Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1569126-Adulterated-Pleasure-The-Cottage
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1569126
The online couple meet for a second time in a remote cottage in Scotland
Isn’t it funny how you can totally convince yourself of something, only to realise with hindsight that you had been fooling yourself all along and that deep down you actually knew you were telling lies?

I believe that’s what happened with Johnny and me. We said we’d only meet the once. A one off session just to get each other out of our systems; one night of liberating each other from the intense sexual connection we had online.

Looking back now it was merely an excuse to meet. I believe that being able to say it was only going to happen the once made our infidelity seem more acceptable. At one point, it really seemed that we were actually doing our partners a favour in meeting, trusting that once we had satisfied our lust, we could return to our mundane lives and devote all our attention back to them. What a lot of baloney that was because right now, 8 months from our first encounter, I am sitting on a train heading back up north to meet Johnny again.


As my train was almost at its destination, I pulled my compact from my small leather clutch bag and checked my face in the mirror. My long, straight brown hair shone in the winter sunlight, which flooded into the carriage giving my hair a lovely bronze shine. My make-up, which I had taken great time over that morning, was still intact and all that was required was a quick reapplication of dusty copper lipstick to my full, pouting mouth. I smiled at my reflection, checking my teeth had not laid claim to any of the lipstick but also simply because I was happy. The last time I had met Johnny I had been consumed with worry, my lack of confidence and nerves at being unfaithful had kept me anxious right up to the point I had seen him walking into the hotel bar. However, this time I was excited and eager to meet my cyber lover again.

I stepped off the train and walked briskly along the platform. We had arranged to meet in the car park to save Johnny having to hang about the station but that didn’t stop me looking round for him, peering through the crowds, making sure I would not walk past him. The automatic barrier opened for me without hitch and soon I found myself in the station car park.

I had a brief moment of panic as I frantically searched the lines of parked cars but then spotted him standing next to his Volkswagen Golf waving me over. He looked great, dressed casually in jeans and t-shirt; his dark brown hair looked black as he stood in the shade next to his car. I could not help but smile broadly as I walked over to him, all the time trying not to stumble in my heels over the uneven concourse.  My stomach churned and my heart seemed to beat faster the closer I got. As I neared him, he held his arms open for me and I welcomed his embrace, my arms automatically wrapping themselves around his back returning the hug. We held each other tightly, both glad to be in each others arms once more. As we drew apart he kissed me, just a chaste peck on the cheek and I guessed he was worried we could be seen so I gave his arm a quick squeeze in return.

Politely he opened the car door for me and I slid into the passenger seat. It felt odd sitting there, suddenly being part of his life. I realised that the last time we had met there had been nothing of Johnny’s personal life on show. It was an anonymous hotel room, which could have been in any city in the UK but now I was sitting in his car, the car he spent time in every day of his life. I looked around, taking in the cds, tissues and air freshener, searching for more clues to his personality. He climbed in next to me and I realised that I was probably the biggest clue to his character; I was his choice of passenger.  How peculiar that sitting next to him in his car actually felt more intimate than sharing my body with him.

Johnny skillfully manoeuvred out of the car park and soon we were driving away from the city centre and heading for the country side, chatting away as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be doing. He rested his left hand on my thigh as he drove and I placed my own over the top, intertwining my fingers with his. I enjoyed the scenery as the car sped along the road. It was a part of Scotland that I had not visited before and the small villages that we passed through looked quaint and friendly.

It wasn’t long before Johnny took a sharp right and we turned off the main road and headed towards the coast. The track that we were now on was narrow and winding and fortunately we didn’t meet any cars coming in the opposite direction. As we crested the hill I could see why the road was so empty. Its sole purpose was to provide access to an isolated cottage overlooking the sea. Although it looked weather beaten and the white paint work had seen better days, to me it looked perfect. Johnny drew up next to the beautiful little house and I stepped out of the car.

I had known all along that we were heading to one of Johnny’s friend’s places, a holiday home that was let out to tourists during the summer months but I had no idea that it was in such a secluded spot with such wonderful vistas over the North Sea. I looked over to Johnny, the delight evident on my face. He smiled knowingly at me and shook the keys in his hand, making them jingle as they knocked into each other. He threw them over to me as he opened the boot of his car and I surprised myself with my own deftness, catching them with ease. The key fitted perfectly and turned the lock, enabling me to push the little wooden door open. I felt like Alice in Wonderland as I entered the idyllic cottage.

