dragons lair.

Thus time passed and few were left who can remember the splendor of Drumast, that were lost.

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