Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1568949-The-David-Lynch-Movie
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Entertainment · #1568949
The David Lynch Movie, is about a man who encounters a murder.
The David Lynch Movie

    I made my way to my apartment after a long day’s work.  I had been working since nine o’clock in the morning, and now I was just getting home at six.  I got to the third floor of my complex, and dug in my pockets for my keys.  I put the key in the top lock, and made my way inside.  I was hungry and thirsty, so the first thing I did was make my way over to the refrigerator.  I opened the door to the fridge and found that there was a ham sandwich that I’d made the night before to take to work with me, but had left behind.  Great, I am already a candidate to eat dinner, with little preparation required.  I took the sandwich out and then poured myself a glass of beer.  Heineken is a great beer to drink with a ham and cheese sandwich.  Then I put my ham and cheese on a plate, found a placemat, and sat down at my kitchen table.  I’d left my beer on the counter, so I went to pick that up and bring it over to the dinner table. 
    When I got to the kitchen counter to get my beer, I noticed that there was a DVD case lying next to my beer.  The DVD case sitting there next to my beer, must have been left here by my girlfriend, Marie, who’d been here last night, and left with me this morning, when we both went to work.  Marie is a movie lover, and so am I, but I didn’t think that I’d ever seen the movie that was inside of this case.  The title of the film was Mulholland Dr., and that is what it read on the front of the case.  The cover of the case had a blue street sign that spelled Mulholland Dr, in white letters.  On the back of the case were certain praises about the film, from film critics, as well as a brief synopsis of the film.  The movie sounded interesting, so I decided I would watch it after I ate.
    The ham and cheese sandwich tasted great with the Heineken beer.  I love cold beer.  I have loved cold beer since I started drinking Heineken.  Before I started drinking Heinekens, I drank Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, seldom, but it was my friends’ and mine’s beer of choice after a day’s work, during our summer jobs, at a construction site.  I don’t work construction jobs anymore, building houses is hard work, and I have a job that I got when I graduated college from USC.  Now Heineken is my beer of choice.
    After dinner, I decided I’d let myself off the hook, and watch Mulholland Dr..  The movie starts with a beautiful movie star with black hair, and Spanish looks, in a white limousine that is winding through the hills, more than likely on Mulholland Dr..  Then, when the driver of the limo turns around and points a gun at the movie star, and suggests to her to get out of the car, an approaching game of chicken between two cars full of girls crashes into them.  The only survivor of the crash is the actress.  She gets out of the limo and looks over all of Los Angeles, and decides that the best thing for her to do would be to walk down the hill, away from the scene of the accident.  She has amnesia. 
    The actress makes it down the hill, and scurries to find a place to rest and hide, on a lit street that is lined with town homes.  She finds an adequate place to hide, a bush in front of a town home complex.  The next morning, when she wakes up, she spies a woman with red hair putting some luggage into the back of a yellow taxi, being helped by a taxi driver.  The woman who’d been hiding underneath the bush decides to get up and relocate inside of the apartment that belongs to the woman getting into the taxi. 
    The movie changes pace after the townhome scene, and we see two men eating breakfast at a Winkies restaurant.  The two men discuss an awful dream that one of them had had the night before.  The man’s dream consisted of a monster that was hiding behind the diner.  The other man suggests that they look behind the restaurant to see if there was anyone back there.  The two men finish their breakfasts and head to the rear of the diner.  Once they reach the dumpster, the ugliest looking man, resembling a monster appears, and the man who’d had the dream faints.
    Then the movie cuts to an immaculate looking blonde woman, arriving at Los Angeles Airport for her first time, all smiles, she is explaining to an old couple she’d met on the plane that she was so happy to have arrived in Los Angeles, then she gets into a taxi.  The taxi drops her off at the same town home complex that we’d seen earlier.  She is greeted by an older woman upon arrival.  The two women discuss the living arrangement that had been planned by the younger woman’s aunt.  Then they enter a first floor living quarters that belongs to the younger woman’s aunt.  It turns out that the lady, who’d been being helped into the taxi, was also the young blonde woman’s aunt.     