The first thing I became aware of was a large open fireplace, the kindling already prepared and waiting to be lit. My eyes were then drawn to a vase of fresh yellow roses in the middle of a round oak table, the buds still trying to burst open under the last rays of sun shimmering through the large bay window. I noticed a small card perched up against the flowers and went over to read it. It stated simply For You  x.

Replacing the card, I felt Johnny’s arms circling my waist and his lips on my neck. I leant back against him and enjoyed the sensation of his mouth on my bare skin and his hands on my body.

“Thank you. For the flowers and all of this.” I lifted my arms to encompass the cottage, “it’s just beautiful.”

“Just like you.” He murmured with his lips pressed up against my neck.

He turned me round and kissed me full on the mouth for the first time that day. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, allowing my tongue to slip in between his lips where it met with his own. His lips on mine sent delightful shivers down my spine.

Johnny broke away from me, “Just a moment, I have a few things planned,” he said mysteriously before disappearing through one of the adjacent doors.

Smiling to myself, I wandered over to the large bay window and sat on its ledge. The view was stunning; I could see the waves below crash against the rocks as the sun started to set. It was still quite early but February days tend to be even shorter on the west coast of Scotland, which meant it wouldn’t be long until it was dark.

I really did feel like I was in wonderland as I sat there wondering what the evening had in store for me. I heard a quiet tinkle behind me and Johnny returned with two long stemmed glasses both containing red wine.

“Shiraz,” he said as he handed me the glass.

“My favourite.”

“I know. To us.”

He tilted his glass to mine and the glasses clinked once more.

“To us.”

He joined me on the window seat and we looked out over the water, watching the sun sink into the sea as we sipped our wine.

Before I had a chance to empty my glass, Johnny made his excuses and left again. It wasn’t long however, until he called for me to join him so I followed his voice through to a large old fashioned bathroom. The walls were covered in panels of pale blue tongue and grove and in the middle of the linoleum covered floor was an enormous claw foot bath already filled with bubbles and what looked like rose petals floating on the water.

Johnny relieved me of my glass and placed it next to his on a small wooden stool close to the bath. As if there was an unspoken rule, we started to undress one another.  He unbuttoned my cream blouse as I pulled his navy A&F t-shirt over his head, revealing his muscular chest and slender waist.  His hands had now sought out my breasts and I could feel them glide over the lace of my bra, cupping my breasts and gently squeezing them before pushing my shirt from my shoulders and unclipping my bra.

Our movements were slow and measured; both of us taking our time as we removed each others clothes. A far cry from the time he had practically ripped the clothes from my body. 

As we kissed I unbuckled his belt and undone his button. Slowly I pulled down the zip of his jeans revealing a white triangle of his underwear. I tugged downwards on his jeans, easing them over his hips until they fell to his knees. I could sense him trying to kick them off and we laughed as he managed to get stuck with one leg on inside out as he tried to stand on the rest of his jeans to pull it free. In contrast, my skirt fell to the floor without problem revealing that I had chosen to wear hold-ups that day. I lifted my leg on to the side of the bath and slowly rolled the stocking downward, unsheathing one smooth leg before repeating the performance with the other. Johnny watched on in silence, unconsciously licking his lips.

I now stood in front of him wearing only a small lace thong, my nipples hard and swollen like large brown acorns atop my rounded breasts. Maintaining eye contact, I hooked my thumbs under the delicate strands of my underwear and peeled the thong from my body to reveal my pussy, the lips concealed by a narrow strip of neatly trimmed hair. Johnny smiled and copied my actions, removing his tight, white boxers. His solid cock now stood to attention in front of me and I envisioned it entering me, which made my body quiver with anticipation.

We came together and kissed, our naked bodies pressed against one another. I could feel how much he wanted me as his erection pushed up against my stomach. My hand dropped to it and held it gently, slowly starting to stroke it back and forward. I could hear Johnny’s breathing change as my hand continued to caress him.

