Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1568768-Christian-Rock-Ch-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1568768
Wesley isn't crazy; he's creative!
The story really begins in fifth grade, when I moved to the tiny town I now live in, henceforth known as Coolsville (I obviously watched too much Scooby-Doo growing up). I didn’t like Coolsville at all when I first moved there,  of course. It was a dull little place with dull little people. I always wanted to be something great (what kid doesn’t?), so moving to a place like Coolsville wasn’t exactly a morale booster.

I had my first day at Coolsville Elementary on October seventh. I arrived in the loud classroom in my usual attire of a black trench coat (a dress code that I keep to this day) and the room silenced almost exactly the moment I walked in. Everyone turned and looked at me. I was pretty tall, even as a fifth grader, so I stood out among the shorties. One kid even asked me later if I’d been held back a few years (also not a morale booster, I may add).

The teacher –who’s name was obscure and hard to pronounce, let alone remember– introduced me to the class and asked me to sit down. The only empty seat was next to a girl in the back, so I scurried to it in a flash. I didn’t like being the center of attention then, and I still don’t now.

If you haven’t already guessed, that girl I sat by was Toni. Even then, she looked like she’d stepped right out of a Renaissance fair. Later I would discover that her parents actually were the only cool people in Coolsville and frequently visited Renaissance fairs. But her clothes just surprised me when I saw her.

In the middle of class, I glanced over at her. She was reading a thick, dusty book, totally ignoring the lesson. As though sensing my eyes on her, she looked up. I gave her a timid smile and got a cold stare in return. Now, most people would have been put off by this and left her alone. But I fell in love and had to spend every minute with her.

Wow. That sounded a lot less gay in my head.

[incomplete chapter!!]
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