    After the elderly lady leaves the apartment, the blonde woman begins to look around her new home.  The apartment is full of nice decor, and the young woman is glad to be there.  When she enters the bathroom, she notices that there is someone in the shower.  A naked female figure can be seen behind the glass shower door.  It is the movie star inside of the shower.  The young blonde woman asks if the actress is alright, who had opened the shower door, and showed signs of having suffered an injury to the head.  The actress, who is a brunette, declares that she can’t remember her name, but after seeing a movie poster inside of the apartment, she tells the blonde woman that her name is Rita, a name she saw on the poster.  The blonde offers to let her sleep at the apartment, because the actress has no recollection of who she is, or where she lives, because of the fact that she now suffers from amnesia due to the car crash, the night before. 
    After the apartment scene, the movie cuts to a boardroom, with four serious looking, well dressed men sitting behind a large wooden boardroom table.  They are discussing plans for making a movie, one of the men, a young looking, dark haired man with glasses on, who is the director, has a golf club in his hands.  Then, two more men in business suits enter the boardroom, expressing their wishes to cast a particular female as the lead actress in the movie they are discussing, by showing the director an eight by ten photo of her.  The director exclaims that he will not allow the actress to star in his movie.  After the director leaves the Ryan Entertainment building, located in downtown Los Angeles, he approaches a black limo parked next to the entrance, and after discovering that it belongs to the men who were making suggestions about whom he cast in his movie, he begins to break its windshield with his golf club.  After destroying the windshield of the limousine, the director speeds away in his silver Porsche convertible.
    Now the movie returns to the apartment belonging to the young blonde woman’s aunt.  The two women are rehearsing for a movie audition that the blonde woman has in a few hours.  Then, the blonde woman tells her guest that she’ll be back, she has to go to a movie studio where she has an audition for a role in a film that her aunt has arranged for her.
      After the apartment scene, we see two men in small office, talking about how times are tough in Hollywood.  One of the men explains his black leather address book is very important to him.  Before anything else is allowed to happen, the other man pulls out a gun and shoots the man with the address book in the head.  Then the man accidently shoots the gun again when he is trying to place it in the hand of the man whom he just shot.  The stray bullet goes through the wall of the office and hits a woman in the next room.  The woman claims something has bitten her, but the man who has just shot her, hears this, and decides to strangle her.  Down the hall, a janitor sees the struggle between the two, and when the killer is about to leave through the office window, he shoots the janitor in the stomach when he enters the office.  The killer also shoots the janitor’s Kirby vacuum, causing an electricity shortage in the office building, and setting off an alarm.
    At this point in the movie, the blonde woman pulls up to a beautiful movie studio in a taxi.  She gets out of the taxi with a smile on her face.  Then all of a sudden I heard this loud noise from coming from outside of my apartment.  I put the movie on pause, and got off of my couch. 
      I hurried over to one of the windows in my apartment where it sounded like the noise was coming from.  I pulled up the blinds and peered out the window.  What I saw scared the life out of me.  Three stories below, I saw the figure of a woman lying on the ground with blood beginning to pool around her body.  I decided I better go downstairs and check things out, and call the police if I needed to.
    When I got downstairs, and around the corner to the alley where I’d seen the body lying, I approached the body.  Moving toward the body, I noticed that it was not a woman, but in fact, a man, an old man, dressed in women’s clothing, with a blonde wig on.  When I got closer, I noticed that the man had already lost a significant amount of blood, and that some of it was beginning to drip down into a nearby sewer grate.
    The man lay there, gasping for air.  I wondered which gasp would be his last.  I didn’t know what to do.  I wasn’t all that excited that a cross dresser had been shot behind my building.  I knelt down beside the body, and peeled back the blonde wig that was now draped over his forehead, probably from the fall he had taken.  His face was showed no signs of any pain, but when I tried to lift his head up, blood poured out of his mouth.  Choking on his own blood, the man tried to tell me that he had been walking down the narrow alley at night, and that two black men had asked him for some money.  He said that when he refused to give the two any money, they punched him in the stomach several times, and then shot him with a gun, once in the chest.  I told him that I’d been in my apartment when I heard the gunshot, and that when I saw him laying there on the street that I thought he was a woman. 
    I tried to comfort the man, holding him in my arms as he lay there coughing up blood.  All of a sudden, his body went limp, with me, now on the ground with him.  I realized he was dead.  I removed the wig from the man’s head, and gently placed his head next to my heart.  I’d never thought that things could get this bad where I lived, but this experience had convinced me otherwise.  I don’t know who this man was, I’d never seen or spoken to him, but it is a shame that he had to die this way.
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