Bit by bit, he walked me backwards as we kissed until my back hit against the cool, wooden wall. With a burst of energy, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lowered me onto his cock. I could feel my pussy lips part as his cock pushed its way inside me. Holding my buttocks, he thrust into me forcing my back tight up against the wall. I clutched his shoulders trying to push my pelvis forward as he drove himself deep inside my pussy. I tried to meet every thrust but the position relied on me being tight against the wall so all I could do was enjoy the moment as he fucked me hard against the bathroom wall. I could see the exertion build on his face and knew that he was close to orgasm. I clung on to him as with one final push he came, firing his seed deep inside me.

Looking exhausted and exhilarated at the same time, he maintained the position as he tried to catch his breath before gingerly lowering me back on to the ground. 

Happily spent for the moment he led me to the bath. Holding his hand, I stepped into the fragrant, bubbly water. As it wasn’t too hot I was able to sit down without hesitation and then Johnny slipped in behind me with his legs straddling my body. I leant back against his chest, enjoying the sensations of the warm water lapping over my body. The petals mingled with the bubbles; as we lay chatting I could smell the mixed aromas of rose and freesia drifting upwards from the bath water as we relaxed together in its soothing heat.

As we talked, Johnny washed me, sliding the soap over my back and shoulders. Soon his hands moved to my front, sliding the soap over the curves of my body. Allowing the bar to drop into the water he continued to work the lather into my skin, paying particular attention to my bust, ensuring that each breast was thoroughly soaped up and rinsed off. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his hands massaging me, his fingers rubbing my nipples and the bubbles sliding all over my breasts. Soon his hands started to travel lower. I realised he had retrieved the soap when I felt him rub it against my pubic mound, using it to turn my brown hair white with the soapy suds. He let the soap fall again but this time it slid between my legs where it glided down, caressing my lower lips as it made its way back into the bath. Johnny then cupped some water with his hand and poured it over my foam covered hair turning it brown once more.

I could feel his fingers starting to edge their way downwards, stroking down past my tummy button and then lower still, stretching further so they reached between my folds and no more.

Nevertheless, the tip of his finger was able to find the hood covering my clitoris. Moving his finger back and forth over it made my clit grow hard under his touch and it protruded as if asking for more attention. As he slid his finger over the hardened bud I became more and more aroused. Trying to move my body so that he could reach further between my legs, I lifted my bum from the floor of the bath. As I done so he closed his legs beneath me so that my body was no longer submerged, this enabled him to now sink his finger deeper between my lips and plunge it into my pussy. I gasped as his finger entered me and he curled his finger to hit my g-spot. I could feel his cock press against my buttocks as his other hand squeezed my breast.

It was as if I was clamped to his body as he held me there, fingering my moist cunt and massaging my breast. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations that his hands were creating within me. His hand movements were now generating waves within the bath and the warm water ebbed and flowed over my body which added to wonderful impact he was already having. It felt as if nothing else mattered in the world as I lay there, his fingers delving into me and rubbing my now extremely sensitive clit. I could hardly breathe as my entire body tensed and I could feel his now semi-hard cock push against my buttocks. The muscles all around my cunt pulsed and I gave up any control I had as an orgasm ruptured through my system. The release felt great and it was a while before my body was able to relax as wave after wave of heat spread out from my pussy and enveloped me. I realised that my hand was tight over his, which was still buried between my legs and that I must have held it pressed against me as I came. As I let go of his hand he opened his legs and my body settled back down into the bath water once more.

Peacefully settled once more, we finished the wine and carried on chatting. I found our conversations flowed so easily. It was as if we had known each other for years and then I realised that we had known each other for years although we had only met once before. The water soon chilled and we decided that we had better get out before we wrinkled into prunes. As I stood up, Johnny grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me, hugging me tight as he done so.

Lifting a towel for himself he quickly wrapped it round his waist. “Take your time; I’m going to go light the fire. There’s a robe on the back of the door you can use.”

