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A Wrong Place Wrong Time Short Story.... |
As my story opens I feel it proper to explain who I am, and my circumstances. My Name is Stephen Elias Wilson and I am behind bars for probably the rest of my life due to being convicted of 1st degree murder. I also feel it proper to say that I am totally innocent of the crime that I have been sentence for. Not guilty innocent, I mean totally innocent of this crime. Now for anyone who will listen or read my prison text, here’s my story from the beginning to this day I start to write. I was having the time of my life with three of my best friends in the world. We were on college break and had took a road trip to a place called One Tree Hill. This place was a popular hangout for students to go to enjoy concerts and everything else you could possibly dream of. Me, Meat, Hambone, and Custer were close to the front of the sound stage enjoying a totally awesome group, and I don’t remember what they were called but they rocked. The music was so loud they we had to put our lips right up to each others ears to speak. At one point in the concert someone tapped me on the shoulder and said in my ear “Could you and your girlfriends please sit down so others can see?” I looked back to see who said that, and it was a big burly guy with two other guys on either side of him laughing. I sort of played it off like nothing to avoid any testosterone play and turned back around and resumed enjoying the concert. Then felt a tug on my left shoulder, I turned around again and this dude screams “You Fags sit down!” Meat overheard what he said and screamed in my ear “What the hell did he call us!” “The guys drunk Meat, don’t worry about it!” Meat turned to the dude and gave him the look, you know, that stop while your ahead look, and the guy walked up behind us, touched both of our shoulders and Meat lost it, He turned around and clocked the dude in the face which caused the other dudes to come running at us. Hambone and Custer didn’t even know what was going on but immediately turned and started to get defensive. Meat had the big guy in a head lock hitting him repeatedly in the face while we dared the other guys to join in the fracas. I don’t know exactly how it happened but all of a sudden fights started to break out all through the crowd. The band just kept on playing like nothing was happening, if anything they got louder. Hambone was tussling with one guy while Custer was entangled in a ground battle with the other. I screamed at Meat who had gotten the best of this guy “Dude! Stop he’s had enough” But he was drunk and just wouldn’t stop pounding this dude. The fights were many, and the security finally started to approach the front where all the fights were going on, They came in with shields and guns drawn arresting everyone in sight. After about ten minutes of total rioting they students had gotten the best of the guards, and some of them had taken their guns. A shot rang out and everyone started to run frantically in all directions down one tree hill, I looked for my friends as I ran for cover and noticed one of the guys we were fighting with had gotten a gun from the ground that one of the other kids had dropped in the panic. I ran up to one of the security people and screamed “that guy has got a gun!” The officer grabbed me and screamed “Get down on the ground!” It was all in slow motion as I struggled with the officer trying to get him to listen and was beaten about the head until I was dizzy, and staggering. As I fell to my knees I reached up and pulled the officers gun from his holster and then was knocked out cold. When I awoke I was lying flat on my face inside a police vehicle, when my eyes finally focused and I realized where I was I started to holler for someone to tell me what was going on. “Please, someone tell me what I did!” The back doors of the vehicle opened and a officer entered the back and shut the door behind him. He sat down and turned me over on my back and asked “Would you like to sit up?” “Yes” “What’s your Name young man?” “Stephen” “Stephen you have the right to remain silent, and if you…” “Wait a minute! What did I do?” “You a suspected of Murder” “Murder!!” “Yes” “I didn’t do anything! I was knocked out man!” “Yes, after you retrieved an officers hand gun and fired two shots into a young mans chest.” “I didn’t do that! That’s a lie! Who said I did that?” “The officer you were struggling with said that you had gotten his gun, and then he was hit with a bottle and knocked out.” “That doesn’t mean I shot anybody! I was knocked out also!” “Just calm down Stephen, there will fingerprints on the gun that shot a young man, and if your fingerprints are found on that gun Stephen you will be sent to prison for the rest of your life.” The officer then finished reading me my rights and left the vehicle without saying another word. Once they arrived at the police station I was taken to a holding room where I was left for about an hour, and then a plain clothed officer walks into the room and sits down at the table in front of me, then just stares at me for about ten seconds before saying “ Did you kill the guy son?” “What guy?…” “So you don’t remember going for an officers gun?” “Yes I remember that but…” “But you don’t remember firing the gun? “No!” “Calm Down Mr. Wilson! Why are you so tense and edgy?” I’m not tense and I’m not edgy okay? I need to know what happened to my friends.” “Friends?” “Yes, Meat, Hambone, and Custer” [He pauses with a snide smile then says] I don’t know what the hell you are talking about kid, All we know is there was a kid murdered with a cops gun, and you have already admitted that you were struggling for the cops gun, am I right?” “Yes… uh No! I was trying to get the officer to notice another kid with a gun. That kid was pointing that gun at my friend Meat.” [The officer rose from the table and said] Kid, we are going to fingerprint you and process you, then we will find out if your prints are on the gun that murdered that young man. If we find your prints young man, you are going to prison, and not back to School.” [ Then he got up and walked to the door, stopped, turned around and said] “It would probably be in your best interest to admit what you’ve done and cop a plea. It would certainly get you less time in prison son.” “ I didn’t do it man! I didn’t do it!” [ He shook his head and gasped, then walked out of the door. I STARED AT THE DOOR HE HAD JUST WALKED OUT OF, AND THEN PUT MY FACE IN MY HANDS IN TOTAL FEAR. After about thirty minutes a older officer came and got me to get processed. They fingerprinted me and got all my information then asked me for a blood sample, I agreed because I didn’t want them to think I was hiding anything, then they asked me if I would take a lie detector test, and I said sure why not. Then I was lead to a cell without a phone call, so I asked.] “Don’t I get a phone call?” “When we say so” [Said the older officer.] [He close the cell door and said] “Get some sleep kid, your going to need it.” I sat down and listened to the jingling of his keys as he walked away down the long hall. Then the lights went out… |