I done as I was told, slowly drying myself with the large fluffy towel. I felt warm and glowing and was not surprised when I checked my reflection in the mirror and found I was quite rosy cheeked and that my pupils were dilated, which made my eyes look bigger than normal. I tried to drag my fingers through my hair in an attempt to untangle the damp ends but to no avail. The disheveled hair, large eyes and flushed complexion gave me the look of a gypsy. Randomly I wondered what a fortune teller would foresee in my future. Contentment?

Picking up both wine glasses, I left the bathroom and wandered back through to the living room where Johnny already had the fire going. The orange and yellow flames were high as they danced in the grate trying to burn the large piece of wood that had been stacked in the fireplace.

I filled the glasses and joined Johnny on the well worn rug in front of the hearth.

“Shouldn’t this be a thick sheepskin rug?” I queried as I passed him the glass.

“Damn, I knew I would forget something. I shall just have to make it up to you some other way,” he smiled in return.

“You’ve already done enough. If anything, it’s me that has to make things up to you. Mind you, I don’t know if I can compete with this cottage.”

As we sat in the heat of the fire I started to massage his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his skin under my touch. Johnny stretched his neck catlike, obviously enjoying the feel of my fingers kneading away at his muscles.

“Can I lie down?” he asked mid stretch.

“Of course but there is something I really want to try afterwards, if you don’t mind.”

“Me, mind? Of course not. You can try anything you want to” As he answered, he rolled over and lay face down on the rug.

To begin with I leant over his body and continued to massage his back but it felt awkward so I clambered on to him, sitting astride his bum. As I leant forward I could feel my bare pussy rub against the towel which covered Johnny’s buttocks. The sensation was not an unpleasant one and I found myself grinding more and more on to his ass cheeks as my hands roamed over his back.
After a while I realised that my gyrating massage was making Johnny more and more uncomfortable.

“Do you need to turn over?”

“That’s maybe not a bad idea. I have something pressing I need to attend to,” he laughed as he tried to turn over beneath me.

I could see that his towel was tenting and decided it was time for me to take control. I jumped off and made my way to the dining table and pulled out one of the chairs that were tucked underneath it.
“Have a seat please,” I instructed. “Madam will be with you in a moment.” I said in a fake posh voice before quickly nipping back into the bathroom.

When I returned I was still in my robe but now wearing my black high heels again. Johnny was already sitting in the chair and I could not help but notice that the bulge under his towel had grown.

“You may want to lose the towel.” I suggested.

Johnny obliged by tugging it apart and allowed it to drop down either side of the chair so that he was still sitting on it.

“Every time we talk online I imagine you sitting exactly like that; naked on a chair in front of your keyboard.”

I knelt down on the floor in front of him and took his solid erection in my hand. Gently I pulled his foreskin back and allowed the swollen head of his cock to emerge fully. My fingers ran up and down its length, pressing in the veins and then moving upwards so they could slide over the top. My fingertip encircled the rim of his cock, delicately tickling the underside. I then took him more firmly in my grasp and started to stroke his length up and down.

Johnny leant back in the chair obviously enjoying the feelings my hands were creating in his loins. I bent forward, slowly parting my lips and took the enlarged head of his cock into my mouth. My tongue copied the same patterns as my fingertips, licking all around the helmet before flicking over the top of it. I could hear Johnny’s sighs as I sucked and licked him. I then pushed my lips all the way up his shaft until I could take him no further into my mouth. I then pulled back, dragging my lips along him. I worked on, caressing, stroking and kissing him until his cock was shining with pre-cum and saliva. Hearing the effect I was having spurred me on and I took his entire length into my mouth once more and sucked it hard all the way as I withdrew. Holding the girth of his cock tightly between my lips, my hand roamed up over his torso, sweeping upwards over his stomach until I reached his nipple, which I rubbed and squeezed until it stood to attention. As my hand returned to Johnny’s lap I sat up, making eye contact with the handsome man in front of me. I could feel my lips tingle with their exertions and knew they would be plump and naturally red as I smiled up at him.

“When I think of you on that chair in front of your keyboard, what I really want to do is to join you on it.”

As I spoke, I stood up and slipped out of my robe. Facing my lover I leant forward and kissed him, as our lips met I sat astride him. With the help of my heels, my feet just touched the floor as I positioned myself on to his lap. We sat on the chair exploring each others mouths, his fully erect cock pressing against my stomach once more and I knew I wanted him inside me.

To achieve my goal, I straightened my legs and guided the head of his cock to my already wet pussy. I could feel my thigh muscles tighten as I slowly lowered myself on to him.  It felt so good feeling every inch of him penetrate me. His hands fastened around my buttocks and gripped my ass cheeks. Without moving, I tensed my pelvic floor muscles and used them to hold him tight inside me. I then relaxed them before squeezing again. Johnny kissed my shoulder and I could feel his teeth graze along the skin. My head leant to the side as he continued to pepper my neck with kisses.

With little movements I started to rock on his lap. Not big powerful thrusts but tiny sways; my pelvis tilting forward and back as my insides hugged his shaft. I had thought about this moment for what felt like an eternity and I relished the feeling of his hard cock deep inside me. My eyes closed and I focused on all the sensations rippling through my body. I kept rocking back and forth my nipples caressing his chest occasionally. I could feel my ass cheeks being pulled apart slightly as Johnny’s hands gripped me buttocks more firmly.

I started to move a bit more, using my thighs to power myself slowly up and down. As I sat up, his cock slowly emerged glistening from my pussy lips before I allowed it to disappear once more into the hot, wet cavern of my womanhood.

I could see my unhurried movements were causing Johnny some consternation as I continued to impale myself on to him. My hands pushed against his chest, squeezing his nipples and rubbing his firm pecs as my thigh muscles continued to propel me up and down.

I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter every time I dropped down on to him and I knew my juices would be running over his balls. My thighs ached and my calves began to scream as I really started to bounce up and down on his lap.

Johnny’s fingers were now deliberately pulling my bum cheeks apart and I could feel one of them push against the brown rose of my ass. I loved it as his finger squirmed its way inside me and it pushed me on to fuck him even harder.  His other hand sought out my breast and grabbed on to my tit squeezing it forcefully; I felt the pain of it between my legs and my pussy started to pulse. I could hardly breathe as I drove myself on; striving towards what I knew was going to be an amazing orgasm.

Suddenly everything tensed and I let out an involuntary scream. I felt as if someone had flicked a tap on inside my body as my red hot lips became awash. My sensitive pussy throbbed and all I wanted to do was to stop and allow my body to relax but Johnny had other ideas as he grabbed my hips and started to thrust up into me, yanking my body up and down on his cock. The continued stimulation was unexpected and seemed to take me to another level. A sweat prickled all over my body and I felt I was in danger of passing out as Johnny continued to power into my now sopping cunt. I felt as if something was going to burst inside me as the fucking continued.

Cupping my buttocks, Johnny lifted me up and without withdrawing, laid me backwards on to the oak dining table. I sat up on my elbows so I could watch as he powered into me, driving his cock further into my cunt. I lifted my legs to try and find some purchase on the table and he grabbed on to them, looping his arms under them lifting my buttocks off the table and pulling me closer into him as he pounded into me. The new angle caused another ripple of pleasure to flow through my body causing an expected shudder and tensing between my legs. As if in response, with one powerful, final thrust Johnny exploded into me.

For a couple of seconds we were both motionless, caught in the moment, our breathing erratic. We were speechless but the smiles on our faces said it all.

Johnny helped me from the table and thoughtfully passed me his towel. Together we fell on to the couch satisfied for the time being. The flames were still dancing in the grate and they gave off the only light in the room now as blissfully we watched their performance.

Sitting there, I wondered how long this could go on for. I felt as if I was in some sort of wonderful bubble that could pop at any minute. He made me feel like no man had ever made me feel before. There was a part of me wished that I hadn’t met him, never made the journey to experience him in the flesh but I had and what’s more, I had met him twice. It was more than a one off. I couldn’t explain it away as a besotted lust fuelled mistake, now it had become a fully fledged affair and something I really didn’t want to stop.  I knew it couldn’t be a regular thing as our busy lives wouldn’t allow but I did know I wanted more.

However, those thoughts were for another time because the important thing was that I had him for the rest of the night to enjoy and I was going to make the most of it.
© Copyright 2009 Just Jill (jsworker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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